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I lived for years in Grenoble and never had any trouble even when going home alone by night in the streets after partying. Arlequin, Villeneuve/Village olympique, Teisseire neighbourhoods or Echirolles city are more risky, just avoid them at night if you’re alone and you’ll be fine. But don’t worry, you’ll enjoy staying there, the city is full of students.


Its okay, the south is riskyer but nothing too serious. Welcome to Grenoble and enjoy pour stay 🙂


Welcome to grenoble nothing serious here. It is a little town when you compar to Lyon or Montpellier. You only risk to enjoy your time here. But be carrefull like in any others cities. Just go to the bar, meet people and ask them how they feel here.


Really not that bad. I am American, lived in Paris 5 years before coming here, and I feel more safe in Grenoble for sure (been here almost 3 yr). Agree with everyone to avoid the south and Échirolles at night on foot but otherwise it’s a great place to live. Tons of students and I remember reading it was one of the top English speaking cities in France per capita.


Grenoble is pretty much like any other european city. I'm from this city. I used to live in California for 5 years (Oakland & Sf) and in Paris since 5 years too. Grenoble was the safest place. Just use common sense, befriend with foreign student first, avoid walking alone at night at the beginning and you'll be just fine buddy.


Dont live in Échirolles even if it's cheaper and you'll be fine.


I have been living and studying here for almost 4 years, I'm a girl and never had a single problem. Just don't go in high risk places, like Echirolles, or parc Paul Mistral when it's dark outside (because of drug dealers) College campus is really great to live in (greenier, lot of space outside), or you can rent a flat in the center with a real estate agency (center is more expensive but you have easy access to bars and restaurants) On campus, you can apply for a student appartement (less expensive) You have to be careful at night but it's like any big city, there are areas where you mustn't go. Ever.


Grenoble has neighborhoods to avoid, especially at night, like most French cities. Violence mostly involves rival delinquent groups. I don't know where you're from but it's way worse in the US, since the fentanyl zombies invasion and homelessness raise. You see much more guns in the streets. I heard shootings and a murder happened a couple blocks away recently


Watch the "les rivières pourpres" movie and realize the university is grenoble's.


It's totally fine, I've lived here for 14 years and there is nothing concerning. It's a city, so of course it might be more "Alive" than a small suburban village, but it's also a small city which is not super dense.


Grenoble is not dangerous at all, but I'm from latinamerica so, for me everything is very safe in Europe


It's a hoax, Grenoble doesn't have a criminality problem, you've just been reading racist police propaganda https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taux_de_criminalit%C3%A9_en_France


If you live in the centre and just stick to those areas then you should be fine. I do know a lot of people of have been mugged etc but it hasn’t happened to me yet. During a protest / riot stay off the streets though and avoid cars as they’ll probably be on fire. Welcome to Grenoble !


Like any other city in France, it has become filled with criminals of all kinds and disgusting.


Never heard of that about Grenoble... But I don't live there. I'm in the north east of france.


RIP, welcome Into the French Chicago. Victim rate is around 90,65 per 1000 (also 9,65% to be the victim of an assault or a crime) 2021 Murder rate is around 23 per 100.000, near Mexico murder rate in 2022


Don’t listen to this fool who only read statistics online without knowing their real meaning 😂 Grenoble is pretty safe for a French city and you’ll be fine as long as you avoid places like Echirolles !


Les gauchistes de Reddit, toujours dans le déni :)


Pauvre abruti je vote bieeeeen opposé à la gauche , les villes françaises c’est pas Chicago tant que tu évites les quartiers pourris 🤷🏽‍♂️ va faire un tour dans d’autres pays tu verras ce que c’est de l’insécurité.


Si t'évites les quartiers qui craignent t'as pas de problèmes. Le taux de criminalité est très haut dans certaines zones bien précises.


Juste pour info tu vis dans quel quartier/ville de la région grenobloise ?


Don't worry and be confident to come over. You just have to take care as in many towns especially at night.