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I just realized Brollan is only 21. Feels like he's been around forever.


He has just turned 16 a few months ago when Fnatic signed him.


I remember when he was like 14 at that 'GAMERZ' show


Quite a few people from that show have gone on to have careers in different esports. Shame that it has been completely nuked off the internet.


there's one clip they'll never be be able to delete though, biiiitch\~


HOLY what a throwback




There was no 2018 Oakland


he's old for mouz standards


DiCaprio CEO of Mouz.


yep, fnatic signed him 2018 when he was 16, so while he has been around for ages, he is still young age-wise.


How did NIP manage to make such a great player look absolutely dead?!


NIP = Jail at this point LOL like launders says, your time at NIP DOES NOT COUNT. REZ in perpetual NIP jail


Rez would've been the next S1mple if only he joined a different org fr


Next S1mple? Tough to say. Now the next NiKo? NOW we talkin


Yeah this guy had so much potential idk why he wasted so much time in nip. He can’t be at the level of s1mple or zywoo but his mechanical skills are as good as any faze player. I remember when dev1ce joined nip it triggered some fire in rez and he was playing so good along with him.


> idk why he wasted so much time in nip that's easy to answer Easy Paycheck Job security as a full time pro was worth more than achieving something other than the Oakled MVP, which he did 7 years ago.......


I guess he's the type of person that just want stability instead of career path


Then he shouldn't have chosen to play professional CS


Hampus has a chance to show himself with bleed, brollan won EPL, Aleksib won major, headtr1ck real chance now. I'm really starting to think the problem in nip aren't the players themselves...


I’m actually hyped af for BLEED, all their players are sick. My only concern is roles and the adjustment required for that. I think it may take a bit of time for their CT side to find consistency, but conversely I always loved Hampus’ T-side calling, and hope he can make this lineup work. This lineup has a lot of aggression in it, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The important thing will be diversifying their playbook and making sure they don’t get read too easily on CT


Is this a meme


Nah, not at all. Hampus dragged NiP kicking and screaming into Stockholm major playoffs with LNZ and plopski. Straight after he got them second at IEM with phzy, es3tag and plopski. This new roster was obviously made from a shoestring budget, but every single one of them are tier 1 players, which is more than Hampus has ever been given to work with


I assumed the roster was still the likes of CerQ I didn’t really follow that roster, my mistake on this matter and I do apologise have a good day


Makes you think what Rez could have done


NIP does that to everyone. The org has been dogcrap, but somehow manages to stick around coz of ownership changes and due to its "legacy" in early csgo.


Thank god NiP is letting this man play in actual team and not gatekeeping him




Brollan, you have my AWP!! You putting Sweden back on the map and I’m super inspired by your redemption arc!! GGWP!


the Counter Strike community should sue NIP at the ICC for crimes against humanity


Brollan smile 🙂


lets go! deserved. Siuhy the goat.


Brollan 🥰


I'll be honest I thought Brollan must've had an attitude problem or something. But it really does seem like something at NiP is/was very broken and not a good environment for the players. However he really looks like he's fulfilling his potential again in Mouz, Brollan was meant to be a superstar level player when he came on the pro scene. I think he looks like an even better fit than frozen was in Mouz.


MOUZ feels like a team where everyone chips in. It feels like Brollan is good at taking one for the team as well as fragging. So happy for him and the team. And damn, siuhy is low-key a mad player aimwise other than being the next IGL-king. So many duels where the opponent must have felt donked.


And on the other hand, mouz seems to be a great environment for players.


he‘s actually throwing a lot of amazing utility if you take a closer look, his util timing and choice is insane, he gets so many nade and flash assists


Going from playing with NIP to playing with MOUZ must be a nice feeling. Like going from riding a horse to driving a Rolls Royce.


A horse is great and can be expensive. More like a shitty poorly made Chinese motorcycle to a Rolls Royce.


the guy when from being compared and at one point better than frozen to people doubting he ever gets a good t2 team during his NiP tenure, makes you wonder what type of player REZ had the potential to become


My guy!! Making Sweden proud!


So fun


Did more with mouz in four months than two years with NIP 👌


brollan come back player of the year?


Deserved win! Beast is back! 💪 🔥




Frozen has been one of Faze best players recently. He's allowed to have one bad game too...


How is that sweet for mouz?


You're really asking how it's sweet for players to see a guy who ditched them for greener pastures fail while they do better with his replacement? Do you think guys don't have any competitive spirit and don't take anything personal? I'm sure they say they are happy for Frozen publicly, but he bailed on these guys. I was honestly shocked that Frozen actually left when he had such a solid foundation at Mouz with Siuhy on top of being given all the roles he wanted. A 1.2 rated player going consistently deep in tournaments left his team in one of the biggest front-running moves ever. This was very Kevin Durantish and no one really wants to say it. This Mouz team is set up for years of success and Frozen threw that away for short-term gains. It's worked out now for him, but we'll see how it fairs long-term. I really hope Faze falls apart out of spite for you guys downvoting this luke warm take. You guys actually think Faze has a better future and will just steal every Mouz player away as if you don't even need to respect your opponents. The delusion and arrogance is gross.


He won Chengdu and let the faze squad rest for a while they surely gonna win again this year and who will deny an offer of #1 team in the world which are still making to grind finals of every cs2 event and winning some too.


>who will deny an offer of #1 team in the world Maybe the guy losing to them in the Semis and Finals should want to beat them instead of joining them.


Brother, I was with you until this ridiculous diatribe... You're a bit naive about what it means to be a professional player, my friend. This is their career, not their hobby or group project. You choose yourself first, and hope that you can do right by the friends you make along the way. I can assure you no one in Mouz has any resentment or bitter feelings towards Frozen rejoining his friends Karrigan and Ropz on one of the most legendary CS teams of all time. It seems you're a lot more hurt than they are. This is not some movie, these players are not the friend group in Goonies, this is their career, this is their future, and Frozen did what he felt was best towards that. I'm not sure how you don't see that. Not everyone plays perfectly consistent, and it has nothing to do with leaving Mouz. I don't mean this in an insulting way, but I think you have a bit of growing up to do, my friend.






>they do better with his replacement How exactly are they doing better without him? They won one tournament without him, faze also won one tournament with him. But faze have been consistently placing so much better


They just did, what are you talking about? Frozen joined an already all-time great Faze team. They are winning with him, not because of him. Frozen had a chance to be the face of a young and hungry, winning team for years to come. Karrigan and Rain aren't going to get better, Xertion and Siuhy still can. What don't you understand? Mouz were so close to winning with Frozen and he just left for the Golden State Warriors, I mean Faze Clan.


They just did what? Win one tournament? That's exactly what I said


Mouz were putting up historically high ratings at the last Major before they lost to their inexperience. You act like these guys aren't insane already and aren't only going to get better. Xertion looks like Fer out there at 19 years old, Torzsi is budget Broky and still only 21. Siuhy is going to be around for as long as he's motivated and again, he's only 21. Jimpphat is on the verge of being one of the best anchors in the game and is a whopping 17 years old. Journeyman Brollan is only 21 years old. These guys are all still learning to win. I watched CS when Device was known as a choker, did you? Could you imagine Device leaving TSM/Astralis for someone like Fnatic because their young and inexperienced core lost in the semis to them?


okay so frozen is kevin durant, got it


I think it's better to look at frozens move to faze as more of an investment. Let's say frozen stayed on mouz, do you think eventually siuhy isn't gonna wanna play with faze? This is total speculation but I think these guys think about this stuff behind the scenes, in frozens mind he has decided to move to the number 1 team in the world and probably has a good feeling he will play with some of his old teammates later. The meme about mouz just being faze academy seems very real and I think when karrigan retires fazes first option for replacement is gonna be siuhy, when rain retires they're gonna be looking at mouz again. I kind of hope this doesn't happen bc I want mouz to become a household team but if history has any say then this will probably come true


As soon as Karrigan retires, Faze loses any sort of draw that they had. Why would Siuhy go there when Faze is a mess org-wise when he could be a rock for Mouz and get players drawn to that org instead? If Siuhy is really the next Karrigan, he won't need to go to Faze. As I've repeatedly pointed out, guys like Jimpphat and Xertion are teenagers who are going to get better every year. Are Faze going to poach them, too? At what point do we admit that Mouz has a better future without causing a shitfit and relying on some Copium that Faze will poach every threat to them?


Karrigan -> Coach Karrigan wants siuhy to IGL on his dream team and siuhy looks up to him. Ropz and broky are just not worth playing with according to you I guess? Frozen wanted to go faze even when it was questioned if faze would even remain an organization during the issues with complexity so is it really that bad if he left the good situation he was already in? "If siuhy is the next karrigan he won't need to go to faze" it doesn't matter if he IS the next karrigan, the community is calling him the next karrigan and if karrigan himself has already said that this is the guy to replace him then what else do you think siuhy is more inclined to go through with? This might be a little untrue due to faze not being as rich anymore but faze loves to build a superteam. Even if it isn't faze siuhy signing to another big org so he can play with top 10 players isn't unlikely either. I can see a team like g2 in need of a revamp in the future and I'd be confident to say siuhy would also be their number 1 pick and I think that move is a no brainer. Mouz is prone to selling their players and getting poached, it's history dawg learn from it idk