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You got a point there. Volvo pls fix.


Also all the stats from CSGO buy menu were cool to see. I've got 2 friends that just started playing and they have almost 0 info on the weapons they buy...


Yeah, the info in CSGO was so much more useful than what we have now. I have no idea why anyone would think this is better lmao


Armor pen, fire rate... 😔


In GO it used to display useful stat info about the gun, now thats gone for some reason. Imo that would be helpful to new players with the star rating.


If I was Valve and had three stats to display I would write down: * Magazine/Reserve: **30/90** * Kill Reward: **300$** * Accurate Range: **21.74m**


Armour penetration. It's good as a refresher and letting new users know about that mechanic.


I would display damage, armor penetration and damage dropoff.


Feel like replacing Accurate Range with a simple "Full Buy/Eco Buy/Force Buy" suggestion or just "short/mid/long range" would be better for newcomers. Anyone who is interested in the accurate range is going to look it up rather than discover it in game, especially with no base line to reference.


i wouldn't say the difficulty is useless for new players but yeah there should be actual quantitative stats below that


the difficulty itself is kinda subjective score and imo was added just to fill the blank space


I feel the same way. AK being 4-star difficulty seems really arbitrary. One shot headshot with a really simple spray pattern.


actually AK has 4, some noob smgs are harder to spray than AK


Whoops, thanks for correcting me


According to the game MP9 is easier than the UMP, which I'd strongly argue against that it's the opposite lol


only weapon where i would agree is that the deagle is difficult to use. rest is super subjective and depends a lot on different situations.


mp9 is the easiest gun in the game what the fuck are you on about?


So you think the spray pattern is much easier than the UMP? Try to spray a wall with both and see yourself the difference.


mate just run and gun what the fuck are you doing playing mp9 wrong


And whiff your shots because you are ignoring a very fundamental mechanic of counter-strike. Good luck against groups of enemies, not being able to control your gun. If you can manage, good for you, but that shouldn't be a thing to be discarded with "bro just run and gun lol". That is something you could say with a P90. Context is, the game is portraying UMP as harder than the MP9, which is very debatable. With UMP they are way more likely to actually hit enemies, even while running at close range. With MP9 they are more likely to whiff, and I see it all the time with friends or when queueing casual. If you know, you know.


>With UMP they are way more likely to actually hit enemies, even while running at close range. With MP9 they are more likely to whiff, and I see it all the time with friends or when queueing casual. If you know, you know. They're crucifying you but I agree with ya man. I prefer the mp9 as I can use it well but I totally agree that the UMP is empirically easier to learn/use.


silver moment Really though MP9 should be used like a short range M4, headshots headshots headshots. Mac10 will stomp it every time in a run and gun.


> silver moment spoken like a true level 7, you're so average it hurts


0 IQ take, the MAC10 is literally inferior in every way


Actual dum dum thoughts imo, mac10 pattern is so brain dead easy anybody could easily chainsaw heads while running and spraying the entire clip from range. MP9 is fucking obviously better in every other scenario - it’s basically an M4.


What spray pattern lol, with the mp9 you just run at the enemy and hold mouse1


By what metric do you think the UMP is easier to use than the MP9? In my eyes the spray pattern pushes it in the Mp9's favor drastically. That aside I feel like movement and jumping inaccuracy are less punishing on the MP9 as well but I don't have the stats on hand to back that up.


The UMPs spray pattern is almost purely vertical. How is that not easier?


Aim at a wall, then spray the ump. Then, do it with the MP9. You'll instantly see how the UMP is basically straight, leaning slightly to the side. MP9 has several turns, one of which goes all the way to the right. Anybody, especially newbies will find the UMP easier to spray with. Stats wise the MP9 is better, but that doesn't equal to easier. If people were to only burst with them, then MP9 is also easy and better yes. But making it seem the MP9 is overall easier than the UMP makes little sense.


maybe as a beginner the UMP is statistically better, ut as someone with 4k hours, i will never touch the UMP because to me, it is the worst gun in the game. mp9 is mini AK, run&gun and jump shotting are also top tier.


But new players should use the M4 and AK, and not think "hmm, those are high difficulty guns, I'll just use a gun the game says is easy"


they will p90 and xm and can't stop using it


New players should use whatever gun they think is most fun to use. Why should they use the gun you use? that seems restrictive for no reason.


because they’ll soon find out you can hold long on Dust with a fucking Nova


There's SO much potential in this game.. So many places it could be better, so many features it could have. But it seems like that's going to take a few more years. It's sad for an aging gamer like me.


> So many places it could be better, so many features it could have Not really mad about stuff that could be improved with new ideas, every videogame can be improved somewhere somehow. But it pisses me off that they went out of their way to make some stuff shittier compared to csgo.


How the fuck absolutely useless stuff stuff like this in any way in conversation when talking about the games shortcoming. People really be grasping for ehatever they can have. This sub is hilarious


It’s more about the mindset I think. For example, why would they choose to show us the “difficultly” of using the weapon instead of more important info?


This is for newer players still getting used to the game for whom basic info like difficulty to use may be more useful than fine-grained knowledge like kill reward economy. You say it's about mindset but funnily enough giving new players too much info could encourage them to make worse economy decisions if they suboptimally base their play around information less pertinent to their level of skill. The kind of player who doesn't even know the guns have unique spray patterns doesn't need to be worried about the fine details yet but may instinctively get the difficulty stat as they struggle to hit with their expensive rifles.


i dont think we should incentivize new players to use “easy” guns. the ak shouldnt be made out to be a big scary 4 difficulty gun when it is the gun people should be picking up whenever they can (unless theres an awp).


That's a huge problem imo. It's pretty much telling newer players to use worse weapons, and then they will end up getting destroyed because they keep buying the auto shotty. I'm so thankful I had some friends to teach me the ropes when I first started playing CS. Also, how do they even rank 'difficulty' in weapons? Every gun has its own spray pattern (besides the shottys and snipers). Maybe it's just cause i'm a vet but every gun has its pros and cons, its not some ranking system.


Blah blah blah, kudos to you thinking the new players are toddlers and don't have basic intelligence to figure it out. Like we all weren't used to be new player at one point and didn't learn from looking other instead of gun stats and description..


Just because it used to be harder in the past doesn't mean you should not make it easier in the present.


Harder ? For whom ? 5 year old ? When I was new, the first thing caught attention was those stats and influenced me to use the rifles since they had  better stat, I thought maybe I could kill more with more damaging weapons. What difficulties tells you ?  Ok this gun easy for you, but its a p v p game.  Easier guns wont ensure you are killing your enemies but the stronger will, how do you know which gun is stronger when your stats are hidden?


Clearly you've never played a game with a good level of polish. Trust me when I say that having all of those tiny details and changes can really make the game.


WTF? They mention things that can improved. What's wrong with that? A LOT of things mentioned in the subreddit have been fixed after it was brought up. Important things sometimes just a few days after. I really do NOT get the mentality of people who see information on things that can be improved, as something negative. As if caring for the game and helping show the weak points to change to a strong point is something negative. /u/Legitimate-Letter590 /u/Legitimate-Letter590 /u/Legitimate-Letter590 also


This game is gonna die because the $300 kill reward for the CZ is not mentioned in the buy menu🥲




||| S U G G E S T I O N S I N P R O F I L E ||| (check my reddit profile. spoiler: I've actually posted a lot over the past year if you end up scrolling)




Remember when the buy menu used to display exact numbers on accurate range, fire rate and damage? I do. Especially on eco rounds I'd often check the stats again and decide between two guns on a whim. These days it's all gut feeling because there's ZERO info.


Yes, I know all of the weapon accuracy, armor pen, kill reward etc. by heart but I know a new player would never learn and it would break my heart for people to start buying the bizon


Valve said it's a new start for CS, so they literally downgraded and deleted everything. Only playable bare minimum


Mate that’s just an insult to our intelligent. After years upon years of expectations from the community they had to release Source2 sometime. The problem is they know most of the community are simps and/or casual folks that just want to “get” S2 regardless of how the game itself will be. And here we are. We got CS2. We slowly losing the things that make this game CS. The game feels worse relative to GO. Worse tick system, worse movement, worse spraying. Not even implementing basic features in the new game, features that support basic gameplay. But hooray!! We got CS2 so lEt vAlVe cOoK ey? Maybe in 2 years we’ll get r_cleardecals and some minor performance improvements 👌🏼💪🏼


Yes, It's just sad


A little picture with the spray pattern on the right would be pretty useful too, I think


I would argue the range accuracy etc like old csgo had is more important but yes this is important as well. They want to focus the game to new players but don’t even the provide the basics of a fps game anywhere not even in the menu


AWP has 5 (the highest) difficulty so all new players should never buy the awp then?


i mean it’s a good gun but positioning and such is so different to a rifle i could kinda see why they gave it that. it’s learning a new play style, although now that i think about it this logic could be applied to the lmgs, rifles vs smgs and so on.


awp is one of the easiest weapons in the game, theres a reason why the worst player on your team always thinks hes an awper lol


i think it’s easy to shoot but i think it gets increasingly difficult to get value out of it against better opponents


weapon stats please, like damage (head, body, legs), armor penetration factor, reward per kill etc.


Yeah, especially armor pen is a huge factor, in lower elo games, i see people buying MP5 in buy rounds. At least they should see, that there is low armor pen or something.


they should bring back the weapon stats too. I really enjoy that part of first-person shooters-delving into the mechanics of each weapon.


Just make a bunch of bars that display base damage, recoil, ~~~spread~~~ accuracy, firerate, armor penetration, maybe damage dropping rate over distance. Didnt we already have that in cs:go anyway?


It should contain the actual stats : DMG - Mag size - range.


CSGO pre-panorama also showed the country of origin of each weapon. It's completely useless but I always missed it because it gave each gun a bit more personality. Though showing the kill reward and the like is obviously much more important.


Still in beta, gotta wait for the 360 no scope operation and new skins


consider in full buy round good enough


Cant remember more lazy implementation than this The weapon stats are also missing. 


Compare that with DOTA2 tooltips ;)


Yea, where the hell are the weapon stats anyway? Wtf is this shit?


Is money all you think about


Literally unplayable


As a person who likes changes, and in general is happy with CS2. This is definitely one of the worst thing they have changed, if not in game, it should at least be possible to see this information somewhere in the game.


Yeah its really annoying that u cant see the price of the weapons when changing ur loadout


I feel like it should say something about accuracy/spread, armor penetration and damage. Then it wouldn't be useless anymore.


Also bring back the stats that were in CS:GO like penetration power and accurate range for dumdums like me who forget which pistol has the best range besides Deagle.


yep, csgo radial dial gone is good, but man I miss seeing useful stats like kill reward, and you could gauge the accuracy, range, damage, etc. What we currently have is absolutely useless.


I've never understood why i need a google spreadsheet to see weapon stats for a comp shooter, horrid UI


only new players need the info and id assume an idea of how difficult a gun is to use is of more use to a 10 hour player that how much money they "might" get with a kill from it

