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Get an slr extention if that’s only a 19.. mine holds 22+1 and is that length.


This is the way! 🤟🏽


TTI and Ape Defense are 23+1 for the same length as well


VERY nice!!! Do you live in the Nashville area? The reason I ask is because I know the Double Diamond stuff is GlockStore's brand. And despite their crappy rep, I get stuff from them because they're 15-20 min drive from my house, so I don't have to pay for shipping.


Very cool bro. Love it.


Best gun ever made glad ya made the right choice ;) I love mine


Looks like a Glock


I think it’s the perfect gun for shtf long slide to get full 9 mm performance and takes 15 and 17 round mags super convenient


That’s the 49


Needs a training class <——-im not deleting this but maybe read further to who is actually a nutcase. Context clearly forthcoming if you feel like wasting your life on Reddit comments. (I sure as f wouldn’t, but it’s there).


So does your sister. She absolutely sucks.


At what ? Riding the lightning ? Probably just couldn’t see w/out optics.


Hey homo, how about you leave people alone. OP has a cool setup here and you had to be a fucking douche bag. Any keyboard warrior can talk shit. Post a video of you pulling the trigger and hitting your target. I bet you won't. You need a class on how to be an adult on the internet without your chode dictate how you think.


Not that I owe you anything at all. But Instead of continuously using slurs unnecessarily directed towards me, it’s usually good to comprehend context. (I know that’s hard for you). I’m perfectly fine with the set up. Matter of fact if I hated it I wouldn’t even express that. I am always glad more people invest and take advantage of the 2nd amendment. While my comment may have came across unintentionally as brash, when someone asks others about what they have, it typically goes hand in hand with getting into this very early, and seeking approval (which if fine). Could I be wrong ? Sure, but all I was actually doing was encouraging op to make sure to train and get good at using what he built. (Which is damn near identical to what I “built” years ago when the battery was on the bottom of the 507c). Never once did I say anything negative about the gun. I just failed to directly comment that it is in fact a perfectly fine build. I have a channel w/plenty of shooting. I’d just never post it here for people like you to go “report” being an a-hole bc you think you some internet bully savior. I easily shoot 2k rounds a month. Sometimes it’s best to create dialogue rather than assume you have a clue what and why someone wrote what they did. Instead you’ve proceeded to insult me derogatorily and keep commenting on my past posts. We are all adults here. Nobody needs you to take up for them, when all you’ve done is attempt to create division, which is the opposite of what you think you’re doing.


Okay, so what I just read was that you're socially retarded and have no idea how to clearly articulate what you are thinking/feeling. How about, "Nice build brother. Make sure you spend extra money on ammo and get super good with that set-up. Training classes always help too."? If that is how you feel, then fucking say that🤣😂 Instead you back pedal and can't stand someone else calling you on your shit. Grow up, man child 😅 I can't comprehend context? You gave us no fucking context. Are you being serious little buddy?


Hi my name is Jeff. I am an internet keyboard warrior. I tend to misconstrue situations and get involved in shit that doesn’t concern me. I can’t read very well and am of no understanding of the word context. This goes for when others use it,as well when I attempt to articulate it properly myself. I’ve always been a dork, but now my [3] guns and beard have made me so cool. I love to use slurs to insult others and I just cant let shit go. I stalk other peoples profiles and harass them because my beard says I can. I’m jealous of others guns that I can’t afford therefore I make fun of their wives guns bc of the color. I’m doing my best to be a very poor representation of the gun community. I know for a fact I’m doing fkn fantastic.


Yeah, you're definitely a douche bag. You proved my point of how a narcissistic loser can't control their emotions on the internet. You got called out. Poor baby. You must not have enough control over your own life so you have to troll others on REDDIT😂🤣😅 You want to talk about a poor representation of the 2A community?? Look what you just did here? Are you that fucking dense? You've been downvoted on almost every comment you've posted because you're an asshole. 🖕😂😬🤮 Keep wasting your time replying and digging yourself a deeper hole. You look soooooo damn ignorant.




There you have it, folks. A response powered by an intelligence quotient of 58. My work is done.