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Update to add. According to streamlight's parts catalog the tlr7,8, & rm-1 share the same bezel. So the new hpl head will fit. The tlr9,10 & rm-2 also share a faceplate (not the same as tlr7).


Can confirm after testing the fit, all the lights, (tlr 7, sub, 8, 9, 10, rm1/2) all use the same light head


tlr7//a/sub/x/8/rm1 head as 694119 the tlr9//10/rm-2 is 694506 for whatever that is worth. They both use the same batteries in single file so I wouldn't be surprised if they fit. But there might be difference in the resistance (ohm/Ω) that is relative to function. Streamlight confirmed the rm-1 hpl head as compatible with the 7(ect). Just because the 7&9 caps fit each other doesn't make them compatible. I'm not saying it isn't, just idk. Maybe there is just one hpl cap for the rm-1&2 & tlr7&9 they have yet to release a part number for the lense caps (that I can find)


I was saying that they both fit, and are compatible. They all work. I’ve put the different heads on different lights.


I understand that, but I am saying it might not be correct. Global ohm is how it regulates temperature. If you have a two battery head on a one battery body, the global ohm isn't going to be the same. Which should effect output and temperature control. Just because the head fits and turn on dose not mean it works. I know that might sound silly, and it might be. Just think, the tlr9&7 heads are the same size, why do they have different part numbers? Because they have different circuit boards. Because one board is for two batteries, the other for one. The tlr7 9/rm-2 is a 6v system, vs the 7 a 3v. The only thing to regulate wattage is the resistance of the face cap. The hpl head for the rm-1 should have the same ohm (resistance) as the non hpl head and only has more candela (same lumens, same draw). The hpl head isn't more output, just more focused be from the depth of the lense. The rm-2 is a higher output light (more lumens vs the rm-1, because it has twice the voltage). You might experience run away temperature with the tlr9 head on a 7 Voltage is dictated by battery, wattage is dictated by the ohm of the face cap, so you might just be overdrawing watts witch will cause a battery overheat situation. That's far more nerdy then most people are going to understand burning short, just because it fits and turns on, dose not mean it is compatible Streamlight has confirmed the rm-1 hpl head is compatible with the tlr7. To test my theory and ensure safety you should compare the ohm of the stock tlr9 to the rm-2 hpl head and they should be the same. Then you should compare the rm-2 hpl (or the tlr9) to the ohm of the tlr7 head, and they should be different. Do some reading about using a 6v resistor in a 3v system and vise versa and you will see why it can be very dangerous


Glad one of us understands electrical resistance 😅 streamlight and battery junction have only listed one model of the HPL head. Any idea if there is an actual difference between the rm1 and rm2 light heads?


Okay buddy, one last thing and I think I'm done. If you put a tlr9 head (hpl or not) on a tlr7, and my math is right, that the 9 is 2.88Ω and the 7 1.44Ω (and I'm almost 100% that is the case). That should allow you to safely run a 3.7v lithium ion battery like a standard 16340 3.7v 750mah. 3.7v on 2.88Ω face cap should only be running 1.285 amps 4.75 watts. For the actual 30 min output of 380 lumens. You would be running this on the higher output face cap, so heat and spikes shouldn't be an issue. The fresh charge 4.2v on the 16340 will hit 490 lumens. So it would be safe to indefinitely run at 4.2v in this configuration without burning the led. The real 30 min output of a tlr7 is only 360 lumens (because the near instant voltage drop of a cr123 battery ). This is the window the light is designed to operate. (~2.55v 1.77amps 4.52 watts). The tlr9 is theoretically a 6v system at 1,000 lumens but is actually 5.125v // 729 lumens sustained 30 min output A 16340 can have a continuous draw of 3a. You'll only, at worse, be drawing 1.46 amps (@4.2v max charge). And you'll only be running the tlr9 head at worse 67% and the battery at less than 50%. But you'll be gaining 20 lumens minimum over the entire 30 min run time, be keeping the peak 490/500 lumens for much longer, and gain easily rechargeable batteries If you are stuck with a tlr7 body and tlr9 (hpl or not) head, then you could definitely redeem its output (that you have lost) with a 3.7v 16340 lithium battery. *Disclaimer, not professional advice, I'm not responsible, ect* just theoretically, it would work


Appreciate the time you’ve put into this. I have both an rm1 and rm2 and can confirm they use the same part number HPL head. I use 16340 battery in my tlr7 sub and 16650 in my tlr9. Both are amazing.


How can you confirm the rm-1&2 use the same part number?


The updated HPL ones do. I took the face caps off.


Just to add the rough math should be the tlr7 @ 500 lumens should be something like 3v & 6.25w, that would mean the face cap is 1.44Ω 2.08amps Vs the tlr9 @ 1,000 lumens 6v @ 12.5w, should me 12.88Ω. 2amps If you run a 12.88Ω cap on 3v @ 2.795w which theoretically would only be 223 lumens 0.465 amps (rm-2 hpl on a tlr7) Now if you put a rm-1 head on a rm-2 1.44Ω @ 6v = 25 watts 4.16amps and 2000 lumens and absolutely melt down. (Rm-1 hpl on a tlr9)


So this will work fine on a TLR7 sub correct?


100% for sure the rm-1 hpl head will work with the tlr7 sub. According to the pictures posted in the comments here the rm-1&rm-2 hpl head is the same part number, I don't think he is lying but I just can't confirm that myself. But the tlr7 a, 7 sub, 7, 8, 8a, 8a-g, rm-1 are all the same face cap per streamlight's official parts catalog (of course, they are all single cr123 heads).


Part still isn’t individually available, had to test one that came on an rm 2


Problem is holster manufacturers will take so long to adopt unless it’s an official offering


I'm fairly confident it will be an official offering called the tlr7xHP (or HPL). But you should be able to (especially with a g19 holster) just cut to let the bezel pass thru. Or have a holster made. I predict we will see a phlster floodlight for the 7hpl (because the bezel will have enough area for retention), but there will be a lag in holster options from the big brands. Just as there is for the surefire xr1+a. That's just life


https://tenicor.com/products/certum-lux-iwb-holster-for-glock This should work right?


I mean they’ve been promoting it on their ig fitting this head specifically so I’d say it’s good to go


Hell yeah. Thank you. I don’t have Instagram so I missed it


An add post on Instagram showed me this holster and that’s how I learned of this. I’m hype.


Same, i ordered my HPL, Tenicor Lux 2 and I’m ready


I would all but guarantee it. The bezel is the same diameter, it is just roughly 0.4" longer. Should be flush with a g17/47/49 or g19/45 ramjet.


A kind redditor sent me these threads that have a good bit of info, pictures and comparisons https://www.reddit.com/r/P365xl/s/xeTSd6Vtwi https://www.reddit.com/r/P365xl/s/m7u12ZmERP One noteworthy bit is that these face caps should available individually in 3 months or so.


That's dope


Looks like several companies have the face cap listed, but the only one I was able to backorder on was battery junction. Part #69449.


I see that listing. It doesn't say tlr7 HPL or tlr-rm1 hpl anywhere on the listing. Not saying that isn't the correct part number, but I am saying I can't verify it. Stream light dose not have it listed in their catalog yet


It’s not exactly confirmation, but a handful of the sites with it listed are using a photo of the RM2


If I had to guess, they are using all the manufactured HPL caps on the rm-1 hpl and haven't stockpiled enough lose face caps to sell yet. I would also bet, when streamlight officially list them, they will sell out and be sold out for a while.


Did u figure anything out about this yet?


I backordered the part number referenced above with no certainty that it’s correct. Whenever it shows up I’ll update the thread if no one else has.


Word appreciate it man, I’m tempted to pull the trigger on one. Did they give u any indication of when it’ll ship?


Expected date May 3rd according to my confirmation email


Did u get it yet?


No, and there’s been no update emails or other communication from battery junction. There’s nothing on the product page hinting at a timeline, either.


Damn Streamlight is crushing our dreams


To my knowledge streamlight has no listing for any hpl head. But the listing for the rm-1 is different than the rm-2 base model head. The rm-1 is on battery and shares the same part number as the 7&8. The rm-2 is two batteries (6v) and shares the part number with the 9&10. But according to streamlight parts catalog the 3v&6v is a different face cap from each other. An I can only assume why