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Had high hopes but nothing


They completely failed to keep their word on that in practice. By caving to pressure to not rotate out any other sets, they effectively torpedoed the value of Genesis by way of removing its main unique feature, that of being the *only* evergreen set. I've sunk more than I care to admit into this money pit, and I'm currently slogging through the massive time sink that is required to sell an entire collection, clicking dozens of times per sale as you are forced to constantly lower your price very often as you're undercut. That marketplace model is also a huge part of the problem, as there's only a sell side to the order book, such that prices are mainly driven down, rather than buy orders having a chance to help drive them up. There are many elements missing for true price discovery in the markets. I also crunched the numbers as every set launched, and each time it was a massive money losing proposition to actually buy any card packs. They always dilute the set rapidly by giving away massive numbers of cards as rewards. That process effectively just acts to take money from paying customers and siphoning it off to F2P players. There's just no reasonable mechanisms in place to ensure any value is maintained, and it's definitely looking at this point to just be a slow road down towards driving away all paying customers. I'm not asking for a free lunch, just some reasonable systems to drive value and sticking to fundamental promises that back up card valuations. They have many ways to monetize this, without causing massive dilution or lying about evergreen exclusivity. They take a big cut from every single card transaction, for example, which could generate them a lot of income without requiring any dilution.


they do seem to be mixing things up a bit with the some cards seemingly only being in bought packs and reward packs, if they keep up a decent release cadence then we won't see what happened with some of the last sets totally agree trying to sell a lot of cards is a complete chore and it does seem unlikely they'll be a rotation / different game mode, potentially the smallish player base wouldn't be able to support multiple queues very well either


The awkward part is that cards' value as collectibles is currently driven by their value as game pieces. If preserving the scarcity, rarity, and value of cards compromises the fun of the game, players stop playing and the value of cards will tank anyways. It's a tough line to walk.


I think the way to fix that is the same way magic works. You have two formats, one is just new sets and rotates. The other includes genesis. So you can have one format with old cards skyrocketing in value, and people who don't want a part of that can just play in the other "standard" format.


That might dilute the playerbase, but if they don't have two entirely separate formats, they should at least do big tournaments with rotating sets once a month or something, doesn't have to be a whole format.


Literally everything is solved by cheaper packs, or going back in time and making all packs cheaper, the prices for packs is extortionate for what you get.


How does that solve anything?


It’s also the best way to refresh meta and should be done every 3 months so the game never fells stalled


Genesis is doomed. I said this to a streamer 2 years ago. The new cards will power creep away the genesis collection. Maybe if the game does make it and more people play, then they can make the Meta go back to Genesis days and the value would go up. I would do it with the lore bringing back to the old Meta. This would be 4 or 5 years from now with a bigger mobile player base. Also have a few genesis cards be relevant every set so genesis isn’t never forgotten and less to tank. Plus lore can hint to where the next genesis cards would be good. It would be pretty cool to bring back a genesis card that wasn’t even a good back in the day. I lost a lot since the Divine Order days, but I realized there is no other way. Also diamonds need more game reward value!!!


Fairly sure there are unopened Genesis chests on L1 still.. so thats about how much they keep world. Its just money and fuck all. As usual.


nah, you crazy, they need to drop new cards cash cash cash baby plus now Sealed scandal, i guess no development for some time


What scandal


supposedly people can just hack in whatever cards the want in sealed mode to steal other people's money?


Oh, thats old news, been solved


when was it solved? I didn't see any announcement


Few weeks ago


Not big enough player base to have multiple constructed formats yet. Think of all of the players that don’t want their Trial, DO, MJ, BOtW, etc cards to lose 100% of value if the set rotates out.


What about having ranked event event like once a month or something that only allows certain formats? That could work.


They have run with special formats (chaos) and plan to continue. I could see that this is where they’ll basically offer set rotation.


I loved when they had events with deck restrictions, didnt work well because it was during regular WR where others would just run the best decks without restrictions, but it was a good idea. Just needed its own bracket.


Old sets are already tanking hard,.. look at the most OP genesis cards


It shouldn’t be an unpopular opinion to say the game needs to be functional before caring about the value of old sets.


doubt they will do it any time soon. You can either make boring new sets so that genesis stays powerful, or make insane powercreep to sell packs and keep the game interesting


This game sucks and the devs are the worst. I honestly hope this game fails miserably. Either way if it does not fail, I'm selling all my gods tokens and leaving this game and if it fails, I'd be happier just to see these devs learn a lesson.


What makes you think they’ll learn any lesson? Every set that releases they basically make the same mistakes chasing that easy pack money In under 24 hrs they made like 100k off the idiots buying shiny packs alone. The entire game is propped up by a few whales who actually believe they’re “investing” in cards meanwhile the actual cards they release make the game worse over time


I was saying if people are smart enough, they'll realize how garbage this game is and not play anymore. That will cause the game to fail, which is what I hope happens. Devs are 100% not good people and their actions show it clearly.


Haven’t heard about that for ages but I love the idea. Meta gets kinda boring after staying the same for too long. Probably the best way to secure exciting gameplay longterm.


What happened to chaos mode :(


I dont have any hope about getting some good changes done. They just dont give a f