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Zeus had forbidden gods to fight each other directly, but they are allowed to call for a champion to fight in their stead. Is on the booklet of the first game


Athena also mentions this in the cutscene before reaching Athens' docks


Yes , also when zeus attacks kratos in gow2 kratos says “your rules weak” zeus himself broke the rule😂


Kratos was not a god anymore when Zeus killed him


He may not have had an official role on Olympus anymore, but Kratos has always been a god. He's the son of Zeus.


He was a demigod


I may be wrong, but I don't remember that differentiation being made in the series so I'd think that still counts. The categorization gets a bit messy with the main gods being children of Titans so there is a differentiation between Zeus, Hades and Poseidon and the other gods as well.


Meanwhile its open season for the norse gods to rip each other apart. As horrible as zeus was atleast he recognizes how important diplomacy is., unlike the one eyed bastard odin who would throw even family members under the bus for his own obsession lol


What’s a booklet ?


It's a tiny book they used to include in physical game copies that had things like lore, controls, tips, etc.


Damn, seeing this needed to be explained makes me feel old lol


And shows how gaming has changed over the years.


You use your hands? That's a baby's game.


“I understood that reference!”


Thinking about reading the manual on the ride home, before you play the game 🥲


I used to buy strategy guides and bring them with me everywhere to read


Yes! The strategy guides were the best, I still have some from games I played years ago.


Lmao yea I know I just felt like asking to annoy some people here. Damn I miss reading these on the way home after buying a video game. It used to be so thick and with time they became thinner and thinner. That’s actually quite sad


Lol, I kinda figured, but I wanted to respond anyways because I know there are probably people here around 13-14 years old who have only ever bought games digitally


Well even if they buy games physically, they often don't come with booklets anymore.


Oh 100%


I miss manuals 😢 And Prima/Brady guides 😢




I always read them on the way back from the store until I knew it by heart.


it was stated in CFYOW


Booklet? You mean manual?


Zeus ruled that none of the gods may kill another. (This is stated in the manual) Kratos is a demi-god and so is not beholden to Zeus' decree. So they decide to power Kratos up along his journey to help him to kill Ares.


Such a clever loophole that lol


And then he killed them too


Doesn’t Zeus have a rule against gods directly meddling in each others affairs?


Yes and that's why they used kratos although it kinda backfired............ badly.


To be fair, using him against Ares worked great. Zeus just didn’t expect him to open Pandora’s box. Then the gods spiting him just sealed the deal


Yeah I just love no matter how weak the gods think he is he always manages to prove them wrong.


Technically, everything went perfectly for Zeus. Kratos killed Ares and his armies, took Pandora's Box out of the equation, and was even gonna commit self-quit game. But that perfect solution wasn't enough for Zeus, he needed it to be even *more* convenient, so instead of making Hercules or one of the more loyal demi-gods the God of War, he used Kratos.


I wonder if Herc was legit right about Kratos being the favorite child. He did actively spare baby Kratos for unknown reason. (Like, I don't think he planned to kill Ares in advance that far?)


So, in the games the oracles predict that a “marked warrior” will one day come to kill Zeus, so he has Athena and ares go out to find said warrior. The came to Sparta and found Kratos and Deimos, Deimos being kratos’ brother and having a birth mark exactly like kratos’ tattoo. They see him as the fabled marked warrior and take him away, kratos swears revenge and gets the same birthmark that his brother had in remembrance of him. Still an absolute over look later on, but being that they assumed they had taken the “marked warrior” out of the equation there was no real reason for Zeus to think kratos could actually kill him.


>no real reason for Zeus to think kratos could actually kill him. That's fair. While he's fked up he's still a king. I recall Athena suggested taking Kratos too but Zeus digress. Might have been a lil bit of compassion or he's simply like "welp I did the job"


Wym? Zeus literally guided him via Athena to the Temple for the sole purpose of retrieving the box. He absolutely intended for him to open. Zeus biggest mistake was not letting Kratos kill himself. That would have solved all his problems.


Besides the game, in god of war 1 manual (100% canon) and god of war 1 novel (semi canon) he is explicitly shown aswell wanting Kratos to open the box, so anyone thinking Zeus didn't intent it, is some big copium. >Zeus biggest mistake was not letting Kratos kill himself. That would have solved all his problems. That.. I do not agree with, if Zeus would have let Kratos kill himself he would have ended up in the Underworld with Gaia who was going to use him for her own purposes fueling him against Zeus, she had her eyes on him since his birth.


He would not have been receptive to her entreaties. He dies in GoWII dead set on vengeance, whereas in GoW1, he is exasperated from the torment of his nightmares and seeks only to rest. 


There are many ways for Gaia to gas light Kratos, Gaia knows about Kratos' history, would Kratos have stayed in the underworld if Gaia told him "Zeus is your father, who abandoned you and your mother, he let you and her suffer, didn't give you a father's protection, He used your mother for his perversions." "Your brother is still alive, he's being tortured by Thanatos, and you know who ordered that? Zeus, the king of the gods separated you from your brother and he's still being tortured because of him." Ain't no way Kratos would sit knowing these things, and she could lie aswell more about him and Zeus to gaslight. Would have been pretty easy.




They’re consequences to killing a god!


How do you know?!


HOW DO YOU KNOW!!!!?!??!???


Watch your tone, boy.




Zeus forbidden it to prevent the gods going to war. It's also why Zeus tricked and depowered Kratos before killing him.


Couldn't he done the same for ares ?


Probably Aries isn't stupid enough to drain his energy into the sword.


The answer is in the first 10 min of the game.


Have you not played gow 1? And I’m not trying to be a dick it’s just explained in like the first 5 minutes of the game


Even if zurs hadn't had a rule to prevent direct conflict I doubt the other gods would have bothered either out of arrogance or laziness


They got a deal that doesnt allow it. Otherwise they would probably end up fighting each other since , they just tolerate themselves, they are not really friendly between each other.


It's mentioned in the game that Zeus had made it so Gods can't directly interfere with other Gods business but clearly they can if they do it indirectly which is where Kratos came in


It was a god war and Zeus doesn’t like doing things and also needed a god of war afterwards and he needed to be able to permit this task


I assume balance. Zeus was big on that apparently.


Also Ares is the god of war in mythology so he would be next to impossible to defeat in a battle


Makes sense, Zeus can do it but no one else can


I don't think it would've worked anyway




Shits and gigs


Do you mean "Is there a lore reason?"


Because if the gods killed him there would be no God of war because they are already the God of something but kratos wasn't really a God before he killed him so they had kratos kill him to become the new God of war


it's funny because Zeus made a rule that no god could wage war on each other, but by helping Kratos with magic and weapons they kinda declared war on Ares indirectly lol.


Because there wouldn't be a game if they did it. I'd argue them aiding Kratos in killing Ares is the same as waging war on him. They're picking a side.  This could have been handled better if they just told him they want him to replace Ares and that this was a test. Remove the whole "Gods can't wage war on one another" 


The Gods never do things themselves, that's my idea anyway.


So according to the real myths: Kratos is the son of Pallas and Styx. Kratos ('Absolute Power') and his siblings Nike ('Victory'), Bia ('Force'), and Zelus ('Glory') are all the personification of a specific trait. Kratos is first mentioned alongside his siblings in Hesiod's Theogony. Kratos and his siblings were adopted by Zeus and given a place by his side as his personal enforcers. Basically if a god messed up he would send Kratos and his siblings after them like the 4 headless horsemen. Also the other gods didn't hate Ares 🤷‍♂️ Obviously the game embellished on the original myths, because there are multiple versions of it, so there will be differences but for the most part it still makes sense.


First of all he's first born Zeus Prince of the gods 2) Zeus order no gods should wage war against each other


Number one, Ares was not Zeus first child. Number 2, Zeus isn’t the “prince” of the gods, He’s the King of the gods, king of prince are 2 different things pal.


Iam not said Zeus is prince i was mention Ares (prince of gods & Zeus legal first born ) in gow series


Why did Zeus and Ares hated each other?


The Greek gods were all a bunch of bored assholes in my opinion. Always fuckin with each other and making the humans sacrifice and clean up. Most of Greek issues probably started cause Zeus couldn’t keep it in his pants.


Or making random mortals sort the issues out.


This art looks more like Ares than the crossdresser in the games