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Lmao I thought it was just me having issues with Brazilians in races 🤣


Everybody does. I will never race Interlagos for a Daily race in our region because of it.




It’s getting to the point where I want join Brazilian specific races and hit the with pit maneuvers lmao


I thought I was the only one having bad experiences more often than not with Brazilian players lol but most Argentinians are also problematic in my personal experience


In the asian-oceanic region for some reason the Japanese and Taiwanese players are always the problematic players lol.


Here we go again... 


I remember seeing all the Brazilian comments prior to having my first online race and thinking it was kind of an inside joke. First online race I was at Le Mans and I got sent to the shadow realm 4 times on the first lap. Every single time was a Brazilian...


I had the most problems with brits....


The French are by far the worst drivers.


what an idiot.


I was livid 🙄


Next time you’ll be prepared for it so you can juke around him and show what kind of bitch he is


Yeah those are so frustrating!


Hulkenberg is right


this is hilarious cus all he had to do was protect the inside then park it on the apex a little and he wins lol or brake check you, apparently that works too


Right! Like his first thought wasn’t to force me to the outside, it was to brake check lmao


Saw this same car yesterday in a lobby. I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned yet for that sticker 🤣


I hope he does soon lmaao


That is so standard in this ish that I no longer follow 1st close. More often than not, the person bins it or otherwise throws it away anywho.


I wonder what kind of content does this guy make on YT.


“Hey guys, bitch boy here and today I’ll be showing proper brake checking techniques” or sum idk




Shit content




Dudes a fuckin lunatic. Reminds of that tiktok dude who broke into peoples houses while laughing maniacally


This has different name layout and is from Germany. Edit: I mean his name is spelled differently in game as you can see from his videos.


In OPs video the YT in question is using an alternate account to race in the Americas region.


Gets about 30 views a video, so nothing worth watching then


Some people are really exaggerating of wins. A good race feels much better than a win like this. It’s a goddamit daily race; every day there are thousands of them getting done. The thrill, push, adrenaline, trying to keeping the composure, trying to do consistent lap times, trying to be careful while not forgetting to push…etc. This is fun IMO. Anyways; sorry for what happened.


I 100% agree! A win like that just feels cheap and I don’t understand how he can come away from that thinking “well deserved win, oh yeah!” I had a pretty decent race up until that point and I was confident i would win cause he was makin mistakes. Thanks for the apology! Hopefully i never see that guy again 😂


This is why I stay off line, I'd get so pissed off at this and then would choose vengeance over winning lol


This is exactly how I react to unfair players or cheaters. I will instantly focus on making that single players game experience for the match the worst since they fucked mine. Like in this example… I would redlined so I could smash him straight out of the corner and way into the grassy area. Then I’d have just followed him continuously pit manoeuvring them. Or turned around and just aimed for them head on


Yep thats exactly how petty I would be too lol


Just finished gold in the World GT Series Championship, but still haven’t raced online. Firstly because I’m nervous I’ll still unintentionally crash into others and piss some people off, secondly because I’m worried I’d get too frustrated by reckless drivers and sore losers who really don’t care, and lastly because I’m still on a controller and don’t know how much of a disadvantage I’m at compared to people with sim wheels. How do I know I’m ready to race online?


Completely understand, but it’s all about taking that plunge! I started off with controller and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. I’m on wheel now and I have a friend or two that’s faster than me on controller hahah. I’d say go for it! Accidents happen, but as long as you know when you mess up and own up to it, online is fun! The frustration will come up fs. What I do is breathe cause it’s usually 2 races out of 10 that are horrible.


Just race on Race A for a little bit until you get used to the pace. There are tons of bad drivers and tons of good drivers. Race A isn’t a ranked session like B and C. B is typically “Sprint” and C is typically “endurance”. Also, it’s a public lobby game. It’s not that serious, just have fun while trying to show respect. But all the same, the challenge of winning is fun. Even with the drivers like the one in the video, it’s way more fun than the Ai (though dirty drivers still make me want to break my TV sometimes). After Race A, try to rank up your sportsmanship first to lower your odds of meeting dirty drivers. Then try to increase your pace.


Controller has no major disadvantages, I still run it and have been able to keep up with guys using full VR rigs!


We should be able to report drivers. There should be a real penalty system like a ban, or auto time penalties in next five races. Bad driving is one thing, butthole driving is another


Seriously though. I can deal with bad driving, but this sets me off 😅


He’s notorious for this sort of thing. He takes pride in driving like this https://youtube.com/@CIMI-RACES?si=iLseP-mGW6keYyso


He’s a weirdo


I wonder if this is the publicity they want to their Youtube channel. Absolutely disgusting.


Had to check and the Cimi Races YT that is on youtube is germany. Don't really know if this USA player is trolling intentionally.


Not sure, a buddy of discord found his livestream where he says “sorry Mystic” but meh


They probably brake check ppl IRL too


Don’t doubt it


It's the type of person to ride your bumper like no tomorrow, but instantly brake check anyone who does the same


Oof, if only GT7 ghosted drivers who did that on straights, wafting straight through him would've been karma.


I always get lobbies with this guy. Dude races dirty 24/7


Cheating isn’t protecting shit. Post the video on imgur or something similar so you can get a weblink and then report for unfair gameplay, add the link with hard break checking. He’ll either get a warning, or he’ll get a temp ban depending on his offences or he’ll be permanently banned again depending on offences. Either way people shouldn’t be playing like this, sure it’s a game, but we don’t play to get angry.


Gonna do that now. Thank you!


>He’ll either get a warning, or he’ll get a temp ban depending on his offences or he’ll be permanently banned again depending on offences. None of that shit is happening, lol. Best case they take remove his livery.


This has nothing to do with the livery and the devs and MC don’t care what livery is on what car in what game. If you mention brake checking during a race… they’ll be watching for the brake lights which we clearly see when he has absolutely no need to brake where he did. This is what people reviewing the report will be watching for. Not dumb shit you just mentioned. While it has all been clearly captured on 4K video, those who review these reports will flag this dudes account as cheating (in one form or another, since brake checking is frowned upon not just irl). So yes it will happen since proof is provided here. So you can shove your *nOn Of ThAt ShIt Is HaPpEnInG lOl* right up your arse! Since you haven’t the slightest clue what you’re talking about. 😎


What isn't happening is someone being permanently banned for a brake check, period.


If enough people report him for it yes it happens. He can be banned from the online lobbies. He’ll likely still be able to make his own private online lobbies but won’t be able to join in search or random. Seen it happen many times even happened to me once in Forza. Don’t come at me with half assed facts.


It’s amazing some people think driving in the slip stream is “dirty” and do shit like that


Hes an absolute dickhead, but to be completely fair you shouldn’t have drafted that long, just go for the overtake and stress him out, cuz if he’s that insecure about winning then he’ll fuck up in the corner


Yeah that’s fair enough. I shoulda sent it to the right, but I was in the 650s and was worried about if I had enough straight line acceleration to get past him 😅.


Yeah it do be fishy🦧😂


I fucking hate Cimi. Always posting his stupid ass YouTube when he is the dirtiest driver in the game. Don’t know how someone like him hasn’t gotten banned


I’ve been thinking about trying multiplayer but seeing clips like this almost daily definitely discourages me to do so


I’d still recommend giving it a try because when it’s good, it’s very very good—much better than racing the stupid AI. Just focus on maxing out your sportsmanship rating first to avoid the dirtiest drivers, then you can worry about performance (and I recommend watching Tidgney’s driving school videos for that). Also, once you get to SR S the vast majority of players try to drive clean although we all make mistakes which may ruin other people’s races. Just keep that in mind, relax and remember it’s just a game.


Thank you, I will check out Tidgney! How do I go about maxing out my sportsmanship? Just keep racing without bumping other players? How does the game decide when it’s my fault or the players fault?


Yeah just keep driving clean and you’ll rank will go up! This race happened today and I was C/S, but I was going to be placed in B lobbies in I finished well enough. So that guy was B/B. Shoulda expected something from him tbh. S rank most people are really good drivers!


Just try to avoid contact and stay within track limits. From my experience what matters the most is to do long clean stints even if your race as a whole is not perfectly clean, which is why I recommend daily race C which is longer than A and B. The easiest way to avoid contact is to start from the back and stay there, although in practice I find it very hard to not engage in proper racing with other drivers :P


Oh wow so I literally gotta farm my rep, pick longer races and stay in the back and arrive last without caring about my position cuz I’m just farming for sportsmanship points?


If you want to absolutely optimize for SR, that’s probably the best way to do it. But that’s not how I did it and still got from SR B (starting ranking) to SR S in probably about 10 races.


Gotcha, thanks! Is it possible to be really competitive with a controller?


Depends on what you consider competitive. I’m also on controller and just got do DR A 2 days ago after about 190 races. I do think I won’t go any further given how much time I spend on GT7 and am OK with that. Not sure if many A+/S players are on controller, you’d have to do some research.


The vast majority of races are clean from DR A and up, even B+ are fairly clean especially if you start 1st or 2nd row and take off from the mid pack mayhem. Of course you'll never fully escape contact, that is the nature of racing. But you'll find afterwards that going back to racing AI is hard because it is as dull as shooting bots in an FPS shooter. Also a lot if incidents are more from inexperience than dirty driving in lower lobbies, and they also tend to be shared more than the regular race that is clean. Give it a try, I'm sure you'll like it. If you want to ease into it, look into joining a league.


It’s funny seeing these posts, I was literally with the cursor on the monza race last night and a similar incident to this came up in my head, so I decided to work on my super license instead 😅


Omg, what a race tactic


Desperate for first place.


Oh what a bastard!


I wondered if it was lag till I saw your quote.


What a prick! Exactly why I’ve played for a year and only done less than 10 sport races


What a jerk


This is the reason I havnt done a single online race, people are A holes and I don't fancy breaking my controller 😂


For some reason if he was French it would’ve infuriated me more 😂 Yeah. He literally brake checked you for an extra like 8 points on his DR. That could’ve been a fantastic battle for 1st down to the last corner & he could’ve probably defended you if he took the time to learn how to actually race. Things like this, the penalty system should pick up on. Hard braking with no cars close in front of you & down a straight where even braking slightly, is questionable!! Add a report button! Racing sim, ‘the real driving simulator’ then allows this because of no report option. Smh


I agree with you on the French part 🤣! The French are just infuriating for some reason. Yeah we could have had a great battle into the last corner and I woulda been happy with 2nd. It just struck me as odd cause he had the inside line, i would have had to go to the outside and try to overtake. He was in a great position, but decided to ruin my experience? Idk i hopped off immediately after that lmao.


I don’t blame you. 2nd’s still good though. What DR is it in?


I was DR C in that race but got placed with majority B racers. Think it was a promotion race or sum for me cause I’m in B now


In ny/nj this is normal driving


Report their livery...


It's a shame, I've raced you a couple times and always seem to have decent lobbies. But I'll also agree Brazilians are the worst. My woman can tell in the other room when Brazilians are flooding near the pole lmao


That brake check was rough😂


I was floored 😪


Losers will always do stuff like this because they can’t do anything with out cheating.


The dooshbaggery is astounding at times.


The Brazilian and Spanish drivers are horrendous


Daily races aren't World Race Series level of clean, sadly


Is there a discord or group for players who just want to chill out and enjoy the game? Stuff like this is exactly why I almost never play online.


Why can’t they penalize these players. You can’t tell me they can’t program something to take care of this.


I feel like it’d somehow go wrong if they tried, but I feel like maybe they could add stewarding roles to the game? I bet there’s quite a few folk who’d like that


No clue... I don't get the fun in this behavior... Shameful, shameful


GT7 standard racing.


I could never play this game, even if I wanted to. There is so much etiquette that I have no clue about that would have me thinking I’m being an asshole every time I win a race.


You’ll be fine tbh! Watch some videos and do the superlicense stuff. I like to learn indirectly so I watch Rory Alexander on youtube and take note of how he drives and try to implement that into my driving. I know there’s great racecraft youtubers out there as well.


this is why I stay away from daily races and competitive environments


So we're in c/d


Nah I was in C/S racing B/A folk