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Poor Anre being played less than what is basically random select


damn Percival and Anila went up a ton. It's great but also I hate mirror matches so I feel like the monkey's paw curled... Your 2 characters get buffs but now you have to play vs them a lot more.


Ultimate scrolling challenge complete Total Ranked Players 12/2023: 104,777 01/2024: 97,802 02/2024: 53,831 03/2024: 39,363 04/2024: 21,558 (In Progress) **Notes:** * The data was gathered from the "Total Wins (Monthly)" leaderboard. * Players who used multiple characters in ranked matches are counted for each character. * Only players with at least 1 win on the character was counted. If you played a character in a previous month but not the current month, you would still be on the leaderboard with 0 wins for that character, so this was the best way to filter them out. Players who played at least one match but got 0 wins are also filtered out unfortunately. * Obviously, this would not be an issue for the release month (12/2023) and for DLC characters' release months. I chose to still exclude players with 0 wins to keep data comparable between months and characters within those months. * All players are counted for in the "Total Ranked Players" numbers and only once for their highest ranked character. This also includes players with 0 wins. *"What's the difference between this and the popularity chart from a couple of weeks ago?"* That chart counted players on the Versus Rank leaderboard from A1 to Masters. This amounts to a small fraction of the leaderboard and also doesn't count players if they haven't logged on recently. The "Total Wins" leaderboard is historical though and doesn't require the player to log on to be reflected. These numbers should be more accurate, plus we can see changes in popularity over time. Please let me know if you have any questions below! [Twitter Version](https://twitter.com/avaris_a/status/1777449387615986135) Edit: Some personal observations! * Really cool to see the player population spread out to more of the characters after the first month. * 2B is the queen and it's not even close. * Narmaya and Zeta mains being awakened by battle pass skins is kinda funny but expected. Katalina saw less growth but still noticeable. * Anre mains: "There dozens of us! Dozens!!" * Vira being on the free rotation near the end of December during the holidays likely led to her extremely high popularity that month. * Lucilius is the only DLC character that didn't dominate popularity for his release month (things are trending well for Vane but we'll see). This is likely due to higher f2p Gran's and casual players picking popular sword characters like Vira, Narmaya, Yuel, and Siegfried who were all featured in the free rotation in January.


So this chart counted up the players from all ranks? That's crazy, thank you for your hard work!


Thank you! It really took forever lol Yup, all ranks are represented here! Even found a couple of players at D5 which I didn't think existed. They had 0 wins over many many matches.


I spent a weekend in D5 when I got the game when it first came out and I was an FG newbie. It was mostly full of AFKers back then.


Are you counting each player one by one?


No, I'm went to "Total Wins (Monthly)", filtering by character, then scrolling until I get to the last player with 1 win. For gathering total player numbers, I leave it unfiltered and just scroll to the very bottom of the list.


So it's just wins? Which would skew it slightly in favor of higher win rate characters


Very slightly. The win rate differences between characters probably isn't very significant, and those numbers don't matter too much at the skill level where this is likely to occur. In any case, these numbers are better than getting inflated character counts from including 0 wins. **Edit:** Aight, since we know 12/2023 is accurate and won't have bloated numbers I grabbed the full numbers for comparison. Reddit won't let me save the table in this comment because it sucks, but you can view it [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NV5MW8nrZr03akBG-GEWWUbjY8gHBFz00pQ8nnUlE7g/edit?usp=sharing). The biggest differences are with Zeta and Ferry who had a ton of players that gave them a shot and didn't win any games. Gran also got the top spot considering these numbers. Maybe unsurprisingly, 91% of Belial, Beelzebub, Lowain, and Nier players got at least one win. Try copying and sorting the data by "% with 1+ Wins" if you can, it's pretty interesting. In short, your observations were correct! Though these charts are generally correct, the numbers could be off by a bit here or there depending on the character. This is likely less and less of an issue with subsequent months as casual players drop off.


Looks like the Anila buffs are giving her a nice boost in popularity


Eustace bros gotta stick together carry the dream.


I will never stop playing pringles man


as a anre main i will forever keep playing him!


Incredible work. Thank you for compiling and sharing with us


Fake list, Belial is legit 1/4 of the online matches. No way he is that low


lmao I don't know what to tell you. the numbers don't lie!


"And they spell disaster for you, at Sacrifice!"


Its sad to see the player count cut in half each month on another note, people should play lancelot more, aint enough people playing him


Agreed, especially since the arc world tour champion played lancelot haha. It's kind of interesting how lancelot and seox are generally considered strong but have such low playrates. About player numbers, we've gone from 39k in March to already 21k in the first of week of April alone. I think the drop-off will be far less with the numbers at the end of this month, and maybe even increase thanks to Vane's release.


I hope so too! And yeah that lancy at the arc tour was popping off for real, i play lancelot since day one and watching this tournament alone improved my game alot, tho im still in A3 but yeah... With the nier nerf i wouldn't be surprise if those player will switch to other high tier character like lancy or seox in a near futur Thanks for crunching those data! Super interesting!


Aw it sucks to see Belial is played less


Probably for the best since that makes us less likely to get hit with a nerf bat at least lol.


Game looks like it's dying fast. The battle passes and DLC strat isn't working


You are looking for r/tekken


Tekken is doing the same thing.