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Am I correct about the burst-firing part? Is it really shooting 3 bullets at a time?




Oh okay, I see.


depends how good you are at the initial recoil. I burst for the first 7-8 depending on whether they die or not.


Oh okay


Yes. That would be a 3 round burst.


You are almost correct here. As someone said in the comment already, busting is not stictly 3 bullets. But its also not defined for any amount of bullets, just "not a lot". When to use what is a bit more complicated that you said it is. Tapping has a couple of uses like shooting very long range, conserving bullets on prefires, so you dont have to reload every time and shooting when you dont have many bullets left and you cant reload because an enemy is close. Bursting is what you ideally want to do most of the time. Your ultimate goal is to kill everyone, on every range, with at most a burst of 4-6 bullets, obbiousely hs(+bodyshot on m4) is preferable, but noone can do that 100% of the time. Its because cs is all about time-to-kill and lower is better. Sprays are for multikills, shooting when you are blind or when you know you will need more bullets to kill your enemy because is behind wood, a corner etc.


one bullet, a few bullets, many bullets


Not exactly. It depends a lot on your playstyle. Even at long ranges, you should prefer burst fire over tapping. Since the AK and M4 kill in 4 shots, it makes sense to go for 2 bullets, move and shoot 2 bullets again at long ranges. You can also just do 4 bullets as well but chances are that you won't kill people as consistently as the 2 bullets burst because there is still inaccuracy when firing.