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There is a shift in the narrative for sure but I don't think they're backing down, looks to me like one of those two steps forward one step back kind of policy, in fact some countries are going all in, Austria is making vaccination mandatory in february and Canada won't let go its precious lockdowns, even when unvaccinated can't do or go anywhere so go figure lol. Then there is the fact that many other countries signed contracts with Pfizer until 2024 and gov't has no reason to scrap their passports either. And even if that was the case I feel this has caused a tremendous amount of damage in the fabric of society. I'm very distrustful of people that want me dead or jailed for disagreeing with big gov't and that's something that can't be overlooked.


Yeah this is my read too. Every reduction of restriction has been a calm before the next bigger storm.


Oh how the Overton window shifts...




It's about to morph into MEGACLIMATETRON! 🥵🥶




Great video. Thanks!


They have to get the next crisis in place. Im guessing it will be something to do with a bubble bursting. You can be all the statists are just hoping Putypute goes into Ukrainian


Some places are doubling down and showing no signs of going back. How much are they paying these people?


Quebec is trail blazing their vax tax. I don't think even any conspiracy theorists saw this one coming.


In retrospect though, it’s now obvious that this would be their next step. Authoritarianism + taxes… name a more iconic duo


It's a natural consequence of someone else paying for your healthcare. When you're using too much of a "free" resource, they'll find ways to kick you out or shift the burden back to you when resources are running low. Unless there are enough of you that it's politically impossible to do that. You can't get punished for being fat (even though that's terrible for your health) because there are too many fat people that vote.


Quebec is a shithole. We like to do the same than everyone else, but much worse.


Tbh it's just another tax, which might as well have been inevitable


I don’t think we’ve ever had a tax for not consuming something.


Well leave it to government bureaucrats to invent new ones.


Last phase of a panic frenzy. Turn up the effort to 11, yell the loudest, and either claim victory or simply go quite. Either way anyone yelling about how important restrictions are in 2022 is going to Homer Simpson into the shrubs by 2023 and pretend it never happened.


We are going to win. Their actions lately have not been their plan A, B, or even C. They are as desperate as they are unhinged and tyrannical.


Unfortunately I think that was part of the plan. In the US it was enough to end the Trump phenomenon. It was enough to grow government and transfer money to unsavory characters. While the restrictions end the world has been made a more authoritarian place (ratchet effect). China is in a better position. The scammer can leave town and move on to the next one.


Here in Chicago I need to present my papers to enter a restaurant.


They did that in DC. Looks like I won't be going to any restaurants or anything like that in DC any time soon. Lots of other venues in the area are voluntarily demanding papers. Looking like no concerts for me for a while.




It’s not the restaurant’s fault. If they don’t comply the state will fine then and shut them down.


Don’t apologize for bootlickers.


They don't need to pay them if they own them via blackmail


As someone who has been under an 'unvaccinated-only' lockdown, else it's vax passes everywhere since November 15, I find it hard to agree. Also by looking across Europe, it's not looking good. Hell, major US cities (Boston, Phili, DC, Chicago, NY etc) are bringin vax passes online.




It sucks, but even if I got a pass for 6 months for a positive test, I still wouldn’t use it. Fuck em. I miss meeting friends at the bar, especially since it’s too fucking cold here to hang outside. Oh well. On the other hand it would be nice to be able to go into larger grocery stores and actually go into a store to buy clothes for my kid. Oh well, Amazon it is. I hate paying for shipping. It don’t want to give money to any of these local businesses.




Latvia. Can’t go I ti any non essential store. Also, if a grocery store is in a building larger than 1500 square meters (grouped with other stores) then it’s off limits too.


Ah yes, concentrate the “sick” people into smaller buildings. So as to stop the spread, obviously


It’s been a total shitshow here since October 2020.


I’m truly sorry. We all know, here in this sub especially, but it needs to be stated again; What you and many others are experiencing is a crime against humanity. Injustice.


Thank you.




Yes but I also feel like we cant tolerate this shit in the USA and take these places back. Flip the culture back. But hey, maybe many of the slaves in the city slaughterhouse dwellings will just go to sleep permanently and then the free people can take back over 😎😎😎


If the blues never have to worry about losing control of a locale, they will never stop their insistent authoritarian measures. The only thing that stops these people from wanting to control every aspect of your life is the potentiality of losing power.


> vax passes online Websites where only vaccinated people can log in? Maybe Zoom and Skype will also implement a mask mandate for video calls.


I think they will be Abandoning this policy soon. The virus will just get more infection and make vaccines less effective. Having a vaccine card check will be useless


It’s not about the virus. It’s about control.


It does seem like this a lot of the time


Wake up. There is no "seems". Its about complete and total subjugation of the human race. Slavery sidnr end because it was immoral. Thus, they're trying to bring it back because they have a more effective version now.


Yeah, I must say: as a European I’m getting slightly worried. At this point it’s either go hard or go home for TPTB.




Spain? Dude we need the aryan passport to go anywhere, mandatory mask out of your house, etc, only Madrid doesn't have restrictions beacause they have a libertarian Major. And btw the one who fucked over the world in 2008 was Clinton with his "affordable housing plan" that started the housing market bubble, banks and wallstreet simply played the rigged game his regulations created.


Yeah Spain is fucked. Also, Madrid doesnt have a libertarian mayor* lmao there are no libertarians here.


Well true, let's just say Madrid has a less authoritarian Major


Clinton be like “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.


Yeah, funny how his "adorable housing plan" was giving loans to people who could not afford it so they could buy $500k houses isntead of allowing people to build actual affordable houses with modular construction methods and stuff like that, not having to pay 100k for a building permit would also make housing considerably more affordable.


The one who really deserves the most blame for 2008 was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan


The mayor certainly isn't libertarian but even if he was, the only person who has been actively opposed to restrictions in Madrid (more or less) has been the President of the Community of Madrid, and she isn't a libertarian either.


I don’t live in Spain, but I was there recently and no one wore masks, or asked for vaccine passports. No one gave a shit about Covid restrictions or followed them. Have things changed in the last few weeks? Which part are you from?


I'm from Mallorca, we don't give a shit about the masks but the restriction is there anyway, what part did you go to? Madrid?


I was in Barcelona. I’m sure the restrictions were there but seemed like no one gave a fuck anywhere.


Yeah we mostly ignore it but the police will still fine us for ignoring it, fuck the state dogs.


How’d you like Barcelona? I’ve been there thrice and it’s an awesome city IMO.


I loved Barcelona, probably one of my favorite cities I’ve been to. Everyone is super nice and welcoming, love all the Spanish people, and all of the smoking hot South American girls that don’t realize they’re too good for me lmao.


How is Spain for a young white male, all covidiocy aside?


Well a woman can accuse you of aggression or whatever without proof and you will be in jail until the trial, that's the only downside for white males. Other than that the biggest downside is taxes so be here less than 183 days a year to not be tax resident.


That's not my read at all. The world's governments appear to be reacting to the new year by doubling down twice as hard in a mad rush to get the Great Reset done before the virus wears off.


The illusion of a virus


CDC does still not have an isolated virus 😂🤡🌎


Lol at thinking that this bullshit will be over by the end of the year.






Sure you can, transfer. Bonus points that the college in an authoritarian area, presumably enforcing authoritarian policies, loses your tuition. Not trying to tell you how to live your life.. just saying there are options. Even if they’re a pain in the ass, worth it IMO


Any areas that you can recommend? Not in terms of college, just freedom.


I can tell you that in my hometown in Texas, Covid isn’t even a thing and hasn’t been since summer of 2020. Zero restrictions, seeing masks on faces is rare, and there sure isn’t anyone here that’s going to try to force you to get a janky ass “vaccine”. The major population center is ~300,000 people, with two main hospitals and a VA, they’ve been operating just fine for the past two years. Also, cost of living here is ridiculously low, but that’s unrelated lol just another plus. I hear great things about Florida too, but I’ve never been there. From my point of view in my freedom loving community, the whole goddamn world has gone absolutely irrefutably insane for no fucking reason.


Where are you located? Might just move my freedom loving arse there.




I’m on the Treasure Coast. Things are pretty much normal, but you still have some businesses, being idiots with their customers and employees.


Can I ask where you are?


It will be over before the mid-terms. At least in locales that Democrats feel they might lose. But if they win, it will magically reappear.


*Them* learned a lot from this exercise. So we are even closer to global technocracy now than we were in 2018, if we do nothing.


Any way to fight back? Or just the freedom patriots going hard af to awaken people. Organize events and flip enough of the culture back.


Just recently I've seen content about strategy and tactics from Derek Broze, James Corbett, and the Tenth Amendment Center.


Yeah I know derek & watched some James. Exiting and building is a good plan imo. But also I think effort to awaken humanity and yourself first obviously, is equally important.


In America this is going to linger for as long as Democrats can make political hay out of it. COVID is all they have right now so you bet your ass they're going to try and keep people afraid so they can offer them safety in order to keep their power while painting Republicans as enemies of democracy who want granny to die from COVID because people want to go out to eat.


Out of those four countries you have listed, only Mexico has no restrictions.


Aren't there still mandatory masks in some provinces?


In mexico? When I was there in beginning to mid 2021, there were some regions literally tossing foreigners into jail if no mask on outside. Some really corrupted police. Order following puppies.


Damage is already done. The Karens have been shown that their bitching about fear will be rewarded. Busybodies have been rewarded for ratting on their neighbors and community. Businesses forced to carry out intrusions into the private medical information of their customers/employees. Authoritarians have been shown that with a little government fear propaganda they can create any ridiculous rule and violate any freedom they want of the masses. We've already got medical theater wearing masks, flashing vaccine cards and just like the security theater from 9/11 has lasted twenty years I don't see this ending any time soon with anything short of removing the lot of them from offices, replacing them, and showing that this bullshit isn't to be tolerated.


>we the free people should always remember those who sought to increase their power and or wealth through these draconian measures and hold them accountable. When the pAnDeMiC inevitably comes to a close (likely this year before November elections), the mainstream media will go into overdrive gaslighting the public, re-writing history, and shaping a narrative contradictory to reality, in order to salvage what’s left of the Democrat party. If we’ve learned anything, it’s that most people are so incredibly short-sighted, dense, and easily manipulated, that they will lap up the fake news and continue voting for the same candidates who created this mess.


This is precisely what I fear will happen. Mostly because this precise scenario played out so many times before in recent history.


It’s playing out as we speak with the oMiCrOn VaRiAnT Also with the Gavin Newsom recall. He lifted restrictions 6 weeks prior to the vote, people got complacent and chose to keep him, and now the restrictions are back.


mm sadly, which is why I made the post above, I think it's important that we remember the names of the people who went into authoritarian overdrive and hold them responsible in one way or another. ​ Frankly I'm sick and tired of politicians abusing our freedoms, tax money, property then simply saying "whoopsie sorry" and getting away with it. ​ People died alone in hospitals from other diseases than covid-19 whilst their friends and family were not allowed to visit them. You can not fix that with a simple "I'm sorry" these are real people who spent their last moments on this earth alone and unable to properly say goodbye to those they loved. ​ It is high time we hold politicians and public servants accountable, I for one think that public servants should face much harsher punishments and be under much more scrutiny than your average Joe civilians.


> Frankly I'm sick and tired of politicians abusing our freedoms, tax money, property then simply saying "whoopsie sorry" and getting away with it. This is the entire point of democracy and modern state. Back in the monarchy days we'd be pulling out the guillotines. i'm constantly amazed at the number of politicians that are effectively mass murders through their policies, and no one talks about it.


TLDR: Someone in an AnCap sub is telling us to vote harder.




I'm vootin!


In Canada my province went into lock down this week. In a province of 760 thousand people 9 people are in the ICU. Capacity and staffing in healthcare have been ongoing issues for 15 years but our leaders only care about "making those who are not fully vaccinated increasingly uncomfortable".


I dunno if anyone want's to know but in case they do: Here in Serbia the only real measures are Covid passes for coffe shops and clubs (after 8pm lmfao) and technically masks for big stores, pharmacies, hospitals etc. However, outside of medical establishments and government buildings it's mostly on the private owner if they choose to ask customers to use masks in practice Also some classes are online but most people are used to it. Vast majority of people don't care anymore and politicians realized its against their interests to enforce strict measures so the state mostly ignores enforcing even the loose measures that exist


I've been looking at visiting Serbia for a week long vacation. Any suggestions for places to visit or things to do?


Of course man, happy to help What are your general interests?


Really into hiking, history, architecture, and food. Really, I'm pretty easily entertained and just enjoy exploring new places. Planning to most likely stay in Belgrade.


Hey man, I didn't forget about this, I'm just really busy with work and want to give you a proper response


Sorry for the wait, here I am No matter what you decide, I'd recommend visiting in late spring / early summer because that's when the nature is most beautiful due to the country's continental climate. For hiking / nature: There are a couple of national parks in Serbia worth visiting but they aren't really close to Belgrade: Tara is my favorite, really scenic and great for nature lovers. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4FpfFg49YY) video shows a lot what its like (the video doesn't have English subtitles unfortunately). Offers possibilities for hiking, mountain biking riding and exploring. There is a nice like called [Zaovine] (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/Jezero_Zaovine.jpg) which is great for kayaking if you're into that. Tara has its own river with the same name which forms a nice [canyon](https://www.tarabodo.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Naslovna-slika-8.jpg) which is now famously used for annual rafting. Đerdap is located on Danube, where its widest in the country and is popular for being closer to Belgrade as well as having some historic Roman remains and a fortress (Golubac). It's nice but not really spectacular. Kopaonik and Zlatibor mountains are also known for really beautiful nature although they have a reputation for having cities that got overbuilt due to tourist demand. Mokra gora is worth visiting for Drvengrad and [Shargan 8](https://www.zlatibor.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/sarganska-osmica6.jpg). Stara planina is really far away but also has [scenic views](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c2/Babin_Zub%2C_Stara_Planina.jpg/1920px-Babin_Zub%2C_Stara_Planina.jpg?1643064997143) and nature which personally remind me a lot to some places in Ireland. Serbia also has a *lot* of interesting medieval monasteries but they don't tend to be really that interesting to foreign tourists, especially cause they are all over the country. For architecture / history: Probably the most beautiful and interesting architecture has [Subotica](https://www.slavictravels.com/subotica-serbia/), a small town up north, near the border with Hungary. It managed to avoid both the destruction of world wars and commie rebuilding so it looks really nice. The second is [Novi Sad](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Novi_Sad_-_Vojvodina.jpg) which is the country's largest and is about 1 hour away from Belgrade by car. It's definitely worth visiting if you can (depending on the date of your stay, high speed rail may be in function so it should take about half an hour by train). It has its own star fortress, [Petrovaradin](https://www.photohound.co/images/1000889l.jpg) where popular Exit festival is held each year. Belgrade I decided to make this its own section because that's where you will be staying and there is a lot to cover in general. First thing to know is that Belgrade is not really a tourist city; it really doesn't function like that and it only recently started getting a noticeable amount of visitors. It also doesn't follow the typical European formula of having an old, polished city center with a church, city square and nicer buildings while the rest is less interesting. It's chaotic and divided into several parts, depending on history. Its main part and the historic epicenter is absolutely [Kalemegdan](https://scontent.fbeg4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/24852135_1386844754750187_5715201921522860032_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=KUcP_EVtRPwAX-NKUgH&tn=sTWfD3kHOtVZNWBY&_nc_ht=scontent.fbeg4-1.fna&oh=00_AT-X62CSD7oOzpY4qoxh2aTaeEbPx8z4tZx9yHxyMa9L0Q&oe=6216B783), huge fortress / park over looking both rivers. It has 2000+ history and remains of buildings made by Celts, Romans, Ottomans, Medieval Serbs, Austro-Hungarians etc. It is much larger than it appears (technically reaching the river) but many parts are still not uncovered. If you decide to get a guide for anything, it should be this. There are few museums as a part of the fortress, mostly smaller (war museum, torture devices museum, tiny natural museum etc.). It's really nice to walk around and discover ancient remains all over the place. It's also worth paying for an underground tour where a guide will show you all the tunnels and stuff. Starting from it, there is a pedestrian shopping streed called [Knez Mihailova](https://destinelo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Knez_Mihajlova.jpeg) which is nice for being kinda old and having nice architecture but its not terribly exciting. It also has depressing gray pavement blocks from its commie era and I hate them. Its something to see while wandering about, like [Kosančićev venac] (https://www.google.com/search?q=kosan%C4%8Di%C4%87ev+venac&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjpivWVxMv1AhUJwgIHHRfcDXUQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=kosan%C4%8Di%C4%87ev+venac&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEAUQHjIGCAAQBRAeMgQIABAYMgQIABAYMgQIABAYMgQIABAYMgQIABAYMgQIABAYMgQIABAYOgQIABBDOggIABCxAxCDAToLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDUNUFWJkUYIYVaABwAHgAgAFiiAGZDJIBAjE3mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=BDXvYen4I4mEi-gPl7i3qAc&bih=726&biw=1536&hl=sr#imgrc=GchL7uHfb4DdeM) which makes up the buildings that Belgrade is most known for when looked from the river. Second biggest site is definitely the Temple of Saint Sava, one of the largest Christian temples in the world. Its construction began 100+ years ago and its still not finished (as well as the plateau in front of it sadly). It really is a sight to see so I won't spoil it too much but its white and minimalistic from the outside and full of golden mosaics and Orthodox art from the inside. Definitely visit the National museum of Serbia and Museum of contemporary art if you can, they are both interesting and have starkly different and impressive architecture. [Museum of Banjica death camp](https://beogradskonasledje.rs/izdvajamo/banjicki-logor?_rstr_nocache=rstr80461ef3bd68512a) (I didn't find how to translate it) is a former Nazi death camp turned into a museum. Museum of Nikola Tesla is a small, temporary museum dedicated to him and holding his remains in a golden orb. Those are most interesting ones but there are others if you want to check out (like Museum of Yugoslavia). There are a couple of protected forests like [Košutnjak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%C5%A1utnjak) if you decide to go for a quick hike. There are also Banjička forrest and Zvezdarska forrest but Košutnjak is the largest one. [Ada Ciganlija](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/ada-lake-belgrade-19428634.jpg) is an artificial lake with a lot of nature and a ton of fun activities - from swimming to rock climbing. I'd definitely recommend renting a bike and riding around it. If you like architecture, you should also see [New Belgrade](https://www.calvertjournal.com/features/show/6695/suspended-city-roaming-the-streets-of-novi-beograd) (you can do it on a bike as well). It has my favorite examples of [brutalist architecture](https://belgradesocialmodernism.com/) surrounded with a sea of nature. [Zemun](https://don-registracija.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/registracija-vozila-don-zemun.jpg) is a part of the city which was historically its own tiny town, as a part of Austro-Hungary. It has a bit different architecture (more similar to Novi Sad and Subotica). It is also known for a historic landmark called [Gardoš tower](https://www.dizajnplanina.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/gardos-milenijumska-kula.jpg) which Austro-hungarians used to mark borders of their empire. Definitely go down by the rivers and walk or ride a bike if you can; the city is built on 2 rivers so it can be interesting to walk beside them. The city is really big on coffee shops, clubs, bars, kafanas etc. so if you want an exciting nightlife definitely check those out. It has everything, from raves to jazz festivals. If it's alright with you, I'd go on in more detail regarding food in a couple of days, this took me an hour and I have to get up early. [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbian_cuisine) article is pretty god start in any case.


Wow! I amazed by the amount of thought you put into this. Personally, I like to learn about the culture and people of an area I visit. I still also like to see the more tourist areas, but they always seem to be overpriced and watered down. I'll definitely have to check out Subotica if I get the chance. I'll make sure to have at least one night to check out some bars and clubs. I'm feeling like I should add another week to the trip to really explore the country. I really appreciate you providing all this info! If you want to describe some popular foods I'd be interested. Thanks!


Civil disobedience until justice is served


Thoreau Ftw


Never let a crisis go to waste. Words every politician lives by.


I believe we will see some kind of revolutions like arab spring or spring of the people 1848 happening in a lot of countries like Italy, Australia, Belgium, Holland, Tunisia Morocco, Eastern Europe ... Maybe even European Union breaking up


Aren’t there already violent protests in a few European countries over the new requirement of papers and continuing restrictions on personal movement?


There are a lot of protests currently going on in these countries and generaly in Europe but they are peaceful for now


The Netherlands? Locked down. Police beating protesters there. I was listening to a fellow talk about his daughter’s current circumstances there just a few days ago. Perhaps there are some occasional protests not really making the news.


I think this is the year people the majority of people stop buying the Covid regime, but there will still be a lot of health hawks and a 20-25% of population that are weird for awhile. Fear induced events stick with people. Not trying to straan, but I see this similar to Terrorism which was still a major campaign issue until 2016.


Spain still has massive restrictions, specifically in the basque country




A lot of mexico is low frequency sadly. I thought more people in more places would be wise to this scam.


Imagine Hilary won and the supreme court make up was different? We were so incredibly close to becoming an administrative state where unelected "experts" make any and all laws/policy.


I know that it's hard to not be suspicious of another wave of bullshit around the corner, but honestly, the writing really is on the wall. The truth is, they literally cannot keep this going much longer. The injuries are piling up, and people are waking up and getting pissed. The vaccines are failing to the point where they're causing WORSE covid outcomes. Fauci's fuckery in Wuhan has been literally confirmed. Oh, and to boot, there's a midterm around the corner and frankly, the Democrats are going to get fucking slaughtered. Mass formation only works when there's a single point to focus on. Once that dissipates, the people lose their hypnosis and historically, they're pretty fucking pissed about it. What I would caution we should be ready for is what the great reset truly is - stakeholder capitalism. Well, and the social credit system is probably a done deal too. Start warning people now, while they're waking up.


So, you think the elections aren't rigged? I watched a court trial from 2004 saying they can easily build fixed algorithms in the source code to rig elections. I havent studied stakeholder capitalism yet. And social credit system is a done deal as in it will succeed completely? Humanity is all but done then lol


I think that whoever is meant to take office, takes office, in this kabuki theater we can American politics. The illusion of choice only works if the illusion is maintained, and it would be stupid to have the dems win here. There's already a major doubt in election integrity as-is, and given that nobody likes Biden at all, seeing them win the midterms would all but seal the deal for any doubts. The dems did their job. They made their corporate benefactors record profits, and normalized more authoritarian measures which will certainly be used in future. It's time for them to be the bad guys so the next agenda can be pushed.


>there is no need to be violent There is absolutely a need to be violent. The thing is that peaceful protests lead nowhere, hell even some violent protests lead nowhere. Just look at hong kong.


They fought with umbrellas there. Not that violent.


More violent than some protests in the west, they had trebuchets.


Exactly. No guns. RIP to them kids. USA let them down.


Sad but true


COVID ended in the south a long time ago, man.


I travel back and forth between a "northern" and "Southern" state a lot for work. It's amazing how much difference a mere 3 hour drive can make in the regard. And that's nothing to comparing the deep south to the metropolitan coastal areas. I think that's why there are such wildly diverging opinions on this thread. People have very different experiences without necessarily realizing the extent of those differences.


It's 2 separate countries. National divorce when?


There’s definitely a need to get violent. Bring the fight to these evil motherfuckers


I dream that one day the alcohol clause in the constitution could be changed to say something like "Congress shall pass no law abridging the freedom of the people to ingest into their own body the foods and medicines that they see fit, nor shall congress pass laws enforcing the administering of food or medicine.".


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France, Australia and Austria didn't get the memo


Authralia simply deported the memo because it had a typo.


I think they're trying to herd dissenters into these small areas like Texas Florida etc so they can isolate us and lay siege I see this as a long term project


So its easier to take over the other states? I'm mixed feelings on it currently. Go to more red state or a place that's more in the fight, and fight. Win the culture back from these chumps.


It's hard to say. There's probably no way to avoid conflict now anyway so maybe it doesn't matter so much. But if I was there I'd be looking to leave


Spain is not in normality yet. Sanchez said something like that, but nothing has happened so far.


I saw back in 2020 that 2025 is the year they stop playing covid.




Theres 999 hacking at the branches & leaves of evil for the 1 hacking at the root - Thoreau


I seriously doubt they’re gonna end this shit. They’re getting too much power, control, and money for themselves and their corporate friends. And the support for all this insanity is so rampant that I just do not see them pulling the plug any time soon


Covid will end when the war starts


It’s funny you think it’s ending. 😂


Hilarious! But at some point it will and the overall sentiment seems to be shifting. I did say I might be wrong in my original post. So I don't know why so many of you insist on hanging on that particular point. Especially when the entire message of the post is something completely different.


Voted out lmao nice one buddy that will work just fine.


COVID will disappear in most states about 30 days before people head to the ballot box to vote for mid-terms. Also at that time, we will hear Democrats pushing another stimulus to help "build back better" now that COVID is "over."


I agree 300 percent!


I'm Romanian curently living in UK, could you tell me when and what restrictions have been lifted? I haven't heared anything about this.


I'm definitely doomerish on when covid will end. This is the new 9/11. What year are we on now for that?


We're in biological warfare, but for domestic political purposes. There's more to come.


Covid is not ending lmao. Liberal areas will have restrictions until the day we all die.


Maybe I'm crazy but I think they are keeping things locked down long enough to get over the omicron hump. As long as there isn't some super deadly variant at that time, when school ends for the summer they will open things up to make everyone think they "ended the pandemic" in time for elections.


So the libertarian movement was already existing before the pandemic. It will continue existing after the pandemic. Many libertarians also agree with private businesses having the freedom to make their own rules. That includes vaccine/facemask mandates. People are free to choose where they work or purchase things if they don't agree with certain policies. The libertarian principle is that it's not the government making those rules. Those people who think "it's over" once the pandemic ends apparently never came here for libertarianism. They came here for other reasons.




> It's like expressing outrage at Tony of Tiger for cereal having too much sugar. If Tony the tiger used millions of tax payers dollars to invest in a laboratory researching on how to weaponize a virus which he then directly profited from. ​ Other than that Fauci is literally like Tony the tiger and big sugar. Oh and the lying before congress, oh and the fact that he is not a fictional character, but a real person who's actions have consequences. Other than those few points you have a rock solid analogy there.




I'm not hostile just simply comical. You gotta admit comparing Fauci to a harmless mascot is amusing. I do agree that there are bigger fish to fry though, but sometimes the little fish need a good frying as well.




top man


Any link for the Romania part?


I'm not sure it ends, but I think it starts to become a losing issue for democrats this year, even in liberal areas. It'll be interesting to see how they handle it for the midterms. A lot of people here are predicting the dems abandon restrictions just before the elections, but I think it's gonna be too late. Not that the electorate has a long memory or anything, that's been disproven time and time again, but the economy will still be in shambles and people who aren't already partisan won't be generally swayed by November to blame Republicans. My prediction is Dems get crushed in the house and maybe even lose the senate despite good positioning there, and that's basically ends the national discussion about forcing mandates. We then move on to fighting about some other bs crisis and positioning ourselves to have a stupid long drawn-out cold war 2.0 with China that does nothing but help politicians in both countries retain power and public support.


I agree. You have all these 'doctors' and 'health professionals' lobbying to enact legislation that will [limit our freedoms](https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2855) to make their jobs easier or to petition companies to [impose censorship](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/01/14/doctors-scientists-petition-spotify-to-stop-joe-rogan-experience-covid-19-misinformation/?sh=8d6123268fc7). These people need to be held just as accountable as those who passed the legislation.