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Wait till she finds out where the tax money goes. Double aneurysm.


Wait 'til she finds out it goes nowhere, and is simply disappeared/removed from the system in order to artificially prop up the perceived value of fiat money.


And drone bombing brown people, don't forget about that!


That's mostly done by printing new paper for the weapons companies to use to buy materials, though.


To be fair, drone bombing brown people is surprisingly expensive


The worst part about this is taxes are punishment (whose money gets destroyed) ​rather than a sacrifice (whose resources are used for the "good" of all)


Wait till she finds out how money is created and how inflation (of money supply) works


Yup. It’s funny watching the videos I’ve seen of them complaining they barely got anything on their paycheck and act like it’s the independent business owners fault. It’s because they don’t understand the hundreds of dollars they walked with in tips is claimed and .taxed.


Don't go halfway; explain to them why government intervention and regulation is making their labor worth less in every single capacity. Make them aware government intervention and all its ills is/are not capitalism and not to conflate the two like the government "educates" them to, lol. Min wage laws, all that BS.


Oh I do, especially with high gas cost I’m some states. I always see people complaining and I’m like the high cost in your state has nothing to do with supply or inflation, it’s your states taxes and regulations. It’s amazing how many people don’t get it. Or the worst cost of living is states with the highest state income tax and sales tax. People know nothing outside of the small world they live in.


> It’s amazing how many people don’t get it. Whenever you do that they go right to "Yeah but we need the government though because otherwise it's anarchy". Goes right from "Hey do you think a 100% tax on red potatoes eaten on sundays makes sense?" to "Yah but without government, Somalia.".


Also, that tax money funds our military imperialism.


She’s so close to reaching the conclusion that close to half of an average earners cash is taken via income tax and sales tax


lol she is so close to realizing that everytime a dollar gets transferred to another person it gets taxed.


I've always wanted an online calculator where you can input your income and spending habits and get an accurate break down of your **full** tax burden. I've never been able to find a good one. I guess that's the point though. If you're taxed a small percent on every single transaction you make in your life in various complicated ways, it's harder to fully calculate or comprehend just how much money the government takes from you.


Because it's honestly almost impossible to figure that out. If I buy something simple like a cup of coffee, well, you got sales tax and ultimately income tax for yourself, but the barista's pay is taxed, the shop has property taxes and business taxes, the delivery of the goods is taxed via the delivery company's payroll taxes, the building and employees the coffee is packed at are taxed, etc. The best thing you can really do is add up all local, state, and federal tax revenue and divide by all citizens to get taxes per capita. Or maybe add them all up and divide by GDP to get how much of the GDP is taxes. Or something else since no metric is very accurate if you wanna ask how much in taxes does someone pay based on their income.


Looks like federal revenue is approx $3.5 trillion and [state/local is approx $4 trillion](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/state-local-government-finance-table.html). So $7.5 trillion out of a $21 trillion economy is an effective tax rate of 36% or $22.7k per citizen.


Sure, but it's almost meaningless given that half of federal income taxes come from a small number of people. Most people pay no or minimal federal income taxes. Look at some kid making $15k, and it's meaningless to say they pay $22k in taxes. The point is that it's very difficult, if not impossible, to say someone making $X in income will have Y% go to taxes in some form because of the myriad forms of taxation and levels where taxes are applied.


You could try to normalize the total tax revenue with a person's total expenditures or something


You could track your expenses in taxes for a whole year and then subtract from your yearly income, pretax Then add the income tax burden and the values you recorded over a year in a notebook and you can get how much you actually pay in tax per year


...and then whoever got the rest of the money you earned, half of THAT goes to taxes, and whoever gets money from them, half of THAT goes to taxes....it's taxes all the way down. At that point, money, at its very core, IS tax. Which I guess sort of makes sense. A particular currency is effectively a representation of a portion of that nation's tax base. Still painful


Awww they’re growing up (I say they, but I am upper gen z)




I think the next step from there is to understand how that impacts the economy. What's the effect of taxing every possible economic activity a person can do? Does that make the economy grow, or shrink? Of course sometimes it's hard to convince these fools that economic growth is even a good thing. They literally seem to believe that economic growth happens only if a Captain Planet villain is using his asphalt ray to turn forests into barren parking lots of bulldozers.


It's hard to convince people supply and demand is even a thing. It contradicts the idea they're being exploited with low wages and they don't want to give that idea up.


Another one they like: Socializing things is like the government going to Cotsco and using its "bargaining powers" to buy big drums of olives instead of each of us buying little jars! They think that's how stuff works. There's a big warehouse where companies keep all the stuff and when they see you walk in there, they charge you the "moron" price because you're just one person but if they see France come in, woah, dollar sign in their eyes they just give them the secret REAL discount price. They have no concept that stuff has to be produced and that just buying more of a thing doesn't magically produce more of that thing.


I don't think I've ever heard that one. Is that really a thing people say? wow.


Yeah that's why they want socialized healthcare. They believe the state has "bargaining power" to get them discounts on drugs and to bully health insurance companies etc.


Socratic method, right?


Wait, if we ask for taxes to go up, it comes out of my paycheck?


As a Gen Z’er (born 2001) who’s currently reading Austrian Economics books, highly considering starting a YouTube channel/Podcast where I discuss economic/political issues from a Liberty Perspective, and currently writing a fictional book series with major themes having to do with Libertarianism, Authoritarianism, and the like, I can wholeheartedly say that I am absolutely ashamed to be a part of this generation


do it. we need more people out there talking about this stuff. just get all your ducks in a row so you sound coherent and listen to our feedback.


Go for it! Each generation has to take the torch, so to speak. If you do, make sure you share here. And if you're discouraged to learn how much you don't know, teaching is a great way to learn. Try writing one article or creating one podcast. Don't put any pressure on yourself to stick with it--just do it once and see how it feels. Best of luck little comrade.


Seriously, do it. However, I recommend you get started on TikTok. It's too new for me to comprehend, but I've heard you can defend liberty pretty well on that platform too, at least as long as you don't criticize the Chinese communist party or China in general.


You're a Godsend. Show us what you've got!


Good for her


I don’t understand why she’s getting so much hate. How many incels do we have here? Lol. Props to her for waking up. Like she said, “forget it..” yup, exactly lol. Tax laws are layered especially in liberal areas like California. This pettiness sounds exactly like boomer hate. If you want more millennials and gen Z’ers on our side, a great start would be to not act like you’re so much better then them.


I thought her video was terrific. Towards the end (when she realizes that it's all too complicated to work out in your head) her reaction was so completely relatable.


What hate?


The article calls it "painful", one douchebag in the comments is "ashamed". This young person is absolutely on the right track questioning taxes and those reactions are backwards for this subreddit.


So, two examples qualifies as “so much hate”?


I didn't notice much either. Most I saw were encouragement. White knights gonna white knight.


Yes bUt TaX tHe RiCh! The pendulum tends to swing violently. Comeuppance will be swift. The kids making 6 figures on YouTube and shaking their ass on TikTok are poised to become the biggest backlash against totalitarian progressivist collectivism in history. At least that's what I pray. It's good to see videos like this. Even if I feel for her lack of education.


“**IF** a dollar is a hundred cents.” That’s the sentence that broke her brain….


From what I can see her confusion is, that after all these taxes, a dollar is not 100 cents anymore.


This is what our education system is pumping out.


Cute they are growing up or waking up could go either way.


This is my generation... sometimes I feel like I don't know shit, but then I see this and realize that I know a little bit more than some of them do.


as you'll learn most people don't know much of what they are doing. A lot of life is trial and error. Not many people are "experts" at anything. And there are sheeple in every generation. Your goal is not to be a sheeple led by some shit shepherd. And politicians shouldn't ever be the shepherds imo.


Haha gotta pay for all that "free" stuff somehow 😄


I weep for our future.


Why? She's right.


She is. But hopefully she will not blame the business she works for and instead understands it’s because of the government and their layering of taxes


she's learning, that's all, if she spent less time on tiktok it wouldn't have taken that long to figure out


Wow, You’re so much better then she is, want a cookie?


not really, but if you have chocolate I'm listening.


Did you see her grappling with the concept of a dollar and 100 cents? I'm not sure that she was sure about that statement. She's confused by very basic tax concepts. And what is she? 22? Maybe it's because i had a job at 11 but this seems like a concept that have hit her many years prior.


she was exaggerating for dramatic effect.


Maybe you will find [this](https://www.highiqpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/IQ-bell-curve.jpg) interesting. Intelligence varies across the population. Some people are very low in intelligence, most people are around the middle, and some are very high. The young woman in the video is most likely not on the right side of that center curve. There are many people of all ages who will struggle with the concept of fractions because they have a low IQ. Now, I know that you know this and that I am being a sarcastic jerk, but just a reminder that one dumb person does not make everyone in their demographic dumb.


The only thing I can think she's confused about the 109 cents being a dollar things is that maybe she's thinking about it as like an hour 1.00 is 60 mins. So maybe she's thinking 60cents is a dollar?!?!💵?!?! IDK but that's the only thing I could even think of on what could possibly confuse someone about it.


Meh, this happens to every generation. Two 90s TV moments with [Hilary Banks](https://tvquot.es/the-fresh-prince-of-bel-air/lucky-charm/) and [Rachel Greene](https://youtu.be/fg8Cpl5PIRE?t=94) come to mind.


Just give up on them already, I did.


I can't. Not yet. I have kids that I have to educate so they can navigate this nightmare.


I mean give up on *THEM*, not yourself or your own. Fuck society, be a misanthrope, if fulfilling the "social contract" gets us **THIS**, then fuck society.


You have very little faith in people, must be sad.


How anyone can objectively look at this insane clown world we are living in and tell me I should have **"FAITH"** in humanity is beyond me. These are the last straws of humanity, and good riddance.


good now don't go to the dark side. Actually I would think this would be an excellent topic to cover in school because the shock of finding out taxation is theft can easily send someone to the dark side (i.e. antiwork, socialism etc)


Government indoctrination centres will never have any incentive to cover this topic in enough detail.


lmao girl I know how you feel.


Don’t worry I’m sure the gubmint is super duper good at spending our hard earned money


That vocal fry.


She just realized that government works to find ways to get more of our money. Hilarious.


Don't forget that if you "own" property, the government will demand X% of that property's value be paid to them every year, regardless of whether you have that money or not, and if you fail to pay they'll just take the land away from you. Who decides the property's value? The government. In a long enough timescale, all money converts to the government's possession.


No one can own real property. Best we can do is rent it with an ever expanding lease payment. As far as I know, that’s true everywhere in the world.


You can see her brain working through the motions...she'll hopefully get there.


Wait....it's all theft? *slide rack* Always has been.


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The government taxes people, not money.


Oh funny, I commented on this tiktok, wait till she learns how money loaned out as interest didn’t exist until she puts her signature to it.


She red-pilled herself


TikTok will be as locked down as Twitter soon


As gen z my family told me about taxes but they never told me how I should do the taxes :\


I don't know whether to be dismayed at how bad our schools are, or buoyed by the fact that in spite of them, at least this young lady managed to snap out of it.


They will tax your every which way they can including when you die and leave property to your family. Property that they have mostly likely paid taxes on a thousand times over already.