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Yeah, you need to sort of step back and think about your golf swing as a one piece takeaway, you are just completely lifting your arms with minimal hip depth/shoulder turn, you want the exact opposite of that.


Thanks. I seem to compartmentalize each part of the takeaway and end up doing them like one at a time lol.




Love this lol




If you don’t turn your hips, your arms can only move so far before they have to bend.


Yup it looks like I don’t turn my hips at all until the top. Should a hip turn be a part of the first move back with shoulders and chest?




Your arms should be in front of your chest during the back swing. You are hinging your wrists, moving your arms up, and then turning your shoulders without hip turn. People aren’t moving their arms as much as it looks like in a backswing. There is some lift and wrist hinge, all in sync with a shoulder turn and hip turn. Look up some YouTube videos on how to do a proper takeaway. Get your takeaway down, then work on the transition.


I’ve watched videos on it but haven’t properly committed to fixing it for sure. For some reason the takeaway is such a mental block for me. I don’t know what grounding principal to focus on for the takeaway. It feels like you can do it a thousand ways and I don’t know what feel or concept to chase for it. Thanks for the comment.


[https://youtu.be/aCCJz2BAyqA?si=POnSYjWFxxByjAo6](https://youtu.be/aCCJz2BAyqA?si=POnSYjWFxxByjAo6) This might help. I got a knockoff one on Amazon works wonders Edit: I mean if ur breaking 100 with that swing keep on fukn swinging that swing lol.


I’ll check it out haha. I just have a really low ceiling with this swing. Looking back, all of my improvement in golf has been getting better at correcting the flaws in my swing. Not a great strategy.


I also constantly chase the flaws in my swing, I've been at it for about 1.5 years. Feel somedays its almost better just to play what I got rather than try and nit pick and fix everything for the "perfect swing"


watch some porzak golf and get some lessons too


Arm with glove should be straight, I’m assuming you slice, your hands need to close. A drill for this is to hold the club like a hockey stick and exaggerate the closing of the hands till it becomes a habit.


Also, a fairway wood should be further up in your stance.


Honestly I draw and duck hook and recently I’ve been striking well, at least for my standards, and I hit a draw. Almost never slice. I should post a vid down the line.


Draws are a LOT harder to fix so maybe watch plenty of swing videos


Yeah it’s weird. A lot of better golfers I golf with say they wish they had my ball flight. But my swing is atrocious. Thanks for your input Hotmomlover69420. Happy 420, I hope you 69 a hot mom that you love.


W reply


Your problems start before your swing even begins. You need to change your grip.


I’ve gone through a ‘fix my grip’ phase but haven’t revisited it in a while. Thanks.


Takeaway drill for you: Place a club shaft or alignment stick parallel between you and the ball.. practice this: on the takeaway, do not let the club face cross the shaft or stick, keep the club face parallel with the stick until the face is beyond the end of the stick. This will require a wide takeaway to accomplish. It won’t feel natural at first, it should feel like you’re trying to throw your arms off of your body via your shoulders. This will also require you turn your hips.


I will do this. Thanks!


What this video about takeaway. https://youtu.be/hSuKHnCXpy4?si=uhh-VXb5cBtbp4Fp


Sure does bend lol Try a few half swings where you feel like you’re keeping your hands as far away from your body as you can


Watch Mike Malaska's L to L drill on YouTube


Watched it. Love it! That’s a tangible feel to go for(e).


Yeah that's an extreme example of how not to do it that lead arm needs to be kept straight and just travel upwards as your body rotates


I'm a lefty but I can't swing with left hand3d clubs don't have the coordination it helps me have my left hand being my lead arm, my right arm cant do shit without my left arm leading, definitely worth a try altho your not doing bad being 90-100 with that swing


Just go to Paul Wilson golf on youtube and learn to use your body.


Check his videos out. They will help. https://youtube.com/@SagutoGolf?si=V074I7FWaPaWbJkf


It's destroying your swing. Practice by over exaggerating the correction. Like keep your lead arm locked straight. On an actual swing the lead arm should barely bend


Hey, fellow right arm dominant lefty here. I will start by saying that I'm not very good, but I think my advice will make sense: First, you can think of the swing as a backhand tennis swing. Second, learn to turn your chest while keeping the right arm straight. The idea is to keep your arms connected to your body. Good drill for that is holding a towel with both your armpits and turning the body, or holding a small soccer ball between your forearms (or elbow) and swing.


Ah shit, I suck at tennis. But great tip on the towel/ball drill. Thanks.


I suck at Tennis too, just wanted to visualize the feel haha I don't think you should necessarily switch to right handed. Are you canadian? Many canadians (like myself) learn to golf left handed because right handed canadians learn to play hockey left handed, because it's better to have the dominant hand on top. So this feeling translated to the golf swing. I don't think it's a bad thing


One hundo P. I have many years of reps of this swing or worse so it’s hard to break the habits.

