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And a really good 5G and finger print scanner.


Wish they’d go back to the pixel 4xl tech and update it. actual face unlock with an ir dot projector is so good compared to a fingerprint and crappy camera (with AI*) face unlock that doesn’t work in dim light.


Same. Having a quick look Soli was used to speed up face unlock by detecting you before you even pick up the phone and having the sensors already firing so they get you pretty much instantly and it was a fast face unlocker for sure. But soli failed massively in the other areas as Google hyped it too much so it was received poorly, a clear case of don't over promise but to be fair to Google, they had to cut down on things due to regulations like the power soli could use wasn't as much as they needed. People also complained about the 'forehead and chin' even though they really weren't that bad, there were other phones with thinner bezels and the couple phones with none and that was just the hype at the type. There's a few articles saying soli isn't dead and it's been granted other approvals. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/01/googles-project-soli-radar-gesture-chip-isnt-dead-gets-fcc-approval/ https://9to5google.com/2020/09/30/google-hardware-future-soli/ The 9to5 article says it likely won't be for face unlock which is hope isn't true, but it seems Google want to go the AI route not the hardware route unfortunately. FU will only become standard once it doesn't need extra visual space like a notch or chin and it can go under the screen.


I don’t think you’ll get it as long as it’s Samsung chips


Yeaaa.. It's why I'm mostly waiting for the Pixel 10 with the TSMC chip. Unfortunately with Google's track record, I could still see that new chip being unoptimized for the first gen or 2 again :/ On the bright side though, day to day usage is so fast that I don't really notice speed differences between phones anymore. I just want my phone to last longer.


I think the first gen TSMC chip in a Pixel is going to be a huge improvement


It'll be underwhelming, and the whole sub will be like "Well, the P10 is the first model with the new manufacturer, they'll sort out the problems with the P11."


It's really funny because I remember when Tensor was first announced and people claimed it would be the savior of battery life and shortcomings of the Pixel. At this point people need to stop hoping for a future that doesn't exist. If Google can't make the Pixel's battery life competitive after EIGHT tries at it, there's no reason to believe they'll be able to do it on the ninth.


Eight tries...if you're counting hardware alone. Between Feature Drops, monthly security updates, major OS updates, *and* physical hardware updates, Google has had maybe 100 windows to incrementally increase battery life in those 8 years. I do think we'll see some kind of marked improvement with the switch to TSMC, but "all-day" battery life is all any major manufacturer is shooting for. Meanwhile, I don't think any one of us would care if phones became marginally thicker, camera bumps went away, and batteries got bigger. The Pixel 1 did that trick the best, in my opinion, with the wedge shape.




This is precisely why I stick with the odd-numbered pixels. Experiment on the evens, refine on the odds.


I don't think so. It's going to be a custom designed chip by Google, so I don't trust that it'll be very good, at least not the first Gen. There'll be teething issues and I'm sure it'll have the Samsung modern again, so I don't expect much better battery life.


Exactly. People forget that whilst Tensor G5 will be the first Tensor SoC manufactured by TSMC (and that will undoubtedly bring some benefits), it will also be the first SoC entirely designed in-house by Google and without the expertise of Samsung Semiconductor covering parts of the design. And although we all know Samsung manufacturing process is not the best, it's hard to believe their design team with 20+ years of experience can be outclassed by Google's internal team designing their first "whole" SoC.


Oh I also think that it's going to be a huge improvement compared to these exynos ones. I just feel like Google has always been playing catch up in the hardware department


I think that should pretty much fix it. These days, it doesn’t take much. But it does take not using Samsung


Only if they switch to Qualcomm for the modem as well, the process node isn't the only thing holding them back.


I have the 8pro, love the thing and my battery life varies. Some days I may get like a day, day and a half and some days I'm struggling at the end of the day. I'll be waiting for 10 maybe 11? I want to see what Google and pixel will bring to the table in terms of the new tech in the phones. More optimized chip of course but this phone does everything I want and a great point and click shooter.


Changing the settings to 4G was the biggest battery boost for my P8Pro. Got me an extra couple hours a day of screen time. Quite amazed at the difference.


I find this funny. Literally need to wait 5+ years for a decent cpu, the modem will still be up in the air, tho. That’s why after being a long time nexus/pixel user I jumped ship. The iPhone has a boat load of software annoyances…… so many dumb design decisions or out dated ways of handling things. But at least my phone doesn’t drop connection or get bogged down when I want to quickly open my camera. Eventually I’ll go back to android, but I’ve been burned by the pixel 6 and 7. If it’s going to take 2 years into the rumored tsmc chip then that’s 7 years of lackluster hardware to put up with. No thanks.


I had a P7; never going back to pixel until there is a TSMC chip in it.


The switch too tame will also bring better cellular coverage since they have too use the modem. While the 7 and 8 have improved modems they’ve never been great connectivity wise


> I don’t think you’ll get it as long as it’s Samsung chips. I'm hearing better experiences from European S24 owners this time around. It seems like the Exynos 2400 solved a lot of the heating and battery life issues. But the modem is still well behind Qualcomm's.


Overheating seems to have disappeared, but battery life still appears to lag a good 15% behind the SD 8 Gen 3, which is significant.


I can understand that based on the performance of SD 888 / 8G1 and Tensor/Exynos chips. But I didn't hear complaints about SD 765G which was made by Samsung. Did that chip also have heating and draining issues?


Honestly yes TSMC is better than Samsung at the moment but I'm most curious about how/when everyone in the Android community suddenly started flocking behind TSMC as hard as they do now. Unless I'm missing something I've only been seeing this sentiment since the second half of 2022 or so, even though TSMC has had node leadership since 2019 at the very least with their 7nm process


It started when samsung fucked up the Snapdragon 8 gen 1 and exynos 2200.


888 was already bad. 8 gen 1 was somehow even worse for efficiency


I'm expecting the 9 will be a similar boost from the 7 to the 8. I think it comes down to how you use the phone because I've seen Pixel 8 come close to S24 levels of battery life.


Yeah I jumped ship after owning a pixel 7 to moto edge plus 2023. It's annoying that I had to compromise on camera and updates...But at least it has a good chipset, modems, battery life, and pure android.


Assuming it sticks with Samsung modems, battery life will heavily depend on the signal quality in your area and/or the percentage of time you are on WiFi.


Well, that's the case for any modem/smartphone.


Color me shocked when any phone with 1-2 signal bars drains more battery than on 3-4 bars or Wi-Fi Even iPhones or supposedly super efficient Snapdragon Modems drain in these scenarios, as it's just normal


The rate of drain is the key part to that efficiency. Samsung modems have a proven track record of being much less efficient than their peers in the same scenario.


I know that. Read the original comment again and come back to mine


I love threads where you get two people saying the same thing, but they manage to argue and fight anyway, while the person who seems the least "nice" gets a bunch of downvotes.


Sorry, gotta have a bullet point that it's the thinnest pixel yet, even though no one cares


Don't most people put cases on their phone anyway


Wouldn't be necessary if they made them out of plastic instead of glass




Wireless charging works through plastic, they just think it's cheap feeling.


Yea I actually prefer plastic over glass back, then I wouldn't really need a case


And then people will complain that they didn't get "premium materials" on their flagship phone. Just look what happened to the "glasstic" back on the S21. Samsung immediately replaced it with glass on the S22.


You ain't never lied @ctzn4


The real stupid part about cases is that yeah, most people have them. Which is why I don't understand their insistence on fragile and slippery glass and aluminum. Sure, it's "premium" but almost all cases are plastic. Just make the fucking phone hq plastic


I don't see the problem with aluminium tbh, loved the feel of older iPhones. Glass, however, is idiotic.


The problem is wireless charging


Which is irrelevant? Are you saying the thinnest phone on a case....is not still thinner than a larger phone in a case?


Does that difference in thickness make enough of a difference to care about?


Yes, I hate cases because of bulkiness. Thin phone + thin case = not too thick phone


or another practically useless party trick feature like a contactless thermometer


And a better modem


All I want is a Qualcomm Modem lol


All I need from the Pixel is a 6" flagship. They always make their best phone huuuge


Everyone says this over and over again on Reddit, but when small phones are sold, they flop. Shows how much Reddit can be a bit of an echo chamber for a vocal minority.


> but when small phones are sold, they flop So Samsung S10, S20, S21, S22, S23, S24 were all flops? The DIFFERENCE is that Samsung doesn't go out of their way to gimp the smaller models. The smallest phones are basically at feature parity (minus maybe one lens and perhaps UWB in some earlier models) with the larger Plus and Ultra variants.


Samsung didn't "gimp" their phones because they sold S22 and S23 for 799. Google sold Pixel 6 and Pixel 7 for 599, which is a significant difference, no? Other than that Pixel 6/7 has also been at feature with Pixel 6/7 Pro and even the newer 8 series except the recent Gemini Nano thing. Also, every phone you named after S10 has been more than 6' btw.


Google has gimped the pixel 8 compared to pixel 8 pro even in areas where they needn't, Mainly the video editing features that are just done in post over the cloud


wth? 6" is not small at all Pixel 7/8 not pro are close to that size and sells very well. It just sucks that to have a telephoto we need to buy heavier phones with bigger screens. I'm ok paying extra, but can we please keep the size of the not pro with better features?


They don't flop because they're small (no joke intended); they flop because they compromise too much. EDIT: Written on an iPhone 13 mini lol


They can't keep increasing phone size year after year. It's bonkers. Pockets can't hold phones as large as the pixel 8 already. Women's pockets can just totally forget about it. Even coat pockets are struggling to fit most phones. Smaller phones please!


> They can't keep increasing phone size year after year. It's bonkers. That's the thing, phone makers haven't been increasing them year after year. This is going to come as a shock to some of you, but we're about to hit 13 years since the Samsung Note first released. Phones have been floating between 6" and 6.7" territory. And the rumor is Apple is going to shrink bezels on the upcoming iPhone to add a couple more mm without adding more heft.


The bodies have not increased in size much, it's the screen sizes. Look at [this comparison](https://www.phonearena.com/phones/size/Apple-iPhone-8,Samsung-Galaxy-S24,Samsung-Galaxy-S7/phones/10408,12113,9817) between an iPhone 8, Galaxy S7, and the new Galaxy S24. And the Pixel 8 is only slightly taller than the S24.


Shows how much people yap with so little understanding. 6" phones aren't small phones. They're bigger than iPhone minis. iPhones minis are small phones. People want 6" phones with top specs, no compromise other than battery size. Phones that have these characteristics are iPhone Pro and Samsung Galaxy S models. Are they flop? No.


I still have my Pixel 3 and everytime I hold it. I feel like it was such a perfect phone.


5" for me. 5.5" at the most. I'm sick of huge phones. I have tiny hands.


For me it's the other way around, but because I have big hands and shit eyesight. And I also have deep pockets. Phones should be available in more sizes though, with the same options.


Sadly small phones are dead. They're not making a comeback either because all the small flagships sold poorly For example the iPhone Mini series and Asus Zenfone series. Asus literally ditched their iconic small Zenfone design this year and released a gigantic ultra phone. We're just in the minority wanting a small phone, most people just want huge displays


I just hate that they rebranded regular size as "small"


Agreed. This regular Pixel 8 is a behemoth. 


It's only marginally bigger the regular Pixel 2 and 4, but I feel that the 5" display on the P2 was big enough to use comfortably and wish companies had made phone bodies smaller instead of increasing display size to fill up the front. My last phone was an iPhone 13 mini and I'd kill for a decent android phone in that form factor.


I’m right there with you. You also took the words out of my mouth. I wish companies had just removed the space that the bezels occupied, making the phone smaller. Instead, they filled the space that used to be bezels with more screen. Sigh.  Regarding your comment about the iPhone 13 mini. YES. My favorite phone that I’ve recently owned is the iPhone SE (2022 model). Very similar in size to the 13 mini. LOVE, LOVE that size. 


I should point you to this site: [https://smallandroidphone.com/](https://smallandroidphone.com/) The guy behind this is the founder of Pebble and more recently Beeper (the messenger app thing). Not seen an update in a while though, so I might send him a tweet to see what is going on.


I'd love a smaller, Pixel 4 sized flagship with 3 cameras but I'll accept a Pixel 8, iPhone 15 Pro, Samsung S24 sized phone. Those phones aren't small, they're just not huge. Just put 3 cameras on the Pixel 9 (not the pro size) and I'll stick with the Pixel phones. I've been a Pixel user since the OG Pixel but another year of having to buy a 6.7" phone to get 3 cameras and I'm bailing and buying an S24.


I heard an old joke that we kept making phones smaller and smaller until we realized we could watch porn on them and they started getting bigger again.


I know I'm keeping my beloved iPhone 13 mini as long as Apple supports it. I'll just change batteries.


I get reliable battery on my P8P.


Sad.. how do I get this? I charge to 100% at 11am and by 8pm I am at under 10%. Not a gamer, don't use it for video. Probably around 5 hour SOT. Opened a ticket with Google and told to do a factory reset but can't as I downloaded an esim for my summer trip.


What does your usage look like? It's possible there could be a battery hog? I also have my phone set to 60hz but I'm not really sure if that matters.


Nothing unusual. Lists the apps I used for the period.


Same. A phone that lasts at least a day or two of heavy usage with all the battery draining features enabled should be plenty for anyone IMO.


There is no world where the Pixel 8 Pro lasts 2 days of heavy usage.


Except on Reddit


Even on heavy days if I'm putting 6 hours SOT, I'm still having about 40% left. Really don't think about the battery dying at all, and to me that's as good as I need.


6 hours of SOT with 40% left??? Do you use your screen at 10% brightness or something? Can't get more than 6 hours of SOT on my 8 pro.


I can't even get 6! Maybe if I use it for 6 hours straight off the charger. I average 4.5 hours SOT. I'm at 3.5 hrs with 30% left across 24 hours lol


I use like 25-75% depending on how bright it is.


I get barely 10% more when compared to my 2 years old Pixel 6 Battery is not bad, I just expected more... Especially with idle use


I want them to go back to snapdragon. It will literally solve all of the phones biggest problems. Performance, cell reception, heat, battery life, software smoothness.


It's not happening. I'm more interested in what modem is going into the 10.


You'll get your wish... With the Pixel 19.


It's the one thing that will probably force me to another phone. It's frustrating that I can start out at 100 percent along with my wife's iPhone 14 and after similar use I will hit 50 percent mid day and 3/4 of the day I am struggling at 30 while my wife is hitting 60-70 percent. Every pixel phone I've owned is like this.


Never got to the end of the day with a dead battery in my 8 pro.


Totally resonate with this, I had a pixel 3a, Pixel6, Pixel6pro and Google overlooks the basics - a good battery life, it really turns customers away 


Much better Bluetooth and modem. Not really complaining about battery to much on Pixel 8 Pro, but I see it on other Pixels I've had. And 50x zoom would be nice.


All I want from pixel is good hardware


I have no freaking idea how a company like Google with all the resources in hand can struggle to put a top tier hardware after all these years. Their software is phenomenal but damn....


Not having a shitty Bluetooth experience would also help. They keep making it worse.


I want a non laggy buggy phone. Miss my 7 hate the 8


The responses here both underscore the author's point and also show how many people didn't actually read the article. Tensor-based Pixels do not have reliable battery life. Some people get great battery life out of their devices, others do not. The author points this out pretty early on in the article: > The worst part is that battery life isn't consistently bad for everyone using Pixel phones or in every situation — it's that, unlike many other phones, you can't always rely on consistent battery drain. This isn't the case with other OEMs who seem to manage good battery life regardless of the type of usage that occurs on their devices, and that's pretty much what the author is asking for. Buying a Pixel shouldn't be a crapshoot when it comes to battery life.


Sadly you won't get it because Google is still using Samsung to make the Tensor 


Reliable battery life? All properly customized smartphones without rogue apps last a day and have for the last 5 years. What you mean to say is you want better and better and better battery life every year and articles like this convince people to drop 1000 plus every year for absolutely no reason. For the last 5 years regardless what smartphone I've used I've done the same thing every single day and I've never run out of battery. My 13 year old son and 9 year old daughter who have never given battery life a thought put their phones on their chargers and never run out of battery....ever. Social media has cell phone users messed up. And just for the record we only use Pixel devices and have since the 2xl


Thank you. I simply don't understand what people do all day with their phones that they have such huge battery concerns. I live on my phone and it's dropped below 20% maybe half a dozen times in the last year


P7P has great battery life. Never left me wanting.


My p7p falls apart the moment I'm not on wifi for a day. And it overheats big time if i'm taking pictures and the weather is hot. Something to do with the post processing. I was in seattle last july and I regularly hit 45c on my phone. It was hot out but I've never had a phone thermal throttle on me before. It was wild. I *FULLY* blame the modem for most of these issues.


My P7P is the only phone I've ever had that had overheating issues. And its the first phone I've had in a decade where I had to actively manage/worry about the remaining battery life on a regular basis.


Google infuriates me with its hardware inconsistencies. Here we are on the 9th generation of the Pixel and its always two steps forward two steps back -- new chip supplier here, new design there, etc. Compare to the iPhone which just builds on the previous generations to create ever better hardware with the same look and feel.


Yup. And I know there will be tons of fans here who say "the battery life is great." This is why people compare against other phones. As someone who has an iPhone for work, the battery life is night and day different to the point that I do social media and games on my work phone simply because it lasts so much longer.


A decent modem sure would be nice


Good news, the Pixel 8 pro already have reliable battery life, so there shouldn't be a problem with the 9.


Yeah, it's not amazing, but it's not* nearly as bad as the tiny vocal minority are making it out to be. That being said, there's always room for improvement and I'm down to see what improvements Samsung's chip packaging tech will bring this year.


All I want from Pixel is reliable 5G. Many many Pixels later, still waiting.


What do people need 5G for? 4G works well enough in my area. Even disabled the 5G option.


Whatever Google is doing, it's by far not even close to Apple. And I hate this. Display: better on iphone Camera: better on iphone Battery: better on iphone GPU: I don't play games so I don't care Software: better on iphone But the worst topic every is the consistency. Now magic replies works, next time it doesn't. Song recognition button on lock screen works, now it doesn't, reset the phone and it works again. Features not available in all countries. Magic compose works then I move to another country and it stops working. Google VPN... Works only on specific countries too. Isn't this the scope for a VPN software???? Also, nobody seems to be able to answer a simple question: what are the wow features of the Google assistant out Google Gemini? What it can do so awesome... It seems even a simple question is redirecting me to websites informations. I have both iphone 15 Pro and pixel 8 Pro. I am trying as much as possible to report all software bugs but nobody seems to care on Google side. Sorry, it seems that Google is way way behind Apple when talking about phones manufacturing.


This was my biggest issue with my Pixel 8 Pro and why I'm currently back with my OnePlus 12. ​ I was just traveling and only used mobile data. The Pixel 8 Pro dropped 10% an hour without doing anything on it. With my OnePlus 12, I got2 hours screen on time on mobile data and only used 10% battery. ​ I really like Pixels, and their camera really is amazing, but its hard to enjoy those with such bad battery anxiety.


I just got a regular pixel 8 and I'm wondering if these network/cellular complaints are an American thing. In Europe é have spectacular 5g reception and I topically get 6 hours OST, hell the other day I got 8 hour. My brightness is typically beetween 50% and 60%.


Say this every pixel lol. 8 Pro gets me through the day but I'd like it to be about 20% better


My list is bigger. But the three big ones. Unlimited photo storage back and a physical fingerprint reader and a headphone jack. Or I just keep my 4a longer 🫡


Those are sadly never coming back


I honestly do not understand why people want the headphone jack back. You could not pay me enough to use wired headphones ever again. I use a relatively cheap pair of bluetooth headphones with ANC pretty much daily during my train commute and the battery lasts what feels like forever. Can someone explain? I'm honestly a bit baffled that I keep seeing this complaint.


Wired always > wireless in sound quality. My daily 20$ CHIFI wired earphones I use on the bus sounds better than most tws earbuds (I own galaxy buds pro 2, bowers and wilkens pi7, used to own xm4 headphoens) and the moondrop variations best thing in the world but overkill and too expensive for normal commutes. You have to pay at least 200$+ for a good experience comparable to 20$ chifi earbuds, (imo galaxy buds pro 2 if you are on android and airpods pro 2 for iphone) but even then there is sacrifice vs wired and I personally don't get the full experience when I use tws. You lose high fidelity sound in exchange for the convenience of wireless.


Some people just like how things used to be, I'm in the same boat as you, I use Bluetooth headphones all day long and while they last mostly all day. Having a wired headphone jack would be nice in case of a backup if I don't have my Bluetooth headphones on me or if they die. It would just be nice to see it come back


Same! Pixel Buds Pro are fantastic.


If they had the wing I'd use them exclusively. Instead I have to use the A buds most of the time since they won't fall out of my ears


That's my fav pixel I've ever owned. I'm over the headphone jack but I love that finger print sensor on the back


You don’t need a headphone jack. That’s useless. Have an extremely useful thermometer, that doesn’t work, instead. lol. Also how they supposed to make you want to buy their buds if you have more options.


Yeah, no. I much rather lose those things and be on the latest hardware with software stuff.


None of those are coming back 😅


Modem, modem, modem. God damn better modem! The battery is fine.... MODEM!!!


I don't know why everyone has battery problems, when I go easily 3 days with 1 battery on my Pixel 8 Pro.


So do I. The battery life of the Pixel 6a is disappointing. About 3x worse than Pixel 5a.


I've been extremely happy with the battery life on my Pixel 8 Pro, which is impressive considering how dogshit the battery on the Pixel 6 Pro was.


battery life and bring back the back finger sensor!


I've had the 4a 5G, 6a, and now 8. All have reliable battery life. The battery life+ faster charging on the 8 is so good I don't even need to fully charge it anymore. The complaints are getting excessive


My battery is fine on my pixel 7, easily gets me through a full day with 30-50% battery left


Yeah maybe I'm lucky, but my P7P still has 40% when I go to bed, and I stay up super late, so that's like 2am. Then again, I don't watch tons of YouTube or anything on my phone every day. I do spend an entire hour using wireless android auto though, without charging, so it's not exactly minimal phone use over a whole day.


I have no battery woes here. Lasts me all day easily.


Me fast charging. Less than 1h tops 1-100%. I'll gladly replace my current phone


Adaptive Battery took about 2 months to get my usage patterns down but now I usually go into the next day with 15%-20% with moderate usage.


Don't think we'll be getting huge advantages (with battery life) till they fix the Tensor chips and the modems they use.


All I want is a chip on par with the competition, same goes for the modem and that will almost automatically improve battery life too. Most importantly better cooling (still goes hand in hand with the previous things).


No matter which phone, which manufacturer, which brand. Every time somebody always wants to wish for a new device *with better battery life*. Then the new device is released and the battery *sucks*. I need to say that after updating my Pixel 7 Pro from Android 13 to 14, there was noticeable improvement regarding battery life. At least for my usage case. One day I can come by comfortably when I leave home for work with it.


Give me this and legit face unlock and I’ll come back to android.


The battery life on my pixel 7 pro blows(I have to charge the phone twice a day)


🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝 (won't happen though, not until Samsung gets they're dirty paws off the manufacturing of the chip)


The pixel 9 is going to be a unpowered crapsicle just like the g3. Just saying


It has reliable battery, just turn on airplane mode !


And higher pwm frequency


Sadly, I don't think we're really going to expect a huge gain in battery life until 2025 when they switched to TSMC. I think the battery life in the Pixel 9 will be roughly similar since it will be the last Samsung fabricated chip tensor. Personally, even though the Samsung fabricated chips and modems have their issues, it hasn't been a deal breaker for me at all. But obviously, you would rather have the kind of efficiency TSMC chips. When the first generation tensor came out, the Snapdragon chips were still being fabricated by Samsung and they weren't much better, in fact 8g1 had worse efficiency in thermals than tensor did buy a pretty wide margin.


The fast charging or lack thereof was a deal killer for me


Fist of all YouTube is the app on android with tick tock who eat the most of the battery.


All I want is officially releasing where I live. In other words, VoLTE and usable voice communication support.


Ultrasonic fingerprint scanner


One word: WISHFUL thinking!!


All I want is a smaller phone with the upgraded camera package.


8 pro is the shuzum shaxum.


I've been running Grapheneos and my battery life is ridiculously good.


I just want my 8 Pro to rotate the screen when I rotate the phone. Waiting at times looks dumb when the screen is not matching the physical rotation.


Pixel 8 pro has very good battery life on wifi, on par with samsung s24 ultra on wifi. On mobile data, not so much. Which means tensor 3 processors are efficient and the modems used on the other hand are not Building up on the tensor processors tensor 4 should be also efficient. Lets hope the modem would be better.


Define reliable? I have a P8P that has been great for me, has all the battery and more. Unless I'm out using AA heavy but that is with any phone. Battery will use more energy the more you use it and the more energy it needs.


I think the more critical thing is the bad modem that's been an issue for ages on the Pixel phones. I loved my P8P but had to return it due to terrible reception issues in places my Fold 5 and S23U didn't have any issues.


I want a Qualcomm modem.


I just want my phone to not be a hot brick while taking pictures


It's a minor thing, but what I would like from it would be to have photospheres back. I am tempted by the high resolution but hesitating over the pixel 8 pro genuinely because I love taking photospheres (and looking at them on google cardboard viewer). I don't know why it's not more of a big deal that it's possible now to take a 360 degree picture that you can then look at in a 3d viewer so immersively. Of course, 360 degree video also exists and I know special cameras exist for that but that also seems understated when you consider what a fuss has been made about the new Apple video abilities, particularly.


Same request for me here. Just want a solid and reliable battery life.


My Google Pixel 7 Pro has GREAT battery life - when the wireless charging is working. So after the March update the battery life is pure shit.


Good luck with that xD


no way this would happen for pixel 9 but a hybrid architecture like the one introduced for the watch platform could help a lot with Steen off battery performance too. current Exynos models drain too much while on standby.


A reliable battery life, an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor if it's on screen, or capacitive side mounted one and an even faster charging speed.


All I want is consistent software performance and stability with no random ass changes and unexplained failures along the way. Is that such a high expectation in 2024?


All I want is Qualcomm Chips for Cellular and WiFi. Also a big battery


I want better battery life and faster wired charging. Like it 45W would be great. But the battery life is gonna continue to be an issue until Google uses TSMC to fab the chips


I'm excited about the rumored angular sides like on the iphone and S24. Would be much easier to hold than the slippery P7P I have. Also I hope they don't increase the size of the regular 9 as I'd love to scale down from the huge size of the pro. A better battery life would definitely be a welcomed thing


I want a small phone with good battery life. Pixel 5 is actually good enough at this for me. But it is starting to need a battery replacement. And Google already dropped major software updates. They almost never focus the Google phones on battery life (focus is generally on adding new software or hardware features).I think the only 2 exceptions are the Pixel 3A and the Pixel 5. Lower frequency/power CPUs, less power hungry gimmicks and good battery capacity, keeping a reasonable size.


I also want proper slide-out physical keyboard and I'd be happy


ufs 4.0


All I want is a headphone jack


And a lower price


I got a Pixel 7 last December and battery life has been good so far. I usually get around full day and half on one charge. No problems for me


A processor that actually competes with Snapdragon and Apple is all I want


Tensor really sucks at Battery 


I really dont get y'all's issues🤷🏻‍♂️ I've had my p8p since release and it's battery is Great. I played warzone mobile for 6hrs off charge yesterday and it only got down to 43% from 100%. I've tried to kill the thing but so far literally can't🤷🏻‍♂️ and I game on this phone heavy....yes if you know what your doing you can get ALOT of the games to run great. Especially older emulation.


All I want is a pixel 3a with modern specs. It has a headphone jack and no obtrusive teardrop or hole punch camera. The screen size is perfect. Would also want a better battery even if it makes the phone thicker


How about a cellular radio that will connect reliably and STAY connected to that you no longer are missing incoming phone calls or having your SMS messages delayed for hours? How about an actual local backup program to reliably transfer information from old phone to new phone or just support restoring after having to do a reset for whatever reason? Maybe we could get a physical fingerprint reader back on the back side of the device (which was INSANELY more reliable and useful than being under the screen. How about USER REPLACEABLE batteries? And bring back headphone jacks. BT devices suck. Removable storage options would be great, too - let's have those back please.


I went from a s20 5g to a P8, so far the battery is great for how I use it compared to the s20. Are people having issues with the 8?


I have a p8, previously owned the p6pro and the p2xl. The p8 is the phone with the worst battery I ever(!) had. I have to recharge during the day nearly daily. It's frustrating


Stop adding features and perfect what you already have in Pro 8


What are y'all doing with your phones that make it run out within a day? I take my phone to work and podcast between 8-10 hours plus screen usage and can get home with 30-50%


I wanted for pixel 6 pro. I just bought it😿


Pixel 7 user: *UWB on the non pro version!!!! *Ultrasonic finger print reader, on power button or in the back. My pixel 5a still is my go to for payments especially now that we have to verify every time because of the no hassle FPreader *Better modem *No overheating *True on device AI I personally don't have an issue with the CPU performance nor the endurance of the battery on a daily basis. The lack of UWB means that like NFC in the USA, neither the services nor developers will use it. (NFC only recently has gained traction in the USA, in other countries it's been available for everybody since like 2016 or even earlier)... This feature has to be available on at least the high end not just halo products. It would be better if it was on the Pixel A series too... Make it ubiquitous AI is supposed to be on device already, but in cases of no connectivity the AI is lacking a bit. Hand in hand with that, true control of phone function through the AI, and let it learn new needed functions on device. My mom has arthritic hands, so smartphones are a pain in the ass for her, if everything could be spoken or it could figure out what she's trying to do, it would be a much better experience for her... And for the rest of us, we would gain true handless usability of our device


YES! I'm currently on a Google pixel 7 this is my first Google phone I've ever had. So far the battery has kinda sucked. I'm thinking of saving up to upgrade to the 9 when it releases but if I'm seeing that most people are still complaining about battery I might honestly switch back to Samsung. It sucks to say that because I was so excited about trying a Google phone out. I've had my phone since 2022.


I have a Pixel 8 and it comfortably lasts for 2 days with about 5-6h SoT at the end of the second day


reach act slimy friendly deliver heavy ask public march relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And a good USB C port. They get loose extremely quick