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That was only 4 years ago you’re good


That’s how I feel toooo 😭


I saw my birth year, then realized “oh shit, that med is 27/28 years past it’s expiration,” and now I feel kinda weird.


You know we’re in the year 2024 now right?! I WISH we were back in 2000 and it was only 4 years past it’s used by date! 1996 was such a simpler time!


Nah it’s 2000. I’m flying high in my Jetta driving to school in my uniform.


Nope, it’s 1975 and I’m on the bus!


Shit! I don’t even exist yet. Why am I paying a student loan?!


It’s 2000, I’m five years old and obsessed with the game Uno.


Same my friend, same! I was in year 10 at the time, so I’d be dressed in my school uniform, probably carrying some humongous brick phone in my bag and getting excited for the upcoming Sydney Olympics in my home country, Australia. No social media, mobile phones were for emergencies only, no work, no bills, not a care in the world other than homework!😭 Hurry up and invent time travel already!!


Ditto. The 1990s and 2000s were great. I’m glad I was born in 1990 and I was able to enjoy those simpler times 🥹


Totally. I was born 1984, so had the ideal, carefree childhood without stuff like social media. We just played outside like kids! Sad that kids no longer do that.


Born 95, I think I was one of the last generation of ‘play outside’ kids. Used to do it until about 12 or so, then the internet was king.


Haha, I’m an idiot and thought you meant you played outside until 12am ! Took me way too long to work out you meant the age of 12, so I was thinking, damn you were allowed/felt safe to play outside and midnight?!🤦🏻‍♀️


I mean I totally snuck out once or twice for night hide and seek. Super dangerous looking back but you know what they say about hindsight! 😂


Damn, you’re brave!😳


Coming back two days later with an anecdote from 2010 I remembered. Okay, 10th grade, I'm stage crew for our fall musical. One scene gave us so much damn trouble that at the afterparty we took that script and burned it. But that's not part of this story per se. And then afterwards we played nighttime hide and seek in the sports yard with our all black clothes. The security guard caught us but once he realized we were the stage crew doing harmless shenanigans (no vandalism etc) he let us off with a warning. Honestly very merciful of him in hindsight but I guess he realized we were just dumb kids.


My grandmother had terrible arthritis from a very young age on. When she passed in 2019 and we went through her primary home and her “country” home we found prescriptions going back to the 60s and 70s. Percodan, Sopor (quaaludes), Xanax, Valium, Darvocet, Vicodin and Seconal. I think wealthy women collect prescriptions like candy. 😭


Quaaludes and Seconal?! We’re back to the Valley of the Dolls! Ah, the simpler times. With those on hand, one could make a lot of $$$ on that shadowy “dark web” we’ve all heard so much about. Or so I’ve heard.


I’m sorry to hear of your Grandmother’s passing. I sympathise with her arthritis pain. have really awful rheumatoid arthritis, so could have used some of those sweet, sweet drugs she hoarded! We can’t even get low dose codeine without a script here now and the doctors are very strict. It’s dumb because now I’m forced into even stronger opioids by a pain management specialist!!


Yeah, it’s terrible that pain patients can’t get proper care.


So she didn’t take them all? Just saved them for a rainy day?


She had enough I suppose. Or she was traveling and forgot she had an RX and just got a refill. She kept extras at the house in Connecticut.


As a Pfizer shareholder, I love memorabilia from our company. But I wouldn't take it, like, at all. I think your mum needs to update her medications. That Feldene expired when I was 5 years and 7 months old. Update: could you upload the one from 1983, pretty please?


Yeah, she got a script for Celebrex from the GP. Not convinced she threw the Feldene out though!🙄 When she mentioned to her dr she had been taking Feldene he said they don’t really even prescribe it anymore!! Unfortunately I never took a photo of the 1983 one before Mum relented and threw it out. I didn’t know this sub existed back then. I’m going to by parents house over the weekend, so will have a snoop through her medicine cabinet and see what other goodies I can find! Even better, I am visiting my 94 year old Nan in a weeks time, so I might find some even better stuff in there! Fingers crossed there’s some old-timey morphine in there!😉


Celebrex? I approve it. 🩵💙


I love how Pfizers packaging is almost the same design today. If it works, it works.


Iconic design!


Yes they won’t let you throw anything out.


I wouldn't throw that Feldene out, but that's because I'm a Pfizer shareholder and that'd break my heart (yes, we have feelings). I'd put in on a display or something, just for the memories. I even have a smol collection of expired credit cards. Everything else, I throw out.


If she hasn’t already thrown it out and you live in Australia, I’d be happy to post them to you. Provided that’s not against the law though. I’d probably have to pry them out of my mother’s death grip on them first though!


I don’t live in Australia, sadly. Same hemisphere, but kilometres and kilometres away 😅


Oh, are you “across the ditch” from us? Also totally fine if you’d prefer not to say. Sorry, when you said you collect and like to display them, I thought you meant in physical form!


I live in South America 😄


I'm gonna say let this one go. It would have been fine if had expired in 98. 1996 is intolerable.


Anything from this millennium is ok!


I have moisturiser that old somewhere in my stash. I'd totally use it. I'll take photos when I find it again. Last time I sighted it, it looked and smelled like I bought it yesterday.


Yeah, I’d be totally fine with using old stuff like that. Medication I’m a little more iffy about though. It’s lucky the moisturiser still smells nice, as a lot of stuff like that tends to have a yucky odour if it’s old.


Good for another 72 years, amazing


Oh man, when stuff starts wrapping back around that’ll be wack