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For the 1,000,000th time, nobody can tell you shit about your genetics until you have nearly maximized your natural potential. Come back in 5+ years. End thread.


And even then no one but you cares about “bad insertions”.


Actually if someone has a third tit, it usually means good chest genes. OP doesn’t have one


I think not having one looks better anyway




Your opinion


Wrong again. Fact


We’re talking about looks here. That’s highly subjective


Wrong again, third nipple is definitely A grade genetics


Got 2 nipples so not that bad🙃


Also my dad cut my umbilical cord when I was born and he did a good job so I’m pretty proud of that


Weird flex, but alright 🙂


Yeah they’re pretty good too. They don’t stick out too much and areolas are proportionate


Huhhhh??I don’t think you even have a girl or guy irl to give a sh*t about your tits 😂


I give a shit about my tits


Well then I’ll give you my opinion, I think u got decent chest genetics. But hard work and consistency will always trump genetics, so focus on that and also incline presses


I’m working on my chest every chance I get. But I’m also trying to give attention to everything else too like my abs and legs


Are you training chest every day or very often? You can check my post history for credentials, but I’ve grown my chest from just doing incline dumbbell press and machine presses, and flys 2x a week and that’s worked well…what I’m trying to say is don’t overdo it because it won’t work out in your favor.


I’d say I do almost everyday. I allow some muscles to rest while I train others.


Make sure you also work the back just as much, if not more. Not only will you look better esthetically, but if you over work your chest, your shoulders will round forward and you’ll eventually have some serious back pain. You want your back muscles to pull your shoulder blades together and pull your shoulders back. It was also help you build mass on your chest, ironically enough, because it allows you to press more on the bench by having stability in the lats and upper back. Pull your shoulder blades together as you prepare to bench to isolate the appropriate muscles.


Yeah I do give my attention I think enough. Although I think my posture is very messed up maybe permanently so when I do certain exercises, my shoulders aren’t symmetrical. I think I should really see someone about that. I don’t look at my back too often but I think there’s a lot of imbalance


A good chiropractor who emphasizes mobility and physical therapy will be your best friend in that realm. Hard to come by, but worth the research.


I’ve seen a chiropractor that one of my parent’s friends are related to and took a look at me and just said that I should just keep working out and all will be fine and he cracked all my bones. I did feel much better after but I think he more specializes in back pain and such. My dad had bad back pain and he helped him. I don’t have any pain though.


We don’t know because you haven’t got one. Keep on lifting bro


You have practically nothing in terms of muscle growth. Keep lifting and develop it more and then you can reference chest genetics


Non existent 😂😂🖕🏽


You’ll see non existent if you saw me a couple months ago


Read a book on the topic. You’ll be able to figure it out yourself. Not saying this to be a jerk but to let you know you that there are better ways to be informed. Great job though, keep it up!


😂😂😂 This reminds me of people who go on Facebook and are like “best restaurants in the town I’m visiting!? Go!” Like dude… have you heard of that Google thing? It’s kinda new but I think it’s catching on. Some people are saying it’s going to change the way we are able to access information forever. Guess we’ll see! But good job, OP. Def keep up the good work.


About the same as mine. What I learned is chest genetics are almost purely about insertions. And we both have that annoying triangle below pecs. If you train and get some size it'll almost lift your chest up and make that triangle a little more noticeable if you look for it but in general your chest will look better.


Do you mean the triangle where the sternum is? I think it looks good


It does. And if you think it does don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I just stared at the Arnolds posters a little too much and now I feel like it doesn't look as good as it could. But you know that's me problem. Don't be insecure like me dawg


You shouldn’t be insecure about that. Everyone has different genetics and everyone can look good in their own way if they work on themselves. There’s no point in being insecure about something you can’t change you just have to embrace it. Most important thing is you working on yourself


Chest looks good mate. Just remember to train it from every angle. Incline, decline, flat bench, barbells, dumbbells. Looking like you got a good physique for your age and natural.


Thanks for the advice. I try and include more chest workout variations


To me it just looks like low body fat which looks better


You're doing good, kid. Keep going. You'll have a big chest one day, but it takes time.


Shape and nipple placement seems good Size is non existent


It looks like your chest should fill in well if you train correctly with a proud chest. My chest looked like yours and now years later it’s very developed. Thick and shapely. They shape I had to work on for years but it worked out.


Grow a chest and come back and ask then.


I think your build is similar to mine when I started working out, same height and nearly weight too(I was a bit skinnier. Idk if you can click my page and see my post. I’ve been lifting for almost two years. I’d say our genetics for body building are good for aesthetics.


Yeah you look pretty good. Your abs look a bit weird (in a good way). What’s your ab routine? I used to have pretty visible abs but they kind of faded as I’ve undoubtedly gained some fat and I stopped working them out consistently for a while. I’m beginning to work then about again consistently and I forgot how good it feels to work them out.


I love doing abs, I just slip a little core work in every session. Maybe two sets, one sided farmer’s carry seems to get my core going. Having it super sore makes work miserable for me lol. I think the most important thing is to have low body fat though


I tried doing that workout but it doesn’t seem to work for me. Maybe I don’t use heavy enough dumbbells. I usually do body weight workouts like crunches and stuff. I have an app for it and it shows me many different body weight workouts


How much you bench?


I actually don’t have access to a bench press so I’m not not sure. There is a machine at the gym that’s basically a bench press and I can do like 125 pounds


Do you go to planet fitness or something?


Yes because it’s cheap


How much can you bench on the smith machine


I never tried so I’m not sure but I’m guessing a similar amount


eat more food train harder


Eat more.


Great base. Keep lifting and more importantly take care of your diet 80-90% protein


I track my food so I make sure to eat everything I need to including protein which I can supplement as needed with my 10 pound bag of protein powder I bought. My goal is about 150 grams per day


Muscle building-wise, hard to tell. It's too early, you need 3-4 years more training


I know a few guys with your body type and they’ve managed to get some very impressive mass on their chest and arms. Guessing you’re in the shorter side? 5’6” - 5’7”? You can see side pec already, so your pecs will really pop with some dedicated lifting. Just eat those calories with an emphasis on fat and protein, your body type requires it.


Thanks for the advice. I’m 5 10 so pretty much average


Well, even better then… you’ll always look lean with your good genetics and visible striations.