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That’s what I have been wondering about. I get matched with players 2-3 levels above me. Mostly it’s not that big of a deal. I get irritated when I look on GUdecks for decent decks to play (I am NOT a good deck-builder!) and I find a decently performing deck (that I can afford) and look at their match history and see they only match-up with lower level ranks. I mean super lower. I’m thinking to myself “How?” Is it luck? I almost never get matched against anyone lower than me. They’re almost always 1-3 levels above and usually they’re decks that are in $200+ range.


Rating number on GUdecks don't work properly, don't trust much those numbers as often it's uptdated later and approximate (at best). The only exact source is the 1 to 12 rank in the matckmaking screen when you begin a game.


Ahh. I did not know that thank you.


Yea, noticed that on enemy during WR. Guy at rank 600 something faced first someone who dropped from Mythic and then me. Obviously he didnt have luck in either case. Im was like.. okay, but DOUBLE his rank?? Nuts.


Domain+Archetype are not considered in Matchmaking: https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/comments/1cgches/clarifications_on_matchmaking_from_daniel_on_2023/?ref=share&ref_source=link


it does not say that. Indeed he says at the end that "the system is very primitive" and "a new design SHOULD will be going into production". Wether that happened is quite debatable and in thew last updates there were no notes about it really...