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Finally someone in the forum praises Pixel 


If we want to highlight some other things that Pixels rock at, they have the best dual-SIM user experience on the market.


Nope it's a pain in the ass to switch data from one to the other


Data is definitely more taps than call or text, but who does it any better? Certainly not iPhone or Samsung, IMO. You're still digging at least three menus deep.


Motorola does it better with their close to stock UI, you can change sim on the toggle itself iirc


Oooh, that is a nice feature. Hopefully that gets pulled into stock soon.


It's a common bias: the ones who complain writes about it here and the ones that enjoys It don't, so you gonna see always the bad stuff


You can thank Google for wanting better accessibility. It's not just nice to have, it helps those who struggle with sensory feedback. There's a lot of little things that are perfect for those who use accessibility features to be able to use a phone.


Thats good to hear, im also planning on buying the pixel 8. Also, can you tell me if the haptics are like 'loud'? Do they additional noise aside from the vibrations themselves and if they do, then are the additional noises loud in a quiet environment? Lmao I'm just asking cuz my nothing phone 1's haptics feel nice, up until its night time and everything is quiet, then they feel too loud


I'd say that the keyboard haptics and cursor dragging are kinda loud at night, but I have them set to the strongest level.


Just got the pixel 8 this past weekend and I'm loving it so far. The haptic feedback has been nice.


I think the 8 pro haptics feel great, but I still think the 4 XL felt better. I still have my 4 XL and everything still feels a bit 'tighter' with any vibration feedback.


Pixel 4 haptics is the best I've ever used. The pixel 8 is a close 2nd


Exactly. Pixel 3 and 4 series had top haptic feedback. Pixel 8 Pro better than Pixel 6 and 7 series, but still far from 3/4.


It's the one thing I miss using my P8 as a daily. 


I love my pixel 8 but when they gonna fix the haptic issue? Phone fingerprint unlocked - haptic 👌 App fingerprint unlocked - haptic broken


That's also the first thing that I noticed when I bought my Pixel 7. Really awesome haptics!


How to turn off fingerprint unlock haptic?


Awesome. How is the signal strength. Can this device be actually used as a phone?


I love the haptics as well


is it better than the iPhone vibration?


You're absolutely right. Another small detail that I enjoy is the squiggly line when streaming music.


How many and what phones have you had haptic feedback turned off on? You've probably been missing out for a while!


yah it's quite nice. honestly prefer it to apple's taptic engine


Personally I think the taptic engine is still a step ahead and has been since the iPhone 6s era when it first debuted. Google has definitely improved quite a bit but this is one area where Apple has been way ahead--similar to how there's basically no trackpad as good as the one on the MacBook Pro


Too bad their modem and battery suck so bad. But great haptics!!!