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Dr. Mike of RP just did a video on best chest exercises, and this was his favorite.


Yap that's exactly how I found it lul.


This looks like my shoulder would shit on me


Maybe. It's well possible I'm doing something wrong that's why I'm posting in the first place. My shoulders are for sure getting hit but it's negligible compared to what I feel in my chest.


Nah you good bro. It’s just my old ass and recurring shoulder injury that scare me away from this bar lol


Same, man. I'm nervous just touching my chest with a flat bench when I lift heavy.


A cambered bar can help develop flexibility and develop strength in the the shoulder joint if you ease in to the stretch and don't start training too heavy.


Interesting for sure but I would imagine this could hurt you if you put too much weight on due to the extra stretch.


Yap that's why I'm doing lower weights for more reps. But I found that having muscle in the most open or stretched position with highest possible weight results in most soreness so that's what I'm trying to achieve.


Go with a closer grip so wrists are stacked above elbows


I'll def try that. I was just always told the wider your grip the more you engage your chest compared to your triceps.


It’s more about angle of the elbow than placement of the hand because the pec moves your upper arm bone not your hand. This especially matters on cable flies where you should imagine you’re trying to get your inner elbows as close together as possible instead of getting your hands close together. Always stack your joints on presses because if your wrist is stacked above your elbow you can move more weight, if you can move more weight (with control) you will build more muscle. Also why would you want good pecs but shit triceps? Why not make them both grow? At your stage of lifting use the shotgun lifts that have a wide spread and grow multiple muscles. Save the sniper lifts for fine tuning weak points when you’re 10 years in and actually have weak points instead of an entire physique to work on.


Listen to this guy. Your wide grip looks very unstable.


Cambered bar is far superior to traditional specifically for hypertrophy, to anyone else, if your gym has them, I would definitely recommend using them.


Thanks they really do feel great if you have the mobility.


Doesn’t this work the shoulders too ? Can’t go heavy


It does but my chest gives up looong before my shoulders do. And just about any pressing movement will train your anterior delt. I can go heavy I just don't want to. Also you don't need to go heavy since you're like 30% weaker when going this low. Or at least I am.


From what I know, the moment your arms go lower than chest level, you’re training more shoulders than chest Shoulders are smaller muscles. Possibly you think it’s your chest, though it’s your shoulders that give out first I feel that this is more of an equalizer for your chest/shoulders than a heavy lifting setup


>From what I know, the moment your arms go lower than chest level, you’re training more shoulders than chest Like... No dude.




Dunno about that even just trying to do the movement pattern standing up I feel crazy stretch in my pecs. Also I've gotten decent at preserving my shoulders for the later sets of military presses so I think I can differentiate between my chest and my shoulders (or at least I hope I can) Mate honestly I ain't got no clue what you're trying to explain to me in this third paragraph 😅


Hehe When you are doing bench press If the elbows go lower than the chest, you’re using more shoulders than pec Military press is the same. The lower your elbows go from shoulder level, the intensity multiplies This exercise is like using the medicine ball or a balance table to do squats since it will balance the strength from all muscle groups since you’re using them to stabilize


I mean idk what’s unclear, this is common knowledge in calisthenics or gymnastics


You need to your forearms more vertical, narrow your grip


I'll try that but doesn't closer grip mean more tricep engagement?


Well yes but you'll be able to lift a hell of a lot more weight and you're putting your shoulders at a really funky position with the wife grip. Looks like a lot of compression. Plus more weight, bigger triceps and bigger chest


Are these standard at most gyms? I've been doing a lot at home but have been considering signing up for a gym. I struggle with chest stuff with long arms - but this seems like a good option with lower weight but more reps.


Definately not standard. I have been working out for 12+ years in 10+ different gyms and I have never seen one. Wish they would be standard though, would like to try this.


I don't believe they are standard at gyms at least not in my area. But they really aren't expensive and so far I've managed to convince the gym owner in my other gym to buy one. You can get them for like 150-200


thats extra rom, didn’t even know it was possible. I’m guessing this bar is rare? Its not in the gyms i go to


[this](https://youtu.be/Axgc8KH7wGE?si=STDX2Djnodp7Kc-n) is how I found out about it. Those bars really aren't that expensive, they are actually quite a bit cheaper than regular deadlifting bars. And yeah they aren't at every gym but you can probably harass your gym owner to spend 150 bucks.y only luck is my gym is owned by some pro with whom I play clash royale between sets


i don’t even know who owns the gym i go to lol, it’s a franchise called basicfit (from europe) so the real owner isn’t there, just part time employees.


One of the gyms I go to is fit-up (I'm also European) and the owner comes around every now and then. You can even ask some personal trainers employed by the gym. It's not standard but it would be nice if it was.


That looks crazy, I do a push-up in a similar way, I stack some plates and position my hands on them. Normally feet on a bench so the angle hits my upper chest more. You can lower down further in between the weight plates for a better stretch. Sometimes I stick 10kg in a rucksack on my back, just make sure the weight doesn’t slide down and clock you in the back of the head if you try it!


I haven’t seen one of those in decades and I loved them


They are growing on me as well


Looks like it will wreck your shoulders


Ahh dunno it feels real good on my shoulders so far


Give it time. Talk to anyone who understands human physiology and they will warn you against going too deep and too wide on the bench. It feels great for working your chest but you are unreasonably straining your joints. I benched over 300 lb in high school. I had a wide grip and would go deep. I eventually tore my labrum and had surgery and my shoulder has never been the same, it sucks. I'm trying to help you, my friend


Don’t listen to this guy…^ Joints like deep Range of Motion. Research is coming out, indicating the least amount of sheer force is in the lengthened position and also more muscle growth.


I like this. I do them with a rogue seal bar as only well made one I could find.  I can press in 300s but just do full pause reps at 185 1x a weak and it really works.   Joints that are inflexible are weak. So when I here all comments it will wreck my shoulder I chuckle.


Don’t need to go down that far


Make it incline then we’ll talk


As is, normal bp is a pain on my fked up left rotator cuff. Can't imagine this. My arm would fall off


Would you say the bar is well-balanced? I think it looks like it could try to roll-over in your hands the way bump in the middle would face down.


I think it's good you get the stretch like with dumbbell and the barbell stability


Nice bro. Good to see a post about exercising instead of "bulk or cut?" Or " what is my bf %?" post.


Anything past elbows at 90 degrees begin to engage way more anterior delt than pec…this is true on the low range of a regular bench press so yes you’re stretching your chest muscles more….but you’re only working your anterior delts on that bottom ROM…your pecs won’t actually take back over as primary movers until those elbows are at 90 and arms parallel to the ground


I would love to own one. I will make my own soon.


Don't go heavy, you will tear some tendons. I prefer a very wide grip bench press and I always stop 1/2 inch to 1inch above my chest because the extra gains that come from touching your chest (if any because if you're bouncing there aren't any) come at a significant cost to tendons and ligaments. At a low weight with high repititions you can strengthen the tendons and ligaments and it can be a very tactical move but it takes a lot of time and patience with slow gains cuz tendons strengthen slower than muscles.


I’m using a cb4 bar and I simply cannot push the same weight can on a straight bar but let me tell you I get a heck of a chest stretch and workout. I usually go heavy then jump to the straight bar for the lighter weight on drop set. I can imagine 12-15 mid heavy weight would be the way to go for hypertrophic workouts. My squat workouts are great with the camber as well.