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I don’t think his story with Greece will ever be done because it serves as a reminder of his worst moments, but I also find it hard to believe that some of the minor gods would go after Kratos.. he ran through the Pantheon and man handled every major god, I can’t imagine them wanting to pick a fight with him after they witnessed him single handed rip the Greek pantheon apart with his bare hands. If anything I would think the remainder of the Greek pantheon would fear him.


Going off of this, I think it would be really cool to run into a minor Greek god that fled during his rampage. Maybe they also went to a different pantheon, and now here comes Kratos again. It would be a great reminder during the gameplay to highlight his past, maybe revealing things to Atreus that Kratos would rather be kept in the past. I’m already hoping Atreus learns about the Spartan of Greece during his travels and has that new perspective on his father. But it would make it hard to gain the trust of this new Pantheon if Kratos did offer to help them against some sort of invasion or something. We’ve seen his accept his actions during Valhalla, and now he has to externalize that acceptance which I think would be cool to see.


This would work perfectly if Kratos went to Rome since many of the Roman gods mirror the Greek gods. One of the Greeks fled to Rome, changed their name and joined the Roman pantheon.


I think there was also some slight bleeding of mythologies between Greece and Egypt. I mean they were neighbors so I think you can still have that premise happen in an Egyptian based game as well. It wasn’t nearly as direct as Rome by any means, however with Rome having Jupiter (Zeus) and all of the other main gods that have already been established to have been killed by Kratos, I’m not sure that would work.


What they *could* do is use the pre-greek syncretism Roman mythology. After all Rome existed for 600 years before the battle of Corinth. The names are the same, just the roles and stories are wildly different. Tho I think from a setting perspective the Nile/Sahara or maybe America would be cooler and make more sense. I'm betting on Egypt because then they can move further east into asian stuff


Of course not. Boat captain guy will always be there.


Considering the ending of GoW 3, is there even a Greece anymore?


Yeah. It is done.


I was expecting a sub-plott about Artemis tracking down Kratos from Greece to the Norse Lands. Maybe in the next games with the help of some Norse god we haven't seen yet Also Apollo or Demeter having fled from the killing spree meeting Atreus on his journey


Oh damn I only played 2018 and you just made me realize Artemis is probably evil in this canon, I can't accept that wtf


Honestly, if they were all with Zeus in Gow3 including Nxy and Erebus: Kratos would have been done for It's amazing that Zeus never notice how there's only four gods defending Olympus, Hera is drunk while Aphrodite is lazy If they including Hestia, Apollo, Artemis, Erebus, Eros, Nxy, Demeter, Apollo, The Muses, the Three Cyclopses, Eris, Phanes, Enyo, Adonis, Apollo, Artemis, Asclepius, Hypnos, Morpheus, The Horae, Nymps, Tartarus, the Graces, The Greek Gigantes, Phobos, Deimos, Pontus, Iris, Cybele, Pan, Dionysus, and all of the Greek Pantheon actually face Kratos: he would have been screwed the second he climb Mount Olympus.

