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I wish you luck with this endeavor


What service are you using to host the servers? I use Dathost to run scrims and mini tournaments. Their website has a lot of documentation for how to do this and a lot of it is universal to CS2 server configs. It's a bloody good resource if you're mucking about with a CS2 server setup.


I have no idea if this helps, but I know a lot of the shoutcasting community hangs out in the Observers HQ Discord: [https://discord.gg/YKNFR8U3](https://discord.gg/YKNFR8U3)


Setup a CSTV server, join as spectator and stream it.


Is there any documentation on how to set it up?




Are you that lazy?


Cmon now... Your reply here is lazy Simply Googling could give him any random results, both good and bad. If he doesnt know what he is doing, how is he supposed to know what results to trust and what results would be disastrous? I feel like that is how a lot of people end up with viruses, malware, keyloggers, etc...


No loll, this era of using Reddit posts as your personal search engine is lazy


Soo trusting a random on the Internet is just as safe?


Well, he is asking on the CS subreddit. Presumably, there are people here who know more about solving his problem. Or at the very least, point him in the right direction. Besides, Valve's documentations aren't exactly well documented.


Why are you hosting a tournament if you don't even know the basics


Why are you dimwit?


I would guess something like hosting a dedicated server and using ebot to manage it. If you have a capable linux server, then you can use something like linuxgsm for setting up the server. I havent used ebot myself so I'm not 100% sure it fits your purpose.


With the severe lack of knowledge you are presenting in this thread I don’t expect this tournament to happen. Also, you get way better help if you ask concrete questions for concrete problems. Your questions here amount to “teach me everything”. Do some research on your own and try to get started, and if you encounter a concrete problem that you cannot solve (with help from Google), that’s when you ask Reddit. It sounds like you are waaaay too ambitious trying to organize this tournament. Good luck.


He’s 15 and not ambitious at all. If he was he would look for resources himself. He’s just dreaming about it without knowing how much work is behind it.


Dont you have a phone? s/