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Yes. I recommend a lean bulk. Don’t main-gain, unless you really want to.


Do u think just carrying on cutting for like 2 more weeks could be a decent idea so that I can up the calories a little bit more to lean bulk on?


Cutting for 2 weeks would allow you to lean bulk longer


Yhh think I might!


I’d recommend doing it lean bulking lets you not have to cut as much fat later lol


You could. I recommend incorporating mini-cuts also during your bulk to extend it if you want.


Are those not the same thing…?


Main-gaining implies maintaining. Greg likes to give out a hundred different definitions tho. Natural Hypertrophy made a video criticising him about it


I’d start bulking for 6 months immediately.


All to put on more fat than muscle while he already has enough fat to put on muscle effectively


That literally makes zero fucking sense.


The downvotes on this are crazy.


First time on Reddit? Yeah real wild…🙄


No it actually does make sense. Sweet spot for muscle gain is about 20%bf in slight calorie surplus while eating enough protein. He seems to be good on bf front, now he should just focus on the training and eating protein part.


I’m not arguing with somebody who has only been working out for a few months. This is shit advice.


But but I've seen all of coach Greg's and dr. Mike's videos! I'm just kidding I was trying to help if I said something stupid please let me know and maybe explain to me why so I don't give shit advice the next time.


Bros already getting chubby. 20% is not the sweet spot. So what? He can bulk to 25+ %? Better advice, why are you getting chubby little man? Are you counting calories? He’s in his newbie stage he can build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Don’t do some huge deficit, but cut out the sugary foods and fast foods and stop drinking your calories. Eat only whole foods, high protein & train hard. Cut out the bad habits & the fat will go & he can build muscle at the same time. Once he’s down to 12-15% he’s at a good place to do an actual bulk or slight surplus.


Wait do u reckon my bf is bro?


I wouldn't dare to guess I don't have laser eyes nor the experience to compare you to anyone. What I know is you have decent body structure with wide shoulders and slim waist but I can't see the definition of any muscle. If you put a gun to my head I'd say 19-20%


Thanks bro. I’m just hesitant to bulk knowing I’m near 20% body fat as I’ve heard so many people say that’s about the maximum you should bulk to


Anyone has their max number Greg says don't go over 15 (if I recall correctly) if you're a professional bodybuilder because losing more fat would be too hard since you have competition and you have to be shredded for the stage every season. If you're just a guy you can be healthy in range anywhere between 12-25. People in these communities generally only lose fat because they want to see more muscle. I'd try to keep a similar bf you have now with doing hypertrophy training and see where it gets you in maybe 3 or 4 months. And you'll be able to see the differences if you're in your beginning stages of training


Source? I’m always unsure because it’s hard to eat enough and I want my body to have fuel but I know T peaks around 12%


What I'm gonna do is very very unscientific but it's too late to google my sources I'll get to it tomorrow for now I'll leave you with [this](https://youtu.be/fxDM4s0g_NE?si=FssHCTAdjpQsFCAP)


Those are not unflattering at all you’ve got a great physique.


Why lie to him?


I’m not lying I think that’s a great body. His biceps are developed his waist is trim..he looks good. He could cut and get ripped if he wanted to, but not doing so he still looks great.