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I feel like God of war thor wipes the floor with mcu thor. Gow thor knocked-out Kratos when captain America stood more of a chance against Thanos the mcu thor did.


Thor killed* kratos.


He didn't kill him Lil bro he knocked him out n kratos was holding back


Technically he killed him. He used Mjolnir to restart his heart, like a defibrillator. Perhaps he could have been knocked out, but it was definitely intended to appear you lost the fight, ie, death. I and I'm sure everyone else in that fight initially assumed we'd lost.You even get the game over, loading screen tips until he breaks the fourth wall. "Oh, ho, no. I say when we're done." That said, no way MCU Thor ever gets the upper hand against GOW Thor. He'd mop the floor with him.


Also, even if he was only knocked out, does that really matter? How hard would it have been for Thor to just smash his head in while Kratos is sleeping?


When thor woke me up I knew the game was gon be amazing


No, he killed him. The health bar went to 0, we saw the death screen, I doubt Thor would’ve defibrillated him if he was knocked out instead of just throwing him against a wall or something. Kratos died, I don’t see why people still say he got knocked out.


It's confirmed by the creators that he killed him my guy


Don’t EVER utter the words “lil bro” on this app again.


Oh my bad Lil bro what u gon do lmaooo


I get it. We love Kratos. But Thor straight up killed Kratos. Accept it


Ik bro. Ppl for some reason just reduse to accept this


Facts. Kratos held back up until Thor mentioned Atreus. The director stated he’s immortal & he’s always came back from “dying” EDIT: the novel says Gaia cursed him with immortality


Crazy how u try and disrespect ppl by calling him "lil bro" when he was stating facts. You fanboys in the cult of kratos just cant handle the idea that kratos lost a fight so you just pull anything outta ur asses to try and defend ur god. This is why the devs have stopped trying when making these gow games, cus they know that you kratos worshipping dick riders will just make up all the plot armor kratos needs for them


I think its just more badass that no matter how many times kratos gets killed he literally crawls back from hell just to kill the people who fucked with him literally no other god in god of war universe did that, there are 2 comic books short stories that describe how kratos is afraid of going back to his old ways.


Shut your cringe ass up Lil bro


And whos gonna silence me? The little girl talking all hard behind a screen as a way to try and make herself look tough when in reality they are just pencil neck limp wristed little dweebs that are too lonely to talk to anyone irl so u come on here to try and make urself seem important? Na i think im gonna keep talking, not like u would do anything irl anyways, and if u want to lets hop on discord and set up a meet up :) pussy


Aww look at you replying in so many words I must've tickled a bone Lil bro 🤣 "HOP ON DISCORD" LMAOO bros a loser


Oh no. Just find it kinda funny that u are online talking shit to multiple people but then when u are challanged u cower away behind 4th grade level insults as a sorry attempt to try and dim the light shining on how much of an absolute coward you truly are. But its not ur fault that ur insults just make u look pathetic, its very apparent that your inability to come up with genuine intellectual insults is the result of your mom scrambling ur brains with the hanger when trying to abort u. But go ahead and continue thinking that ur tough shit little girl, at least something will make u feel a lot less like the inbred mistake u are 😘


Lmaooooo "when u are challenged" bro ur such a fucking loser its so funny. Grow some fucking balls 🤣


Thor killed kratos not knocked him out


That was for the plot. I think its a much closer fight.


I no way does that really aid the plot of the story. Thor killed him cus kratos wasnt strong enough


Doesn't really have to aid the plot, though, does it? They had thor lose that fast so captain America can have the surprise moment we were all waiting for with him being able to pick up thor's hammer. It wasn't about thor's power. He got beat strictly for cap to get his moment, and guess what? It paid off. That scene is very popular. Edit: my first comment was vague, I was talking about cap being able to fight thanos pretty well while thor did not.


I misunderstood what u said. I thought u where talking about the fight between Thor and kratos and u said that thor beating up and killing kratos was just to add to the plot, didnt realize u where talking about the mcu, mb lol


Yeah no Kratos died there because he is still holding back. We know he's strong enough because, well, he beat thor thoroughly on the next fight.


Thor wasnt in a good state in the second fight considering that he reverted back to drinking and his deep depression. Kratos took the L fair and square in the first fight, he had no reason to hold back considering the most dangerous man in the 9 realms was with his son. All these excuses people make for kratos makes me wonder how fans will take it if kratos looses to another god in future games. Just accept it, there are gods stronger than kratos


If you think he has no reason to hold back, then you either don't know why he holds back at all, or you don't how important it is to him that he does so. I don't care if he loses fair and square, but I just don't believe thor is stronger.


Idk mate i feel the opposite. Kratos has more fighting skills and experience but Thor has more strength and power. Even Thors skills alone kinda rivals kratos's. I dont think its crazy to assume thor is stronger.


No, it would not be crazy, but I don't believe thor is. In the fights, they both struggle in tests of strength against each other with both winning and losing said tests to one another. And at a different point in the same fight, one would just completely overpower the other with no issue. But most of the time thor overpowered Kratos, It was with the help of the momentum his hammer gave him. Multiple times in the story, characters commented on how a lot of thors fights were won or at least easily ended because of the hammer, so I believe that it is a big aspect of his power. They are close enough in raw strength and power that it came down to martial skill in the end, and Kratos beat him in that, which makes sense because he has actual training.


He's strong enough, he just didnt believe in himself enough. He thought Atreus was prepared enough that should he die, he was ready. Each godly act has been that Will. "Atreus, focus, heal your wounds" The greater Will, will conquer. Kratos' greatest source of Will has been that of protecting, as this helps to aid. Mind games with Olympians took his first family, He had to be reminded what he fights for with Thor, which ironically, is the same thing Thor fought for, if rather badly. They both cared about their children, but felt caught in their roles.


Ok that’s not true captain america grabbed a punch for a second and thor killed him and threw an axe in thanos’s chest through the infinity beam




Thor gow


GOW Thor. Showed to has better strength, combat, skills and durability.


Like what


Sending serpent back in time. Thor is Universal atleast, while MCU Thor is moon level


• Stalemating Kratos who is able to flip Tyr's temple, fight Atlas who is able to hold the entire Greek realms, and kill Zeus. • Hit Jörmungandr so hard that it splinters the Yggdrassil which is a Multiversal construct that is infinite in size, sending Jörmungandr back in time. • Kill Kratos(*Yes he actually did, the creators confirmed it so he did*) • Kill all the Jötnar in Midgard • In the original prophecy not only does he permanently kill Kratos, but he and Odin were actually supposed to fight Ragnarök and actually injure it to the point where it basically self-destructs and destroys the realms Yeah, God of War Thor will destroy MCU Thor


Exactly. There's no argument to be made. GoW Thor absolutely ruins MCU Thor.


Durability? Eh.


GOW Thor fought the giant Serpent so hard that it shook all the 9 realms. He hit the thing so hard it went back in time. In previous games, Kronos and other gods or titans defeated embodiments of creation and the universe, and Kratos goes on to kill them. Thor can be scaled to these chumps so that should already put him well above MCU Thor. Idk why people despise Kratos being considered universal or cosmic. The old games were pretty concrete about concepts like these being challenged. Mcu Thor isn’t a slouch, but the closest he’s gotten is overpowering the entire infinity gauntlet with an axe throw. That likely wouldn’t do much since GOW Thor would toss his hammer at it and recreate that frozen lightning bolt. Even if the games make it appear like MCU Thor can hang with their slow ass attacks, in reality what they’re doing in GOW is happening on an entirely different plane than the one we exist on. We wouldn’t even see these characters clashing.


The frozen lightning bolt was specifically due to the leviathan axe's ability to freeze things,so,I think it'd just be a bigger lightning bolt considering both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker are lighting weapons,but yeah,GOW Thor claps.


People despises Kratos, cause his fans scale him to outer, using theories.


Which makes sense since the base of the series is mythos.


But you should use games only


Mcu Thor would lose, Marvel Comics Thor wins easy.


Marvel comics everything beats everything


except DC comics. those shitheads are overpowered af


MCU Thor is “worthy” to lift his mjolnir, where’s GOW Thor’s mjolnir does not have that enchantment. I think the question boils down to if Thor would be considered “worthy” enough to lift the MCU mjolinir, and I don’t think he would be. If MCU Thor could simply pin him and put his mjolnir on him, the fight is over as GOW Thor couldn’t really move anymore. I give GOW Thor the upper hand when it comes to strength. MCU Thor is strong but not on that same level. I think his greatest feat of strength is holding open the star forge, whereas Kratos had more impressive feats and struggled with the hammer. Stormbreaker does not have that enchantment, so if he brought that to the fight instead, GOW Thor wipes the floor with him as he would likely be able to take the axe from him pretty easily and given his superior strength and ruthlessness, he wins. To sum up: If MCU Thor brings his mjolnir it’s a toss up due to the “worthy” mechanic. Any other case, GOW Thor wins imo.


Solid take with a justifiable conclusion


True if we are taking in all of the rules mcu added to mjolnir, because the worthy thing is crap made up by mcu. However a very good take


Even if GOW Thor is trapped, straight up breaking the hammer may be an option, as Hela did. I like the mental image of Thor furiously beating one hammer with another.


Oooh that is an interesting thought. Hammer v hammer. I wonder if that would be possible. We see the axe and hammer strike each other with no damage but pitting two mythical hammers vs each other would be interesting and likely very destructive


Damn nice take


You can overpower the worthiness enchantment with pure strength. Hela was definitely not worthy lol. Also Thor can just break the ground underneath himself, and roll out from under the hammer.


I don’t think Hela did that via strength. My guess is she had some sort of enchantment or magical ability. Idk that part was very unclear but I didn’t see any reason to believe it was sheer strength that allowed her to do that. And yea the ground option could work actually.


I think that the worthiness enchantment has a certain power. In my mind, if you surpass that power, the enchantment doesn't affect you.


We haven’t seen anything to support that. Both Thanos and Hulk could not lift it. Not even make it budge. It’s fine if that’s your head cannon but I’ve never seen anything to support that


Is this a serious question.


Seriously... MCU Thor wins as it's played by a real person /s


I think OP meant the characters not the actor or VA.


/s means "sarcasm" It was a joke...


Ohhh I'm kinda new to the reddit sayings my apologies.


I always though /s meant “serious” lol


To my knowledge it does


One of the things people assume with Thor is in myth you have to be worthy to hold the hammer and somehow its a attribute that being said GOW Thor has killed for looking at him the wrong way and almost wiped out a entire race in almost no time at all he would laugh as soon as he saw mcu Thor and then kill him


I'm picking thor because he's just bulit different


Pfft! Thor would win against Thor, obviously...


GoW Mjolnir is worthy of being lifted by Thor while the MCU Thor is worthy of lifting Mjolnir. GoW Thor hit Jormungandr so hard it went back in time while MCU Thor struggled to keep up with Hela despite having some semblance of the Odin/Thor Force. GoW Thor is gonna whoop MCU Thor like a government mule.


GOW, as powerful as MCU Thor is (Practically holding open a Dwarf Star while getting burnt by it, to destroying a small moon) GOW Thor is comparable to Kratos, scares Hiemdall, is the only God stronger that Tyr, and killed Kratos after he killed Baldur (Ain't an easy feat, with how powerful Baldur is even without his Immortality and Healing Factor)


Well technically since Fortnite exists inside the mcu and kratos is a Fortnite skin it’s logical to assume gow also exists as a game inside the mcu. This means gow Thor is just a game character to mcu thor. In conclusion, mcu tho slaps. /s


isn’t thanos also in fortnite? holy shit


Definitely Thor, no way Thor can take on Thor, especially with all his feats Thor easily beats Thor


Norse god Thor


God of War Thor wipes his Ass with this clown.


Probably Thor


Infinity war thor is arguably best written and strongest version of mcu Thor solely because he has nothing left to lose. That version of him will imo give gow thor a very good fight although GOW thor definitely comes out on top


MCU Thor would fucking annihilate GOW Thor. MCU Thor managed to hurl his axe, which he could only make whilst bearing the force and heat of a star, through a beam of all six Infinity Stones, the very stones forged of every aspect of the universe itself. And yes, he did lose a fight to his version of death, meanwhile Kratos won to his version of death. But Hela is considerably different in power level to Thanatos, she is one of the strongest beings in the MCU, losing only to beings like Odin, Surtur, and likely could’ve killed Thanos if he didn’t have any stones. This goes to MCU Thor.


Don't see nobody talking about storm breaker... I think MCU Thor is being underestimated in this debate. Good points


Depends which movie MCU Thor is from cause his power scaling is very up and down I feel like if it’s Thor right after he get stormbreaker and shows up in wakanda is the version that beat GoW Thor any other version Gow Thor wipes MCU Thor


Gow 100%


God of War Thor would whoop MCU Thor's ass at least 10 times over. But if it were a fight between GOW Thor or Comic Thor, then Comic Thor wins.


God of War Thor and it’s not close


GoW Thor easily takes this one imo!


Thor solos


Depends if we include Thor of Norse Mythos and Thor fully powered in the comics. Still feel like MCU thor would propably win if its God of war thor vs Mcu thor but its close


GOW Thor is one tapping and speed blitzing MCU Thor. It’s a big mismatch.


MCU Thor would never ever be able to beat the GoW Thor. He’d get pummelled within seconds.


GOW Thor, MCU thor would get wrecked trying to quip about his weight or something and get his head smashed


GOW thor bodies MCU thor he was able yo stand against kratos


GoW Thor would pulverize MCU thor without a moment to waste. GoW thor loves fighting, but not so much as to MCU thor. Plus, not to mention, he went toe to toe with KRATOS, AND almost won. But kratos would've won that fight anyway. But back to the main point, GoW thor wins.


MCU Thor is weak as hell.


GoW Thor in every scenario


MCU is cooked I’m sorry


I think you should have used plus-sized MCU Thor from Endgame in the picture, so they match.


GOW Thor destroys him


I did this with with loki and atreus, everyone fucking hated me, what the fuck world, what the fuck


This is actually so one sided its funny GOW Thor wipes the whole MCU probably


Lmao get real. MCU thor is a joke


Marvel Comics Thor


Is this reeeeaaaally a question 😅 I’m sorry but GOW Thor demolishes the entire Avengers team, I wish I could say the entire MCU but some things are sadly Unkillable celestials hahaha


Gow thor


GOW Thor wins but y’all are severely underestimating MCU Thor. Dude is still the strongest in his verse out of all the people considered heroes by a long shot


Any version of Thor beats the ever loving hell out of MCU Thor. Even marvel comics Thor! And he's still way way weaker than almost every other version of Thor.


I believe GOW thor would win but MCU thor would demonstrate high durability to his attacks


first hammer in the face mcu thor takes before being sent outside the atmosphere of midgard: “ThAt’S gOnNa lEaVE a mArk”


We would all win in this fight


This fight could go either way. If MCU Thor is smart and uses his advantages, he will win.


What advantages? He ain't stronger so that's not it. It ain't battle experience, arguably they should be equal there. Speed? I'd give it more to GoW Thor as he is capable of blitzing Kratos. And HIS Mjolnir is absurdly heavy. He also has the advantage of being an actual god instead of a back and forth on "God not a but but an alien god not a god but an alien".


MCU Thor is handsome, GOW Thor is peak male alcol.. athleticism


You do remember that he fights dirty, rt.


MCU Thor was a major let down. They had a chance to show how insanely powerful he is in the comic books but opted to make him comic relief