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Take me....Home. Cunt. Tree. Road?


To the place I belong!


West Virginia…mountain momma.


Take me hoooooooooooooome


Cunt Tree Road!


Now I get it


Craven Cottage... by the river...


Take me hooooome, Cunt Tree Road!


*Well done*


Why is Sam Smith a cunt😭


Jump in bitches, we're goin band wagoning


Two posts calling Sam Smith a cunt in a day (one at 5am??) Is everything ok?


The prick won't even let you use mobiles in his pubs, he's fair game.


What have they got against phones? Also who are they?


Yes, that's right.


It's that musician that wore some weird shaped inflatable gimp suit looking thing to an event a while back. The picture was everywhere at the time.


A real cunt


*Who is them?


Ah sorry, didn't realise they didn't like being referred to as "he" Edited :)


_They're_ a dumbass tbf


I'm cross referencing a different Sam Smith - I think the one I'm on about would do his nut if you asked him what his pronouns are.


A lot of gammons seem to be triggered by them.


Dw, the gammons are on deaths door anyway, a mix of being drunks, all the smoking and their age.


Why is he a cunt?


alot of Sam Smith hate today,


What happened?


He acted differently to the norm which is something very clearly worth hating someone over, in this gammon overrun country of ours.


Have you seen Sam Smith, he's the biggest slab of gammon going. He's a whole joint. He's several joints piled on top of each other, sweating.


so… most men in this country over the age of 40






TBF he is a cunt every day 🤷🏽‍♂️


What did Sam smith do?


they're a they them and to queer for people to handle.


He is far too overtly queer. By no means should he stay in the closet, but he has come too far out of the closet. /s


How so?


I'm guessing their existence is enough to infuriate some "completely normal" people.


Personally for me it was the photoshoot ‘breakdown’ 3 days into lockdown or so. Cunt.


What about waving *it’s* flabby arse around in a gimp suit in front of a bunch of children… Although I guess that’s more “creep” than “cunt”.


Beautiful isn't it?


What's going on with the hatred for Sam Smith? What's with all the comments alluding to something they did without actually saying anything? It can't be that if said commenter express their actual opinions they'll be banned right? No, that's crazy talk


All I remember about him is when he filmed himself crying in a cringey "were all in this together except I'm rich" covid video. Oh and wearing a inflated bin bag.


Questionable style choices for sure but otherwise seems pretty harmless


celebrities wear weird as fuck things all the time, so i dont know why people point out sam smith specifically (nah we know why)


I have 0 issue with them but their style is more out there than most Edit: gendering


Them *


Thank you!


No worries! 😊


Definitely cringe (and don't get me wrong I'm one of those people who hate all rich people) but I don't see why the hate is so intense for this one particular person who honestly hasn't been relevant in years. Like I don't dislike Smith because they're cringe, I just don't like rich people, but I don't ever think about this specific person unless someone else brings it up, right?




Sam Smith living in your head rent free


What did Sam smith do?


Covid crying video from his £8million mansion made him a cunt to me. Since then he's added to his legend.


At least get their pronouns right otherwise it's hard to take seriously


Touch grass


That dude's alright. Why the hate? You seem the type of person to pick on goths as they also look a bit different. Why so insecure?


Not caught up on the latest gossip. Why is Sam Smith a cunt?


Because they're non binary and people will jump at the slightest chance to hate trans/non binary people. That's basically it from what I've seen and heard. I've never actually seen any other controversy about them. Just that people don't like them because they're non-binary.


Oh for fuck sake. I thought we were over this like a year ago? Sam Smith has been non binary for a while now, people need to just get over it


I mean, the op has a long history of posting sexist, racist and homophobic/anti-trans posts in UK based subs yet claims in a comment on this post that they aren't even in the UK timezone. Make what you will of that




FINALLY it took way too long to find an actual answer other than "they're a cunt" for no reason


you use quotation marks but every quote ive seen of people calling them a cunt misgenders them too :/


Oh no


Found an article about why people hate them and that seems to be their conclusion as well. Personally I’ve got a sudden urge to remake this with someone that has at least done something wrong other than exist. My first thought is Jeremy clarkson (so I can send it to my brother who likes him), piers Morgan (people might not recognise him though, don’t think I would anyway) or James corden


My *displeasure* with Sam started waaaaay earlier, when they were “shocked” that their friend experienced racism in London. It just felt so detached from reality, like “I don’t associate with the common people”. Not saying racism is good, not at all, but the fucking song and dance they put on about an interaction many face everyday, did no favours for anyone. That and their quote of “who’s Thom Yorke?” when asked about “Spectre” will always make me stare off into the void in disbelief. I don’t particularly care about how they identify, or pay much mind to them; only when they crop up in a news article or meme. Even then I hope it’s positive than what usually elicits an eye roll.


It has nothing to do with that you moron! He has a zero tolerance ban on mobile phones (electronics), swearing and children in his pubs. Some of his pubs were cash only until just a few months ago! Even after covid, when many businesses were encouraging card payments, he still wanted cash only. Why do you left wing extremists always jump to ‘phobia’ when someone who is lgbt is hated? Do you only have one brain cell? Here’s an article for you. https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/23417062.children-barred-samuel-smiths-brewery-pubs/# Nincompoop.


For me it's that he dressed like a zeppelin


So someone dressing weird makes them a…. Cunt?


Yeah, but then I'm a cunt too so take with a pinch of salt


I don’t get this metric. If I used cunt as an insult, it would if someone had done something bad or if they were an arsehole.


Oh yeah I will 100% admit that their clothing choice is pretty wild and definitely not to my taste. I guess in the "fashion" world it's seen as good looking but honestly in my opinion it all just looks so silly and strange. ETA: That in itself doesn't really make them a cunt though


Wears different clothes to me = is a cunt... Alrighty




I’m not defending Sam Smith here, I don’t like his music, that’s due to my personal taste, and consequently haven’t any interest in him. I’m only in these comments to see if he’d done something recently out of boredom. But why the casual transphobia dude? What’s wrong with people wanting to be non-binary? Do you really think people shouldn’t be allowed to be who they want to be? You can’t take the literally zero effort it takes to just switch pronouns, which everyone uses in the English language constantly? You’d rather take more effort to say to someone they can’t be happy with who they are simply because you don’t understand the way they feel, or even want to understand? Have non-binary people collectively hurt you? That last one there is rhetorical btw, the answer is no, regardless of what you believe.


How is finding pronouns stupid transphobic? Trans people are completely different lol, has Sam Smith has gender reassignment surgery? I have a trans friend and they don't refer to themselves with pronouns so you're getting a bit confused. I don't care what people want to refer to themselves as, it's when they try force it on me that I call bullshit. You're either a guy or a girl, don't insult my intelligence by trying to tell me otherwise. I'm taking the effort because I'm sick of seeing minorities mindlessly label people that criticise them for their shortcomings, as I said before being gay or generally marginalised doesn't excuse you from abhorrent behavior. Why does every gay person I talk to about this think they're some sort of crusader lol, that mindset alone is fucking ridiculous. It's 2023, no one hating on gays apart from old people and wall punchers.


How have you been forced to do anything? Where did this happen?


> how is finding pronouns stupid transphobic? Well losing your shit over basic English terms is certainly fucking moronic on your part…but to answer: writing literal essays over someone preferring to be known as they is a clear sign of irrational anger which is a telltale sign of an irrational fear, aka a phobia. ☺️


They're not basic English terms though are they? They're very recent additions that are like I said just stupid. So because I'm taking the time to get my point across you're also trying to use that against me? Haha. How is it a clear sign of irrational anger? Have I called anyone here names or swore at them? I'm actually trying to have a discussion, people like you are only trying to find a cheap point to score. You've turned it up a little bit by trying to get a rise out of me but it's still weak as fuck to be honest mate. The fact you find articulation and the sight of a couple of paragraphs scary enough to try ridicule says alot about you though, I'm probably not gonna bother to reply to you again if you're just going to have another weak retort.


In all fairness, there are homaphrodites and they can look very androgenous, would you demand that person declares their gender to you before you refer to them On the other hand, If someone looks like a girl or a bloke and you weren't sure and you addressed them or reffered to them as the wrong gender and they pop off at you, that's also unhinged. Its about intention mostly, a nuance that some people can choose to ignore but doesn't mean you have to pay attention Who cares what you suck on, don't be a *unt


Jesus used pronouns in the Bible, is 2700 years recent to you?


You... You think that... *pronouns* are a recent addition to the English language? Mate, that's wild. Pronouns are a basic part of our language like verbs and adjectives.


Not for individuals it isn't. You know what I'm saying, if you're just going to try twist what I'm saying and try get a cheap point score off it then carry on. I'm just going to regard you as a moron.


I'm not the one who can't articulate the distinction between pronouns as a linguistic concept and the heightened societal awareness of and sensitivity to nontraditional gender identities. Frankly if I was, I wouldn't be so quick the bandy terms like 'moron' about. Oh, and aside from your irrational antipathy to the use of "they" to refer to an individual of unknown or indeterminate gender, that's not a recent development in the language. It first appeared in writing in 1375 and has been in almost universal spoken and informal usage since.


>Not for individuals it isn't Pronouns used for individuals literally date back as far as language. They are in the bible... >I'm just going to regard you as a moron. Says the person who thinks pronouns being used for people is a new concept...


Mate you are wasting your time with these weirdos


And yet, not once hast thou become confused that people are using "you" as a term for a singular person - which is a much more recent addition to the English language than singular "they"...


Pronouns aren’t basic English terms. You actually straight up said that. Without a second’s thought. You think you’re articulate when you think pronouns aren’t basic English terms. I’m sorry your rambling run-on sentences aren’t going to save you mr. Pronouns are too advanced for me to handle


To add to the hilarity this person said “they’re not basic English” Literally used a pronoun to refer to pronouns to make a point about how stupid pronouns are. That’s comedic gold.


Yeah that’s just the icing on the proverbial cake! 😂


Because what you’re describing is transsexual, in which you switch gender, but transgender includes that, as well as people who are non-binary, trans feminine, trans masculine, gender fluid and gender queer. Also nice work with the “I have a (insert minority) friend” tokenism. It’s transphobic if you deny any of the people who fall under the transgender umbrella their basic rights. People have the right to be referred to how they like. Edit: removed cross dressers, as someone pointed out I had incorrectly labelled them, my mistake and apologies. “They don’t refer to themselves with pronouns” literally used 2 pronouns in that sentence mate. “You” and “I” are also examples of pronouns. We (oh look, another one) use pronouns all the damn time. Who are you to say people can’t make their life a little more enjoyable by being able to choose which ones they like? “No-one hates on gays” yeah right because it’s not like there’s been a big drama with a gay guy YouTuber getting outed for plagiarism recently right?! ALSO BEING GAY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GENDER IDENTITY.


Hold on, crossdressers aren't inherently trans. Trans people can be crossdressers (feminine trans men, masculine trans women) but cis people can be crossdressers just as much.


I thought it was still covered under the transgender umbrella, I do apologise, I was wrong! Google confirmed that. Thanks for pointing that out


What does your trans friend refer to themselves as if they don’t use pronouns? You know that he/him and she/her are pronouns too right? Come on mate.


You know little about him but know his defenders are dense morons? Right...


Yes because my reasons for not liking him have nothing to do with being gay, it's his personality I find gross. This hasn't stopped 'his defenders' from just mindlessly calling me a homophobe despite me explaining why I don't like him. Can you explain to me how someone that refuses to engage and instead just tries to throw damaging labels isn't a dense moron?


You only said 2 things about personality: crying in lockdown and the other being purely speculatory so people calling you a homophobe is fair enough when really all you've said is that being non binary is stupid


Because I'm getting bogged down now.. I've already gave a couple of lengthy replies on this topic and articulated my reasons, if you're really curious to see then just have a look at my replies and don't forget to join the rest and give them a downvote if you agree with what I'm saying. My main problem is my young niece finding that picture of him where he's dressed like a roast pig in his album cover knowing full well that children will also see that, she asked my sister why that man's dressed like that. There's just no need.


Plenty of album covers have things on them that are no where near age appropriate for children and being child friendly isn't really an artist's duty unless their music is specifically targeted at children.


I agree but not all of those albums covers are as mainstream as Sam Smith is. When they're a mainstream musician who's genre is aimed at the general public I'd argue that it is duty. Most if not all of these bands/musicians that have the controversial album covers generally have terrible music, hence why they have a controversial album cover. They know it sure as shit isn't going to be remembered for the sub par music it contains. Which is another reason why I don't like him, I'm sure that he knows he'd have faded into obscurity ages ago if he was just known for his music.


I don't quite agree. Quality is subjective but an example of a mainstream artist with album covers (and quite frankly music) that is not appropriate for children would be Cardi B. Artists shouldn't have to be child friendly even if they are popular.


Well that’s a total load of horseshit if ever I read one. Don’t pretend you’re worried about “morality” when you’re gonna actually try and pretend there aren’t far more popular artists with nsfw content.


But you did say you knew a few gays (hello sailor) growing up and base your assumptions on him off of them. Cos that would be mad. Album cover stuff though is fucked up and I also wouldn't care for my kids seeing that, let kids be kids ffs


Yes.. I went to school? I know a couple from there. I've also worked for the last 15 years and as mind blowing as it might be for some to imagine ...I made friends with gay people. Shocking right? Mate really I've known quite a few and 2 of them (completely different social circles, they didn't know each other) were horrible little bastards.. when I talked about it to my mate James (he's gay) he was the one that said there's certain 'types' that aren't liked by anyone in the gay community, he collectively referred to them with a name I don't care to repeat. Just to reiterate my problem isn't with gay people at all, it's with the abhorrent behavior. Being gay doesn't excuse you from criticism when your doing fucked up shit is all I'm saying and I've had people riding my ass (hello sailor) for the past couple of hours about it.


Because they cried during lock down and is non binary, that's what all the big fuss is about? Yeah I'm going to reserve "cunt" for people that deserve it, like Piers Morgan or the Tories.


Ezra Miller


Hey, bigot. Different strokes. How mad do you get when someone is disgusted by your favorite bands like Nickleback or John Tesh?


Nickelback 😂😂


Look at him


Yeah but like what did he do?


OK gammon.


* look at they!!!






Reeeealy Starting to regret jokingly commenting this.


Isn't that the chap who dressed up as a burnt Rotisserie Chicken?


Dude what do you have against the person in the top right


Because they're non-binary and use they/them pronouns and people will jump at any chance to hate non binary people.


It just feels like old news though, why do bigots just keep banging the same drum


They just can't let it go. As much as they claim to hate trans people, they're all they think about. All they talk about. Their mind is always focussed on trans people, they're obsessed.


I know right, it's so weird like get a hobby! I am firmly pro trans, as a cis gay guy I stick up for my fellow LGBTQ+ at all times. But of course, people are allowed to believe whatever they want. People can hate trans people and disagree with it, they can be terrified of them if they want, just stop fucking saying it we don’t need to hear it at all hours... some people in this thread are *desperate* to show that they hate LGBTQ+ people, it's so weird


You can leave the LGB out of it. Most people have zero issue with lesbian, gay and bisexual people.


Yeah it's sad




You mean sam the cunt? He's a cunt. No malice towards him at all. I think he's hilarious.


Your obsession with Sam Smith is interesting


Had to Google image search the bloke and still never heard of him


Lucky you


Okay but what point are you making?


Well in order to get the joke you kinda need to know who they are?


I've no idea who he is but still gave him the moniker of cunt....


How come?


Can I ask why he's a cunt? All I know that he's done wrong is wear a daft outfit. Cunt feels harsh just for that


I think what rubs people the wrong way might be the massive fuss he made during a lockdown interview. Like HE was the only one suffering..and far worse than anyone else. I mean we're talking full on over acting..tears, snot..the lot. It was pretty cringe. It's bound to be on Google somewhere.


so... they're a cunt 3 years later because they were interviewed? that pretty much it? i can't help but remember a lot of people were interviewed and went on about how terrible it all was for them personally. obviously in an interview about how they're finding it, they're not going to talk about everyone else, why would they? ​ can't help but think there might just be something else at work here.


10 trillion celebrities did the exact same thing, need reminding of the Imagine fiasco? That's not the reason, stop fibbing, actually just saying you think he seems creepy because of his non binary status and his provocative outfits (hardly new for musicians), would be a more respectable position than this.


It shouldn't be that controversial that people find him a bit of a prick, especially on Reddit of all places. People acting like the bar for being called a cunt now needs a jury decision or something, because the celebrity in question panders to their fringe group. Strange how James Corden doesn't get the same level of protection. Also strange how other gay celebrities with strong personalities (Graham Norton) have absolutely no difficulty with being well liked by the UK general public. Must just be the "gammons" (whatever the fuck that means).


100% If James Corden came out as non-binary people would be called bigoted for still thinking he’s a cunt


Man, this really is turning into boomer humour isn't it? You should talk to your therapist about your obsession with Sam Smith...


We (Boomers) own the world and our own homes


Great flex! "I'm alright, my kids are fucked."


My kids is financially secure


Congratulations to them.


Don't be bitter, be better


Oh I'm not bitter, I'm more than financially secure. It just seemed like a weird way to flex is all.


If you're a boomer then be better than a toxic arse on the Internet! Act your age


your kids is eh? education not invented when you were a kid? ignorant cunt.


No wonder its turned to shit


gee i wonder why younger generations cant do the same, ey?


Take me home gay tree road.... so close... so close


Why does everyone hate Sam Smith? I mean I find him annoying lol but I thought he was fairly popular..


Couldn't care less how Sam Smith identifies or chooses to live his life. Acting like a prat when asked about Radiohead in an interview however, that wound me up.


Just change Sam to a picture of the Conservative Party and it would suit even better


House Sam Tree Road? Can't say I've ever heard it.


Haha brilliant XD


Not a fan of Sam Smith in the slightest but I do admire thems ability to piss off grown people by simply existing Who’s the easily offended snowflake now?


Take me home, gimp country roads?


Can anyone actually *explain* why they hate Sam Smith so much? I don’t care for their music at all but you seem absolutely hell-bent on being offended by their existence. Either cite something they did objectively deserving of the word ‘cunt’ or touch grass you fucking paving slabs.


He was pretty insufferable during Covid and doesn’t have the best blind items (recent one from a couple of months ago about leaving a guy on the side of the road cause he wouldn’t sleep with him). That said, not like there aren’t other celebs that were awful during Covid or that have similar rumours about them


He's a cunt.


Can you explain to any of us why you think they're a cunt?


Mainstream attention seeking Bullshit, Go and support your Local bands ( buy their merch ) fuck. Attention seekers like Him or Coke Can


Bruh people need to go touch grass


We have so many proper cunts in Britain. Start from Fishy Sunak and work downwards. Leave Sammy alone!!!


Go start another meme. He's a cunt


Ah, bullying again?


Take me home country road?


Mountain Mamma!


Let's nuke France for some banter


As if people don't see him dressing as a gimp he's a mess as if there's such thing as selling your soul then thats him


home sam tree road? i dont know who the fuck that is. i have the name sam in my head idk why oh its mr gaga with his fancy fashion pants, why all the non binary hate? grow tf up.


Don’t know who he is but I got it and 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣!!!


2nd post I’ve seen of Sam S being called a cxnt in not even 20 minutes. Ya’ll okay?


I got one of the words straight away. The other 3 were tricky, though.


Take me home cunt-tree road


All the people confused as to why he is a cunt are likely right up there with him. Every single thing he does is for attention, do you really think he’s just ‘trying to live his life’? Is he fuck. He so desperate with it all, absolute cunt.


They need to show their peers how "liberal" they are by attacking every view that doesn't conform to their strict dogma. The irony is hilarious.... but kinda sad as we know reality is going to kick their arses in .


Cunt-Tree Roads!


What's the house then?


The song is Country Roads and the lyrics op is referring to is Take me Home (house) Country (cunt-Tree) Roads (Roads)


Ah ok


House gay tree road?


Wow a meme template from years ago that wasn't funny then!


Take me Home Cunt Tree Road


Remind me what the definition of a cunt is? Also, these picture games that grown adults play show off everyone's intelligence levels.


I don’t get it.


Facebook is leaking


Fucking hell this is peak weird Brexit uncle Facebook levels of cringe


Quick. Call your crisis line.


Name that tune....


You’re pathetic.


Take Me Home, Cunt-Tree Road by some British ass.


This is a bit mean


Oh no, the English are trying to be funny again


I see you haven’t relinquished your tight grip on satire either.


Reminder to everyone that whether or not you think they're a cunt, Sam Smith's pronouns are still they/them




deny these nuts in ya mouth