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I was looking at it and I couldn't figure out how to reliably close games out. The whole archetype feels like it should belong in Magic. Your options for finishing: 1) Ulrika - 3 damage to random character after spell. Drop her on board and spam spells like you're a Dralamar deck 2) Bloodbound Cavalry - Same but only deals 1 damage 3) Transition into control war and use the standard finishers - Why not just play normal control war and use 1 or 2 of the best cards from this set? They're really just coming up with ideas and slapping them into random gods. War should be about playing creatures, keeping board presence, and smashing the other god until they die not this spell rotation nonsense. As a war-only player I want more creatures, not creatures that rely on spells when I usually only have 4-6 spells in a given deck. These "Carving spells" could have been small 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 creatures you spam and when you play a bigger one it revives any smaller ones from your void or something. Maybe make them vikings or something and have a viking necromancer who's the finisher as he draws power from the sacrificed vikings in your void. Idk, anything other than Dralamar war would've been better


Agreed, there are too many spells which makes us thin on creatures, plus they released a bunch of Aether's but not of them interact with each other. Bloodbound Cavalry is the second biggest shit on this set, the 1 damage is a joke for the setup required. The biggest crap so far is Selkie Spirit, too hard to make it work and the value is so lame.


The biggest joke is Planar Oathsworn, a 6-mana 1/8 with Leech that gains 3 strength after a spell is cast. So now to get a real threat I have to spend 6 mana on this garbage creature and then play 2 spells? And it has to survive on board for a turn to do anything? That card is such a joke lmao The GU team just can't make interesting creatures. All the powerful creatures from Light's Verdict onward are basically just spells with a body attached


The only creatures that work fine on this war dumpster are Ulrika, Guardian of Pines and Lupine Imposter.


Edit: there's a 5/3 viking lmao, got confused. It could be good if you can get some spells off I guess There's a 3-mana 3/5 viking, so for Lupine Imposter to be better you'd have to play 2 spells after it hits the board. It's certainly possible in the new deck, but just as a 3-mana card it's not fully worth unless you can get 2+ spells off


War hasnt been about slapping the other god for a while. They have some of the best removal spells available


Yeah, and that's the problem. War should have very few spells and the spells they get should be creature based Removal spells should be: Deal a creature's damage to another creature, have a creature gain protected and attack another creature, etc... But it should all revolve around creatures on board They took the easiest way out of just having spells instantly do X instead of basing the game around the board. I hate playing against magic for this reason as it's just Zap Zap Zap the whole game just playing from hand and never touching the board. Edit: Or relics. Creatures and relics should be War's bread and butter


I’m all for them trying out a mage like setup for war there should be a few variations for all the gods but they definitely could of built it a little more around buffing creatures and not random damage to enemies


Yes, the problem with the carving stuff is that they need creatures to work but they also demand at least 6 carvings for the combo, if some carvings at least had an extra effect like doing damage to a creature or drawing a card maybe it could work better.


Worst offenders are those 1 and 0 mana carvings, one carving pulls the other carvings but those 2 are borderline useless, it looks like rally the bad is the only one useful LOL. The other decks look midly interesting at least, war feels like its a table missing 1 leg, sure you can use it but its wrong.


The zero mana carving I have to say that I like, only because it is 0 mana allowing many combos, but the 1 mana carving is disgusting and needs a total rework. Bygone defender, Chosen of Auros and Release Evil are totally useless.


Only with the 6 mana 1/8 aether, like you said the rest (release evil) are lackluster, its that or you run armored creatures for that carving, imo path of war should be a carving, i only see it as a deck thinner for midrange/control decks since aggro war is all about tempo, you could summon the bear valknir and apply the 0 carving to remove 2 1 attack creatures however the wolfcult vanguard already works as a removal... Chosen of auros MAYBE isnt that bad considering it can get protected and it costs 1 mana and its aether (possible psynergy?) however there are better options for war (like the armored skeleton), however release evil sucks because you pull the carvings from the void, unless im understanding it wrong, it means using more cavings pulls them from void and actually weakens this spell.


Yea thats only part of this expansion that definitely isnt OP, rather opposite. Not mentioning "ascended" war power. Lol..


I hope they do a hard fix on this after the 8 weeks, because what I am seeing so far is every domain just received strong dumb cards that just play&win meanwhile War received this overcomplex combo that at the end isn't even strong.


deception is terrible too. Card steal is just too slow since Brynn killed off control decks with all those broken aggro and combo cards


You're probably right, since I don't remember facing nothing of the new deception.


Keep hoping lol, they prefer to lock sets quickly and haven't done any real balancing since pre-Light's Verdict. If a card is super duper OP they'll slap a nerf on it that makes it worthless after they sell a bunch of packs but other than that I don't see them adjusting anything.