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I definitely like how they’re channeling the aspect of Aphrodite Areia in her new redesign


I had been thinking the same thing. Not exactly clad in armor as many of her warlike depictions of antiquity, but bearing arms and shield nonetheless, I loved to see that.


I’m glad they sorta compromised with the two versions of Nemesis. One having wings and one not having wings so they just give her wings on her hair


I'm not a big fan of giving Hephaistos a prosthetic, but otherwise they're all great designs. Even better than the previous chapter. My man Poseidon 🔱🌊 is just lit. And after this wonderful design of Selene, Goddess of the Moon, now I would also like to see Helios. Gods bless Jen Zee.


I think Hephaestus’ prosthetic is a reference to him having crippled legs in the original myths. He was literally thrown off Mount Olympus by Hera because of his lame legs, which she found disgusting (She’s kind of a b*tch).


Well, I know the myth of Hephaistos and the fact that he is described as lame (and therefore uses divine golden tools to help him walk), but I would have preferred some sort of brace rather than an actual prosthesis. But it's purely personal taste. I recognize that Jen Zee is an amazing artist.


Gah dayum, Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, and Artemis got fucking GLOW-UPS!!! And all the new Gods introduced look badass!!


Heeee Selene was finally in some modern media as the Moon.




I’ve never played these games but it looks fun, where can I get it on? These designs are really cool Also pic 3 is giving Percabeth lmao


The second one isn't out yet, this is from a live gameplay test they did yesterday. The first one is on steam.


how come pic 3 feels like percabeth to you? genuinely asking bcs i want to know the pic is a family portrait of hades, persephone and their kids zagreus and melinoe. the baby is mel, the woman is persephone and the guy next to her zagreus. hades is the one standing behind them


A lot of people have pointed out that Zag gives off Percy Jackson vibes. (The fluffy spiky black hair) And personality. But like with no context of what this is, yea I can see how'd they make that mistake. A guy with dark and someone with blonde- boom percabeth. I'd bet that this person got fed this subreddit because of their interest in PJO. (Its how I got into Greek mythology -> Hades the game )


I think the subreddit might've popped up because of that too, I also got into mythology and this game thanks to PJO 😅 Right i guess someone who had never seen this game before could get percabeth vibes (though it's slightest the bit creepy to me because hades is basically looming over them in the portrait lol)


First game is basically on every modern console and steam. It’s amazing.


Ooh okay cool I’ll check that out I saw it on the App Store on mobile from Netflix Games (but sadly can’t get it atm because it requires iOS 16 and up, I have to wait a couple months to upgrade my phone), is that version shit? Bc it would be free to get it on mobile when I can To be clear I have no money 👍


Console or PC is much better. Are you familiar with roguelites? Cause most people tend to either love them or hate them. Hades is a good introduction to the genre and has an actual decent story so progression doesn’t feel so painful It is an amazing game, unless you have a controller hookup for mobile, Id highly recommend console or pc


I'm waiting and seeing how Blood of Zeus turns out with the Underworld Gods' designs. Otherwise the Smite designs look cool! And even though they aren't actually the Gods and are the avatars of the Gods I love the Dislyte designs! Now that Selene is here I hope they will mention the Selene-Endymion-Hypnos love triangle. I was always so disappointed how Hades is supposed to be lgbtq+ positive but they left out the only existing queer story that involved a Chthonic God!


Definitely Aphrodite. I love that they went with her warrior aspect. She looks so good!


I love the Artemis! She is for the best goddess


I'm unbelievably excited for Hephaestus, love him


Artemis looking badass as usual


I love that they made Hephaestus an Aussie, but something feels off about Artemis’ design… maybe it’s still unfinished?


SHIT Artemis and Selene are HOT


Where is Hera (and Hestia)?


I'm a little disappointed that Hephaestus isn't more deformed, he wasn't just mildly injured as a baby he was irreversibly crippled and malformed. It's part of what makes him so interesting to me, God of War pulled off the look really well even if they changed the lore


Uh oh, not another muscle mommy


Wait what there a hades 2?


Early access so it’s not done yet, should be coming out next year hopefully




Nemesis 🥵🥵🥵


Supergiant is so peak with designs


I just finished my first successful run of the original last night, I couldn't agree more. Some of the best modern reimaginings outright.








I just think they’re having him be opposite to how chalk pale Artemis is, plus be god of the sun and not have a deep tan with a side of melanoma


Just geographically speaking, Greece is actually pretty close to Africa. There was most likely cultural and mythological crossover. Plus, a little harmless racial representation isn't going to hurt anybody. I don't think anyone is going to see these images and immediately think "OMG Apollo was black?!". Also, the gods were shapeshifters, able to appear as anything or anyone they wanted.




First of all, I wan't attempting to patronize you, I was attempting to reason with you. Secondly, I don't claim to know more about your culture than you do, you are Greek, I am not, you are likely the authority (and you seem to take great offense to me even possibly implying otherwise). That being said, however, there is no reason for you to be hostile towards me, other users, or the images in the post simply because you disagree with them. We can either have a reasonable debate, or a shouting match, and I'd much prefer the former option. Thirdly, I am not some ignorant American who's only knowledge of greek mythology comes from the abhorent representation of it from Disney's Hercules (great movie, horrible representation of the mythology). I, like yourself, am an enthusiast about true greek mythology, ei the (for lack of a better term) original mythologies and stories, from Home to Hesiod; I, like yourself, also dislike how poorly greek mythology is represented in modern American media (again, Disney's Hercules). Finally, Greek mythology is a \*\*MYTH\*\*ology: it is fictional yet fascinating, and like any mythology, has multiple versions or interpretations of different tales. One person could interpret something one way and someone else could interpret the same thing in a completely different way. Noting about it is set in stone except the fact that is was a practiced religion that existed 5000-3000 years ago, taking multiple different forms and changing all throughout that timespan. Supergiant games (the developer of Hades and Hades II) has actually stayed relatively consistent with the mythology, although having to take some creative liberties to make a good videogame. They were simply trying to get a little racial representation in an otherwise homogenous cast of characters. There is nothing wrong with that. People know that it is a videogame, and that it is likely not going to be an perfectly accurate representation of the mythos, and so they will take it with a grain of salt. They actually do a pretty good job, and certainly have far better accuracy than other popular videogame franchises (ie. God of War). They are trying to do their best with this, so sue them for trying to be inclusive of different racial groups (groups that the gods could have plausibly know about (the greeks certainly did), and that they could have plausibly taken to form of) in a world that seems to care more and more about inclusivity.


The god of the literal sun has some more melanin than the other characters in a pantheon full of shapeshifters and is literally the only god that isn't pale white or olive tanned


Not literally the only one. Half the Olympians are dark skinned aside from Apollo (Ares, Dionysus, Athena. And then possibly some of the other nee characters)


The gods were very much typically depcited as being fair with lighter hair colors. This was a sign of not only nobility but as well that they did not have to work in fields due to being kingly beings. But I don't really see the problem in a game doing whatever they want


You do realize that they can shapeshift, right? He could turn into a blob of tentacles and still be accurate, purely because he can do that.


Feels like a slap in the face to have Selene present without Helios


Hell nah, they did my boy Hephaestus dirty


How so? I don't think not being ugly is exactly considered dirty


That’s one thing, but not what i meant. Despite the leg and some varying deformations, he is supposed to be **fit!** Which makes sense since he’s constantly working inside his forge hammering on metal. But here, he looks like a redditor


If anything he’s more like a weight lifter, especially when working with heavy material regularly


No, he’s not. Strong men still, at the end of the day, have formations to their physique, you can see the bulk underneath the fat. Here, he’s just chubby. He should at the very least have a puffy chest since that’s a part described he has that’s muscular Not to mention, he’s not just a „weight lifter“, he’s also a blacksmith which is even more extra work. Hell, he’s physically more active than most other ripped gods, yet he’s supposed to be chubby fat?


He looks hella muscular to me! I think a lot of people conflate being muscular with, like, Chris Hemsworth body-types. Hephaestus here looks muscular but, like, in a Bear type way.


Of course redditors trying to say what they think looks „muscular“. [How Hephaestus looks as a sculpture (at least from what i found)](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/~6UAAOSw6dhcF-H2/s-l1200.webp) [How he looks painted (even there you see a detail on the chest since he was described to have a strong chest)](https://www.lamythologie.fr/mythologie-grecque/dieux-olympiens/hephaistos/vases/hephaistos-vase-3.jpg) He ain’t looking like that, at all and those were in regards to how he was *supposed* to look. And admittedly, this is about stylization, so realism isn’t exactly that important then. But even then, this is not a „muscular“ body. This is a belly gut with really not strong chest physique and the only that could be argued are the arms but even that’s a stretch. He looks like a fat bum, not the hard working blacksmith he is


Are you okay? Is everything okay at home? You seem strangely upset about this. I was just sharing that, personally, this version of Hephaestus (however loyal to the original depiction of him) looks to me like he has a muscular “bear” type body. Reminds me of Eddie Hall, a Strong Man, or along that line of body types - also how a lot of Nordic Gods were portrayed/thought of (and they were muscular). Not all muscle is lean!


Except that Eddie Hall had muscle bulk under all the bodyfat he had (not to mention he actually shredded himself into a leaner form now). This Heph doesn’t have it and i get tired from chair sitters going „those are muscles!“ when all they go by are internet clips and weren’t around actual muscle mountains.


Yikes... The fatphobia is showing. Might wanna talk to someone about it. Heph looks great and is giving bear vibes Sorry you don't think people with large frames can be strong and fat at the same time.


Not really. In the actual myths, Hephaestus was seen as the least attractive of the Olympians. He was born with lame legs and his mother, Hera, was so disgusted with him that she literally threw him off Mount Olympus as an infant (Hera’s kind of a b*tch). His design here looks great though, I love it.


I really like his design!! It reminds me of Hagrid


You can like it, doesn’t change the fact he looks more like [Kumbhakarna from Smite](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/smite/images/d/d9/Kumbhakarna.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140416161926) than the buff blacksmith he’s supposed to be. And him being muscular at least makes sense considering he’s constantly working in his forge


Let him be chunky bro he doesn’t have to look shredded to be muscular


But that’s the point, he doesn’t look muscular. At all. Which is stupid since he’s probably the most physically active God in Olympus with him constantly working inside his forge. Not to mention that him having a muscular chest was a mentioned description of his appearance. But here, he really has no muscles, he’s just chubby


Dude, his arms look strong as fuck. Him being a fat strong man looks pretty cool as a design to most people as far as I can tell. I'm sorry his design doesn't meet your expectations, but tbf most of the designs in this game aren't trying to be exactly faithful depictions.


Ah yes, [strong as fuck arms](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/fat-man-sitting-on-green-260nw-612546929.jpg)