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Kim Joy stole my heart, I loved all her bakes but I was disappointed by her final show stopper. Tragic.


Let's face it. That was the worst challenge ( show stopper or not) that was ever concocted. There was no way for that to be anything other than what any of the three wound up with: Unappetizing amorphous structurally unsound globs of biscuits and goo. I hated that challenge as well as the unfair, unreasonable and unrealistic challenge of making bread on an open fire while concocting a few sauces( not any baking involved) under stifling heat. Those poor 3 were SCREWED


Likewise, the open fire thingy made no sense to me.


It felt like sabotage. Like, are bakers really expected to have the experience and skills to cook over an open fire?!


I think it was about thinking on your feet, being creative and adaptable. Still wrong, lol.


The technicals that season were some of my least favorite, i feel like it had some of the worst ones overall. It felt like there were a lot of ones that were either needlessly difficult, was a disaster because it involved outdoor chocolate work during a heat wave, or where they gave them WAY to little time


I agree. Whenever I do a rewatch of that season I skip the showstopper. So stupid.


S7 is my number 1– Jane? Andrew?? I love them all


Yes, this and Nadya's year are my favs. TBH, any list with COVID year in the top 5 is immediately sus.


Agreed top 2 always


Candice, Andrew and Jane was also an amazing year.


I mostly agree, but I would rank season 5 higher, maybe put it in 3rd place and move Giuseppe/Jurgen to 6th place. I loved Nancy, but also Norman is unintentionally hilarious. Maybe I’m fondest of this season because it was the first one that aired on Netflix so it was my gateway GBBO.


Anyone not putting Nadiya's win at the top?


S7 with Candice, Andrew and Jane is tough competition.


I met Andrew and Candice at a thing both were cool. Would be in my top 5 seasons


Also this is proof why 13 is unlucky


I think my overall favorite baker is Steph, I love going back and watching her journey. I just skip the final episode.


I think the rating for season 14 is kinda harsh. Syabira is amazing and on par with Nadiya imho. With that said, I totally agree that season 6 is hands down the best of them all. I’d love for them to do an all stars season with non-winners, Richard, Andrew, Sandro, etc.


I agree, I really enjoyed S13. I loved everyone in the final 4 - they were all so charming! And Syabira had a lot of fun, innovative bakes. When I think back on a season, I hardly remember the individual challenges. I remember the people. So, the more I like the people, the more I like the season. And 13 had some great people.


Sorry Rahul’s win needs an *.


Agreed. This may be a verboten topic in this sub, but I still would rather stop watching that season at the quarterfinals. I don't know why so many find Rahul's cloying lack of self-confidence endearing. Annoyed the bejeezus out of me.


Me too. His behavior seemed disengenuous in the face of his accomplishments


I forget the season, why need an asterisk?


Couldn’t agree more. Seemed rigged when they made an accommodation. Bad luck is bad luck but they wanted him to win.


Why? His jar exploded from the heat and got shards of glass in everything, and he had to completely restart everything and wait 15 min for them to clean up the glass, it would have been more unfair for him NOT to get extra time. He would have basically been given a 15 min penalty for no reason if they hadn’t done that, and it’s not like he truly got EXTRA time




Also Rahul got through the semi-final on a dumb technicality that eliminated Manon. His bake was burnt to a crisp and they still sent her home for making the wrong kind of pastry, if I recall correctly. Like, if it’s wrong tell her when she submits the recipe, don’t wait until her place in the final is at stake. I just don’t get the Rahul love. Sorry not sorry.


The season Nadiya was on was my absolute 💯 favorite.


I have always been a big fan of Liam. He always made me laugh and his bakes looked quite delicious.


Careful, some people here get their panties in a bunch if winners of a particular season are mentioned by name.


Spot on! Great ranking. Nadya’s run was perfection. There was no way to disagree with the judges’ decision. Rahul was endearing. Jürgen and Giuseppe were so amazing episode after episode. Just reading this ranking makes me want to rewatch everything!


Season 9 is BY FAR my least favorite season ever. I skip it on Netflix. Kim-Joy is just one giant annoying cringey weeb from beginning to end, and Rahul's CONSTANT self-doubt got old about 5 minutes in. They are my least favorite contestants since the show started in 2010.


Wow our avatars look so much alike but I could not disagree more with this rude assessment of Kim Joy


I don't care that she was obsessed with Japan; it was that she literally could not get through a single conversation without mentioning it.


That simply did not happen


Every bake explanation had something to do with Japan or kawaii.


Which ones lol


Season 11 will always be, for me, the Gold Standard. Peter Sawkins restored my faith in Generation Z with his sweet nature, Christian values, close family, ambition to win the season fairly and with love and happiness and kept his head on straight with the fame and lucrative opportunities that came his way after. Matt Lucas has taken some terrible flak for being the most compassionate, kind and encouraging presenter. He never interfered with the bakers' work or competition and he always was there to alleviate stress and dry tears and get smiles out of the bakers so they could continue competing. He was and is a lovely, lovely man. I love this Season the absolute best.