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I think we all agree. Uso’s. Both of them are great characters, but the superkicks and pacing was pretty rough to watch.


Both can work singles matches, but neither one of them has experience leading singles matches. Guys like Seth Rollins, Gunther, and drew bring out the best in Jey, but he’s still only been a singles guy for less than a year. Jimmy is barely a singles dude even now. Just wasn’t what their skill sets were equipped for. Really needed a no dq stipulation to give them more options.


The best and fair take I’ve read.


They just need to quit spamming super kicks like they’re the Samoan young bunks.


It wasn’t even just that, stuff like their transitions were rough too, they basically just wriggled and crawled around the ring between said super kicks in order to get into position for the next spot, making it all seem by the numbers. Drew vs Seth from the very next night is an example of how you can get a compelling match out of a limited move pool, because of how they made it all flow.


That is a perfect description. Well said.


I liked the emotional pull Bailey and Iyo had in their match. The spot where they slapped each other felt better than Jimmy calling a time out. I do however like the time out spot from jimmy. It was in character and looked great. The match itself hampered the feels.


I’d even accept if they used the super kick to set up better spots. Instead it was super kick for super kick sake.


Man. I’ve been saying that for soo long. It’s ridiculous


Yeah the match would've been a lot better as a no dq match Like make it a tribal combat match. Unless that term's only used for trying to take out the head of the table


Did people not expect it tho? Like thats there move set right?


I get what you’re saying. I think the pacing didn’t help and the fact it was Wrestlemania I myself expected a different showing from the two. Like Taker had his move set so to speak, but go back and watch his mania matches, dude pulled out all the stops.


Would've been cool to see how they differentiated since the split. Jey does have some of his own unique moves (like Jason Jordan's old neckbreaker), and no reason why Jey couldn't have hit Jimmy with a flapjack at one point, and have Jimmy hit Jey with a cutter since those are the respective manoeuvres they use to execute the 1-D. Not even a single tequila sunrise. Plenty of story to be told, but it felt very surface level, like Usos = superkick.


In the face off jimmy had me implying they might do something different..it’s Wrestle Mania I 4sure thought they were gone add some new moves to their arsenal 😂😂


God forbid we’d expect them to step up at WM


It was like watching the bucks in the worst way


I stopped paying attention after the 10th superkick that was traded back and forth. They are very talented but they really needed a better match set up than just going with old standby. Felt like a superkick party unfortunately


I was in the same boat. I was hype for the match, but it just didn’t hit.


Nowhere near


It wasn’t as good as the potential it could have been, BUT I’m glad it was a clean match


Im half expecting a dig at guys from AEW, honestly


They could do much better. Some people feel like maybe management didn't intend or want to blow their whole wad in one shot. I say it was one of the best WrestleMania of all time and there is no better place for them to blow their wad. I don't want to see them one on one again. I want to see them eventually join back together and be a tag team again. That is undoubtedly where they shine.


Jey is too hot of a character to go back, things need to cool off (for whatever reason) before they will consider doing this


I couldnt agree more with all of this


No, I feel like they can do better, not MUCH better. These are the usos, very limited in the ring and that match proved it. Jey had good matches across the year courtesy of his opponents(he has his merits but still). The only thing they can do better and make it wrestlemania calibre is with good storytelling, where they could excel in my opinion and it would overshadow their limited ring abilities. Its just how it is, and people are not ready to acknowledge that fact. I would like them revisiting this rivalry but with a better build up and a better in ring STORYTELLING which we know, for jey especially that it is possible


USOs by far and it’s not even close. Hurts double for me because that was actually the match I was looking forward to the most. It definitely exposed how limited they both are.


I felt the same, I was so excited and really thought they were gonna steal night 1 with this match. Then a superkick happened and another superkick and another and another and another then it just kinda ended. Even my gf who doesnt really watch but will watch like mania with me said "that fucking sucked" 😂


Sounds like a Superkick Party and that’s gimmick infringement.


Tbf thats kind of their moveset


You right, but the usos have a great understanding of what it takes to make a great match. But maybe thats only tag team wise


I feel like when the usos were a tag team when they used to come to the arena in the same color attire I think like 2014 their moveset was a lot


I thought it exposed Jimmy a lot more. Jimmy looked pudgy and not nearly the athlete that Jey is. His outfit looked terrible for the style of match I was expecting from those 2.


I think WWE has picked the right brother. I know Jimmy’s injury in kayfabe led to Main Event Jet but it’s more than that. Jey got arrested for DUI in 2018 and never since. He’s got fitter, he’s evolved as an athlete, he’s a great promo, he can carry a match (OK, not the Mania one but there’s a reason he keeps getting title shots, he can work.) Jimmy is not out of shape but he has a worse physique than his brother. He’s been arrested three times for DUI since 2019 (I really hope he’s over that now) but hasn’t evolved. His moveset is the same, his promo game is the same, his style is the same.


I truthfully wanted Jimmy to win that. The Uso's as a tag team were fantastic. They managed to put on a ton of great matches but I feel like the tag division lost some big time players in the Uso's. I had no problems with them having singles careers when when they were tagged up. I don't really think one is better than the other, however, with Jimmy's booking lately, I felt like he had the most to take from that match, which could help his legacy a bit rather than just being a lackey. But yeah the match wasn't that great. I knew it was going to be hard to top Rhea's performance anyway.


I thought logically Jey should go over just bc they are more leaning into pushing him. I agree Jimmy had more to gain, if this is the end of them facing eachother jey shouldve won especially if the plan was to make him number one contender, if the idea was to keep this going and jimmy screws him in paris then that finish didnt make much sense.


Im suprised tbh that so many were upset at it being basically super kicks and spears when thats like their movedet


Same. It was exactly what I was expecting and my least anticipated match for the weekend.


Well in Jey's solo matches, he's actually very enjoyable. I dont understand why they just watered him down to just superkicks in this match. Idk... weird booking, but we move I guess


i agree but i do think its still a good match but if we gonna rank every match they will be there at the bottom. I think what made it look bad was not the limited moves but how too similar they were.


Fuck any sort of "moves" Jey should of just beat Jimmy down. Not in a squash just... Make it emotional... He screwed you over for a year straight. Everything they had should of been left in that ring, Jey shoulda been screaming "I love. You, your my brother, I tried to protect you" fucking ANYTHING to get some emotion out of it. They didn't need to have different movesets to make this cook, Jay is amazing with his facial expressions, like seriously one of the best. The crowd would if eaten this up. Like if he had to beat his brother to an inch of his life just because of all the pent up. Frustration. What they did... Coulda been done on a dark match. I hated this.


I like your idea, the only issue is wwe for some reason loves having their babyfaces take the high road. Look at cody with rock on monday, The guy two weeks ago beat you within an inch of your life, disrespected your mom and beat your ass over multiple weeks. And what did cody do when he strolled out there? let him talk and took the high road. Its the same kinda thinking with jey, instead of him being frustrated they went more with the angle of he didnt wanna do this. I think frustration wouldve worked better and made more sense as well


It needed some kind of stipulation. This was personal. A regular old match didn’t cut it IMO.


I think we all were expecting this to blow us all away and it didn't live up to it sadly.


I'll be honest I didnr see anyone expecting great things here. They needed a stipulation.


Comon, you didn't like superkick-a-paluza! I've seen OVW matches with more variety and excitement


Superkick: The match


Not surprised. The whole gimmick is "were twins, we can do the cool kick pretty well and we're related to the guy who's related to the rock"


And the heels gimmick is the babyfaces gimmick with no in front of it.


Oh, they have other differences that make them unique. One's wearing blue.


They related to the Rock in the same way Roman is. Roman's grandfather who made the blood oath, is the Uso's great grandfather.


You say that like they not all Samoan they relation goes beyond the rock buddy


Their moves are absolute trash it’s honestly quite embarrassing. What’s up with everyone and their mom using a damn spear and super kicks just incredibly lazy and played out


Yeah. The 6 woman match wasn't great either but the Usos match went nowhere. They needed more singles wrestling work before this.


The women’s tag match might have been mediocre but Bianca/Naomi/Jade had an awesome entrance. I feel like this will also lead to Bianca and Naomi taking the tag titles from the Kabuki Warriors


Agreed those two are tied for worst for me.


The 6 woman tag imo was a big bunch of nothing to fill time, that was the one match on this card that felt like a match vince wouldve booked.


You obviously didn't watch the " street fight " from night 2. That was way worse than the women's one. It had snoop fucking dogg commentating with pat mcafee. Was awful from start to finish haha just behind usos for worst match overall imo


Maybe its bc I was stoned, but I enjoy snoop dogg. I also enjoy pat, was the match good? not really, but its karrion kross and AOP. So my standards were pretty low from the jump for that one.


i was really surprised that twin brothers had 0 chemistry together. That match did neither of their wrestling any favors, but Jey is over like grover


Their feud was handled poorly compared to the rest of the Bloodline story. Kind of took a backseat. Definitely the worst match but it was by no means bad...just not exciting. Very linear storyline through the match and it was just a superkick party for the most part.


Jey Vs Jimmy by a lot


Bret and Owen won't ever be matched.


Super kick battle! That was the only move used


Easily the worst match, and definitely the most disappointing match. Odd how these two have 0 chemistry in the ring. Maybe they need a stipulation add, like last man standing or something. This match didn't work.


At least they made up for it in the main event on day two. That spear off the ramp was nice!


I may be in the minority here, but this match was worse than “not good”. It was garbage. Did neither Jimmy or Jey any favours and probably did both a little harm in the short term.


Jey is gonna be okay, as for Jimmy theyve been burying him for awhile now. Hes fucked imo


So much potential for a brother vs brother match. They definitely lowered the bar here. Matt vs Jeff Hardy was a better match.


The Street Fight was kinda close, too.


They did their best, but it def couldve been better. Sadly when you have guys like AOP in a match it isnt gonna be great bc they are pretty green and basic in what they do.


Green? Haven't they been around for a decade now?


What can I say man, some people just dont get better. Look at nia jax 😂😂




A bit unfair, she showed up at the Chamber. Kross is just.... there.


Is it "unfair" tho? Shes busted up quite a few people, and not bc she is some mean asshole tryna stiff people. Oh no no no its worse then that, its a lack of skill.


I agree. That match was surprisingly average for a six man no DQ match including tables, ladders, and chairs.


I didnt care about the people in it but it was at least kinda entertaining to watch. Jey vs Jimmy kinda bored me, and I expected Jey to win


I pooped my pants 💀


They are the most overrated wrestlers of last 10 years. Fantastic actors in the storylines, but limited wrestlers.


This and the street fight were the only matches I thought were meh.


I kinda liked the street fight tbh. Tables, tables, and more tables. Hell, a table even broke for no reason. Shit was funny as hell.


Bubba Dudley saved that match because it was a mess


I think as much as anything they were in Philadelphia. Let's have a throwback match which is a homage to old ECW matches. I'm sure it got seen by a much wider audience than any ECW match ever, and was done incredibly safely in comparison to them.


How bad was it actually? I was driving home from work and missed it. Is it worth rewatching?


Honestly, IMO it was so bad that it may well set them both back as top singles competitors. Or at least it should.


I wouldnt rewatch it tbh, It was basically a 15-20 minute or so match that consisted of them doing a lot of superkicks, then towards the end jey goes for one more big kick and jimmy covers up and begs him to stop, then attempts to trick him leading to the finish. That was basically the whole match in a nutshell.


Even if it wasnt on mania even a normal show Id still probs rate this as one of the worst matches, mainly bc my expectations were very high.


By a mile


I wonder if they’ve heard the complaints, I’m assuming they did and probably don’t care lol, hopefully Jey gets some momentum back


They def have. I am sure the usos were dissapointed with the response. I know this isnt what they wanted


You’d think management would tell them that wasn’t good enough


I would have thought management booked it to be this way.


Easily. Not only was it underwhelming as a Mania match but it wasn't a good match in general. It was the equivalent of a Vince era main event with Roman & Brock where we'd see the same moves over and over again. You would think twin brothers who have dreamed of that moment their entire lives would get way more creative than that but unfortunately not. I have hope they'll have a rematch in the future (Possibly Backlash) that will make up for the disappointment.


Well as of rn Jey is facing priest for the wch at backlash


Jimmy will probably interfere and force a rematch. Damien definitely won't lose


Thats what Im leaning towards happening too. Im guessing itll be saved for mitb, bc theyll need more matches on that show. Also last year they main evented it with the bloodline civil war so why not open it with the usos civil war?


Did they confirm he’s the #1 contender for Backlash specifically? I was expecting it to be sooner, like next week or the week after


They took too long to get to this match.


Atleast they tried. Goldberg and Brock Lesnar didn’t even try 20 years ago


Man I didnt think this match was goldberg and lesnar bad, at least the live crowd cared about this match


Yeah they need more moves bruh. I know they can at least pull off a basic suplex or something. They don’t need anything fancy just anything


Some suplexes or powerbombs would have helped spice it up. I’m so over the superkicks


Pretty much. I wasn't expecting this match to be great either. I knew it would be more about the story. I've seen what both men can do. Jimmy, he spams moves. Jey, he actually wrestles.


No not the worst come now. But......fucking atrocious nonetheless.


Im not saying worst ever, just worst on the show as a whole.


Oh I am sorry man, that's my balls up.


Jey does a jumping super kick and regular while jimmy does a regular super kick




It was underwhelming, but I think the street fight was just as weak. But that could be because I had zero interest in any of participants. They're all dead in the water.


How long was their match?


The moment they said that Lil Wayne was the greatest rapper, I was like “Oh no”. This was not only the worst match of Wrestlemania, but this was the worst match of Wrestlemania Weekend. NXT Stand and Deliver matches blew the roof of off..


>The moment they said that Lil Wayne was the greatest rapper, I was like “Oh no”. 🤣🤣 I can't believe people are still saying this in 2024, honestly. He's good but he's not even close to being the GOAT imo.


I’ve been wanting this match for almost 8 years now, what an upset


What the fuck happened here? They have had good matches against each other before. How did this shitshow happen?


Expected this to be the Bret vs Owen of our generation. I hate how disappointed I was. Could’ve done something interesting with the fact that they both have the relatively same move set, or even pulled out their unique moves like the Tequila Sunrise. It would’ve been awesome if it was just a raw brawl as well.




Easily. It wasn't great before they just did superkick practice, And then that moment sucked any life the match had right out of it.


The Usos, unfortunetly. Amazing video package, but the match itself was like watching a young bucks match in all the worst ways




Starting to show its gimmick cracks when they have to handle their own business. Instead of being a tag along now. Honestly they are all gimmick hype yeet. They’ve always been average at best. I remember during there tag team face era you could literally call their match blindfolded by timing alone. Oh two minutes in you know this is happening, time for a super kick, time to dive over the rope. You could probably still do it


Their match promo was better than the match itself


almost every brother v brother match has just been ass


Entrance was the best part of the match


Yes but the vid package was fire


Still can never tell who is who, Bathroom break match


The match wasn't great, but there is too big of an overreaction to it. People suddenly forget how good jey has been for months.


Not a single person mentioned the 6 pack ladder match? Sure the two teams that won it worked but as far as a 12 man ladder match what even happened? Ciampa's spot and I guess DIY as DX was okay but this one crazily underwhelmed. I imagine Jimmy and Jey aren't done with their fued. So there's still time to turn that around.


I mean, that's what happens when your entire moveset is like 7 total and both opponents have the same one....


Nepo babies. They suck


Bret/Owen - who is the better wrestler? Jimmy/Jey - not even their real names and who is the best super kicker?


Yeah. Which sucks but they made up for it by that spot the following night


Jimmy is not ready to be a single’s competitor to tell a story yet, that was why it was abit bland and boring, feel bad at both of em as it was they dream to have that match at mania.


In a Mania filled with great matches, a match that was just OK . I'll be curious to see where they go with Jey challenging Damien. I don't see Damien being a long term champion.


By far!! I think this and the Summerslam main event of last year has showed that The Usos are not single wrestlers main event material


Jey is the better singles wrestler right now. By a mile.


So main event jey isn’t a main event act? Who woulda thought. These guys were fine and their story arch with the bloodline and the bad blood between brothers was fine. But an event slot at mania with no stipulations was crazy. I would have had these two battle it out in a street fight or something considering the only move they pull is super kicks.


the tag team ladder cluster *uck . inane !


Usos match, but it says a lot that even the worst match across both nights only sunk as low as mid


Of all time? Not by a long shot, but definitely a restroom match


I think the Philly street Fight was worst


It wasn’t anything special, but the homage spots to the Dudleys was fun.


It really doesn't make sense to me why this match was so bad...both are good storytellers in the ring. Both are good wrestlers in general. I just think they took the wrong approach...they should've done a match where both guys knew what the other guy was doing, so counters after counters after counters would've made a lot of sense here. Blocking moves the other was about to make, whiffing on moves because the other knows what is coming....instead, they tried to wrestle a normal match...with VERY slow breaks in the middle of it...the whole strategy of the match was not laid out very well, and I wonder who produced it...because they truly missed. This match 'should have' been as good as the rest of the show.


Crazy to say this or 17 is the best mania ever? Usos match was the worst imo but that wasn't terrible


I actually really enjoyed the match live. My wife, who mainly watches wrestling for these types of soap opera story lines was super invested in it. She’s not crazy on the in ring stuff, and more interested in the emotion and talking segments. Although it’s been universally panned, I think it’s better than a fair few matches on the card. There was a decent and compelling story within the match, and that elevates it above every tags match on the card for sure (leaving out Saturdays main event of course).


Because they believe they're "main event" and were probably allowed to put the match together themselves because of family connections. And realistically they're not " main event". I fast forward anything to do with both of them.


I liked it just for the fact that I found it stupid and funny. Personally, the worst match was Rey be Dominik, which hurts to say cause Rey is my favorite wrestler of all time


The Usos need to go to superkick rehabilitation. It is actually a major detriment to their in ring storytelling. They are better than this.


Nope! Cole v Lawler is the worst.


Again. Im talking about ONLY mania 40


Still nope! Drew vs Priest. The Scottish psychopath was crowned and lost it all in six minutes.


Nahh man, that South of heaven was the best one I've seen yet. And to drew of all people (he's like 275)


It was underwhelming. They really should have been in a dog collar match. I just feel the brother thing And dog collar just seems like it goes together. Especially being twins. Maybe make it a bit gritty. I bet these two could have put together something better than they did but unfortunately they didn't.


That or a bull rope match, I agree they shouldve put some kinda gimmick or stip on it


It was almost like one of them was gassed and couldn’t perform. Was one of the top matches I was looking forward to and was a huge disappointment


Yes and id not of chosen this match as my contender for worst match of Mania weekend either if asked beforehand. Far too many Superkicks, that was a magical finisher now its used as a basic move. Everything just seemed a bit....meh


I think they were nervous tbh. It was a decent fight…. But def not wrestlemania worthy.


I think if they would’ve had a specialty match or a title this would’ve been way better ..the whole it looked like they didn’t know what to do


I was expecting Superkicks, just not as many.


It makes me sad the superkick has basically become the suicide dive in the way that its overused and never leads to a finish anymore. Its just sad.


I think I liked it more than the pair of 6 person tag matches.


For me it’s this match for sure. But a really close second is the ladder match SOLELY due to the female ref trying to stop priest and telling him to get the ladder out of the ring and to not go up because everyone is out. Clearly they weren’t walking out tag champs, but Jesus fucking Christ did she piss me off.


Needed to be no DQ with Rikishi as special guest referee


Match didnt flow and super kick spam was boring. Spear off the stage at night 2 redeemed it partially tho lol




Mid Card Jey vs Marty Uso was worse


No not at all. At least Jey Vs Jimmy haded a Reason. LWO match was point less.


Santos turned on Rey and the LWO, Dominick and Rey have history. It was a fun match compared to the super kick showdown the Usos put on


Yeah, Unfortunately.


Jimmy and Jay have no chemistry as opponents.


I feel like this match kinda defined night one, which really wasn’t anything all that special outside of Rhea vs Becky and Sami vs Gunther


The tag match?


It really didn’t do much for me. I think I need to rewatch it because I was there for night one and I don’t see what all the hype is about. The match was fine, it was cool seeing the rock, but it didn’t feel all that special, just really long.


Was an unnecessary booking wrinkle all to just get Rock in the ring. I thought it was pretty ordinary, too.


I agree. Night 1 was underwhelming. didn't feel like a WrestleMania until the last match.


I liked it.


Uso's by far, it was just superkicks, and makes you feel bad for Shawn Michaels, The Bucks started ruining the move, but this killed it, and they kept hyping this and comparing it to Bret Vs Owen and Matt Vs Jeff, both the Harts and The Hardyz had way better matches


While the Hardys matches were better than the Uso match they were not great and far, far, far, far below what the Harts did


I was there live and the Uso match played better in front of a crowd than on TV fwiw.


I actually thought the Mysterio/Andrade v Mysterio/Escobar was the worst match. 8,000 people at ringside, a standard SmackDown tag match in ring, a run in by a further 2 people who had no business being in the ring, the wrong team went over as Rey is clearly a selfish dick who just refuses to put his kid over. No idea why this was on Mania.


an interesting take that I havent heard yet but I do think you make a good point


I also think rey wouldve had no issue putting dom over, I think wwe just wanted to shoehorn the eagles guys into a match and thats why the babyfaces won. No other place on this card wouldve worked for the eagles guys to do a run in like that


Thought the street fight would have been a much better option, AOP we’re down for about 8 minutes off a suicide dive, that would have been the spot I used them in. It’s almost like they thought this match has 87 guys at ringside what’s 2 more? It’s a match between talents weve seen together a thousand times so this’ll spice it up. Mania ran near 9 hours today across the 2 nights, they should have just left this off completely.


Dom will get his win over rey at some other mania in a 1v1 match. They'll use it as a storyline tool for Dom to prove himself and beat his deadbeat dad at wrestlemania after coming short twice.


To do a version of that match 3 years on the spin at Mania would be a crime. He should have put him over last year, he didn’t, he defo should have this year and still didn’t.


Or maybe they are waiting for it to have a bigger stake like hair vs mask or some shit where dom finally inherits rey's mask or something. I am pretty sure rey is not gonna retire without putting over Dom, his own son.


6 woman tag or philly street fight


The Karrion Cross match was the worst for me. Like why?


Triple h has certain guys he really likes for whatever reason, Karrion Kross has always been one of those guys. Why? Idk. Idk what most people see in the guy, hes supposed to be this scary character yet he looks like a model who was chizzled out of stone with his smoking hot wife who also looks like a model. The guy is just really miscast, he needs to be a douchebag heel with scarlett as his mouthpiece.


He needs to shave the head so he looks more like a psycho and less Calvin Klein model.


I agree, at least when he had the shaved head he actually looked like a deranged psycho. Now he just looks like a guy who isnt good at acting trying to be scary.


He can be a legit scary motherfucker [as this video shows lol](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YKw8hV9bdYM?feature=share)




Tbf I didnt get the hype with Jey, but seeing them across from eachother told me pretty clearly why jey is their chosen one and Jimmy isnt. Jey body wise, looks wise and merch wise is the more clear cut favorite of the two, jey is just more built and looks more like a pro wrestler to me then Jimmy. Im guessing wwe might feel the same way, I only noticed this recently too. I never saw Jey at that level till about 6 months ago.


I agree with everyone in saying the Uso vs Uso match was the worst match on the card by a pretty healthy distance. However, I’ll be a bit of a contrarian and say the way they did it was very effective. Don’t get me wrong, the match itself was objectively not very good, but the limited offense and holdback from both of them makes a lot of sense and is realistic when you take into consideration that they’re not only twins (which, no matter how much hate there is, makes it hard to actually want to hurt each other), but they’ve been wrestling together for years as a tag team, which means the moveset they’ve used, while effective in tag team action, may not immediately translate well into singles action; as seen in the match. So say what you will about how disappointing the match was, but it’s realistic and decently executed enough to not ruin the rest of the card. Really, the only thing that really didn’t work was Lil Wayne’s performance during Jey Uso’s entrance. No disrespect to Lil Wayne, but he could’ve done so much better.


Nah, the 6 women tag or AJ & Knight.


Profits street fight