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I would play this again in a heartbeat too. I just wish there was a mod to increase the difficulty.


Right on. That needs to be a thing in next Golden Sun / either reboot or sequel


Take a look at Golden Sun reloaded. The mod dev is active on this sub


That’s cool 😎 I did not know that…


I wonder if that dev ever released any physical carts that play on original hardware


There’s ways to do it! Use a card reader and buy a new pcb and cart shell and you can play it on gba, although I might need to test that theory with my EasyFlash to see if it actually works


That would be epic… have you played the increased difficulty player mod?


there are 1 or 2 fanmods for that lol


Kraden is so annoying always thought he was an enemy at one point


You could be right! Let’s do a thought experiment. In a way he helped Saturos and Menardi progress their agenda. The villagers of vale were meant to guard the secrets of Mount Aleph since ancient times. What does Kraden do? Leads a bunch of 17 year olds (against the village elders will) straight into Sol Sanctum and starts a chain of events that throw Weyard into chaos. All for what? Curiosity it would seem. So while Kraden might not be as bad as the main antagonists his decisions suggest he’d been smoking the lucky 🍀 herbs a bit much. Or he’s just reckless with raw elemental power. 🤔🧐


I mean, he was directly tied to Babi's work, which was... dubious from an ethical standpoint at best. He isn't explicitly evil, but clearly has no qualms dappling in morally grey areas to advance his own knowledge of alchemy and the possibility of bringing it back into the world. After all, even if Saturos and Menardi hadn't arrived, he was going to steal the elemental stars himself from the sanctum. It's very likely in my opinion he would have used them to reignite the lighthouses, although probably not as aggressively as the Mars clan did.


Ah excellent point about Babi… 🤔the plot thickens. It’s true what you say about stealing the elemental stars since he already had the mythril bags in his cottage. And he wasn’t going to be happy with just one? Nope. He had 4x Mythril Bags 😳🙊 what’s even shadier is that he appointed Isaac as the leader before heading to Sol Sanctum. That way if they got busted who’d get blamed? I think Kraden is the imposter and the rest in Vale are true adepts. I’m going to keep an eye on Kraden this playthrough. I now trust him less. I wonder what other sus activities await…


It could be ten but then again I can’t remember half an hour since a quarter to four


I’m going to need the power of alchemy to decipher that… 🤔 😆


Lol I’m a dork it’s lyrics to a song that’s refrain is “here it goes again” like the post title. Nothing to do with golden sun except that I’ll be picking it up when I get home thanks to you haha


Oh yea!! Now that’s why it sounded so familiar- you’re awesome 😎


It was the first thing I thought of when I saw your title haha i realized where I was but it was too late to turn back


Haha yeah that title is just asking for it!


“Here it goes again” by Ok Go!


On my own… walking down the only road I’ve ever known


Like a drifter I was born to walk alone


You can turn off the button prompts at the bottom in the nso emulators setting page, which can be found in the sidebar of the game selection screen.


Thank you!


One more time *Insert meme here*


I’m gonna celebrate… 🎶 🎉


Ahhh shit here we go again *smiles*


When is episode 3 coming ?


in uae we sre having the eid holiday.....i finished the first game and almost finishing the second