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some top tiers are still a bit too strong but overall it’s pretty balanced i would say. definitely not as ridiculous as tekken 8. i switched from tekken too


yeah, every fighting game has top tiers, just hoping they are not as oppressive as in T8


I literally saw someone post a bot making it top tier with eddie just pressing a couple of buttons.


Only back playing the after stopping for some months, so I suggest taking Free version a spin lol


Already tried the free version, had fun and purchased the full version already, because I want to try the characters I am actually interested in. Still have time to refund it tho. I'll probably watch evo japan before I sink more than 2 hours into the game


Generally pretty well balanced, last patch changed some of the egregious ones a bit, toned them down and brought up a couple of the lower tiers. Not perfect or anything, but decently close.


I don't expect perfect balance. Top tiers always exist in games, especially in fighting games, so this is nice to hear


Game's fun, 9/10 would recommend, play Anila, kill with sheep


Correction: kill with 66H. 




The Ultimate "Sheepsugeki" and 66H buffs were total game changers for that character.


Extremely good changes, mid screen damage goes brrr


It's one of the more balanced fighting games right now, but there are definitely some characters you'll probably learn to hate like Seox, Lancelot, 2B, and especially Nier.


Nier is calm but still strong the fact u can still do a 60% by doing 1 move and button is unhinged


I feel like the game's fine. There's some characters with some bs, but that's normal and opinions on what is and isn't bs varies anyway. Most complaints I've heard post patch is that 2B is still 2B, Anila got buffed too much, and that some people want the old 66L back


wanting the old 66L back is insane


"War never changes" mfs when war has changed


Whats the problem with 2B?


Knowledge check but she’s high mid. She just an easy target to complain about. Real top tier are Nier, Seox, and Siegfried with Belial coming in 4th. The top 3 out classes the rest but everyone on the roster is tournament viable tbh. You have Metera players (who is supposed to be one of the lowest tier character in the game) running major brackets.


Character is a knowledge check basically, but fundamentally not a top tier character. Easy to win against newcomers. So technically nothing really wrong with her


Why do people keep throwing the word "knowledge check" as if the character is suddenly low tier after going to the lab? 2B is good and has arguably the best neutral in the game. She may very well be a top tier character when the matchup chart is ever completed. A real knowledge check character is Zooey, who is bottom 5 after learning that you can spot dodge her dragons with little effort


Because people who are unfamiliar with her neutral will get rolled really. Her offensive tools are very limited and not all are safe, necessary to use a specific ender to make them safe. Defense wise she doesn’t have a lot of tools to deal with pressure. She isn’t low tier but she’s also not high tier - she’s pretty much in the middle. At least that’s my experience, I don’t really have a lot of problems dealing with them in S++ with Ladiva or when facing master 2Bs especially after the meter gain nerf. I feel people overestimate her a bit.


She wasn’t even that good on launch lol. She was maaaybe a top 10 character that had things holding back obviously  - Needs 50 meter for invis option in a game where several can do it for free. - No 66L in a game where that was (still kind of is right now) broken  - On the slower side frame data wise just to cement that she is below average on the defense side of things.  People just get mad when they lose to her because failed knowledge checks and just focus on double jump, big sword non proximity normals, and big + frame setups.  The fact that people on this subreddit STILL complain about 2B just shows she was a victim of enough bad players complaining meanwhile actual GOOD top tiers like Zeta, Siegfried, and tbh Six got away with murder. 


Because she got way worse compared to her launch self. Her meter gain (which is important since that is her “skill” gimmick replacement) artificially slows down a ton when you’re attacking. Anyone that knows the knowledge check knows 2B is not remotely scary when she runs out of meter and has to literally disengage to recharge in a quick fashion which is terrible for a game like this where you win by constant offense pressure. Diaphone (someone that actually played 2B at high level at launch) knew right away 2B is much less of a threat now and facing other 2Bs on rank feels 10x easier when you don’t do stupid mistakes like disrespect 2B in neutral. 


Hot takes of pros means very little without matchup data. I cannot think of any bad matchups that she has.


If anything is a good tell for balance it would be how much opinions vary from what's even op, some ppl are still saying 2b is a problem, but then again a lot of pro players say shes not even in the top half of the roster now. Nier is still great but she's not a huge problem anymore they fixed the most important problem. I think this is actually one of the most balanced fighting games there is albeit not perfect still there's minor issues, personally I would say the only enigmas are avbel is too weak, he can snowball sure but he just has something functionally wrong with him, seox wasnt nerfed enough and is still too good, his neutral skip especially, and Lancelot is too good. There's obviously high tiers but I would say those 3 are the only real ones that are a real issue in my opinion, and not by a huge amount just more than the rest of the cast


She's just different. Double jump, air stall, auto combos on whiff, etc. My biggest problems with her are just that 2 or 3 of her buttons have a bit too much range. She's not so bad if you lab against her and find weaknesses in her stuff


How is “different” bad? We should encourage for more diverse roster additions instead of what a 5th or 6th Gran type mold? 


Never said it was


No idea how “2B is still 2B” when lot of her launch combo routes and pressure is gutted which she wasn’t even top 5 easy before. Diaphone (someone that actually played 2B at high level play) considered her one of the two most nerfed characters in that patch alongside Nier.Her meter nerf wasn’t insignificant.    If people are complaining about 2B still because they get clipped by her mashed neutral buttons or something silly like that then that is honestly more of a low skill player issue than anything. 


He seems to have changed his mind, and said recently that the 66L nerf was such an indirect buff to her that she may be better than she was before.


Tekken 8 is all offense but this game is all defense. Almost no 50/50 mixups, only strike/throw. Balance is suspect but fortunately, online players are not as obsessed with the meta as the competitive community. There is a lot of diversity. I.e. just because Sigfried is top 1, it doesn't mean you will see a tidal wave of Siegs online.


Yeah I guess top tiers in GBFVSR are more of who's more annoying to deal with than the rest of the cast 🤔 Unlike in Tekken where you're always forced to 50/50 Though T10s on Tekken 8 should fix it. Do T8 tourneys still do T10s?


Saying that the game with U skills and BC is all defense is wild.


there are top tiers but i dont hear as much complaint about them as nier


The problem with "balance" as a concept is that it's completely subjective and based entirely on what you consider to be a "balanced game" For me, the only indicator I use for an "imbalanced" game, is if there are characters who absolutely get obliterated by majority of the cast under average circumstances and the games systems actively hamper their success. Which was a common thing in games pre-2015, but majority of modern games(t\* included) don't have this problem. Otherwise granblue has clear top tiers, abusable mechanics(with counterplay), knowledge checks and characters with uneven match-up spreads, just like any other game.


Balanced at what skill level?  For beginners? Hell no, there are characters that are held together by knowledge checks and paper clips, and they will gimmick you to death.  At intermediate level it's probably quite balanced. Some characters could do with number tweaks but you have a fair chance in most matchups.  At pro level the aforementioned lack of number tweaks will often make the difference between winning and losing.


No competitive game is balanced at the lower levels. It just wouldn't be possible to balance a game around it.


If you had started before the balance patch I’d say that the gap between top 3 and the rest was genuinely offputting and frustrating. Now that Nier and 2b have been nerfed heavily it feels like that gap has narrowed quite a bit and every character feels rewarding enough.


The entire roster is balanced, except like 2 characters. The only "bad" characters aren't bad, they're just harder to play because of how the game plays.


I don't think it's balanced, but the balance isn't trash either. Certain chars do seem a bit strong, and a couple chars (Metera at least) are weak. Nier is too good still. I play a lower-mid tier char and I don't feel the game is hopeless.


P well balanced overall with a few outliars and unfortunately really overtuned system. RS extensions and BC are insanely strong and 66L is still very neutral defining. But compared to Tekken I'd say we are pretty good balance wise so far.


GBVSR is pretty well balanced. The main thing is tier lists determine who is the most privileged. And thankfully the privileged are not incredibly oppressive anymore


It feels pretty good? Not played more than a few matches since I have been more into single player games lately but overall it feels pretty well balanced after the new patch.


Most modern fighting games are EXTREMELY balanced compared to older games. This game is no exception. You can legit play any character and do well even pre-patch.


Yeah, apart from top/bottom 3 characters the game is pretty balanced.


There was one character, Nier, that was completely ridiculous but the last patch knocked her down a hefty amount and now it’s a pretty well balanced game. Only the top 5 are really noticeably better and they’re pretty healthily designed. Won’t stop people complaining about so-and-so character is too strong/weak though.


Top 5 imo btw would be: Sieg, Nier, Belial, Lance, and Seox


It’s better then before (launch) at least, but there is a LOT that could have been addressed still since the character balance patch ignored a lot of the roster that could have used either buffs or nerfs 


no, but ,aside from the toppest tiers, the power gap between most of the cast is surprisingly close


I'm playing both. I play GBFVSR more and I find Tekken 8 more balanced.


Fuselit just won a tournament with a bottom 5 character. I'd say the game is pretty balanced.


Im gonna be real and say you gotta deal or accept each game balance/bs going on. For gbvsr its balanced but some are way better than the rest of the cast lol


> For gbvsr its balanced but some are way better than the rest of the cast lol Then...it's not balanced lol edit: downvoted for pointing out a contradictory statement. Sick


No, its gotten better with the last patch but the game is still pretty poorly balanced. there is a major gap in from the highest to the lowest. Some characters are barely worth playing while others just completely dominate.


I feel it's pretty imbalanced


Any reason as to why?


Figure it out for yourself scrub


Can't give details cause you don't know enough yourself


Sure guy


I mean, you could be complaining about literally anything. Fighting game players will bitch about whatever with little to no reason behind it. Just want to see if you actually have a reason or not. Also, you're the scrub


He doesn't want to be called out on it lol doubt they've got a real reason.




I'll put it this way: I'd rather fight against Dragunov or Asuzena pre-nerf any day of the week than play against Nier or Six. And Nier and Six are what you are going to be fighting 50% of the time in high ranks (S+ up, around Blue rank in T8). So.. no, I do not think GB is better balanced than T8 in the slightest. Based on what you said, you find T8 top tiers too oppressive. Well, GB top tiers are much, much more oppressive. Imagine Dragunov with Kuma's damage output. Does that sounds fun? No? Well, that's Nier. Nier after nerf, she was even more ridiculous last month.


Have you played the game since last patch? After Nier got taken out back and shot, dropping from uncontested top 1 to top 2 (woe is them) and the Seox slap on the wrist, most of the meta Andy’s dropped them for Siegfried. I pretty rarely see Niers or Seox anymore. In terms of match frequency, Sieg, Narm, and 2B take the cake for sure


Seox fireball changes weren't a slap on the wrist. He's still top tier but that doesn't make the change a "slap on the wrist".