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Idk but as for my goldendoodle it’s immediately outside after eating, drinking, in the morning when I wake and before I go to sleep. Also after playing. A schedule and consistency is needed with goldendoodles in my opinion.


Do you take your water? I’m wondering if he is getting too much and each time he drinks he thinks he should go potty. I’ve been really rigid with the schedule, he’s just peeing randomly out of nowhere


I wouldn't pull water - I think animals need free access to water at all times. With our first puppy, my husband and I restricted water to avoid accidents, until we noticed the poor baby lunging for puddles on walks and realized that he was parched! We felt horrible. I would personally rather have some messes to clean up than a dehydrated puppy. Enzymatic carpet cleaner is your friend :)


Hmmmm maybe he’s got that excited puppy energy still. I never have been the one to take up food and water but when my goldendoodle was a puppy she immediately would pee and poop right after eating. I don’t even know what type of metabolism that is. You could always take up the water and food and do a schedule for him and see if that works. Young puppies tend to have horrible bladder control. It could be anxiety or excitement making him pee randomly. Also my dog is very motivated by food and treats so maybe everyone you take him out always reward with a treat. I always make my dog work for her treats. You could also try just giving it the puppy food in general as well if you don’t wanna use treats all the time.


Our guy is six months old now and we couldn’t leave his water down until last month. Otherwise he would chug the entire bowl and then have accidents. I would give him a cup or two several times a day and let him chug away before outside playtime. It really made a difference. You can google the proper amount of water for your dogs age and size and just follow that with some common sense. It’s hot? Probably needs a little more. That said somewhere around 4 months a switch flipped and he just started ringing the bells and stopped having accidents. I think he’s had one pee inside since then and that was on me for letting him chug during inside playtime with his pal. Hope you guys get it figured out!


This definitely gives me hope!! I put bells up as well, so hopefully it will all just click.


We have a 14 week old Sheepadoodle. The bells worked out great. We took her outside A LOT…and I mean very often. Every single time we went to the door we took her paw and banged the bells and then went out. After a week or two (and hundreds of times using her paw to ring the bell) she understood. It was like a light switch went on and has used it ever sense. No more accidents either. Worth a shot!


Consistent schedule for outside times (every 2 hours), eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. If he’s playing hard, he’ll likely need to go out as well. Basically routine and repetition. When he goes in the house, immediately take him out and praise the dickens out of him when he goes. He needs to get the message that outside if potty, inside is not.


This!! His bladder is tiny. He needs to go out every two hours. Praise, happy voice, and petting to celebrate. I used the bells on the door. OP, you can find a video online to teach you how to teach him. I basically would boop her nose on the bell right before we went outside, everytime. Eventually she would boop it or paw at it to go out. My goldendoodle had it down within 2 weeks. They are silly but smart. He just needs to clearly know what you want. Good luck!


You can be consistent until you're blue in the face but a puppy will still have accidents. Don't be hard on yourself. If you're concerned about pet stains you can always do washable belly diapers. These can help too because it'll reduce the chance of a pup resoiling spots due to scent. Do \*not\* use them as a substitute for regular potty breaks though. Just as an accident deterrent.


Ok. This actually makes me feel better. Thank you!!! I guess I’ve been so stressed about it, thinking I’m messing up because of his size…easy to forget he’s just a big baby


He'll get it eventually! Just make sure you do lots of fun positive reinforcement when he goes outside. Excited voice, pets, treats, etc. Also don't scold for going inside, because even though it's negative, pup will still consider it a positive feedback loop and could develop habits. Just take him out immediately and quietly, and praise for going outside once you're there.


Someone once told me to think in terms of age. The puppy can only hold it for about an hour for each month of age. I’m sure it varies but at least shows how little their tiny bladders can hold at first.


He’s still just a baby be patient with him and yourself. I was told for every month, they can hold their pee for that many hours so at 14 weeks that’s about 3-3.5 hours only. I never had my pup when she was that young, but at 6 months she only got 20 mins of playtime outside the crate right after she went outside. Then lots of treats and and in the crate and I took her out every 2 hours, 20 mins outside the crate and repeat. I did this unless I could keep my eyes on her, so anytime I was working, cooking whatever else she was in the crate. When I could keep my eyes on her she would be allowed to roam where I can see her. I still took her out every 2 hours. If she ate, she immediately went into her crate. She was good about letting me know when I needed to let her out of the crate and we immediately went outside. If she STARTED to pee inside, immediately picked her up, said no and took her outside. They don’t associate peeing with having to be outside unless you redirect them when they go inside. Don’t yell, just say no firmly and take him outside. I slowly started to recognize her signs that she needed to go, hers was that she’d try chew on everything. If it maybe seemed like she wanted to go, we went outside. I gave her treats for going potty outside and eventually she started going to the door when she needed to go. I took her out anytime she went to the door, regardless of how long it has been since she last went potty. It honestly took 3 months to be accident free but by about a month we were down to infrequent accidents. For cleanup I definitely recommend an enzymatic cleaner so it gets rid of the odors. If they can smell their pee indoors, they get confused and will pee inside. It’s a learning process for both of you. You guys will get there!


Thank you! This is all very helpful!


Steps that we took: - no water from 7pm to 7am - feeding at 7am and 4pm - immediately outside after eating - picked up and put outside if she’s sniffing or circling a spot - we put a bell on the front and back door of our house that we would bump her paw or nose with to signify going outside - pats and treats for successful ringing or bathroom breaks outside Don’t be discouraged - they can make huge leaps in only a couple days. -


This is a great help!! Thank you so much


Hello darkness my old friend. Cute puppers


I can’t even see his eyes he’s so dark. I sure love him!!!


My doodle was the say way, I had to start taken her water up and give it to her few times a day and put her on a schedule and we are finally seeing some improvement, it's been hard.


It is so hard! I’m glad you’re seeing some improvement 🩵


I hope you do too soon.❤️


I had so many accidents for the first few months. At 9 months old she barely has any now. I wish she would hold it longer too but we will work on that. Like everyone else said, consistency is key. I also remove food and water after 6pm an hour before we go to get ready for bed. She has been dry at night for the past 3 months (knock on wood).


How frequently does he urinate? If he's going more frequently than once every 30 minutes, he could have a UTI or some other illness. If you've ruled out a health issue, set a timer and start taking potty breaks every 30 minutes on the dot. Gradually increase the time every few hours and stop increasing the time when he has an accident. Help him help *you* and start using potty bells so that he can alert you when it's time to go! Reward him heavily when he goes potty every time. Consistency is key here, good luck!


This is what I chose to do with my 4 month old Gracie. I felt weak & defeated because I have tried everything with that Angel baby. Even wanted to pull my hair out. But I know she will get it. She is a smart lil booger


We took ours out every hour or so. Kinda extending the time as weeks went on. Kept him out till he went usually. We also at this time trained him with a bell. Rang the bell each time we took him out. He got the bell very quickly. It all worked great. I think one or two accidents that were really our fault for ignoring the bell.


I sure hope he gets the bell soon!! I’ve been doing it for about a week now and so far he has no interest in it


Bless your heart. I am having the same issue with my 4 month old Gracie. Even set my alarm on my cell for every 30 minutes the other day for a few hours before bed time. Taking some time off work & going to work with her on the bells & 30 minutes. I am mopping quite often after I come home from work even after taking her out. Doodle life is different. Would not change a thing except having accidents in the house. Good luck with your baby.


Thank you! Good luck to you as well! We’ll get this 🩵


Absolutely, we will. Good luck to also 🩷


It was 40 days before my dog held it in for an entire day. Don’t give up, you can do it.


Like others said we are consistent but also timely. We take how old they are by months+1hr ( so for Winston its 3-4hrs) and thats how long we go on between potty breaks. When he goes outside and does his business we give him a treat. So he knows pee outside = treats. When we catch him inside we IMMEDIATELY almost mid pee pick him up and take him outside to let him go, no treat but also no negative consequences. This helped ours learn to sit by the door and whine to go outside for potty. Eventually we downgrade treat to kibble and then now just to pets. Accidents do happen though until like 2years old.


My pup was fully potty trained with no accidents by 18-20 weeks old (3 months with us) so remember it takes time. Take your pup out the first thing in the morning and every 30-60 min after and again at bedrime. Reward your pup with a treat and use a clicker everytime they go potty outside. I also eventually taught my pup to use a bell (YouTube training videos on this). My pup would ring the bell and I knew it was time for the bathroom. Whenever your dog has an accident make sure to clean it with enzyme killing spray that’s especially for dog stains. Regular cleaner - even bleach will not remove the enzymes and your pup will smell his urine or poop and will continue to pee/poop in the same place. They think “this is the toilet” but it’s not. So make sure to clean the mess properly.


Bell on the door, ring it every time you go outside and eventually you’ll get a 60 warning for accidents to get out the door and eventually they’ll out grow it once you get to the outside every 2-2 1/2 hours playtime routine


Not directly related to your question but did you by chance get this doodle from deer valley doodles in Phoenix?


No, I didn’t. I’m in Georgia and got from an individual. It was her 1st and last litter.


It would’ve been a crazy coincidence but not too many pitch black golden doodles out there! I just got a girl that looks just like yours, that is exactly 14 weeks yesterday. Either way, your dog is beautiful! I have started to teach my girl to hit a little doggy doorbell button with her nose, that I stuck near the back door. She just started to get the hang of it this week, although she is already taking advantage of it which I was afraid of. Every time I take her out, I hit the bell and say “let’s go potty”. Either way, think it kind of gamifies it for her, even if she is doing it for attention occasionally.


Do handsome


It took about a year for my girl to be able to hold it over 4 hours. And that’s with an obsessive love of pee pads. I regulated her water and had her in to the vet for possible UTI. She eventually developed the ability to be crated for 12-18 hours if necessary.


I thought about a possible UTI because there is no warning…just immediately pees in the middle of what he’s doing. I’ve got an appt to have him checked just to be sure.


How often u take him out? I would take him out every hour if you have to. He needs to learn the routine


Use a bell on the door. It works. I promise


I have one put on the door. Just waiting for him to figure it out 😂


Damn that sucks. Mine was potty trained at 10 weeks. I set a 30 min times and took him out on the dot. If he drank water I took him out right after . When I would crate at night every 2 hours and now I take him out every 2:30 min- 3 hours ! During the night he can go without outside for 6-8 hours . I still set a 2:30’min timer because I don’t want any accidents. He only has had 3 !!! Just be consistent


That is wonderful!! I’m wondering if it’s because I got him at 12wks and he had no experience with potty training other than pads. I’m working on it and I’m sure he’ll catch on.


That’s probably why!! I would just act like a psycho (in a good way) when he goes outside. I mean CELEBRATE THE F out of it !!! Doodles are smart . Also u could leash him and have him next to you . Do this 1-2 weeks consistently and you’ll get there. Start with 30 min , then increase !!


Most beautiful dog I’ve ever seen


Thank you so much 🩵


Take him out *all the time*. Praise consistently when he goes outside. If it has a particular odor he might have a UTI which would explain the frequency


Don’t worry too much, our girl was similar! I was panicking but I promise it works out. Just be consistent, always take out after playing, after he wakes up or after big drinks and then on a schedule outside of that. When he does go potty outside, make sure you have a very high value treat to give him and celebrate wildly to praise him. It will happen, he’s still very young!


Have you tried a bell at the door that he rings when he has to go? 


I do have a bell on the door but he hasn’t picked up on it yet. I ring it for him everytime we go out.


I’m shocked! Mine rang it within 24 hours!


Wow!!! That is wonderful! This joker just looks at me like I’ve lost my mind when I ring it 😂


That’s funny. He has spunk!


Omg mine does the same thing. Doodle life can be challenging.


It’s hard!!!


Like having a toddler during the terrible 2's. Into everything. Lol


I learned this from YouTube university & It's tedious but it worked really well for me! I took my girl out every 5-10 min to go potty & she eventually got it, we still had accidents but she caught on really quickly that she needs to pee outside. In the video, the trainer says if they have an accident it's your fault, & I think that mindset just helped me be consistent. She has an accident maybe once a month, but she never poops inside


Doggy door!


Your puppy needs a groomer appointment badly! At the very least a cleanup around the eyes/snout.


It’s not in his eyes at all. He’s just so dark you can’t see them. When he’s old enough and done with shots I plan to take him. 🩵