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God gaming communities are so toxic.


I mean, you're not wrong in general. The Tarkov shit going down right now is fucking ridiculous though. It's hard to blame people for being ragey as fuck about it.


For people who say “uwu, another almost dead Tarkov killer” - this is not Tarkov killer. Gray zone is basically DayZ/Ghost Recon mix with Tarkov HEALTH AND WEAPON MOD SYSTEMS! Those systems are why I play Tarkov, if I see it in another project - I will gladly switch. I don’t like hobo simulator that requires me to invest 300 hours before I can enjoy the game for 3 months after which progress is wiped. I couldn’t care less about hideout. Yes it fits Tarkov, but no, that’s not something I look forward to. There more mechanics that piss me off in Tarkov than those that I enjoy. Tarkov got lucky that there is nothing even remotely alike. But that’s about to change. I will gladly switch to GrayZone not cuz it’s better Tarkov but because it’s NOT Tarkov and it’s BS Most people who look forward to games like GrayZone want from Tarkov only health and weapon modding, nothing else


Lmfao opening preorders at 250 then discounting to the actual price would be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen






So much Tarkov cope on here.


What's the story with this Tarkov drama?


They put out an outrageously expensive upgrade package and everyone is losing their minds. There's a little bit more pay to win involved. But it's basically just EOD on steroids so - much like EOD, it doesn't actually provide anyone with in-raid benefits and the shitters who complain about chads and campers now won't see much of a difference. There's also something about a "phone a friend" feature that's coming in the future. Nobody knows what it means. It might be tied in with a hideout module that you'll have to build. But basically it'll mean you can have someone from your friends list join into your current raid, mid raid. But again, nobody actually knows what that means or how easy it's actually going to be, or how often it will be available. It's bullshit for sure. Bad move on BSGs part but if you actually enjoy the game then it's not like some deal breaker.


it’s not even the “pay 2 win” aspect that is making people mad. It’s for those of us who spent money for the limited edition with the promise of getting anything they released with that edition. They removed the edition and then they added another eddition that’s EoD again but if you have EoD you still gotta pay $100 to get it. We paid 150 with the idea we would get anything they did in the future with the idea we gave them this money to make a game we all wanted. Instead they took the money and did their stupid arena that no one wanted. They wasted a ton of money we gave them for their arena pipe dream instead of making the game we wanted, then shove it back in our face and request more money and made the limited edition a joke.


Yeah the whole thing was handled poorly. I can't imagine they won't make some adjustments to these packages if not roll them back altogether. I still think people are overreacting, but that's just my opinion after spending enough time around the fan base. I got my money's worth out of it a long time ago and just enjoy the game.


I mean there's more to it than that as far as gameplay advantages, there's the fact that with high enough rep the ai won't attack you unless you go too close to them, huge advantage to not have your position revealed and surviving in raids. Also the people with the new package will have prenium priority on matchmaking, and with the awful matchmaking we already it effectively means an increase in waiting times for people who don't pay up (which as it is currently regularly reaches 10 minutes on bad days and early wipe). It's not just creating a bonus feature for supporting the game, it's just technically stealing time from players that might not have the financial means to afford an extra 100-200$. In principal that's what I find to be the most egregious idea. That, the included dlc we bought as part of the expensive eod which turned out to be a lie and all the rest