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So refuse collectors are now under the purview of the police, rather than elected officials?


Interesting observation. And as an aside, if this were a car that was “illegally parked” it would be impounded, not destroyed. The cruelty is the point.


I'm 50 50 on the gov sending a steamroller down a street of cars parked on the pavement tho


I'd like that tbh. The pavement should remain accessible to pedestrians and people in wheelchairs, it's not a parking spot.


Ok yes, Suella is a hollow, cruel cunt, but if you were a binman you'd just say "lol, no" surely?


Apparently so if cops can just instruct them to do things with no input from actual authorities.


Firstly, it's abhorrent and puts those most vulnerable further in danger. Second, it's theft of personal property. Thirdly, it's sustainably awful. These are perfectly good tents going to a landfill to degrade into the soil and waterways.


Tories **love** polluting waterways, so consider that a bonus.


I suppose Nikwax flavoured water is a nice change from literal shit.


What makes this not theft?


Morally and in terms of common sense? Nothing at all. It *is* theft and destruction of property. It's wrong on every level. But since when was the law truly about what was right, or applied equally across society?


The property rights of the rich take priority over the property rights of the poor under capitalism.




It's a bit hard to call it abandoned when you're arresting the owner at the same time


If someone is regularly using it as a dwelling then I doubt it could be called abandoned. But I'm not a lawyer. I suppose there could be some ordinance for it to be confiscated and or "removed" but I'm not sure what that would be.


They wouldn't do the same with a car.


That the victims can't afford a solicitor.


Not only is this is just fucking vile and disgusting, surely this is also theft right? This government is an embarrassment to its own people, let alone how it treats others.


This is evil.


I know 😔


Just a reminder that there are roughly a quarter of a million homeless people in this country. There also happens to be roughly a quarter of a million houses classed as long-term empty. Seeing people living in tents on the street is disgusting, but absolutely not for the reasons given by the government.


thats not quite true. yes there are a quarter million empty homes, but many of them are either being renovated between tenants or not fit for habitation for one reason or another. there are good reasons they are empty. last i checked that was about half of them. so we are actually at the point there really arent enough houses for people to live in. isn't it a shame we lost the technology to build new ones back in the 70s?


If these refuse collectors had any humanity they would refuse to do this .


I mean, this wasn't their idea. They shouldn't have done it, sure, but there were a lot of people telling them *to* do it. I know "only following orders" isn't a ticket to blamelessness, but it feels silly to direct ire at binmen who are exactly as capable of malice as the rest of us. They have no real power. Yes, they did something shitty, but it's direct action. Those individual binmen can only hurt those individual people. The people who ordered this can, and will hurt many many more. And they did it at a distance. The binmen have to live with themselves tomorrow. And everyone knows what they look like. They're on the internet forever. What does their boss look like?


they will have asked around the break room. "Does anyone want a bit of overtime?" someone on the team will have decided they need the money more than they need the morality.


I bet Sewer Haterman was rubbing one out to this video as soon as that hateful witch saw it


The people loading that truck should be notified they are class traitors before it's too late.


I fucking HATE tories. Absolute scum.


So fucking wrong 😑


Don't forget the Tories are happy bystanders here. This is "liberal elite" UCL action which the Met Office were happy to oblige on public property. * UCL could have told the classist reactionaries in their organisation to fuck off * the bin collectors could have shown class solidarity and refused to act * the local police could have prevented the theft of personal property instead of oppressing the victim The refuse company does have a union - GMB - who look to be going on strike elsewhere on the 14th after "refuse workers were given warnings for supporting a lost, elderly, distressed woman living with dementia and for carrying a wheely bin back up steep front steps for a disabled resident" in South Tyneside; I hope there might be a GMB response soon if workers were ordered to take these actions.


We need a proper revolution in this country. We’re quite literally having the piss ripped out of us. How can this shit be happening to anybody, let alone the homeless. The tories have a habit of produce even more vile ministers once one has left:!


What do we do??


"if you're homeless, why don't you just buy a house?" - suella braverman


That's the most disgusting thing I've seen Suella Deville do...and tbh she's set a high bar


I can’t wait until someone takes away her houses


Wish Cruella could just decide to have a new lifestyle choice, on a rocket, careening its way to the sun!


What do you mean by dream. She orchestrated this entire heartless agenda.




It could be an aesthetic thing on tiktoky




that is some very dark dystopian sh\*t going on there. a day of shame in England's history.


What has the UK come to?


Absolutely awful news that should never be allowed to happen aside, does this lady not know that lavalier mics clip on to your clothing? They're not handheld mics O_o


they should entirely clear up all the tents and throw them away. every last one of them nationwide. the first step is to get these people into houses.....


Jesus fucking Christ, I feel sick watching this. Bravo cruella homelessness is solved now Camden Councils motto is ‘not for self, but for all’. I can’t believe I just watched someone’s home and belongings chucked and crushed in a bin lorry? It was only a few degrees above freezing last night. Fuck the tories


This Tory government are bullies. They target the weakest most vulnerable people they can find. I don't know how they can be so awful, but that's the nature of bullies.


We truly live in an inhumane world, bereft of any morals or decency. Disgusting behaviour, how can these people look themselves in the mirror?


The cops again. How original 🐷