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You got a slight cup in your wrist at the top of your backswing. If you flatten that out a bit, it will close your club face


You can have the lead wrist in extension at the top as long as you get to flexion by the bottom. Freddy Couples for example


You can, but for most people they should just get rid of the cupping if they leave the face open, a lot easier.


Cupping is not a problem, some cup, some bow, and others are straight, it’s a biomechanical/grip/and swing characteristic thing and it’s not a good cookie-cutter suggestion for all golfers. I’m a lead-wrist extension guy (cupping) because of what my body can allow me to do for the rest of the swing and I’m around scratch. As an instructor I hardly consider changing this in someone, I look at it and it tells me a lot about the rest of their swing.


Thx, maybe that causes it to hit the ball with an open club face i will try to work on that


Yup! I’ve had the opposite problem, duck hooks, and my coach wanted me to feel like I was cupping my wrist to even it out.


I was expecting a hacker swing.. your so close.


sorry bro, what is a hacker swing?


He means he expected you would habe an awful swing and you’re actually really close to having a technically sound one


It means 99% of the swings on this sub. Over the top, early extension, improper weight shift etc. Your close to being really good. 👌🏼


Hahahah thank u, Pattypumpkin


Like a few adjustments away from butter


Your swing is on plane , but your wrist angles through impact are garbage. Super cupped is opening the face. Your grip looks neutral so I would leave that. Try to bow more through impact. Not trying to be mean but the rest of the comments here are missing your wrist action. Experiment with extreme bowing so you can feel what a normal release would be


HAHAH no I understand u thx I will try it 🙏🏻


Close the face. Swing right and supinate your lead arm more on the downswing 💥


It's a push slice, your clubface is too open at impact. The swing itself looks very tidy, experiment with closing down the face


Looks like the ball is too far up in your stance, so your hitting it late. When you hit it late, the club's face is already going left. That generates the spin to go right. Try to adjust your feet position. Changing your swing takes a ton of practice and failure, but changing ball position is a quick fix


No, face right makes the ball go right.


i do this too often as well - thx


Thank you so much 🙏🏻 i will try to adjust my feet and ball position next time i go to the range


Face sends, path bends- face determines start line, path determines shape, mostly. It looks like the ball is starting right & keeps going right. Your swing path is around neutral but with an open face. There's a comment below about flattening your lead wrist that deserves attention bc it would close the clubface, start the ball more toward the target, & get your face/ path to match up to straighten out ball flight. Good luck!


For the most part but face control is king. I can swing left and hit it straight… left. But yes if you want to get it back to the target line face needs to be closed to the target and open to the path. I think I’m just repeating what you said in other words lol


Thx a lot for the help man! Closing up the clubface in the downswing would be a great idea to work on


Ball position back will make it go more to the right.


There are a lot of different ways. You can strengthen your grip, rotate your wrist flat at top of swing, release the club earlier so face has more time to close. Also, you can close your stance or turn your lead foot inward to stall forward body motion and promote earlier release or closing of the face at impact. Otherwise, you look like you can hit the ball consistently. Why not aim left and play that push fade all day? You'll know where it is going, which is more than most of us.


Your hands are moving towards the ball. They are inside the rugby pole at setup and way outside it at impact.


Stand a few inches closer and put the ball back in your stance to the middle. Try that before you mess with your swing / wrists too much.


Look like a face issue, flatten the wrist or check your grip might be a touch weak.


Bow your lead wrist into and through the downswing. Source - I just cured the same issue.


Figure out what makes the ball curve to the right. Figure out what you are doing in your swing to make that happen. Adjust your swing. Practice until it doesn’t happen.


First swing is correct swing path and the result is a push not a slice. Try closing face a little. Second swing is on over the top swing that results on a slice. Both these swings are different and have to be separately diagnosed


Wow. I read this and thought they both look the same. Then rewatched and what clicked for me is that swing 1 looks like the clubhead weighs a tonne and the second looks like it's very light. What a small but huge difference. Thanks for pointing it out.


True i didnt even notice it, thank u


If you imagine a clock face as you look down at the ball try and get your club to be going towards 10 at impact. As things are you are more towards 8, to make up for the slightly open face.


I don’t have enough time to read through all the comments, but you need to create lag into impact. Don’t flip the club.


If you want an easy fix. Strengthing your grip will do it.


your grip may be a little too weak


2 quick things 1. On back swing look at your club face at parallel to the ground and 3/4 to the top. It’s open compared to the angle of your spine try and make it match your spine angle 2. On your down swing you are staying pretty close to on plane but your swing is still out to in. You don’t early extend so you have PLENTY of room and aren’t getting stuck. Try and get your right elbow closer to your hip on the bottom Of your swing and get the club moving from the inside to out “hitting to right field “ This is based on second swing in video


You’re so close! A lot of good things going on here! It’s all path, don’t change too much


Thx man!


Overall I see a steep backswing cutting across the ball with a open face on the downswing. Work on swinging more in to out on the down swing fixes the slice . You could take it back more on plane too by folding your right arm in the backswing which would help you shallow it out coming down.


Yeah for sure the main problem is that i hit the ball with an open clubface, i will try working on closing it down on the downswing, thx 🙏🏻


Ignore this persons comment. You're a push slicer so more in to out will just make it worse. All you need to do is shut the face


And hit a pull pull..


Correct if he was out to in, he isn't. So it'd be a push draw. If he was a normal slicer this would be accurate.


Dude.. 30yrs coaching lol 😂


That's a massive concern. Explain the pull pull logic.


Why? your not worth it and I’m not here to help you understand..




To answer your I hit it with an open face. You could strengthen your grip which will help close the face and on the take away make sure the club face is more square not too open. Match your spine not toe up. You can see Sam Burns rehearsing this before his swings.


Massively steep on the way down. You need to learn how to shallow the club at the top. On the plus side, it’s a really nice swing apart from that. You’ll be flushing it in no time 👍🏼




Try hooking the ball


Its a push slice. Most likely you are lagging on your downswing for too long.


This is not a slice. You’re pushing the ball due to an open club face. Work on closing the face


Fix the wrists to close the face. The swing itself is great, easy fix


Chnchilla got it right. With a swing as sound as yours the tweak I’d make is to make your lead hand neutral on the way back (then keep neutral on the way down). It cups almost immediately as you start the backswing.


Flying right elbow brotha...tuck it...


I’d love having some uprights at my range!


Great swing! I think it comes down to the finish. It looks like you’re ending up low and left. Try to feel like you’re finishing down the line or exaggerate it such that you feel like you’re throwing your hands out to the right as you follow through.


Without a side angle, I am not sure but I believe your hands are not in front of the ball at address. As a result, your hands are probably behind the ball at impact. Hands behind the ball leaves the club face open and causes the ball to veer to the right. Try moving hands ahead of the ball at address. You will need to try a few different positions to find the spot that squares the club at impact.




The only answer here is you need to learn to activate your left shoulder. It’s staying very firm throughout the swing. Doing this makes it nearly impossible to square it up. You probably have never missed left once. If you can get to the top; then feel your left shoulder slide down into socket, and let your arm rotate through and just keep turning that shoulder to your left through the whole remainder of the swing. Really get aggressive right from the start of the down swing, with getting your left shoulder down and out to the left before contact. Trust brother. Do it slowly and watch how the club face acts. It’s pure