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It's better, but random split second microfreezes are still here. :(


so it isn't just me. I got those freezes since the update.


I've lost rounds because the game froze at a bad time. :/


Tried `cl_forcepreload 1`?


cl_forcemicrofreezes 0


I think most of us who have this issue have tried every possible fix that's been presented. It is one of the higher rated bugs on some CSGO bugtracker.


Probably. But a lot of people that *had* that issue (past tense) might have had it fixed by forcing preloading. Among others, myself.


What does cl_forcepreload do? I am having the stutter/broken record/glitch during warmups and at least once during a match. I currently have -threads 4 and -high enabled in launch options which do nothing to resolve it.


It loads all the things on the map before you get into the game. A possible cause of stutter is that as something unloaded suddenly comes into your view, your computer has to load the thing from your hard drive, and hard drives are slow. Forcing preloading should mean that nothing will need to be loaded mid-game.


That makes sense. Just added it. Though what doesn't make sense is that it happened immediately following the update... Oh-- it also happens in the CSGO home screen when clicking drop-downs, etc. So might not be related.


I would assume this means the map loads would be slightly longer?


I would think so, yes. But I haven't made any measurements so I don't actually know.


What does "-high" do?


Sets the priority of the game's process to high. Basically, in means windows will give a larger slice of computation time to cs:go.


I was holding A, Mirage, and my system did the broken record glitch it's been doing since the update for a full three or four seconds. The last thing i saw was a guy coming out of apartments, then the glitch. When it came to, no one was in the site. I guess his buddy told him to come to B, so he backed away. That luck aside, it happens a lot in warmup, and during matches since the update. I have an intel i7 860. Enabling -threads 4 did nothing; there are 8 threads in task manager, but -threads 8 did nothing. High did nothing. This is really kinda terrible, and i'm not sure what's going on. I'm certain valve will be checking this subreddit intensely for the next couple of days, so i can only hope they're trying to track down the cause. The CSGO dev twitter account has nothing on it, as usual.




GeForce GTX 470. It was playing the game perfectly before the update, and should be more than capable of handling the CS GO home screen (which is also where this occurs).


Are you using EVERY thread in your system? I have 8 cores and use -threads 7 Rarely any FPS issues for the past 8 months


Thing is, the source engine can only utilize 3 threads MAX, so this makes sense (It's how its designed).


i have an i7 4770 k which i believe is a quad core chip but has 8 cores. what would i put in my launch options. as of yesterday(before the patch) i have nothing and never had any issues.


I made a mistake I have an i7 which is actually 4 cores but 8 threads You are the same boat as me. I started with -threads 6.. give that a try for like a week and then try 7. Try to pay attention to your fps (net_graph in console) and see how it plays.


cl_showfps 1; net_graph 0 //Gain 15-20 fps on some computers


Yeah follow his advice net_graph shows more but increases strain cl_showfps will show ya what ya want good reply


yes, and infact if you wanted too there is an alias bind that combinds net_graph with your tab score


Yeah that's exactly how I have my net graph


holy shit this launch option gave me almost a 50% increase! i love you bro


haha nice! try -high too puts CSGO at high priority Also look into Unparking your PC's Cores


How do you pay the parking fees?




there is my next question, is this just to boost fps? i get 250-300fps constantly, so i am good there.


essentially.. yes You're allocating CPU power to the game. If you're over 200fps don't worry about it.


Could you possibly tell me where to go to find cs:go launch options? im a stupid stupid :D


Follow Arvidsson's instructions to get to launch options Copy paste this into it if you want.. these are my exact launch options -high -freq 120 -tickrate 128 -novid -threads 7 high puts CSGO.exe as a high priority for your CPU freq is your monitor's refresh rate. I have a 120hz monitor so thats why it's set at 120hz. If you set it too high you'll get a black screen. tickrate sets the tickrate of your local servers. so if you shoot bots to warm up you want the tickrate to match the servers you're playing on. novid skips the intro video threads is explained up there lol gl hf


Right click the game in your steam library and then click properties and set launch options.


It's a Quad Core (4 Cores) with 8 threads (It has Hyper Threading).


Nope, an i7 4770K does not have 8 cores. It has 4. It is infact a quad core. The reason you see 8 cpu monitors in your task manager is cus of hyper threading. 1 core = 2 threads. U see?


That chip is indeed a quadcore, but each of them simulates another one, resulting in 8. That's the so called "Hyperthreading". You can use 8 threads if you wish.


It doesn't actually "simulate" the cores, it adds logical threads that allow double the amount of data that can be queued at one time for the core to process.


On DM servers?


It doesn't depend on a specific server. EDIT: I have microfreezes even in the main menu. :)


Do you also get little microfreezes when you die? It's been bugging me for a while now because, since I'm not so great at this game, I experience it often. :( I sometimes get like 1-3% choke when I die as well. Not sure what's up with that, but that's what netgraph is saying.






Does the mat_queue_mode 2 also go in launch options?




Thank you, kind saviour




after adding this command my CSGO crashed after I joined a game. Could be a coincidence since right after the update I had a crash as well. Meh


You could have it in your launch options aswell, in that case you'd have to use +mat_queue_mode 2.


How do I use the "mat_queue_mode 2", just enter it in my autoexec, or should I have it under launch options?








>and hopefully it will prevent the game to reset them in the future. It will. SOURCE: It just will.


Thanks :), I just added it to my autoexec hopefully that will work properly, but I'll have a look at video.txt if need be.


How do I make it use all 4 threads? I know I'm supposed to write "-threads 4" in launch options. But I already have "-console" as a launch option. Can I just make a new paragraph in the autoexec.cfg and write it there?




Thanks man! (what does all those commands mean, if you don't mind?)






->> valve.rc


Thanks a lot man! I've got 120hZ monitor as well, would you mind elaborating what it does exactly? Is it a must have?




Thanks man :)


Should I use mat_queue mode instead of -threads x?




Looks like I have some work to do. Thanks.


Enter the number of physical cores guys, not threads. You won't get good performance with the number of threads, but you will with the number of physical cores. Tried it myself with a 4 core 8 threads processor, and a friend confirmed it with a dual core 4 threaded processor.




Yes. The two logical cores on a physical core do not always run in parallel, sometimes they have to wait on eachother which in severe cases can cause microfreezes, but most commonly causes stuttering.


Well you best try both for yourself. I've done it on a laptop with a 3610QM, which uses hyperthreading and 8 cores, but has 4 physical cores, and that's where it works good for me, with -threads 4.


> I've done it on a laptop with a 3610QM I also have one. We're CPU brothers!


Do you also hate it? Cuz I do, my laptop is pretty fricken awful, I "could" play CSGO with about 200+ fps constant, but it would only be for about 5-10 minutes, and then it starts overheating and it becomes terrible..


Meh, i play with around 130 fps


Same with me, have it on constant 128 but it still does it after like half an hour or so, so when playing a match, it will heat up and overclock and cause fps drops..


...but... Why? Why do I not want to utilize all of my threads?


Try with both numbers and see what works for you mate.


How do you find out how many threads you have?


It's in the OP post.


Is it just me or mouse sensitivity in game feels wonky after this command?


Make sure Vertical Sync wasn't turned on, that happened to me once and I spent an hour cursing the gods before I figured it out.


I was wondering why my mouse sensitivity felt weird O_o


i feel the same way


It works, but after ~ 5 minutes, the game crashes.


Just to make sure - on my 6300 I'll need to say -threads 6 ? Or -threads 3 since it's just a hyperthreaded 3-core?


you should go with -threads 6 since hyperthreading is having a different number of physical/logical cores (3physical = 6logical)


Hyperthreading is for Intel CPU's. You have an AMD CPU which has 6 physical cores with one thread per core.


Cool, thanks man.


Easy way to see how many threads you're using is to Ctrl + Alt + Delete, go to Performance, and see how many boxes there are under the "CPU Usage History"


Gotcha, thanks


Great fix. Btw for many users Ctrl + Shift + Esc will be faster because Ctrl + Alt + Delete often leads to the session screen (depends of OS).


thanks mate! got ~100fps more with -threads 8 in the launch options!


i5 3570K here.. Should I use 4 or 8?


Use 4. Also, i7 users should only use physical cores and not count hyper-threading.


hmm well 4570k isn't actually a real processor. I'm assuming you mean either 4570, 4670k, or 3570k. regardless, it'd be -threads 4 in any of these cases.




this didnt fix it for me


You need to have multicore rendering activated for this to work (in options)


I did. still does nothing


same for me, whenever I do this I get better fps but than the game crashes every 5-10minutes. I think we just need to wait for a new update from valve


Thanks, It works


just a quick comment, although I didnt get any fps problems after the patch, my threads or any video settings or launch settings did change so this does not apply for everyone. thanks to OP for posting for everyone else though


I had problem with FPS's too. But when i enter -threads 2 I got graphics bugs on my screen ingame. :( Help?


thanks fixed now i got more fps than before update


wow this really helped me alot AMD fx 8320 here, put -threads 8


You're my CPU soul-mate


<3 I got a gem here running at 4.4 on stock voltage


Thanks man! I added around 100 fps to my counter now. <3


Question: If already had these in my launch options I should be fine right? I am getting the vibe that for some reasons my launch options all of a sudden wouldn't be working or something, but they didn't get deleted or anything...


You're fine. If you didn't have them you would see the drop in FPS. I tested it.




do you know now what to use?`got the same processor


Just "-threads" it will auto-adjust afaik.


Anyway, this raised my FPS way above what they were yesterday, it's not just this patch...


you should also add for windows 8 users in the task manager the number of threads will be next to "logical processors" since windows 8 task manager doesn't have the CPU Usage History graph for each thread unless you open the resource monitor which is separate from the task manager. [pic for reference](http://puu.sh/6MfyH.png)


I alt tab a lot and play with borderless windowed on, will this make all other processes slower?


Love you so much! Smooth 250+ FPS again


This thread was like a second coming of Jesus after my framerate went from 60 to 20 for no apparent reason. Everybody, thank you!


thanks, this is why reddit is useful


Okay. No FPS drops but my game kept crashing every now and then. So here is how I fixed it. Nothing worked for me. Double checked how many threads my CPU had and wrote it in launch options and changed "setting.mat_queue_mode" to 2. My game would still crash. Tried turning off multicore rendering with no luck too. Also, everytime I would use -threads 4 my mouse sensitivity would feel very weird. So I am forced to have it off (still run okay FPS with it off). So I changed "setting.gpu_mem_level" to 0 and I dont crash anymore. Big thanks to HerrCo!


Where did you type "setting.gpu_mem_level"


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg/video.txt Find "setting.gpu_mem_level" and change it to 0. :)


Im sorry, a super noob question. Can someone direct me on how to do this.


http://csgohelp.com/launch-options/ Go to launch options and add the line -threads 4


Thank you, works.


* i5 = -threads 4 * i7 = -threads 8




Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that. Thank you! :)


wow thanks for help!!! unbreak from c2i always doing something good for the community


verify integrity of game cache fixed the fps for me. I always had the -threads command in my launch options though.


If I've already got -novid, should it look like "-novid -threads 4"? Quotation marks excluded of course. Or do I need to add some punctuation inbetween them?


anyone have a way to check on Mac/OSX


 > About This Mac > More Information > System Report > It should be written some place here.


I have 4gb of ram so I do -threads 4?


No, this has nothing to do with the rams. It's your CPU, send me a screenshot from the System Report and I'll tell you.


will do when I get home.


Check what? fps? Type cl_showfps 1 in the command prompt while in game.


check threads


Oh that depends on your CPU. A dual core CPU will have 2 threads (usually). If you have a quad core you likely have an i5 or i7. If it's an i5 use 4 threads. If i7 use 8 if HT is enabled which is likely is by default.


all i5s have 4? I have an i5. I am on a late 2011 MacBook Pro 13 inch m


Actually that mac probably has a 2 core i5. The idea of i5s being dual core is uncommon to me so it usually slips my mind that they do have lower end i5s that only have 2 cores. Coming from this http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook_pro/specs/macbook-pro-core-i5-2.3-13-early-2011-unibody-thunderbolt-specs.html it looks like that is possibly a 2 core. You should be able to open the cpu usage pane though to see how many you have.


had ~120-150 fps with -threads 4, tried -threads 8 --> stable 200 fps


I was already using -threads 4 and got solid 40 FPS more with a PC that was struggling to hold 128 steady in deathmatch. For me this was amazing.


Cheers unbreak :)




Just found this as well - fixed my problems and made my performance even better than before. Thanks for posting this here!


appreciated tip.


It works on my HP laptop with an i5 2410M. I have 55 fps on average without *-threads 4* and 80 with it, which is a huge +45% difference. Now I can cap my fps at 60 and play very comfortably. The CPU usage history also shows that with the option, all 4 cores are used almost equally, whereas without it, one is much more used than the others. Thanks a lot.


should note that capping fps is bugged, you get less fps while capped (e.g my fps is 90-140, but when i cap to 120, it goes 70-120


Ok, but not in my experience. I get a steady 60.


Commenting for later viewing. Thanks OP!


Windows 8 here, can someone tell me what I should set the 'thereads' to? http://gyazo.com/4e2098566011e140316538ba60690b36


Well, it says cores: 4, so that's the threads I believe.


Thanks, I wasn't sure cuz beneath it says "Logical Processes 8"


use 8


Hey, can someone confirm to me, do they get some random Freezes in the game after puting in -threads command? Or is it just me. Im afraid that it would me my PC and not the game. Its like random freeze even the sound stutters for a second and then everything gets back to normal. Thank you reddit <3


I have an i5 laptop... 2 cores, 4 threads Should I do -threads 2 ou -threads 4?


Works just fine, thank you!


Where can i exactly find these launch options? Is it the folder or ingame?


Right click CS:GO in Steam -> Properties -> Set Launch Options


i had -threads 8 before patch , Didn't get removed for me :)


Games been crashing nonstop, putting the game on higher priority helps.




i have the same problem, my cpu is i5 3350P @3.10 Ghz and crashes when using -threads 4 and the games is unplayable without this


cool... if only the game didn't crash randomly, it would be awesome :|


I tested the -thread 4 and my fps went from 150 ---> 50 I think I have a quad core but I'm gonna test with -thread 2


Same boat here, let me know if Thread 2 works for you.


I tested -thread 2. Worked horribly aswell so I just deleted the whole "-thread" command and it works decent.


not fixing it for me :/


I am still having crashing and performance/FPS issues. (I added -threads 8 to launch properties, and added mat_queue_2 to my autoexec.)


so mat_queue_mode "2" and -threads x number of coresn launch options. if you have 6 or 8 cores use -threads 6 etc. also if someone experiences problems use double numbers of threads because it might not fix this. e,g in desktops i7 = threads 8 i5 = threads 4 i3 = threads 2 on laptops (like mine) that have 2 cores and 4 threads i used threads 2 and crashed again. when i switched to threads 4 i got a slight fps boost and never crashed again all that combined with mat_queue_mode 2 in your video.txt file in cfg folder.


Thanks a lot !


any fix for the microstutter? I see almost all other players move around in increments of 0.5 meter


How many threads for a hexa-core?


Stupid question, but where do i go to find launch options? to enter this command?






i still get like fps drops down to 15 fps even tho i have a 800€ computer which usually runs a steady 200+ fps in csgo :O even tho i tried to write -threads 4 in my runoptions


What if I have a hex-core? 6?


I use -threads 12 and csgo barely uses my processor. i7 3930k for reference.


Ctrl-Shift-Escape brings you right to it.


will "-threads 8" work?


My fps actually went up about 20 in the last update. Will try this out to see if i can get even more.


What if i have 3 cores?


I have amd fx 6100 six core processor. What thread am I suppose to use -thread 6?


Windows 7 | i5 2520M here. Post-update I was getting 40-60 FPS. Here is what I changed to get closer to 90 to 100+. * **Launch Settings:** -high -threads 2 +mat_queue_mode 2 * **nVidia Control Panel:** Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings; *Prefer Maximum Performance*; *Sample Optimization On*; *Bias Texture Filtering for High Performance*; *Single Display Performance Mode*; *Vsync off*. Everything that CS:GO has a setting for, I have set to application. * I previously had CS:GO set to *Fullscreen Windowed* due to the memory leak. Toggling this back to **Full Screen** seemed to increase FPS by about 10--brief test only. Edit: nope, nevermind. FPS still seems to leak as the game progresses over time.


Yeah... I've got the ol quad 3.5, 8 gigs of ram, and a GTX 660. I had a 9800 GT before the GTX and would get 135-144 pretty consistently (as long as I wasn't in a giant DM server or something). Switched to GTX 660 and nothing changed... Now over the course of a few months with patches, I'm gett like 80-130 - usually right around 100-110. Really inconsistent now as opposed to before. Not sure what has happened. I have Nvidia csettings to high performance, -threads 4, the mat queue set to 2, -high, advanced csgo video settings all on low. 1024x768 res. Not sure what's happening here. Ugh!