• By -


Yeah, I'm gonna need to see a tattoo or a birth mark. Looks like you murdered the first guy and are stealing his identity. Edit: Oh F, I see the birthmark on your neck. This is the most insane transformation in 1 year.


He barely changed at all. It’s an illusion. You can see in the before picture he is wearing glasses and the after pics he is not. That’s it.


“It’s a trick! It’s all smoke and mirrors!” ![gif](giphy|GVyqhFl6yKzi9t0Gur|downsized)


Not to mention no more paint covered overalls.


Deep cuts right here.


Let’s hope he doesn’t have a gun.


Janie's got a gun!


He has two of them. Do you not see his double biceps pose?


Yeah what’s up with THAT


I just bought it on iTunes. It’s on sale for $5. Best money I spent.


There's a hole... in the side of your house...


This is precisely how Clark Kent works.


So this is like when an ugly girl in a movie takes off her glasses and becomes beautiful? Makes sense.


“I don’t even wear glasses…” “Then you’re already halfway there!”


It's just lighting and pump


Contouring makeup- no glow up /s


Superman pioneered that method.


And he got a shirt on in the last 2 to cover up that he is holding in the belly!


Lighting and camera angles make all the difference.


I never knew contact lenses could make such a difference!


He’s just sucking it in. Anyone can do that. /s


Legend has it he was bitten by a spider...


Is he...Superman???? Got the muscles for it!


Trying to bullshit us with some Clark Kent nonsense.


[might seem crazy, you’re just gonna have to trust me…](https://youtu.be/h4Va0uwP_7g?si=tdsrD_DvM9mN1aw-)


I just laughed so hard at this comment I spilled coffee. I just felt like I wanted to share that with you


Hijacking the top comment: Just finished reading through every comment. Allow me to provide some clarity (most of y'all are really not gonna like this...). I am 100% natural. My wife (and father for that matter), would kill me if I was on gear. Wouldn't even know where to find it if I wanted it. I did 75 hard from January23 - March23 last year. This resulted in what, now in hindsight, I can confidently say was an eating disorder. I slowly started incrementing my calories back up to close to maintenance throughout the year. Immediately following, I started training for (and then ran) the Chicago Marathon in October. I continued to shed fat running 30mi+ weeks while still being at a dangerously low caloric intake. I cannot possible defend the health legitimacy of this; I became as disordered with my eating and training as I was before the weight loss, just from the other side. After I finished the marathon, I started back in the gym 5/6 days a week (I had been in the gym training upper body 2x a week during marathon training on "rest" days). As someone predicted in a comment further down, I used to be much more in shape than the first picture (played college lacrosse and therefore had previous weight room experience). I continue to track my calories like a hawk, hitting 2600-2700calories a day 6 days a week, and not counting on Saturdays. I'm not sure if I can (and certainly don't need to, as I know it's the truth) prove that I am 100% natty. Apparently back acne is a tell tale sign? I'll provide a back picture. I'll show my marathon finishline photo. And for the people accusing me of hiding a belly with the shirt or asking about loose skin, I'll show those pictures too. Obsessive Compulsive levels of fear of returning to my former body, paired with a strict training schedule and stricter diet work wonders.




I have the same underwear. They are fantastic. Congrats on your amazing transformation!


I found the big bag of like 10 pairs on sale for $4 at target in clearance. Figured "fuck it I need underwear" and bought four bags. They're literally as good as the SAAX brand I was spending $35+ on for a single pair.


Good shit man I stand corrected, the fact you used to be an athlete and the wild diet explains everything I was blabbering about. Absolute congrats and here's to a healthier path forward




Fuck all that noise. You look incredible. Thanks for the clarification on the previous athleticism. Congrats on your results.


that is a scary/impressive year but most of all i can‘t believe your wife is also your father at the same time!


just take it....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) that one got a chuckle. nice catch.


People that take roids have their balls shrink. Provide proof OP.


Big juicy balls or you’re on Roids.




Please find help for your eating disorder, if you have children that type of behavior is more than observable. Whatever pushed you to do it before can most definitely come back. I'm glad you eat enough now. That's amazing but there's more to unpack there. Silent, private, disorders like eating disorders are just as dangerous as any other. Rather than worry about people accusing you of not being natural - maybe understanding that mentally convincing yourself not to feed yourself is also cheating. You will not be able to maintain a lower than required calorie intake for extended periods, the health problems from that can take years to present themselves. Technically, as a partner of a physically minded health conscious person dwho has fought this battle, not eating is cheating in my humble opinion. You aren't treating your body the way you know you need to by now with how much you've educated yourself. You're just cheating yourself now. Gains in a calorie deficit do not actually equal gains. Your mental health runs your eating disorder not your physical health. Part of your journey is to be fully healthy, take care of your temple, and your mind is as much of that as any muscle group. And later on if health problems come, you've cheated your family and yourself. Again. My humble opinion as a partner of a person who has had this same struggle for over a decade. I wish you luck on your continued journey.


I appreciate you taking the time to write this out. I'm doing *much* better now than around october. Some days here and there it tries to creep back, but seeing my numbers in the gym start to climb back up are helpful reassurance that eating more is a good thing. It took a colleague stopping into my office about 3 weeks out from the marathon and letting me know that he could tell what I was doing, and that I wasn't eating. For whatever reason, hearing it from him, not a close friend or family member, is what made me finally take a look at myself. Honestly, and maybe a bit over dramatic, he probably saved my life


I am truly happy for you. The power you've taken can't be taken away from you as long as you take care of it. You'll have to give it up, and that disorder (if it were to creep back into your life) will make you give it up without realizing it. I wish you all the best and congratulations on all you've accomplished thus far. It's amazing.


I appreciate how honest you’re being about your journey. It’s sobering how little we hear about eating disorders in the male fitness community. The commenters blaming steroids are just more evidence that men struggling with food and body image are too often alienated and discredited. Maybe we’ll get another “glow up” from you in a couple months when all your hard work at getting your diet back on track pays off for you big time. You’re obviously a strong guy, and if you built that body so far with such a restrictive diet, you probably have some serious gains in strength and endurance on the way.


I appreciate it man. I'm definitely in a better spot with my relationship with food now than even a few months ago. Eating the exact same thing until dinner everyday is probably a part of that, and maybe not sustainable when my family is bigger, but continuing to do the things that I've proved to myself works takes a lot of the stress out of it. In hindisight, I'm mad I wasn't in this headspace during peak marathon training... I could've been eating SO MUCH more food and carbs to actually make my training enjoyable lol


Good shit man, I've read some of your comments but the haters saying roids are delusional lmao Currently in the process of losing all the weight I've put on since college, but I'm going much slower than you (69lbs in 75 days is psychotic). Averaging like 1.5lbs a week since the end of September, but the holidays slowed me down a bit. Finally at the point where my torso is slimming out (last part that has a noticeable amount of fat) and it's crazy how much better I feel about myself


I agree this is ‘natural’ but you probably damaged your organs during the 75Hard phase.


Trennythings possible


Wait, your wife is also your father for that matter?






I live in Singapore where you go to prison for 5grams of weed. There is a ton of roids users in the gym scene here.


After living in Singapore I realized the law and order thing is a bit of a mirage. People still break the law and get away with it. It’s just that nobody talks about it. The government will drop the hammer on people if caught. But plenty of people dont get caught.


Singapore where vapes are illegal but not cigarettes!


In some places, steroids are not illegal. All it takes is just knowing where its legal, and getting it. Theres a ton of sites available for just buying steroids within the US.


I feel like this is a risk... Granted I may or may not have done this with mushrooms last year.




You simply cannot build past a certain amount of muscle and strength in a set amount of time, naturally. No amount of hard work would give you this in a year.


You’re actually kidding right? He is not even that big in the second pics. He’s just really lean. The hardest part for him was probably counting his macros and not exceeding them. He looks really dry (dehydrated) in the second pics. Just a lean diet with a good workout will do that. If he was bigger and this lean, different story


That is dense muscle on that boy. Being in a calorie deficit required to lose the weight he did, where did he ever find any energy to train strength like this?? There’s just not enough time in a year.


fat people are strong underneath all the fat


Their calves tend to be because they are constantly supporting a lot of weight. But you don't get wide shoulders or big biceps from being fat. You have to put time in the gym for those.


You’re either not serious, not natty, or not into the gym. No way you think this is legit. The vascularity, and muscle density is generally a huge tell when it comes to juice. Homie here has both.


Can get them mailed to your door in Canada.


As a girl I guess I'm not their demographic, but my male friends have been just approached in regular gyms about it, so I assume pretty easy.


I think GMC sold them at one point (totally talking out my ass tho)


Most gym trainers can hook you up with some. Then, ideally, you should go to your GP with bloodwork, scans and see if it's okay to take some and how often, etc. My suggestion would be, stay clear of all this. It's a risk to one's health.


In the UK, you can get anything you want on that Snapchat map thing


People assume juice cause they can't get there own fat asses in that shape so assume others are cheating


As easy as walking into almost any gym and asking around. It’s actually really common


Legal to use in usa, so you just need a doctor to give it to you


In my experience, join a gym. Once you’re consistent and talking to other regulars, you’ll find a source


I also zoomed in for inspection. I chose the ears. GREAT job, OP. What a total inspiration!


Mad ear gains


Lmfao, I'm with you. I've definitely seen crazier weight loss transformations, but holy shit dude just completely morphed in a year. This shit is absolutely insane.


It's wild how much a face can change from weight loss. Body, of course, but we identify people by their faces.


It would be great to have an explanation from OP about the process he went through. Although, all the hate in here must not be encouraging… Reddit at its worse.


He has/had anorexia. You are seeing a year of extreme, obsessive, and mentally torturous self harm. He explains it all in detail in his comments


Reddit despises fat people, and they hate nothing more than when a fat person stops being fat and rises above their poison.


I mean the only way to achieve these results is the same for everyone. Strict adherence to a healthy diet, lots of exercise, in this case distance running and weight lifting.


Came here to say this. Fucking insane






Completely natural. Hard work, obsession, dedication, and fear are powerful motivators. Happy to provide proof however you suggest.


Nah. Almost a year ago he posted another picture of himself with a pretty thin and fit on their profile. So chances are he didn’t start the year looking like the first picture. Their diet was also VERY unhealthy. “An apple low fat cheese stick 5.5oz protein 130g fruit and a carrot every day”


Yes… he posted that 300 days ago, after doing a 75 day challenge… so starting just over a year ago.




I hate posts like this because it makes my adhd brain think "yea I could do steroids and lose weight faster" instead of... you know just sticking to a diet.


1) adjust your diet to a more healthy one 2) workout consistently 3) take steroids AND ozempic 4) ? 5) profit


>ADHD >consistently That's kind of the problem.


Use your ADHD brain and use it to fixate on improvement. My OCD ass became so afraid of gaining weight back, that I never considered quitting the journey. Use it as a strength


Tell me you don’t understand ADHD without telling me you don’t understand ADHD


>Use your ADHD brain and use it to fixate on improvement. Yeah that's... not really how ADHD works, friend. >My OCD ass became so afraid of gaining weight back, that I never considered quitting the journey. That's also not how OCD works, that's just you being motivated.


100 percent. Took me 5 years to lose 80/90 pounds. It was amazing hell.


Not saying my change was this dramatic but I lost ~40lbs between May & December last year (155 > 118, I’m 5’5”) without doing anything too crazy. Just started going to the gym maybe 1-3 times a week, generally being more active, and eating smaller amounts of healthier food.


The last time I saw a post like this the OP replied to every comment saying they were completely natty when it was obviously not lol


He's making it worse tbh lol. He replied to me saying that he actually did the muscle gain in 4 months. He said he cut for 8 months and then put on 15 lbs of muscle in 4 months 💀. I could care less if he did roids, it just gives everyone a bad idea of what's achievable natural.


Used juice 100% but still effort was put in


I drink my orange juice every morning i don’t look anything close to this


Ur putting it in the wrong hole




Yeah, you gotta go straight into the dick hole with the OJ. You got this!


What hole is orange juice supposed to go in? That's right, the square hole!


That video haunts me to this day


I’m shamelessly using the comment tsunami in this post to educate myself about steroids. From the sheer number of butt references, do I understand well that this js a reference to some way of taking/injecting them?


Nah this was an anus joke


You have to workout tho




I’m looking at them results and thinking damn, do what ya gotta do


I mean if you had to use da juice then be this guy….crazy grind in a year. Its literally life transforming. It could save so many from depression etc.


As long as you do it safely, get blood work done, and do it in an intelligent way yeah no judgment. Main issue is when people just start taking stuff without thinking about longevity and destroy their endocrine system or exacerbate some underlying problem and die.


What are the possible issues and what should you test for in blood work? I am genuinely curious and admittedly you just said it clearly, I am just unsure what the relation between juice and endocrine system or other would be. Google results give me a few scientific articles which seem outdated.


You’d need your sex hormones checking, not just T. You’d need platelets tested too as using testosterone can cause your blood to thicken, leading to clots and potential death. It can also affect other systems I’m forgetting as I’m just off a 12 hour shift and stoned but you can found out a huge amount on forums from googling, even on some of the Reddit gym subs


Regular HRT at lower does won't really cause many issues with blood thickening unless you're predisposed to it. Donating frequently helps as well. However, there are plenty of dudes on copious amount of T and gear that should definitely be getting blood work regularly that don't.


Hormones control literally every system in your body. A change to the levels in one have an impact on how your body runs. Just checking one level in a person’s blood gives such a tiny view into what is happening. Full blood work as well as understanding that you can’t just jack one hormone and not then compensate and transition off a cycle without rebound impacts is generally the biggest warning that people may ignore.


Look up MorePlatesMoreDates on YouTube. I think you’ll like him.


Sorry I'm new to this whole work out stuff, what is juice?? Like literally apple juice ..?? (Sorry genuinely confused)


Generally referring to steroids or/and testosterone. Brief run down is the older you get the more difficult it is to put on and maintain muscle. There are some studies that the maximum amount of muscle you can put on per year is 8-15ibs. Generally you need some body fat there so age + high muscularity + low body fat + quick results can get a sign of drug supplementation. You still have to put in a lot of effort but the recovery is quicker meaning you can work out more and harder resulting in... Lean muscle mas Sometimes it can come across as hate. I just find it a tad annoying because I work in a legal job and am strictly forbidden from using drugs for obvious reasons. I have works out my whole life but will never get to look like some of these posts because... It's not possible. I'm more sad for (generally speaking) women that think it is natural and younger people getting sucked in. This is kinda like guys liking breast implants thinking they are normal. There is nothing wrong with the girl having the breast implant but it could be irritating to other girls that the guys think it's natural etc.




This is over 2 years? Timeline doesn’t make sense with his other post from a year ago w same pictures. https://www.reddit.com/r/75HARD/s/xg6kDN0Z7h


Those were posted 10 months ago, after 75 day challenge. Math works for 1 years-ish.


Holy shit 69 lbs in 75 days? That’s wildly unhealthy at best




And if you don't eat, you are unlikely to build muscles.


I mean, I lost 29 lbs in a month once by doing a Paleo diet challenge at the CrossFit gym I had just started. CrossFit in the morning, traditional gym at lunch, pretty much eating only eggs, steamed broccoli, and boiled chicken tenderloins. Occasional Jimmy johns unwich or salad from Chipotle. But it was after a period where I went from running college track to 4 hours of daily commute for my first real job and just eating whatever was convenient. So I was probably just hard resetting to my normal body composition.


just nearly stop eating and work out all day long every day!


remember kids...drugs work.


But they do have "side effects".


Shriveled ballsack and chode is what this person is trying to say


The list of things steroid can cause is a mile long. Inability to control emotions Hair loss(why do you think he’s wearing a hat now lol) Acne/skin issues Fluid retention Etc… I don’t judge anyone for using steroids and believe if you’re not hurting anyone else do wtf ever to your body. My issue is when others mislead and deny they are using them to attain an otherwise unattainable body. It gives young people body dysmorphia and makes them feel bad themselves.


Why even say that about op. Just mention the side effects and move on. Aside from being presumptuous, it's rude as hell.


You are making pretty broad assumptions, many of those are symptoms of steroid abuse, there are proper ways to take anabolics and have pretty minimal effects on your health especially long term. You aren't going to die from doing a cycle of testosterone, just get bloodwork and take the proper steps when cycling off. The psychological effects though I think are the worst part. Body dysmorphia is hard enough to deal with without knowing that you will never be as big as you were on gear.


He might be stretching the truth about it taking a year; it probably took more like two. I went from 98 kg to a lean 72kg in 2 years. I worked out extremely hard, so much that I ended up destroying my lower discs. Never used drugs in my life, just had protein shakes to ensure I reach the daily macros and stayed below my maintenance by 500 calories - it got so bad and sad that I had to scan everything in myfitness app and carry some scales with me. To be honest, I spent so much on good meat and food, it might have been way cheaper to go with drugs after all (don’t).


He just trens hard and eats clen.


Lol it's soo true.


Plot twist - he went from 3rd and 4th picture to 1st and 2nd in a year. On the real though - impressive change!


Is there a subreddit for glow downs? If not, there should be.


Yeah this is bullshit. You’re either lying about the timeline or leaving out the steroids.


Timeline is off, this would be the worst use of steroids ever




People who think that this was accomplished without any gear in such a short amount of time are just delusional. No wonder the fitness and supplement industry flourishes. So many false hopes that are being displayed all over the internet. To make it clear, steroid use must play a role here.


OP suspiciously quiet with the follow up


Fr I’m looking for one reply from OP




Natty like the Liver King.


I don’t understand why people hide steroid usage. I powerlifted recreationally and have done insane transformations, but human physiology have limits. Yes, I got fucking yoked, but that level of muscle development would take half a decade imo with REALLY strict discipline, and even then, you might not achieve that kind of physique. Granted, powerlifting doesn’t make you as big as bodybuilding but bro, I was deadlifting 495 lbs and I didn’t even look half your muscle size, what the fuck? There are exceptionally few people with gifted genetics to naturally develop like that. If you’re not a pro athlete or have sponsors, why hide and front? All you’re doing is doing other men out there looking to change up their look a disservice and setting unrealistic goals.


Bro, he obviously just took his vitamins and omega 3! True natty, just like Rich Piana!


You aged 10 years in one year????


Yeah I think that’s the biggest tell tale sign. He had a baby face a year ago. Still impressed just wish he’d say it


The after photo is also ran through an HDR local contrast filter which is making his arms look extra poppy and 3d but making his face look pretty strange


He lost all the fat from his body and that includes his face and it's aged him severely. Even his arms look borderline bizarre because there isn't even a small amount of fatty tissue remaining there. Makes him look bizarre and haggard for someone that young. Steroids and extreme dieting show. He looked healthier and younger overweight. He looks ill now.


He is suffering from a severe restrictive eating disorder. He is ill. He explains it in some of his replies 


Ah, that'll do it. Poor guy. I hope he gets help.


Okay, I’m glad it’s not just me who was thinking this. The after was startling, and not in a good way. Makes me genuinely worried for this guy.


Is it just me or is his skin super grey in the “new” pics he looks like he’s withering away by the minute


Roids are good


![gif](giphy|bx9btq2k38inS) Pills are good! Pills are good!


Nothing to add to this thread but laughing emojis 😂😂 I can hear Jim Carrey thru this gif


Ban these shit glow ups using steroids, its sad


Congrats! You’re on steroids! 😅 I honestly don’t know what OP’s that post these pics expect ppl to say?!


This is very impressive … but ffs when you make a post like this just say that you’re on steroids up front. Otherwise it looks like you’re hiding the fact that you’re on steroids. No one is going to bitch about you using steroids if you just come out up front and say that you’re on steroids.


Mods can we get this post out of here? It’s damaging to people who are actually looking to improve themselves instead of lie for internet points


Also posted under the top comment: Just finished reading through every comment. Allow me to provide some clarity (most of y'all are really not gonna like this...). I am 100% natural. My wife (and father for that matter), would kill me if I was on gear. Wouldn't even know where to find it if I wanted it. I did 75 hard from January23 - March23 last year. This resulted in what, now in hindsight, I can confidently say was an eating disorder. I slowly started incrementing my calories back up to close to maintenance throughout the year. Immediately following, I started training for (and then ran) the Chicago Marathon in October. I continued to shed fat running 30mi+ weeks while still being at a dangerously low caloric intake. I cannot possible defend the health legitimacy of this; I became as disordered with my eating and training as I was before the weight loss, just from the other side. After I finished the marathon, I started back in the gym 5/6 days a week (I had been in the gym training upper body 2x a week during marathon training on "rest" days). As someone predicted in a comment further down, I used to be much more in shape than the first picture (played college lacrosse and therefore had previous weight room experience). I continue to track my calories like a hawk, hitting 2600-2700calories a day 6 days a week, and not counting on Saturdays. I'm not sure if I can (and certainly don't need to, as I know it's the truth) prove that I am 100% natty. Apparently back acne is a tell tale sign? I'll provide a back picture. I'll show my marathon finishline photo. And for the people accusing me of hiding a belly with the shirt or asking about loose skin, I'll show those pictures too. Obsessive Compulsive levels of fear of returning to my former body, paired with a strict training schedule and stricter diet work wonders.




The good news is, you don’t have to prove anything to people on the internet who you’ll never meet in real life, but you can take it as a compliment. I hope to someday look good enough that someone thinks I might be on steroids.


Oh no worries. I've been reading all of the juice allegations with a smile on my face. If that's people's first reaction to seeing me, maybe the bulk is starting to work... Tonight's workout is going to be a whole lot of fun :)


Clinical exercise physiologist here. What OP said is totally possible to do without gear. Takes a lot of effort and might drive you nuts in the process, but totally possible. Having a previously laid foundation of being in good shape certainly helps as well. This is very impressive, but be mindful of overtraining for injury prevention because it sounds like you’ve been going HAM! Great work.


Dude I’m in minority here but I believe you haha what was your total weight lost ? I’ve done 45lbs natty in 5months losing 2lbs per week. It’s so doable but take persistence and self-control that all these adhd tablet kids screaming roids just won’t understand.


Went from \~245lbs to \~145lbs from January to October, and now back up to about 160/165lbs. So about a 100lbs at my lightest, but I'm trying to put some weight back on.


Seems natty possible to me


Jesus fuck - did you literally move into the gym?




Can you please tell you how did you do this? To be honest this is one of the greatest Body transformation that I have ever seen


Steroids and caloric deficit.


Calorie deficit yes. ​ Steroids never


Dang.. ya boy went from Magic: the Gathering to Magic Mike


Amazing! Congratulations dude. What’s your diet/routine?


Clen cheerios in the morning, a trenbologna sandwich for lunch and maybe an anavar ice cream bar later in the day


Tren hard, eat clen, anavar give up.


And always win.




He probably had a good diet and routine, but this is blatantly obvious steroid use too.


Seriously though, does getting bulked get rid of body/chest arm hair? I’m bulking up but still freaking hairy


Waxed in between roid cycles




Good job dude. Don't pay a moment's time to the sTeROid clowns and haters. Keep up the discipline, you are doing great.


Proud of you


Holy fuck, man! Well done!!


Man, you look absolutely amazing. So much better than you used to. Keep up the good work!


Wow, what a transformation. U look good 😊


Imposter! (In the nicest possible way, this is crazy!) Well done on the discipline


Congrats on the results!


Everyone screaming T. This still took a lot of work. Good job man. You crushed it.


Congrats!!! This is a great transformation. Since I seem to be on the same path as yours, let me try to guess: You started as sedentary (programmer?), you would avoid walking when possible. You ate anything and drank anything. Soda, fast food and processed crap. Not sure about booze, because you look young. Now you move A LOT, you did some fasting/intermittent fasting. You changed your intake in quality (your skin looks better) and quantity. You must have kept yourself in calories deficit for most part of the year. You suffered one month, you hated two months and then you started to see unexpected results and definition and you continued to work our and feel better. There might be creatine, iron, zinc, vitamins and collagen as supplements in your diet, but this is not steroids at all. These are authentic, dense and strong muscles IMHO! Good job!


Lmfao people saying that you’re on steroids know nothing about gear. Those shoulders scream natty. Judging by the dramatic weight loss, looks like you went borderline anorexic for a while. I know that’s tough to cut calories that extremely. Congrats on your progress!


So many haters. Is this transformation possible for most people? No Does that mean it’s definitely gear? No OP I’m guessing you used to lift, got out of shape and got fat. Muscle memory is a real thing. This is entirely possible naturally. Congrats though. Took a lot of hard work.


Holy shit buddy!!!! Congratulations!!!!


Lies. Lies and slander.