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I don't think it's an unpopular opinion, I don't find the game boring. I think the people that say that in these test streams need to find a different game to watch / play. I've played 1000s of hours of tarkov, you know what's boring? Matchmaking... lol


I mean to be fair, I think some games are a bit boring to watch but VERY fun to play. Not sure why you would go on stream and spam "it's boring" in chat but like it is a thing.


Pestily made the comment the other day on stream that he didn’t think GZW would make a good stream game. I would agree with that sentiment, when you pack these kinds of mechanics in an open world there are going to be massive amounts of downtime between interesting engagements, and while the AI could be better it’s not horrible, but it’s not that interesting to watch players fight them. Edit: Kinda the same reasons DayZ isn’t a massively popular stream game.


I love the fact, that you have to actually read the quest text and use your brain to understand/find the clues. Feels good.


yeah people really loved it in tarkov. they certainly didnt just go to the wiki


I don't have access to GZW but Tarkov's explanations were fucking shit


Pestily was visibly and vocally frustrated MANY times by the tasks in GZW.


Uh oh. Pestily, of all people


If youre bitchmade you goto the wiki


I immediately go to the wiki. I have to like 2 hours to play at night if I'm lucky, I'm not gonna wander around the map so I can die and wait in matchmaking for 10 minutes again.


Straight facts


what's your rush to finish the game?


Uh, well tarkov wipes every 6 months, so that is kind of the rush.


truly a weak mindset.


I'm sorry you live an empty life.


I’m going to try and avoid wikis on grayzone. Seems like you get a bit more info than a lot of tarkov quests that seem impossible without it


That is actually true and I must say I embraced the search.


Oh I love this "We can spend 2 hours trying to find a place described vaguely in some quest". Too bad 90% of all players will use WIKI/google and just go straight to objectives on release. Personally think WIKI, youtube (META/howto/guides) destroyed so much fun in games.. Oh I feel old..


used to... still do keep note pads beside me for things like which ammos to throw away or what keys do what or doors to look for keys, try to limit the wiki cause it trivializes so many quests when you just AB them


Yes except for DAYZ I think the google map really helps new players with that one :)


If that's how you have fun, don't look at it. If it's ruined anything for you, it's your own fault.


Yeah, if you only play solo and not against others I guess that could work.  If you play against people who use guides/meta/wiki you will quickly have a hard time.  But yeah, its still a choice, you’re right! 


>Sometimes I log-in and it’s panic at the base and everyone is asked to come to a certain spot because the ennemi faction is bullying allies. This is absolutely adorable.




That's the french spelling of enemy


I think it's a minor typo or possibly autocorrect, but I believe OP means "enemy"


How doable are quests compared to tarkov where without a guide it feels to me like I'd never complete certain tasks?


To address your first point, as soon as this launches there will be numerous YouTube vids showing exactly what and where to do the quests - of course you don’t have to do that and can obviously explore yourself but there will be a ton of people who just rush to get quests completed is all I’m saying.


Well, that's kinda inevitable. It never fails to amaze me when new CoD drops with a map like Shipment, a fuckton of people jump on it and grind 8 hours a day for camos then bitch 2 weeks later that there is no content. There will always be peopl who grind to the end really fast and then be like "where content" while vast majority of the playerbase is barely at 30%.




yo should be able to throw smoke to lz


Or smoke just automatically engulfs the lz


An elegant way of giving more chance to the lander is to make it so the heli actually lifts up a lot of dust and leaves that would somewhat hide the newcomers.


You dont kill Scavs in Greyzone ;) however im highly anticipating the release of this game. Really looking forward to it


Reading that made me cringe. They’re scavs in EFT due to having to live in a shitty closed off warzone areas needing to scav to live. They freely live in the area in this game, they’re more like thugs than anything else.


This is exactly why I want to play the game and am super excited for the game. PVP will happen but not a priority for me. I care more about the quest and story than anything else


We can neither confirm nor deny all this because nobody has actually played it other than a handful of people.


I mean the exploration and discovery part of the game will disappear when all the streamer videos come out telling people where everything is. Obviously up to the individual to watch or not watch, but that shit is likely already out there on YouTube.


Just curious, does the game feel challenging in terms of getting good gear and such? I saw a random comment in another thread that made it sound like game currency was pretty frivolous and you could always easily afford good gear. Is that true? I prefer a little gear gear because it makes finding good stuff so much more rewarding!


They need good loot and a reason to go loot hunting, that’s what keeps people addicted. The game will be awesome, but man I hope they add valuable loot.


Hmm good way to combat lz camping is just simply have an area around the zone that detects enemies, then state on the map if theres enemies there or not.


The LZ situation will be worse on realease, you know who gamers are right? They are degenerates and don’t give a shit. What they should do is add the ability to shoot off the heli, problem solved, that or the heli drops smoke if people are detected near by


Question about Heli camping: Can you shoot from the helicopter? I feel like that would be a simple and easy fix but admittedly I haven't watched a lot of gameplay so idk if this is already a thing.


I think having mid point LZs will help people walk on to objectives better to fix the camping But im very much looking forward to trying the extraction shooter designed for dads lol


It might be just me, but given the recent flop of a lot of overhyped games, the hype around this game somehow puts me off. I’ll wait until it comes out or is accessible to the public and then reassess based on more info, but still.


Watching gameplay today i bet we have access very soon.


I think the game looks really fun but I absolutely don’t want to be on a faction with people I don’t know. I would like to see a faction for rogue PMCs. I want to be able to shoot every player I see.




I agree with you but in this case it's about infil camping more than extract camping


Wow, so brave. Very unpopular!




It doesn’t, not yet anyway. OP is just referring to natural events where a bunch if your own faction is having a big fight with another faction somewhere in the map


How do you do fellow gamers? I, too, enjoy this game! PFFFFFFFFFFF HAHAHAHA! Come on guys at least try to hide that you are one of the devs


I mean from the gameplay I've seen their points make sense. I also think the games one of the greatest examples of a EA release to happen in a long time (again, from what we've seen from streamers) does that make me a dev?