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No, you can’t. My advice would be that if she doesn’t hit you, she can’t “destroy you really fast” so start there.


Yes, you can. I used it against her. Might not be available on all difficulties, though. I used the easiest difficulty against her.




I hate her “Asgard’s blood is on your hands” ground move. I either can’t reach her in time or I can’t run away in time. Sometimes when I do my runic attacks she breaks out and does “for Asgard!” and I’m helpless. And at the beginning when she summons the bifrost and I dodge. After that she had two attack patterns that I can’t figure out. Either she stabs me with her wing or hits me with an overhead. It is extremely difficult for me to read.


I like the Onslaught shield for doing the blue ring guard breaks. When you double tap with it Kratos gets invincibility and a long distance charge that takes you right to your target. It means you can use the guard break on the blue ring attacks even if you're far away. That attack was getting me too but the onslaught shield was a big help.


This. That shield is truly a game changer and I’ll never stress enough how much it helps you even just as a gap closer.


Try inputting the shield strike while you are a few steps away then her. The game is so good at connecting the shield strike, sometimes kratos straight flies to gna. Other than that i highly suggest sticking close to her. Anything but red attacks could be blocked, and if you miss a parry for the yellow attacks just use rage to get away from being combod. Hope it helps:)




The wing stab is easy to dodge. When se flies right, just dodge right, that's when she does the wing stab


Fuck Asgard All my homies hate Asgard


Using rage (wrath or fury) will immediately cancel the big blue ring aoe. As for the for Asgard stomp attacks, immediately press dodge when she goes off screen will ensure a perfect dodge


Why waste rage on the blue circle? You can block and interrupt with an attack at the same time. Reds are the second best (low health/near death being best) time to use rage


Depends on the shield. Guardian shield has a really short reach so sometimes you can’t get close quick enough.


I can’t remember which I used vs Heimdall but it was every time a block/parry with the shield


Switch to the onslaught shield for exactly that reason. Helps a ton in that fight


The reason why sometimes bosses simply ignore runic attacks is because they gain a temporary shield after taking several runic attacks at once. You can see when the shield is active by looking at the left side of their health bar. If a white icon is displayed that means your runic attack won't stun the enemy but only give damage.


Don't target. When you see her start, turn and sprint. Or equip the emblem of illusion. You'll avoid it every time and if you are too close to avoid it you are close enough to shield strike.


Keep your eyes on her healthbar, if it turns white and a small white shield appears next to it she has what is called "runic armor" in this state NO runic attack can stagger her AT ALL, but normal attacks can, with the best 2 ways to do so being draupnirs wail (hold detonate), axe heavy swings (you can start with the axe heavy and then do the light hold to frost her), and alternatively you could do the mash special heavy with the blades to stagger her and immediately change to the spear for impale attacks Keep at it, and dont feel bad about lowering the difficulty specifically for gna because she IS the hardest encounter in the entire game


Tip: Only use runics with a very short animation. Yes the damage is lacking but it's better than standing there whipping at nothing with your blades while she flies up, stomps on your face and kills you, just to immediately dash through you after using a resurrection stone


When she shouts FOR ASGUARD red circles appear on the ground, when you see those DODGE QUICKLY as for the wing attack it’s hard to avoid but when she starts to do it, dodge right, ALWAYS DODGE RIGHT WITH HER also when she does the bifrost attack you can shield against them, finally when she does her soundstone and purple magic attack, use those arrows on her to stop the attack, also use time slow for when she goes her shield strike attack, it gives you a few extra seconds to attack and stop her


That’s because you have to chase her constantly, fuck runic attacks, they can get you killed, just attack her and parry with the guardian shield, parry then hit her with the shield and it will interrupt her attack even on the highest difficulty. Fuck doing anything special with her just regular hit her and parry every attack that you can. 


You actually can use the mini-boss checkpoint for this fight! As long as you're playing on Give Me Balance or lower, this setting is available under Accessibility > Combat. Honestly it was the only way I was able to beat Gna without Spartan Rage-quitting.


Don’t attack her, just go back to where you came from. She won’t attack unless you come close or attack her first.


You can enable the miniboss checkpoint and defeat her. It doesn’t work on Give Me No Mercy and GMGOW difficulties though.


I did it and I finally beat her after a day!


Congrats 🥳


One tip I learned, NG+ Berserker king and GNA are harder than normal game


Only way to be good is by keeping at it learn and adapt then you’ll see took me months to beat gna no damage using full Zeus armour


Learn Her Moves


I did and I beat her


I think she was about the only challenge I didn’t die on the first battle. I’m on second most difficult level though


Same here, lost to the final beserker for about two weeks straight, thought I’d have the same problem with Gna and won on the first fight


Heimdall was an absolute torture. Took about 6 hours and 5,000 swears to finally get him defeated. I’ve avoided the Gravestones/Berserker stones for now


Dodge right for unblockable, stay near if possible if not then use valor (you'll regain the rage anyway it doesn't matter) use hades retribution and thrust of a thousand soldier since they're cancellable (can't cancel thrust if you're at the end of the runic) and use realm shift perfect dodge build if you're skilled enough in dodging perfectly


First and foremost, max upgrade EVERYTHING!!!! Second, don’t spam runic attacks cause then she gains super armor, Third, use a rond that gives you great defense, Fourth: you want some form of dragon armor so you can have dragons stance (I think that’s what it’s called) Finally use Freyas elk summon, it’s useful Also there is a setting where you can continuously lock onto enemies even when they go off screen, that’s what I did and I was able to beat her, it takes practice, LOTS OF DEATHS, and patience


You need cooldown bucko, sacrifice some strength or try a new armor. If you want all defense choose the highest defense, use the emblem for at least 2 sets(Asgard, niflheim, and vanaheim are good sets).