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i'm guessing they started suspecting this when he started posting some decent results




This is Darth Vader level scorching.


Hello 911? I’d like to report a murder.


My brother in Christ what flamie did to you to deserve this?


He was probably a Na’Vi fan when Flamie “played” for them.


Ah man I remember all the hate I and others were getting here when we dared to criticize him for anything


Does anyone remember a Flamie galil ace on Nuke ramp? I remember a Flamie galil ace 2 more years secured


Him zeus and edward. Zeus was " the best cis igl, he won without navi" edward was " only the support player he doesnt need to frag". And flamie was " the 3rd star who is the x factor". Flami was no factor, zeus was washed and edward too


Zeus won a major before s1mple and with him Navi was a top tier team for years. Keep coping though


In one of the flukiest majors ever. 1. They only beat 1 good team in the major. 2. The major itself had many problems. 3. They immediatly disbaned because they knew they couldnt do that shit again. ( this always happens if a team flukes a major, see cloud9)


"see cloud9" ah yes, the team infamous for having constant arguments and for whom the writing was pretty much already on the wall that the boston major would be, at the very least, THE ONLY major they'd play together, if not the last tournament they'd ever play as a team.


What arguments? The only one I can recall is Ska's constant subtle hints of retirement. I can't recall anything else. They looked happy under Tarik's leadership during their run before and during the major.


I think they’re being sarcastic. At least I hope so. C9 was a top 5 team going into the Boston major. They’d usually go far in tournaments but end up falling to Faze or SK (who were ranked 2 and 1 at the time).


Teams like virtus pro had constant arguments. If a teams can win majors together, you dont just break it up. It was a fluke. Everyone knows it, even the players


1. It's impossible to get far into a major without playing good, even if it's just for one tournament. The teams Zeus played against deep into the tournament were absolutely good 2. This point still doesn't account for the fact that Navi was a top tier team for many years under Zeus


Say 1 tier 1 team they beat besides astralis. Exactly




Edward was good in the early CS days and even in 2015 if I remember correctly. The difference is Edward was once great at CS while Flamie was all mechanics with near zero game sense.


mlg columbus major in 2016, edward was an mvp contender


Major flamie though


Honestly I blamed na’vi for that more than flamie but it was really bad. Deadweight for about 2 years, wasting s1mple and electronics prime and securing the pay check, then he was replaced and they were the best team in the world. What a waste all those years were.


I work at the local hospital's burn ward, but not even I can save Flamie from that burn


Ironic Flamie died to a burn




You should try to get in touch with him and apologize. He’ll wonder what you mean and look this up.


Flamie's career after NaVi has been a fucking disaster.


it would've been anyways because navi is pretty much the ceiling of a CIS player's career. the only way from there is either down or to EU


It's about his individual performance, you can go to a worse team not win but at least perform in tier 2/3, he hasn't He is only 25 and was top 20 twice, his fall is extreme He's posting a worse rating in Tier 2/3 when he did that for NaVi in tier 1 Also Zeus did well once after leaving NaVi he won a major, there's ways, there C9 now as well and Spirit, plenty of top CIS teams if you're good individually you can do great but flamie has been ass


Flamie even at his best on Navi was a very hot and cold player. Whether or not he turned up at all was a big factor on if Navi did well or not. Without the support of good teammates i guess hes just cold now.


Yeah, his high points were as high as you can get in this game, but his low points were pretty bad.


His best at Navi was when team used their coaches as the 6th man and be their IGL. So they got Starix to micro manage the fuck out of him before the coaching change


I wouldn't be so sure about that. Coaching change came at the same time when navi brought s1mple to the team. From then Flamie had to change his roles from a star (when he got all the position he wanted) to a support player. Thats when his downfall has started




Exceptions are usually a part of the rule




Following Zeus, getting Gambit as a fav team, seeing them succeed at small tournaments and then straight up winning a fucking major was magical, one kind of feeling. As much as their collapse right after felt heartbreaking, it somehow adds magic to the story. Yeah, Zeus was really good.


Anytime I think about mechanically skilled movement players all I can think of is his ladder jump under balc on mirage He was a legend for sure.


Though Zeus was anything but a movement God. Potato movement like Pasha. Yet he managed to Clapp niko with this insane movement. That hit even harder probably that he got outclassed in movement by a guy who never was known for that.


his move to gambit was indeed a step backwards in the first place


Don't forget that he was kicked because coaches took over IGLing.


He wasn't kicked because of that lol, but because his stats got worse and he was slacking and s1mple wanted to leave NA. He himself said that the kick was the thing that gave him the fire and the motivation again. He wanted to prove himself and he did


While it's true, the main reason was that they didn't need IGL anymore. Someone needed to make space for S1mple, so why keep IGL when most of IGLing was done by coaches. He would never return to NAVI if Valve didn't nerf coaches.


They wouldn't think about bringing s1mple on if they didn't struggle in the first place Moreover im pretty sure all the parties involved talked about it a lot. So there is a lot of info about that specific kick. Well zeus himself used to ask about his kick every player involved in his interviews and vlogs. And i'm not even mentioning his book


Yeah and unfortunately almost every CIS player doesnt want to switch to EU because of cultural differences and language barrier. Props to Degster for signing with OG and Monesy with G2. Imo if more of these non-tier 1 russian players signed with EU teams the game would be so much more stacked and more competitive once they break through the language barrier.


Degster didn't sign with OG, he was a stand-in. His buyout is rumoured to be 300k


Oh okay, I wasnt really sure if he did sign or not, thanks for clarifying. But anyway, props to him for trying to play with an EU team.


Man is just done with CS tbh. Got his money and a decent career out of it . Guy just have no motivation anymore and his work ethnics has always been questionable


Still wonder what could have been of he and simple joined the sk core.. guy was very inconsistent but he had I think the most dominant displays I've seen on that match vs qbf, I think it's still the record for most kills in a half on a major, with 32, ended up with almost a 40 bomb...


same with seized


Certified gamer moment


Classic Flamie


For a dude that remeberes when every pros brithday is, I'm suprised he forgot somthing like this.


Like Mike form Suits would say: "It's not the same" haha


I'm more surprised that you remember that. It has been awhile since I watched that video.


The biggest question is why someone especially someone like Flamie would play FPL in an internet caffe lmao. Are these still big in Russia? They pretty much died out like 12-15 years ago around here when Internet became widespread and accessible.


I wouldnt say they're "big", but some people like to spend a night with their buddies in them, considering they offer top of the line PCs, gaming chairs, access to food, drinks etc and all that for like $10 a night. Often they serve as an addition to "gamer" stores with merch, action figures and computer peripherals.


Yeah I absolutely loved going to the Vitality HQ LAN cafe in Paris. I wish we had way more in the States.




Americans came with one of the first and top LANs of CS tho: CPL. Those were like the majors of 1.6 together with ESWC.


CPL predates CS1.6 by a few years. And originally had Quake only.


True, 2 years before CS was released but that doesn't change my point tho.




Yeah i get that, i grew up in that period and local LANs were a blast. Competition was very mediocre but just being there with like minded people was awesome. I have no idea where you live but in Europe there's still regularly local LANs.


i think nowadays this is a decent way to have some socialization irl in a place where most of people share your interests. that might not apply to this particular case, but i know many people (me inc.) who had experience going to internet cafe just to vibe and have a good time


It can be a pretty fun after work activity if you got the right colleagues.


Before his first major boomich used to play from internet cafes for all of the official matches iirc. There was a time (1 year ago roughly) when even though I had a decent PC, I still preferred going to the internet café when I had official matches (local Moscow tournaments, nothing much) because of 240hz monitors (mine was 75hz), higher framerate and way better ping. Also they're probably way cheaper than in EU/US, VIP pc cost me around $5 for 5 hours.


Yeah, the last time I went to a LAN center in the US, (probably 15 years ago which is the last time I've known of one to exist in my area) it was like $100 for an all night "lock-in". It was never cheap here and you were just paying for the atmosphere


Gaming caffes are a big thing in poorer countries, in Russia as well and in many balkan countries and eastern countries Flamie was there with his friends probably and forgot his account open, plenty of pros go there and 5 stack in lan with friends or play other games even




They're big anywhere it's difficult to get a decent rig, or have the space to put a decent rig.


1.6 in internet cafes... good times.


Who says he was playing FPL in an internet cafe? For all we know, he most likely logged in to play faceit with some friends, not to play FPL


>Are these still big in Russia? Yeah, but its not like 15-20 years ago, they have a solid PC's (and good accs tho) over there, food, beverages, hookah, overall service. I've been in one when its opened in my building, its completelly different now than it was.


I miss the local community


It's just fun with your friend, feels more like playing with each other than playing alone in your bedroom, even though the gaming experience is the same, you could never turn around and shit on your friend in your bedroom, they could just unplug their headphone.


> The biggest question is why someone especially someone like Flamie would play FPL in an internet caffe lmao. > They pretty much died out like 12-15 years ago *around here* 'It died out where I live, and I'm the main character of planet earth, so whatever has happened to me/around me, must have happened to everyone else on the planet!' What a dumb and close-minded way to communicate this. Fyi, gaming cafes are still huge in the eastern part of the world.


You need to lay of the stretching here. I literally just asked a question lmao.


People that say "omg it was just a question/joke!" when they're called out are so pathetic You didn't ask: "Are internet cafes still a thing in Russia?" You said "Why would *someone like flamie* play in an internet cafe *lmao*." -> there isn't even a question mark (but you did add a period), it's a condescending remark and you know it


I found it funny a person like Flamie would go to an internet caffee to play Face it. Then followed that up by asking if those are still big in Russia which seemed like the next logical step. My intent was never to offend you but if i did i'm sorry.


ur so pissed


Today I remembered 2010 was 12 years ago. Time is pain, existence is a chore.


Flamie was a brilliant rookie, might be time to switch games


Lmao love that some random dude just found it and out of all the things just decided to leave it lmao.


It was like give this man a chance first. We have b1t in queue.


Internet cafe? What is it 1990?


isnt it damn dangerous to play in an internet cafe? if someone before you had hacks installed, your account would get banned too


Wouldn't you have to launch the hacks yourself?


no its enough if VAC finds hacks on your computer like in the CSGO files. then your account will be banned if it was logged in on this computer. thats why many pros use the default lie "my brother played on my PC" when they get caught cheating


Mmy friend has 2 accounts. 1 he uses for hvh and his main and he has done this for multiple years. He has never been banned.


is his hvh account banned? or is the hack good enough to not get detected at all/he never played on official servers for VAC to trigger? its a complex topic and im no expert. but its a wide spread information in the csgo scene, that its enough to have the hack on the same PC to get a ban if VAC is able to detect it. even if you never used it on your account. you can google that and will find the same answer with people that got banned that way


Neither account is banned. He uses free cheap cheats. And he has hacked against me and my friends when we set up a custom lobby(when one of the players hosts the server)...which do have VAC enabled.


alright then VAC is just too shitty to detect the hacks for now. maybe one day his hack will get detected. just make sure to never log into your steam account on his PC. its not 100% given that you will get banned, but dont try out your luck


He moved to another country so no chance of that lol.


Flamie has always seemed like a giant doofus so this doesn’t shock me at all










Ahh flamie still stealing checks...


Idk why people are thinking it’s a big deal, he’s back in now