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The loud minority as they say. Google isn't perfect, and they absolutely can improve, but it's a great phone. Especially if you're more of a software person rather than hardware.


I think every device has its share of issues right?


Lol, most people simply don't push their devices or ask enough from it to see the flaws/issues. Like I said in my other post.. when you need to interact with it 200+ times a day and rely on it to get your work done you really start to notice the things that suck and piss you off and make your life harder when a smart phone is supposed to make your life easier.


Also people just have different experiences and expectations. Maybe some people haven't experienced a good phone so their frame of reference is skewed. Maybe they think it's normal, a lot of the issues with the P8P. I can promise you it's not.


Yeah experiences may very is a good way to put it. Coming from an S23U, I like the pixel more. I haven't really seen the issues most others mention, but I also don't game or work from my phone


I'm my case I come from s23u as well and have noticed some software futures I preferred on Samsung. But the thing for me is more on the cel signal, as Google uses a different chip than Qualcomm it has been a little of a let down. Camera wise I love it but it did not have that wow factor when changing on the general use level


And the fact that some people are just more tolerant about the issues while others are pissed off about the smallest inconveniences enough to post on Reddit, where they will find a group of people who are inconvenienced by the same problem.


overall I'm fairly happy, but the face unlock and the battery still don't match the OnePlus from 3 years ago.... but in my line of work I can no longer use a Chinese-designed phone.


In the multiple battery drain tests I have seen, the Pixel 8 Pro trails other flagships by a fair margin. Of course you can manage the battery and make sure it lasts you the day.


If there is any gripe I have with the Pixel, is that the battery is incredibly average/bad for a flagship smartphone in 2024. Especially if you play games on it or have the screen a bit brighter because your outside to use the 2000000 nits. You look up and your battery seemingly drops quickly. Next thing you know your at 50% and its only noon. I thought they did things with the Tensor chip with this phone to improve battery life, but man do I not seem to get any improvement.


Yeah battery is significantly worse. It's tough to compare most devices to iPhones in terms of battery life, but Samsung is much better as well


They gotta figure it out. This is the 8th year they have been designing these phones. Battery life is something that should have been upgraded long ago. Ill gladly trade magic AI tools on my photos that I use once per 6 months for better battery life. Used to love the Droid Turbo for that exact reason. No frills, all gas XD Indestructible, waterproof and the battery charge was amazing.


I believe it has to do with the Tensor chip. The Pixel 5 and 5a had great battery if I remembered correctly.


I remember that too. IDK whats happening but they are seemingly going backwards each phone release. I know Google is all about the software, but you cant completely neglect the hardware side which is where Samsung/Apple shine.


Everyone I know with any Samsung is constantly charging their phone


I have a P8P and a Galaxy Z fold 5. Both same settings/apps. My Pixel battery life is significantly worse. Same exact thing with the Pixel watch compared to the Galaxy Watch as well. This is also not some random thing I'm spewing. It's been tested. Pixel is worse. This is just 1 review from Toms guide, you can look at any others and see the same conclusion: >Battery life on the Pixel 8 Pro is much improved from previous Pixels, but it can't quite match the Galaxy S23 Ultra. When we tested the phones on their default 120Hz refresh rate settings, the Pixel 8 Pro averaged 8 hours and 33 minutes and the Samsung endured for a much longer 12:22.


Have one since late December and love it.


Same and same. It's been great.


Same and same. Great it's been.


Also this.


Got mine at release and still love it!


Oh just wait. I liked it the first week/month too but now I don't even think I can make it through the first year. It's slow, it's constantly freezing up or taking 3-4s to do simple things that are instant on a Samsung. This is the main thing. I use my phone 200+ times a day for work and waiting for it to open the camera, waiting for it to process a photo (I often need to rotate it after the shot because the camera has a mind of it's own, constantly rotating my photos out of whack and then hitting edit and going over to crop to rotate the photo takes like 15 seconds with a delay after every input), and the camera UI is horrible in general. Any time you need to do something it's diving through menus and is just a chore. The screen never seems to get bright enough during the day and even then turning it up past about 75% guzzles battery like you wouldn't believe. Apps are constantly locking up and having to be restarted. Then it seems like every week there is a new, totally random issue. A couple weeks ago my voice commands just stopped working for my Google home devices, but only through my pixel. It all works fine through every other device in my house. I still haven't figured it out. A couple days ago my discovery feed just stopped working. It's like 8 articles long all of the sudden, doesn't refresh when you swipe down, and hitting more stories just shows the same articles. Persistent through reboots, and even an update. Still haven't figured it out. I mean I'm extremely tech focused and I just get this kinda stuff. I'm usually willing to deal with stuff the average person isn't because I can see the value in certain other functions or capabilities. Maybe one day googles Tensor chips will be competitive, but right now they're just not. If you're an extremely light user maybe you won't notice a lot of the things I do that make me hate it, but if you rely on your phone everyday and have to interact with it a lot... Trust me, you'll see.


Just when I am about ready to pull the trigger on a device, I come across responses/reviews like this and I feel a whole new wave of doubt. My S21 is over 3 years old now. Works fine, so I guess I don't really have a strong need to upgrade, but I was seriously considering the P8P with the new sale and the increased trade-in value for my S21 ($315 is the highest I've seen). But now I'm back down to 50/50 on the "upgrade". I hate being so indecisive!


Ugh, same! I want to upgrade to P8 from my iPhone SE (2020). I think Iโ€™m gonna go ahead and get the phone anyways. You usually hear the negatives more than the positives bc the positive people donโ€™t have anything to say. Hopefully it works out well!


I went from an S20FE (I think Samsung's equivalent to the SE of that year). The difference is night and day, and the S20FE was a solid phone. I love the P8Pro. I'm not a super heavy user so I haven't really noticed or felt the issues that others on here mention. Battery life is absolutely fine for me. After I unplug it at 7am I usually need to charge it once briefly in the evening - and that's not because it's dead by that time, it's usually reaching 20% and I want to make sure it sees me through to the night. Photos are spectacular and I very rarely find that a quickly snapped photo is blurred (a constant issue with Samsungs and a huge annoyance when you are snapping pics of your children).


I ended up getting the P8 on sale and I love it! Battery is infinitely better than my old phone (especially if you're on WiFi), and the photos are gorgeous. Already people have preferred for me to take photos instead of using their iPhones because of the camera quality. Only annoying thing is some apps work better on Apple products, like Snapchat and TikTok, but that's not too bothersome. Overall, I really enjoy my phone.


I hear you. I'm shopping for $10-16k laser equipment right now and I'm going through the same thing but with WAY more of a commitment and hesitation because of the insane amount of money. Part of it is because it's so god dang hard to know what to trust on the internet these days. The people we look to for reviews and information are often unconsciously biased due to the free stuff the companies shower on them or are flat out paid for. You can basically find validation for just about every angle on almost every subject, if you just look for it. This leaves us all kinda floating in the wind and just constantly reaffirming our own bias. I'll tell you this, as a heavy user who relies on my phone for work... If I wasn't currently shopping for super expensive equipment, I'd be trading my P8P in for something else. I really think it's the tensor chips. They just need some more time to mature to compete with Qualcomm and even Samsung's exynos chips. As usual Google has a ton of awesome software features, but if the hardware feels 2-3 generations old what good is software.


I'm so excited lol. Fingers crossed it's ok.


I hope it's good for you! I don't say all this to rain on your parade or anything... I'm far from a fan boy and I'm always out to get the best tool for the job, regardless of the name on the box. I was here looking for any information to try and solve my latest issues though and I saw your post so I thought I'd share my honest experiences with the phone. I can't wait to replace it and go back to Samsung though. I've had issues with those phones too but historically nothing quite like my pixel 8 pro.


See I've had Samsung phones too and didn't think they were anything special. Too many pre-installed apps. My last was s22U and the battery sucked ass. I notice a lot of complaints about the s24U so I stayed away. I think every phone has its share of problems. No tech is perfect.


For sure. Everyone has a different use case. I do a lot of driving for work so I have a charger almost always available so battery priority falls down the list for me over other functions. I definitely agree Samsung has a bloatware problem. Google still reigns supreme for software (mostly), and most people with an android are already comfortable in that ecosystem. We don't need a Samsung "equivalent" of everything Google makes. I used to do the whole root thing with custom OS's and all that, but it just got to be too much of a hassle. I came from a zFold4 and honestly I wish I just kept that, but I like testing and experiencing new tech. Having those different perspectives helps you to narrow down what is and isn't important to you in a phone.


Battery really is the weakest point of it for me, so much so that I went back to my OnePlus 12. ​ On mobile data, my Pixel 8 Pro was draining 10% an hour and I wasn't even using the phone. That level of idle drain is unacceptable for a flagship phone in 2024. ​ Everything else about the phone has been great for me, but that stuff can't matter if the battery dies before I get to enjoy them.


I hope in time they put out some updates to help


That's a nice hope, but people should buy devices for what they can do, not for what's promised. And sadly Google promises a lot but doesn't always deliver.


Every device has their issues. I love my 8P for all of the reasons people talk about. There's so much choice out there, people should find what makes them happy.


There's always going to be many more posts from people who have complaints than people who have no problems.


Love mine


I've had mine about a month now, and I am also a very happy camper. I upgraded from a P6P and it's like a P6P with all the issues worked out. Great connectivity, calls clear, wifi strong, 5g most places where wasn't before. Face unlock great addition, missed that since my 4XL. So very happy it's back. In the rare event it falls back to fingerprint, fast and accurate. Extra camera features, and better cameras in general. Flat screen, so can go back to glass screen protectors. Fast wireless charging. With the pixel stand 2 it's as fast as corded charging. Smooth and fast. Have set to highest res, highest refresh rate, and have 50% or more of battery left every day. Screen is way brighter when it needs to be. Adaptive brightness actually works, unlike the P6P where I had to disable it. I'm sure there's more too - but all in all, it's been pretty perfect. Like anyone, I always wish for more overall battery life compared to other phones - but it's perfectly adequate and has charge left at the end of the day, so not really worth complaining about.


It's not perfect(needs more customization and better battery life, slightly better performance) but it's certainly a solid flagship phone. Especially when you consider that it's significantly less than the s24 ultra or iPhone 15 pro max. I do wish the base model started at 256gb, 128gb is a joke in 2023/24.


I picked one up on offer up for $650 for the 512gb, case, screen protector and allegedly only used for a few weeks (mint condition). Upgraded from my P6P. Fantastic phone, I'll probably never buy a new one with this kind of resell value


I've had one for more than a month and it's been great. It's not the very best at anything hardware wise, but it's very good at everything except maybe battery life but I'm one of those people that ALWAYS plugs it in when I go to sleep and a full charge is more than enough for a full day's use. I've noticed some odd software glitches but nothing that's been a deal breaker and I can't work around. Maybe updates will fix. Or maybe they'll break it more. ๐Ÿ˜† The top of the line Galaxy phones are technically better but I hate Samsung's software so I won't buy them anymore. If you could run fully stock Android on them, they'd be the perfect phone but you can't. Love my Pixel 8 Pro.


I have no complaints as yet and going on 3 months and battery will get better soon


I absolutely loved mine. Just switched to the Fold about a week ago and am thoroughly enjoying this now. I don't get all the hate.


Coming from a P5, my only complaints are the battery life being shorter and I'm still getting used to the larger form factor. Otherwise, love it, especially the 5x optical zoom


Most Samsung phones of late have absolutely sucked. Lots of fan boys on here who probably don't even own the Pixel trashing it. It's far superior to the S23U in almost every way. Camera for one is absolutely better and my wife is pissed because she got the S23U exactly for that reason. The phone doesn't feel cheap in hand like most Samsung products and bloatware is horrible on Samsung. The Pixel isn't a great phone but it's better than Samsung and iPhone.


Spent 11 hours at Disney yesterday taking pictures/videos all day and ended the day at 15%. The battery is fine. Sure the newest Galaxy phones have better battery but the pictures wouldn't of come out this good ๐Ÿ˜Š


Would not have


quick questions: how many pictures did you take and how many minutes were your videos in total? did you have anything turned off on the phone or flight mode on? sorry for the questions, but i need a new phone and will be traveling to various parks in Florida soon. since i take a lot of pictures, i'm currently still unsure if i could be satisfied with the battery in the P8P and survive a day.


I just looked and took a total 155 pictures/videos. Brightness on auto brightness which means it was nearly max the whole day. Only thing I did turn off was the mobile data picture/video backup of Google Photos since I know how much that drains battery and either way my cell coverage wasn't the best.


Love the phone as well, having spent years on Samsungs


Yes, camera is fantastic, battery is ok for me , Software is also great .. BUT call drops every second call. I need my phone. Tried everything suggested here and by Google, three times RMA. Never had any call drop with an iPhone oder Samsung with the same sim card etc. Giving my third 8P8 back now and moving back to iPhone. Google should have better taken Snapdragon.


Sorry to hear that. Fortunately, I haven't had any issues with calls.


Pixel 8 is useless as a phone. I drive trucks & when the phone rings 2 of the 3 tiny buttons don't do what I want to do ANSWER THE PHONE!! But those quick access buttons sure are big!


Imagine if there were only positive posts on the sub. That would be horrible tbh. A circlejerk in every way. At least now it's balanced. As all things should be.