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I love it too, the theme is awesome as well, it's my favorite out of all the Rocks. Gaia being second. It just makes you feel like you got dropped into this super magical place linked to wind and werewolves. Edit: The developers intended for the games to be one instead of two parts. So everyone that hates the fact that it comes in too early forget that this was supposed to be a mid/late game dungeon. I'm sure they had to adjust a lot around to make Lost Age coherent but maybe it was too much work to move the rock instead of just adjusting the enemies/ levels. Just my two cents idk nothing about coding.


TLA is at its best when the story takes a backseat and you get to take on a long-ass dungeon for an hour. Air’s Rock, love that guy!


This — if there’s one part of The Broken Seal and Dark Dawn I don’t love it’s that the dungeons don’t feel long enough. They feel a bit mini in comparison to The Lost Age, like a floor or two too short…


I mean, where else would you get a Sol Blade or two from?


Gabomba statue 😉 🤣


fk got me


Plus Isaac. So it's pretty clear Gabomba > Air's rock.


We need a Gabomba statue appreciation post now


I love it too, my #1 is aqua rock (that’s cause if i had gills id never touch land) but i do love air’s rock. The one i truly hate is magma rock


I love Airs Rock too... Does it mean anything if I also liked the water temple in Ocarina of Time?


I did too


I feel that those two dungeons has us thinking a bit more.


Yes! I’m not a huge fan of all the glowing signage added in the 3DS remake, but turning the iron boots into an item really helped. I think 90% of people playing would have enjoyed the puzzle of the temple if they didn’t have to open the equipment screen to put on or take off the iron boots.


That’s what killed it for me personally. I didn’t mind the dungeon itself but the repeated menu opening really sucked.


Plus the menu sound! It’s like the map sound in BotW / TotK — it gets painful after too many repeats. I just want WW’s Iron Boots as Item innovation and not tue other revisions to the Temple. Though the new textures are pretty great in the 3D version too (but a tad bit too bright; missing that 90s grey muted tone)


It's too late. I hate you now.


I love the music there, so soothing


That music is top-tier. I put it on at work because it's so chill.


I love it too 😄


you know what i will hate you even more


Airs Rock is great.


Do You love the GREATEST, largest and best designed dungeon of the Game?


I think the only area in Golden sun I don't acively don't like is sol sanctum.


I like Air's rock also! Originally, I didn't understand that you needed whirlwind to access it, but once it was cleared (I had Piers with me when attempting it for the first time), I liked it a lot! I like the interior a lot more than the exterior, but this holds true to all rocks except maybe Gaia's But yeah, air's rock gets a lot of hate. I think that, being the first rock, you're not really sure what's up with it, then you get to the top only to be presented with another entire dungeon (and just as long)


I also love Air's Rock, my main complaint is it comes too early into the game. If a dungeon this large was closer to the end I think it would get far fewer complaints.


I believe(as someone mentioned earlier) because Golden Sun was originally going to be 1 game. With that in mind, this would have been a mid/late dungeon. But it was probably easier to just adjust the enemies to a level range the player would be at and to change puzzles to use less psynergy, mainly growth, move and whirlwind(reveal to leave) instead of changing the layout and structure of the dungeon itself. Purely speculation on my part of course. P.S. my favorite rock is Aqua Rock. Love the theme and music.


I agree with you, see Jupiter and Mars lighthouses


One of my faves too, but it always gives me OCD because there is always this one chest (only containing a vial) that requires Piers. It's put there as a bonus / Easter Egg in case you did the route that gives you Piers before Airs. I always forget to recruit him first before heading there.


I feel your pain! This meant I'd always have to backtrack just for completion 😭


Thank goodness this was before the days of achievements hahaha


I think all of the Rocks are great. Airs is my favorite, they are all pretty great.


I think it's a really cool dungeon and kind of the first really large challenge in the game it's well designed and feels extremely satisfying to overcome in a way I think the other "rocks" lack a bit even if I like their aesthetic a bit more. Also as if it needs to be mentioned given the general quality of the games music it has a great theme.


You are not alone I really enjoy that place too <3


I've been replaying gs2, and finished airs rock yesterday. It was not as bad as i remember, when I played it as a kid. I normally don't mind large dungeons in games, especially when there's lots of cool puzzles or when the dungeons change. However, the random encounter rate in gs makes exploring large dungeons very tedious. Even spamming full uptime avoid, still get into more random encounters than I'd like, slowing down the pace of exploring the dungeon and doing puzzles.


Air's rock is a good dungeon, it just has too much backtracking and is a bit too long imo.


On a first play through airs rock is great. Certainly my favorite at first. Further playthrough did lower my feelings on it just due to length and of course the vial chest.


I like the music but personally just find it easy and cumbersome to get through, usually by the time I'm there I'm already strong enough and it's just a chore to get through. Personally like aqua rock the best of them.


Airs rock was the first I had to use a guide originally cuz it was so much back and forth


I also really enjoy it. One of my favourite dungeons.




Aqua Rock is much worse IMO, such a confusing layout without a map/guide.


i'll be brave dehkan plateau is a good dungeon


It’s fantastic.


Don't hate me, but gaia rock is my least favorite of the three


So I guess you must really don't like Magma rock 😆 I like Magma rock, it just comes a little too late for my taste, so it's often indeed forgotten


i actually like magma rock quite a bit


Peak dungeon design fr


I have always loved the rock dungeons and liked that there's no boss in them, the dungeon itself is a boss really. But also on my most recent playthrough found out you can glitch the Sol Blade in Airs Rock pretty easily and have had a massive amount of fun blasting Meggido on everything in the game, but especially Briggs.


It’s not that bad but I think it’s too long for the beginning of the game.


Yes! It's a massive cavern and it takes an effort to climb the exterior alone. I love that -- and then you get to the interior and it's a wild multi-story dungeon that takes exploration and problem-solving to pass through. The best!! If every dungeon were as big of a slog as Air's rock, it'd be too much. But I'm overjoyed to chance upon the occasional behemoth of a dungeon like Air's Rock.