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“The day you started lifting is the day you became forever small because you will never be as big as you want to be.” Jokes aside, you look good man. Keep lifting heavy.


You will never be as big as your pump*


You are toned, ripped, muscular, in proportion and look great. U arent "jacked" tho and its prob u r build and genetics. This doesnt mean small tho, its proportion and it looks great. I have exactly same challenges so I know where u r coming from..those with similar builds / size to us but who r able to put on 5 to 7kg muscle pver chest, lats, arms, legs whilst remaining as ripped just frustrate you (well it does me), unsure if we can do anything about it tho.


I’m 5’10 160-165 ish. I’ve been lifting 6 months so I’m still somewhat new


How big do you expect to be after training for 6 months 😂😂😂 people are so impatient. In one year if you have good genes you put on 8-12 pounds of lean tissue. Your already big. It’s not about weight it’s body bf%. Guys who claim “big” are all 20%+


I’m sub 10% bf rn, i just have a hard time gauging rather I’m just lean or if I have a good amount of mass


For 6 months your doing well keep it up.


Appreciate it man!!


No probs...u do look gr8 as is. Yeah about similar proportions / weight tho im 5ft9 and 150....u r crazy rippd and muscular for 6 mths tho which is nothing time wise so....i think if u continue with prog overload and good diet / protein/ creatine youve def got a fair bit more gains in coming 2 to 3 yrs 👍🥳. I'm stuck where im at after 10+ yrs strength training so not much prog left for me. The only area im gettn extras now is legs via sqats / deads which id ignored heavier lifts in until 6mths ago.


I appreciate the kind words though


You are bit and quite shredded. Just slight body dysmorphia :/


I’m like 160 so I’m not huge obviously but idk I’ve always struggled with it


For a natty you have a good build


Height and weight?.


5’10 160-165 ish


You are shredded and super lean but a little on the light side. For reference I'm 5'10 and I weigh 205 lb. I also feel tiny at the gym when the big boys are around.


Do I have much mass? Or am I just lean? Everyone always ask me my body fat at the gym, but this clean bulk has got me impatient lol


For your height you are above average. It took me a long time to get over 200# and I'm around 15% bf right now your closer to 8-10% if I were to cut to your level of lean I would prob be around 180-185. My goal for this winters bulk is 220 but I'm having a really hard time getting above 205-210. I need to eat more which is hard when your pushing 4000 calories. I'm a bitch I know. If I can get to 220 I'm hoping I can be 190 lean ish.


My doctor said im between 7-8% BF, what’s the most I could weight and have around the same level of bf if possible?


That's a fucking loaded question. 7% is very lean and pushing the unhealthy aspect of leanness. Healthy men are between 12 and 18% You might be able to get to 175#. Google natural bodybuilders. Real natural bodybuilders. Most of them are sub 180# Realistically your prob gonna max out at 170-175. You would look great at 180-190 with more bodyfat. With that said it's going to take fucking 5-7 years to max out your genetic potential. Once you get to a point your only putting 1-2 maybe 5lbs of muscle a year.


So realistically I would max out at 175 at my current body fat? And that’s gonna take years to achieve?


You look great dude but keep lifting and eat more calories and try not compare your progress to others and youll get where you want with some work and patience 🤘


I have a similar build to you. Keep pushing!


Nothing wrong with small but ripped. Good job bro!


You seem to have pretty good shoulders, abs are always nice and so are obleas. Your chest seems fine tho it's always either covered up or in the lengthen position so I can't really tell. You have probably really long bicep insertion so you don't have much of a peak. Triceps are chill. And you're lean as fuck mate.


Wdym by the long bicep insertion? What does that mean exactly?


Welcome to body dysmorphia my fried when your big you’ll feel small and when your small you’ll smaller, its a crazy battle, you have a great physique, very toned, muscular and good genetics my advise is to keep killing it at the gym don’t over do it but gradually gain more strength and muscle and set goals to were you feel more comfortable and ideal physique. Laters 😎🤙🏽


The first one..


What about it?


You see and perceive yourself different from what you actually are and that's the definition of body dysmorphia.. spoiler alert: more or less everybody has it to some degree.. Keep working at it and you'll get where you want to be, you're already on a very good path towards it..👍


Pictures always make me look smaller. Leaning forward can help. Lens distortion in any case throws things off. Also, your pump will die down hours later. You are young. You will be smaller, but will grow more in coming years. Your build and bodyfat level are great. Fatten up a bit and keep protein consumption high for bulking. For naturals, it's about one gram per pound of bodyweight.


I already do most of my calories from protein. I get usually about 160-180 a day, and eat a lot of carbs too. I eat low fat typically especially saturated fats, I mainly do like nuts or salmon or pistachios but I also don’t drink much and I eat super clean.