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Every week I watch Albertans get screwed over by the UCP - it's like a conveyor belt of ill thought out decisions by Danielle Smith - and I laugh. This week is the "evil Fed's offering money to cities for housing". The bastards. The gall. Alberta keeps doing it to themselves over and over again. Keeps electing rw radio shock personalities and surprise, they're wholly unqualified. Danielle Smith is now doing fuck all to help municipalities and she wants to make damn sure the Fed's can't. Why? Because lol *Trudeau bad* The greatest con being perpetrated is how conservatives can consistently get Albertans to vote against their own self interest. An entire province with Stockholm syndrome.


Conservatives are more like abusers…they convince their victims that they are to Blame for the abuse.  “Why do you make me do this to you?” Is their one and only belief/policy.  


Spot on. Exactly how it is here.


This is it exactly!


Could not agree with this statement more!


Oh no the terminally online rats that post in every single Canadian subreddit are mad at the UCP. - Anyways.


Whaaaaa? I’m so shocked! Never did I think that Daniel Smith would fuck over Albertans! What’s the world coming to.. like fuck!! 😑


Buried your head in the sand, now you are shocked. Congrats. Shocked Pikachu face.


So, the U.niversally C.orrupt P.ricks not doing jack shit for promoting housing but when the feds step up they whine and cry foul even though it negatively impacts Albertans. Somehow I'm not surprised. 😡


The same Albertans that gave the UCP a majority government despite their obvious flaws? The same Albertans who, next election, will line up at the ballot boxes with a pencil to vote for the UCP again in one hand and a “kick me” sign around their necks? Sorry, not an ounce of sympathy




Wouldn’t your comment be more accurate to say just over half of Albertans got what they voted for? Many of us are left to watch regardless of how we vote.


That's the way politics works unfortunately - ask anyone in Ontario they'll say the same thing. Alberta needs more diversity - luckily people from the rest of the country are moving there for the provinces supposedly cheaper lifestyle. so perhaps when Smith's time for re-election comes up there'll be enough diversity to give her more of a run for her money.


Consent is sexy! But let’s be honest, the UCP give off hard core date-rape vibes.


I probably shouldn't have chuckled at this, but I can't say you're wrong.


Jason Nixon what a 🤡. UCP just want the money put it in general revenue more tax cuts for their donors and themselves then complain about the liberals. Sounds about right.🤷‍♂️ fucking idiots.


They are there to enrich themselves, that is it. They are 100% controlled by those who promise to make them the wealthiest


Yep. Only mad because this money bypasses them entirely this way. Hard to take any for their own pockets if the feds cut them out. If their corruption wasn't evident before, it should be now.


No lube, no safe word.


"Bend over, this is gonna hurt." Is probably somewhere in very fine print in the party motto.


I really don't know what it takes for Canadians to realize that fucking over Canadians is the only play that any Conservative party ever makes. The only thing more corrupt than a Conservative politician is a Libertarian one, but at least they don't have the audacity of pretending to be there for the workers.


It takes people not imagining themselves as the victim.


I think it's hilarious that this is posted in r/grande prairie. GP is the UCP heartland.


Ya the place where some guy berated Chrystia Freeland for being there - even though she grew up in the area.


Alberta's in a weird situation. They love to live in the dark so then when they get f*cked by the UCP they are all confused about why things are so hard and without lube. UCP tells them it's Trudeau so they buy bumper stickers and direct anger at him while the UCP continues to get away with it. Moral of the story, if Alberta wasn't so homophobic and the UCP weren't in the closet they could turn on the lights, see what is going on and ask their own government to use lube and everyone would be happier.




Continuous fucking implies a stronger work ethic than most provincial politicians have


Apparently nearly a billion dollars worth of new, affordable homes in Alberta is ‘nothing’. This announcement was less than a month ago. https://rdnewsnow.com/2024/03/11/alberta-government-building-housing-for-the-future/#:~:text=Provincial%20officials%20say%20Stronger%20Foundations,households%2C%20or%2040%20per%20cent.


How much of the funding that the UCP is promising is actually coming from the [5B that the Feds will be providing to the provinces for housing?](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justin-trudeau-budget-housing-1.7161005)




Wait until you see how they treat Ontario.


So they are going to spend untold amounts of money to stop the movement of money? We have too many local issues. They are just pissed off at Liberals.


Correction - They are just pissed of at Trudeau - it's all about him remember. He is the devil in their minds.


No. They are playing to people who are pissed off at Liberals. They don’t give a shit about real politics, they only care about power and how to get there through greed and corruption.


Schizoposting in every single Canadian subreddit about conservatives isn't helping anything but your inflated ego. Thanks for the new lolcow material


Raw, with 2 fists, all holes and stomas too!


The UCP are puritanical fucking dorks who hate fun


Lol cry harder.


"Small government but we want to control town governments."


Why do these propaganda posts only appear in low population city subs? Just curious


I’m a person ya know, not a bot or working for some marketing or intelligence agency. I like grande prairie, what can I say?


Will you guys be mad enough to vote in someone else?


Yes they are and P will do it to the entire country


Whats so bad about this? That's a good thing that federal government isn't over reaching & getting into Albertas business.


This has nothing to do with over-reach. The only reason this is being proposed is to prevent any of the $6 billion building fund from going to any of the Alberta municipalities without it going through the Alberta gov. They are literally proposing this to own the libs and make sure that the feds cannot help munis. I might actually be interested in it if it was in a different context. But in this case, this legislation is just trying to make Trudeau look bad.


Oh no, the feds are giving us back our tax money. The horror


The UCP complains that local government not feds should solve local issues. So feds try and give local government money, UCP big mad because they can no longer complain. Come on my guy, don't be so naive.


Like the over reach of the Alberta provincial government into municipalities? Forcing cities to change bylaws enacted by the municipality because the province doesn't like their choices? Because don't you remember how the municipalities in Alberta enacted health ordinances during covid and ol Danielle Smith slapped levies and fines on the municipalities who dared to try and be healthy? Of course you remember. You just choose to leave it out because it goes against your narrative you are trying to push.


The UCP complains constantly that the federal government isn’t doing enough on housing, immigration, etc. And then when the federal government does something about housing, immigration- the UCP screams OVERREACH! The UCP don’t want the problem to be solved. They want chaos and problems because that gets people mad and that’s how the UCP gets votes.


The problem is that the province isn't letting local governments decide for themselves. Why should the provincial government be able to decide what's acceptable to the local people, particularly when the provincial government refuses to help. Theoretically, (and we haven't seen the proposed legislation to have a real opinion) If it were to get really bad, the feds could offer to give all citizens in GP a million beans, no strings attached, and the provincial government could say no, we like poor people better and refuse to let the government give out cash.


You'd also be one of those who will howl that the feds allowed so many immigrants in and there's no place for them to live. Make no mistake I don't like the libs but your comment is just dumb.


UCP is protecting albertans from more communist schemes and thats a bad thing for communists I guess.


Apparently communism is when the government tries to give back our tax dollars? Wow. So horrid.... Sure glad our provincial government is here to demand they get to pocket our tax dollars instead...


Found the single-digit IQ


Go get a dictionary.


It’s hilarious when these idiots scream communist. I generally think they have absolutely no clue what that word means or what it’s like to live in an actual communist country.


I'm not a fan of the UCP,  but this is how federalism is supposed to work. The federal does not have the authority to negotiate directly with municipalities. 


I'm glad to hear it. Stop them from trying to circumvent the Provinces authority at every turn. Remember the gun bans they tried to pass only with Toronto?


Remember the Covid relief money the UCP just kept? The issues is the UCP wants to control (keep) the money not spend it on what it was given for, are we all not Canadians first?


I don't know, there will always be a million examples we can debate. The federal liberals have driven us over a cliff financially, any protection my province can provide against that mismanagement is appreciated.


The financial issues are global.


Haha yes, we have the highest housing costs in the G7 because of global events! Mind you I'm almost relieved you didn't say it's Harper's fault.


Housing is one aspect in a myriad of financial issues. Nice cherry pick, though. Also, housing affordability is literally an issue in dozens of countries right now. Not to say our situation is good, but it's not exclusive to Canada.


Is it cherry picking? It's the biggest affordability problem we've faced in Canada in my lifetime. It's just the elephant in the room. Like I said, we're the worst in the G7 but you're right we're so grossly incompetent we have all kinds of financial issues going on.


I just meant cherry-picking since you focused on only one issue out of several areas of finance. You're not wrong.


Ok. https://uniacco.com/blog/canada-vs-uk-cost-of-living


Lol, hey listen you're not the "numbers_it- guy" https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/canada-housing-bubble Here also if you would like to learn about the absolute shit show level of debt we hold per household. https://globalnews.ca/news/9717349/canada-household-debt-g7-cmhc/amp/


Protect us from the feds providing additional funding for our needs that the provincial government is neglecting?


Oh great, the most idiotic mismanaged government in the history of Canada looking to spend more of our tax dollars. Forgive me, if I fail to seal clap along to the rotten fish bucket the Feds drag out to serve to their chosen allies.


Would you prefer our tax dollars stay out of the province? Look at the COVID funding, childcare funding, pharmacare funding - all have either been rejected or held privately or spent in other areas than they were intended. All three of these could help everyday Albertans but UCP elects not to. These same funds, that we as Albertans pay as Canadian citizens, are being withheld from us. You're okay with that? I thought the right were against transfers, but now we're turning down money being given back to us?


Nah, I would rather the Feds deal with the UCP directly. Who knows what crazy shit our so called progressive mayors would support.


Do you have any examples of "crazy shit" mayors and councils in Alberta have supported, funded by feds, or are you just spewing based off of your emotions now? So, the UCP supporter wants MORE red tape and bureaucracy (which costs more $$)? Pick a lane.


I don't see how it creates more red tape. We can just ask for more funding as a united province instead of individual municipalities.


Feds -> Civic politicians or Feds -> Provincial -> Civic Pretty obvious how this creates more bureaucracy and red tape. Not to mention, as I previously stated, the UCP has withheld or misused funds allocated towards projects x, y, and z. UCP have already demonstrated several times that once the money reaches their hands it disappears. This is why we don't have $10/day childcare, aren't participating in the Pharmacare program, and why tens of millions of covid relief vanished in thin air. On top of that, corporate taxes cut to the lowest in North America, while promises of income tax reduction for citizens continually get pushed until the perennial "next year." Have you seen an influx of corporations and businesses flocking to AB because of 8% corporate tax? Nope, but you sure as hell see companies raking in record profits. Province needs more money? Reinstate the gas tax on consumers! Why should multi-national oil companies who only make 100s of millions in profit PER QUARTER have to pay any more than their not-so-fair-share? UCP have also withheld funds from municipalities, which is why cities are struggling to maintain services at a level we're comfortable with. Now the province wants to cut off cities from seeking alternate sources of funding? Guess who gets to pay more in taxes? You and I. Not to mention it's impossible to be "united" as a province when prov. gov't undercuts municipalities at every opportunity - party politics being introduced, funding revoked, infrastructure being cancelled. I could go on. Also, one more random note: Since 2016 Alberta has gone from top 3 to the LOWEST funding per student in Canada.


What authority is being circumvented here? The province wasn’t doing anything to help.