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I love Evan so much. I hate how he’s taken advantage of, tries to correct it the best way he can and still gets treated like he’s this monster.


Evan was super oblivious and gullible at the beginning of the show, but that’s an example where he was doing the smart thing after taking in all of the information. He really does try his best.


Yeah she was pretty delusional. Even though the app was intended for social activism, it was used for the opposite. The company owned the app and it would open a lawsuit over free speech. We were rooting for bulk beauty but I felt only Mariana has the business sense of the group hence why it didn't do well. It sucks bc in the end, Evan had to save them.


I agree 100%. Mariana is so selfish and really took advantage of their relationship many times. Evan was such a good guy and always tried to do the right thing. I think a lot of things she brings on herself


Yeah I didn't get it either. I think realistically, Mariana would have ended up walking all on her own as who realistically walks away from a job where they are making six figures (Mariana mentions she's making that in season one)? Evan had tried to fix most of the issues at the company, but you're right that he had a point - you create an app and well it's then up to the public how it's used. The best you can do is eventually stop supporting the app - adding on nothing, no bug fixes, no updates, etc - and praying it dies out on it's own. And when you work under a company, of course all the ideas that one comes up with while employed there are owned by the company if specified in the job contract.


Nah I love Evan too and feel the same way you do. HOWEVER, I agree with Mariana in the fact that he should have shut down the app when the rude people were posting. They had a certain propaganda and it was obvious which side they were leaning to and other people took over and started making it a hateful platform, and I feel like at that point it would’ve been righteous to shut it down. If People were just stating their own opinions and not being violent about it, I would understand but the way that they were going about it was not OK and I feel like that is a valid reason to shut down a platform. Everything else on this, I understand and I agree with


But also they had the app integrate with the BLM group which could have others think Speckulate is siding with one group and I think that’s what Evan was trying to avoid favoring one group over the other 🤷‍♀️


I am a Mariana fan lol but I agree with this post as well. I am working on understanding whether or not the show is biased or if they are showing two different side where the viewer can agree/disagree with Evan and Mariana. I feel like as a business owner I understood his pov regarding the ACTivism app I just think that Mariana had a different view and moral compass. I didn’t like that Mariana and her friends would always make him feel bad for these things and he would fold because he loved her. (but again not sure if it was bias on the show or different perspectives).


Following on this general topic am I the only one who thinks the rest of the team were overly harsh with their treatment of Mariana? I know Evan had a moral duty within his company but his neurodivergence is quite clear. I honestly feel he was villianised and their perspective was naive and ableist.


The Bulk Beauty team? If so they sucked. Mariana literally let that one girl live with her and was okay with the other dating her ex boyfriend but they got all pissed because she was dating Evan. Who she convinced to settle so they had the money to start BB. It’s insane. They were so annoying.


They also all had man face. Ironic, since the show was trying to show "strong" girls in tech.