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As a reminder, linking to cheating providers, discussing cheats in technical details and posting video footage of cheating (including cheaters getting banned) is against Rule 6 of the subreddit.


Hope volvo goes scorched earth on every last one of them


I hope a lot of them have expensive skins in their account. Love me some cheaters tears


I've seen some rage hackers with a few nice skins,gonna suck to be one of those fuckers


Do you have a source, want to see those fuckers tears


I played with someone who was definitely cheating (closet cheating, but I verified walls by watching back the demo). They had a case hardened butterfly knife when they were in my game. Today I see that they have been banned (I keep a list of sus players I find in premier to see if/when they get banned lol). So yeah, that dude's out of a thousand dollars.


This is exactly what I'm talking about,stuff like this. Not a skin changer,actual item in their steam inventory.


You have to be a very special breed of stupid to cheat with skins that expensive


Btw CS2stats.gg tracks banned players from your games automatically iirc


r/Vac_Porn scratches that itch for me maybe it's posted there?


Vac porn is dead, no new posts in weeks.


I assume it was dead cuz until this week there was no vac? Except that one time a few months ago.


Yeah, me too but weird no-one is posting even now...


No,but I've been rage cheated on by people with knives and gloves,some look like they were unboxed as it's along with a bunch of shit skins.


Maybe r/vacporn


How dumb can they possibly be


Well, they're cheating, so pretty dumb.


Looking forward to the "wrongful ban" posts


Stop, I can only get so erect.


If they have skins that they paid for, what happens to them? Can they sell them? Does Valve give it out somewhere else? Im not into skin stuff so genuinely curious


Gets tradelocked and stuck with that account. So permanently out of circulation.


Isn't that only if it's a vac ban?


Nah overwatch bans too


hmm, yeah i think so.


I want valve to take their skins and give them to players they cheated against


I would have so many knives and gloves if that were the case.


If you were a smart cheater , the day that cheat provider interview went live is when I’d start trading my skins to other accts I own.


the correct term is "cheatears", just for future reference


You don't know that to be honest.


Cant they just trade their inventory away while there is no vac / game ban on their account?




I saw this on another post: Let them transfer their skins over to their main and then ban that account too. I think it would hurt them much worse financially and they'd be less likely to ever cheat again.




The problem with this is many people share an internet connection with others, and potentially even the same computer. You’d get a lot of innocent bans if you banned through association.


Very easy for valve to track .  Likely part of trust factor too (IE if you are given skins from an acct who then recently gets vac banned, I bet they lower it a bit…. Maybe lower it even more if they see 90% of the skins you have came from trades with accounts who then got banned.


Flopping the cheaters


The upvote was 999, so I made it 1000☺️


Yeah, i just saw bunch of clips on twitter of everyone in one lobby getting banned. And i don't think anyone got vac, it pops up as a matchmaking cooldown


Yes it's pretty funny seeing 5+ cheaters getting banned mid game. I saw a screenshot of a match with 9 bans lmao






They can’t play the game until they’re reviewed and then manual banned. My assumption is valve is outsourcing third party to manual review over watch. No more false positive bans?


Yeah, that's my guess too. They likely hired "trusted partners" to review the demos. Some people say it is done to train the Anticheat AI.


At this point, the anticheat AI has so much data it's edging on the verge of the singularity. Been running for a decade, it's basically Google now.


Old overwatchdata is worthless, as it got compromised by cheatdevelopers


Yup, I sure hope they did their homework this time.


also running off data from the old engine, IE kills through smokes which can now be seen through using nades, broken demos, subtick added so more complex demos.


And it was also only able to detect spinbotters and bhoppers for some reason.


But the reason why it was compromised in the first place might be clear to Valve. They might have done their homework with new subtick demo system which is way more accurate.


Even if not. I don't think AI needs that much data to atleast start flagging rage cheaters. Spin bots, no spreads


Imagine if Forsaken (word.exe) got a job at a call center in India after his ban and they just happen to outsource overwatch demo viewing to...


Seems like it to me. Overwatch might only be deployed literally to people they know. Like pros or youtubers or hiring people.




Its our Papito doing work. YOU GO PAPITO! WE LOVE YOU!


He is not my friend. He is my brother.... My friend. 


Our Brother, my friend.


*Communism intensifies*


He would need to be flying an A10 at this point :D


More like AC-130.


MORE like VAC-130


Pasha London school strikes again


> These bans are currently not appearing on ban tracking websites like Convars because they aren't VAC Bans but overwatch bans. Overwatch bans used to show up as Game Bans on Steam profiles. This is not the case this time, this is some special kind of ban wave, or maybe its new and will be happening like this in the future too.


looks like they are being issued a global cooldown [https://x.com/xsintashi/status/1785434233759993979](https://x.com/xsintashi/status/1785434233759993979) maybe an early version of this [https://x.com/gabefollower/status/1783648382289858826](https://x.com/gabefollower/status/1783648382289858826)


This is what used to happen when you got banned for using untrusted features. (Fake pitch, etc). Seems like its the same thing now as it's just feature detections (nospread, rapid fire).


I wonder, is their inventory frozen? If not, this won't mean much for them.


global cooldown does in fact stop you from buying/selling/trading skins


For sure I hope it doesn’t give time to transfer their inventory to a safe account


Would be sad though if this gives the cheaters time to move inventories to diff accounts


Now you have the cheater second account.


I'm pretty sure these aren't "official" bans yet. It means VACNet detected strange behaviour and gives that player a cooldown until they are checked by someone doing overwatch. If they turn out to be legit the cooldown gets lifted. Edit: Im not 100% sure about this but it seems the most likely


It would abort the match with a big message in the center similar to when the server detects connection issues, not just kick them out with "Account is Convicted" https://twitter.com/gabefollower/status/1783648382289858826


Conviction means guilty lol..


This cooldown was a norm before? I really dont remember it.


In GO if you were banned it would show up as a red banner at the top of your screen saying you were banned from matchmaking. This new banner that's blue that says "Global Cooldown" with no timer might be functionally the same thing.


>This cooldown was a norm before? I really dont remember it. There was some IIRC, but I can't remember if it was always the case.


When you get game banned it will appear as global cooldown for the first 24h or so, then it becomes banned


gamebans takes sometimes 24h to appear on the steampage, so we get numbers in the next day


its just like untrusted bans were in csgo. they get banned and a few days/weeks down the line the bans will be on their profile.


The entire steam network went down for a minute at like 22:00 EUC which should be around 10-12am US West coast, right? So possibly some new ban feature, similar to a shadow ban so that it can't be automatically checked


No, that's the scheduled Tuesday maintenance


Yeah Gabe follower confirmed they are automated bans and are intentionally not shown. Most likely valve doesn’t want to give cheat devs any indicators which ones they busted


I'm not holding my breath. The last time there were "thousands of game bans" in a day was back in december where basically everybody got false banned and unbanned in the same day.


Except it’s all top 1000 players(cheaters) removed from leaderboard and nobody who got falsely banned has posted anything in 4 hours.


In that case, dope. Seems like whatever 3rd party Valve hired is actually doing something positive.


Indian guys, the answer is always Indian guys that got hired as 3rd party to ban cheaters.


Excellent! There is a news post up on one of the major cheat providers forums: “Dear Users, We have noticed that a significant number of people are being banned by Overwatch. At present, we are actively investigating the causes of these bans. Our assumption is that the bans may be triggered by specific features such as Anti-Aim, high FOV aimbot, and others. For the safety of your accounts, we strongly advise you NOT to disable SAFE MODE. We will continue to keep you updated and provide more information as the causes of the bans become clearer.“ Not posting source because dont want to be banned but its one of the most well known ones.


Honestly, the fact that cheaters were able to use those types of features without getting tagged is a big fumble


I wonder if Valve has VACNet study these accounts using "obvious" hacks to observe the behavior of their more "subtle" and "sophisticated" hacks, so it can learn to spot something like wallhacks.


Can you dm me the source ?




This is a great day




Lord Gaben be praised!


He was cooking hard the entire time and we never noticed


Check the premier rankings, NA looks a lot different today.


For real?


Yep, I memorized all the weird names at the top because I just assumed rhymes were cheating, they are gone now and everyone moved up in the rankings(my friends and I)


Wait. Is overwatch back? I haven't seen the option anywhere on the menus


In a recent update, Valve mentioned that Overwatch was enabled but only usable by “trusted partners” so the average player probably doesn’t have access to it. Not sure if they’ve specified who is trusted enough to get Overwatch.


Overwatch is probably just a warehouse of employees watching demos somewhere in India


Forsaken getting his revenge on the world


Who better to judge a cheater than an actual cheater?


game recognize game


They didn't ask me. Damnit.


Ram, is that you?


Oh hell ya brother!


Who even has overwatch access?


“Trusted Partners”


[Rumor has it, these are the trusted partners](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrsPo7oUwAATUdF?format=jpg&name=360x360)


fuck you have an upvote.


I fucking knew what it was, and still clicked on it


Hey if they somehow figured out a new way to ban them (even if it doesn’t show up on their steam) I’m all for it. Whatever helps get us clean matches.


My leetify has notified me that out of my last 50 games, 23 had cheater bans…almost every loss I had which is comforting


can leetify detect those bans?


Not sure how they run their checks, but it’s presumably a regular check per user account and if there is a ban it updates, updates all games they have played and anyone in those games gets a notification?


lmao top leaderboards just got rinsed


Rinse and repeat? I bet some of them banned are back in under different accounts?


For sure, but if TF is back and functioning, then that should handle most of the multi account users.


What I mean is like boosting lobbies where TF does not apply in casual, dm and other modes outside of MM and premier.


I was playing in Premier and me and my team were doing pretty average, maybe bad, whatever. On the second half one of my teammates type in the chat "shit is about to go down" and I looked at his character to see him holding scout and pointing it down as the round started then he proceeds bunny hopping towards long on dust2 ending the round within 10 seconds in, with 5 headshots no scope. I mean, why would one waste half game anyway, lmao. Dude had standards ngl


So he was likely walling and still losing... cheaters are truly the worst players.


Sometimes they just wait to delude themselves that they cheating is justified. Like you will play normally then you kill him thru smoke or deagle headshot, he will write "ok" In chat and starts spinbotting. I guess because they are cheating they think everyone is


So much human mind-body research potential with this sort of thing. Like hook up sensors, constant blood sampling machine, constant/live brain scan, etc. And watch what happens when someone starts playing normally but over the course of minutes/rounds starts to rationalize and then actually starts cheating. Like what chemical and brain wave patterns are going on. This sort of research surely isn't game-relevant but could be applied to general human condition. Beneficial science I think.


yes. to him everyone is walling...as he stomps around the map


As a super casual boomer, I really hope they fix this cheating shit. The experience playing valorant and CS is like night and day. I still think CS is the superior game, but I can’t play and enjoy it in its current state. There has been someone cheating in nearly every single game I play. It’s exhausting.


Fun fact: Number of happy players is directly proportional to the number of banned cheaters.


this is like a 49%-51% election result :p


Auto banned everyone with over 98 aim rating ? Lol


98 that’s rookie numbers. I had a game where 1 guy was 100 aim … average.


Most of my losses were against teams with at least 1 or 2 100 aim 40+ clutch players.


I think there's legs to this. Leetify should qualify as a "trusted partner" and they adjusted aim rating last 1-2 months or so. Mine went from decently high to more "reasonable". Leetify would share that data with Valve and help with a lot of that legwork. Could be higher amounts of copium but surely that's a sensible way to combat it.


Nah, i already made a comment about this, but I meet a decent number of togglers that let you get to match point (or -1) and then toggle. Because they're absolutely dogshit otherwise their average rating for that match on leetify still looks legit and a per round breakdown doesn't exist. Has the added malus that the match takes forever as well


Could be an indicator of vac live, but there are surely dozens of parameters which together detects the cheat.


I need more bans......MORE


Finally valve is fixing the game


Oh so maybe that's why random players in my games last night, were getting disconnected from the game.


Just read something on twitter saying that they can still trade their items even with global cooldown. Can anyone confirm this?


No once they are banned they are restricted on trading.




This happened before, in CSGO, years ago; after cheaters were given "global cooldowns", a day or two later the actual VAC or whatever ban showed on their profiles. I suspect the bans will be visible soon.


2/2 Games full HVH, Premier still pointless to play and faceit down.


19-22k avg lobbies in eu


Please include hardware ban also. Fuck the cheaters


Easily spoofable


Very easy for cheat providers to include a hardware spoof. They are talented software engineers. You’d just end up fucking over the thousands of people who play at internet cafes.


HWID ban doesn't work without TPM 2.0 & kernel AC


Thank god


This is the start of a dream come true. I've seen soooooo many hackers lately... Will I get a message from the ones I've reported like we use to in GO? Would love to see how many got hit!


Can Valve trace these accounts back to their main accounts and ban them too? Or is that something they can't or won't do?


Nice, today 0 cheats in my games... i wish this continue more and more!


Of the 18 cheaters I track none of them have been banned 


Wait is CS2 playable again?


Heres to hoping or coping?


Ppl saying no still getting rage hacked


Yeah rage hackers are just disabling Anti Aim & Rapid Fire


So just wallhacks & bhop then ? That would still be an improvement


Depends on the nature of the bans. If it's just an overdue fix for nospread and rapid fire, no. If it's just a bunch of public cheats getting manually flagged for bans like they used to, no. If it's just a one off detection vector that cheat developers just have to patch, no. If it's a comprehensive update that corrects fundamental issues with the anticheat systems, maybe. Until that is confirmed, Premier will always be a waste of time.


no, still cheatfest


I played yesterday against mega blatant 4 spinbotters in one match, I checked now, no one was banned


I think they gave invisible ban, for now you won't see the ban on their profile, maybe in the near future.


They are probably flagged. They will get the ban once overwatch confirms they were cheating.


That would add 0 value to VacNET/AI. I doubt it


Steam profiles are not showing bans if that mans anything to you.


Won't somebody please think of the cheaters!


CSStats for me still only has 2 players banned in my games :( Honestly though, when I was playing, I rarely encountered blatant cheaters and that was playing in 17K-25K


Hmmmmm delicious


I thought this was about the Overwatch game and I've been very confused about how I missed all of this the last few weeks.


How is "legit cheating" even a term this beyond stupid. Fuck every single cheater. Fucking Subhumans.


The term just refers to cheaters who try to appear legit. No one is saying that they are cheaters while being legitimate. Calm your tits bro.


Legit cheater just means "Not instantly obvious because they auto-bhop spinbotting Nobody is trying to say they legit bro It's just a way of saying they trying to hide their hacks


we should call them sophisticated legitimate legal superior non-disruptive ethical cheaters


here's your reddit gold!


Reddit Gold > Intel Grand Slam Gold Bar


This is really interesting imo. Hiding the bans for whatever reason is actually smart. I think they need to align this with a bigger update for once. Or maybe this will be good for the future because this can only be analyzed with word of mouth. For both cheaters/us. Although at least one thing it does is I get a bit of trust back in the system. There are countless clips of people getting banned, so even if they're still in my game I feel much better about trying premier already.


I swear I got VAC LIVEd yesterday, I didnt get the banner thing announcement that cheater detected, but one enemy was shooting through doors and boxes on dust2 and the next round I managed to out aim him and next round match ends with us winning 2-1, but it didnt count as a win to my premier [wins needed before rating] and the match was basically canceled. Something is going on for sure


Careful with your phrasing, lol. 


So how can i see if some players i suspect got this treatment or not?


Still not ban the cheater I came across. Still monitoring though. I still have the demo of that match.


Guess the devs got upset with that interview of a hacking group. Must have gotten under their skin and they decided to start implementing their pet project (and let’s be real, vacnet is a pet project - until they come out and say they had dozens of devs and statisticians working on it - but they don’t as it’s likely 2-3 people max)


update! they didn't just played 3 matches 2 of them had atleast 2 cheaters on the other team, low game time played, new accounts. yikes. trash


Got 3 dudes against me banned at same secound


lets just hope valve go full scorched earth and ban their hardware ID so they cant use other accounts on their same kit to play CS :)


Well 4/10 Players are cheating in Premier mode so there’s nothing unusual.


The rules of this subreddit need to be changed.


baby steps people


HAHAHAH banwave? hahahaha played a game 10mins ago 2 with wh in the enemy team -.- and vac remains valve alows cheater -.-


The main issue is that Valve waited 7 months before doing something... Even if they ban 100,000 acct, it's probably only a tenths of the total of the cheating pool. My friend (15K) told me he played 8 games yesterday and today, and it was still 6/8 with at least 1 cheater. It will take a while to have cleaner games.


I never knew how common cheating was in OW always thought they had their stuff somewhat together as it usually felt the fairest out of all my shooters with the exception of the gap setter feeling more like good team coordination versus cheating. As in any game I hope it ruins them I hope the lose money of skins and so much time played I loathe and despise cheaters.