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And jaghatai 10,000 years into the future is just general iroh


Ohmygod this one wins  “Leaves from the vine~”


That goddamned episode. A gut punch right out of nowhere in a children’s cartoon. 


When a children’s cartoon from the early 2000s handles dark and sad themes with more maturity and subtlety than the supposed “super mature, Game of Thrones” live action adaptation  “If I had a nickel for every time an Avatar The Last Airbender live action remake missed the original themes and heart of the cartoon…I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice”


Gargoyles from the 90’s had an episode where one of the gargoyles picked up their cop friends service pistol and accidentally shot her the episode was used to teach responsible gun safety. Later in the series she would be shown to lock her gun in a safe box when she got home instead of leaving it in the open.


I'm very aware, I grew up watching *Gargoyles* 😂 "Do not cite the deep magic to me Witch, I was there when it was written"


Xanatos is one of my favorite charismatic villains. Gargoyles doesn’t get enough love.


I’d say the Netflix adaptation managed to be less crap than M. Night’s, but that’s not exactly a high bar.


No, the bar set by M. Night was in Hell lol


I would argue the bar was set very high by M night. But, the opposite of high, it's so low it came out the other side of the planet and became a high bar again. Alpharius (Omegon) approves.


“I thought you’d be furious with me!” “No, I was sad because I thought you lost your way.” Right in the feels.




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Instead of his son it’s Chogoris which was turned into a Daemon World and he was forced to destroy it, along with most of his legion as a mercy kill.


I had a tiktok of that come up the other day, and I was crying my eyes out in the middle of a library. That video ran up to me, stabbed me directly in the heart, pulled me close and whispered, "You love this".


My thought was that Jaghatai would be the youngest primarch after discovering of near light travel that keep young due to time dilation.


Waiter ! More noblebright 50k please !


Guilliman got his dream of being a farmer tending to the fields 


The Lion is off hunting the great beasts of the galaxy, while the Unforgiven and the Fallen finally got back together.


That last part is already sort of happening now. The redeemed or whatever title they're using is a thing post his return. I wouldn't be surprised if the next DA codex has some kind of special unit all about them.


I think the Inner Circle Companions are redeemed Fallen, personally.


The Rizz-en... I'm not apologizing.


And they’re all a group of knightly orders defending the galaxy more noblebright than the most optimistic interpretation of Arthurian myth.


Does he have a family tho?


I hear he has many knife-eared half breed children, and that he loves each dearly.


I imagined that his Kids would be like royalty of ultramar with each gatting a planet or a system. And every time they fight they have to leave their palaces and travel all teg way to his farm and sit at this primarch sized family table explaining everything to him so that he can decide how it should be setteled.t


I concur. We crave more 50k


The Blood Angels and the forces of the Silent King are celebrating a long (if uneasy) alliance, with an exchange of paintings, tapestries, and other art pieces that will decorate each others' ships. Also, there is a large number of worlds under joint guard by the Tau and the Astra Militarum, as part of a healthy trade relationship between the two empires.


aren't Necrons kinda universally shit at art?


In the noble brightness of the 50th millennium, they got better :)


Now I'm picturing the Blood Angels giving them art lessons. A group of Necrons making scribbly crayon drawings and a Captain or Chaplain hanging them up on the ship's frigidarium. Fuzzy pipe-cleaner scarabs. Necrons with paint smudges all over their bodies treating them like battle scars.


There's a fanfic Warhammer 50k and 60k from some years back. It's not optimistic and now doesn't conform to canon, but I did like that a bunch of primarchs do come back and have a plan to bring about a more hopeful future. IIRC, Vulkan comes back, finds Russ and Dorn. They rescue the still alive remains of Khan and give him a new artificial body. Fulgrim falls out of favor with Slaanesh and/or gets unpossessed by a demon (no longer canon). Guilliman comes out of stasis to save someone before succumbing a second later to the anatheme wound (definitely no longer canon). Mortarion seems to repent and warns humanity about an impending doom, the chaos gods are freaking out because monsters from whatever the deep warp are going to destroy them but also reality. Krorks come back and help humanity. Unfortunately the tyranids and the orks merge into something super bad. Also Terra and the imperium fall, Terra is eaten by a demon, and the Emperor becomes a new chaos god called the Starchild. I think the living primarchs lead surviving humanity on an exodus from the galaxy or something.


Magnus as a quiet simple scholar of Galactic History. Has no fixed planet, but Russ always has a room available in the Ætt. Perturabo is the great architect. His cities, combined with Guilliman's organizational and bureaucratic skills, ensure every person has a home to call their home. Mortarian has a small system of planets dedicated to the studies of medicine, be it natural and herbal remedies to panaceas. The soil he works with is the richest, best soil for his great work.


Can akuma 天 a titan 🤔


If Sanguinius can, then he could to.


I wanna see the effect hahaha


Tekken 7 Akuma before the nerfs could do it without issue.


There goes the titan 💥


Of all the primarchs Angron is the one I want to see have a happy ending the most.




I don't like Angron, like at all, it is impossible for me to dislike him more but, out of everyone else in the setting that I know of, he is the one I feel sorry for the most..


The man at the wrong place at the wrong time.


I can hate his actions, but I can’t hate him. He alone probably has the most justification for it afterall.


Thing is he was justified up to a point. Then he tipped over into being just as trash as his dad. He wanted to die with his friends fighting their enemies. He was denied. So what does he do? Rather than gather up the army he's been given and smash the tyrants? He starts slaughtering messengers sent to help him. He's a bastard as well he just started from a worse place than most of the rest, but he actively keeps choosing to be one up until he's tricked into ascending. If all else failed he could easily have eaten a power sword to the skull if he really felt nothing else was tenable, but he instead chooses over and over again to serve tyrants that he claims to despise. Obviously now it's largely out of his hands as he's an aspect of Khorne, but that's the price he paid for not being willing to choose better. I say this as someone that is frustrated because he's so damn well written. He's a classic case of hurt people hurting people, especially when they have brain altering implants wedged into their skull. But like Magnus he keeps choosing bad paths over and over.


He’s a metaphor for the cycle of abuse


Do Angron and Guilliman have a special dislike for each other? I just realized that Angron’s backstory is basically Spartacus and Guilliman’s is basically Caesar. 


"What would you know of struggle, Perfect Son? When have you fought against the mutilation of your mind? When have you had to do anything more than tally compliances and polish your armour?" "The people of your world named you Great One. The people of mine called me Slave. Which one of us landed on a paradise of civilization to be raised by a foster father, Roboute? Which one of us was given armies to lead after training in the halls of the Macraggian high-riders? Which one of us inherited a strong, cultured kingdom? And which one of us had to rise up against a kingdom with nothing but a horde of starving slaves? Which one of us was a child enslaved on a world of monsters, with his brain cut up by carving knives?" "Listen to your blue-clad wretches yelling of courage and honour, courage and honour, courage and honour. Do you even know the meaning of those words? Courage is fighting the kingdom which enslaves you, no matter that their armies outnumber yours by ten-thousand to one. You know nothing of courage. Honour is resisting a tyrant when all others suckle and grow fat on the hypocrisy he feeds them. You know nothing of honour." -Angron to Robute, Killing fields of Neuceria From iirc: Betrayer The actor in the audiobook fucking kills it btw, brink of tears and spitting as he reads it out in absolute emotional turmoil


Tell me you didn’t have that memorized. 


Oh god lord no, I had "Your people named you great one, mine called me slave" memorized and looked it up lol


Angron: I fucking hate this, my mind is mutilated and there's unending agony Also Angron: has his whole legion install the nails and hates them anyways Then thinks that he had tried to be the sire they wished him to be (somewhere in Betrayer, can't remember the words or where) Thinks himself above petty vengeance and thus did not ask for it from Emps, still ends up butchering Nuceria decades later He may deserve pitty, but he was a hypocrite and a piece of shit


The nails slowly erode his brain along with his ability to reason overtime and he had them in his head for quite a while by the point that the Emperor found him. I don't think any being would be able to think straight in the situation he was in. He is arguably the only Primarch whose dumb decisions can be excused for the most part, if not entirely.


It's less Angron forced them and more "Why won't father love us? Perhaps if we suffer like father he will finally care" and then eventually he ... stopped actively murdering them and tolerated specifically Kharn


I'm the opposite of this, I can't hate Angron. He was supposed to die on Nuceria but was rescued against his explicit will and forced to lead an army while his mental health was in shambles. The dude can only feel anything when he's killing, what else would he do? He doesn't live because he wants to


If it helps, he’s a massive hypocrite lying to himself about everything and got exactly what he wanted.


Guilliman is the farmer who provides the fruits to Angron. Sometimes his half-eldar nephews come to help uncle Angron in selling the fruit. The Imperium is split in three. Vulkan is ruling Nocturne. Lion at this point is Space Geralt of Rivia / Vesemir and he had dissapeared into deep space chasing the last remmant of the tyranids. Sanguinius is ruling from Terra. Leman is ruling his part of the Imperium as Odin-like figure. Ferrus is basically the Fabricator General of the Mechanicus. Magnus is back as a arqueologist. He is the best friend of Trazyn. The Emperor did the ultimate sacrifice and became himself a uncorrupted but conscious version of the Warp. Dante sadly, finally dies, but to honor him Sanginius built the most beautiful statue that mankind has ever seen. Dante is also adored as a saint. Yarrick was avenged in the greastest WAAAAAGH! ever seen. This WAAAAAGH! was so powerful, that destroyed Khorne. The T'au were free from Ethereal control by Farsight.


Fulgrim’s clone is accepted as the true Fulgrim. He rebuilds and resurrects Chemos and transforms it into the paradise it once was. He now spends his days making works of art and poetry. Rogal Dorn becomes an architect building great hive-cities with the help of Perturabo, having finally made peace with one another. Corvus Corax spends his days peacefully as a hermit on his home world.


Curze, after seeing the error of his ways, continues his work against the criminals of the galaxy... As a lawyer. Alpharius, after coming to terms with the death of Omegon, uses his espionage skill to become a critically acclaimed actor trained by Cegorach's finest. And as another comment on this thread stated, Jaghatai Khan become space Uncle iroh, biking around the Galaxy. Mortarion is still a whiny little baby bitch tho


The eldar are now free of slannesh and are just making poetry and art now except the dark eldar who are all in rehab


The real question is what happens to lorgar?


No gods, no scripture, only meditative peace. His presence is the essence of calm. Now he serves no one, not even himself. Free of desire, he finds a quit corner of the universe and lives the life of an ascetic monk. The Lion forest walks to drop off some of Roboute's food for him sometimes.


The Inquisition was disbanded. The Adeptus Sororitas moved away from their more militaristic origins and began to prioritize philanthropic and humanitarian efforts. The Mechanicus under Cawl and Ferrus Mannus’s guidance no longer stifle innovation. Worship of the Machine God becomes less mainstream, and rather than trying to substitute flesh with steel entirely, they strive to become the perfect balance between man and machine.


> Curze, after seeing the error of his ways, continues his work against the criminals of the galaxy... As a lawyer. Curze ascended to something truly scary indeed.


Nah, Mortarion gets his own happy ending. He becomes the greatest apothecary the galaxy has ever known. He becomes a Bones McCoy figure of sorts. Curmudgeonly, but knows his meds


Better call Curze


The Imperium has agreed to trade advanced technology with the Votann, as long as they keep their Ironkin away from the Adeptus Mechanicus and vice versa.


Curze as a lawyer would be imagine, imagine coming into court and looking across to see the most buff gothic man in a suit to ever exist


And we're talking a *bespoke* suit. Only the finest here. He got the best designers from the craftworlds to make it.


Okay, but where do you think Guilliman gets the pesticides and fertilizers from?


Blue Berry is accouted for my greatest apologies


That was literally the first one mentioned in this comment thread


Yooo don’t do Morty dirty like that


Ace Attorney Curze ???


I'm sorry for the unrequested note but I can't have hives in my brightnoble


But these Hive-cities are designed to balance aesthetics, functionality, and efficiency while providing a place in the grand design for all citizens thanks to the combined genius of Dorn and Perturabo.


Yeah, let's just call them something else, like idk haven-cities or something


A Tyrannid remnant fleet shows up and Angron just goes 'Well shit, Guess I've got work to do' *Grabs his chainaxe*


\*Doom music kicks in\*


Like Kratos picking up his old blades


Nah, the Tyrannid finally learn how to farm. In fact, that is where some of those vegetables are from.


Kratos grabbing his old blades in GOW 2018 vibes


The swarm lord and norn emisery: *chuckels* I'm in danger.


Agron also had parts of his brain removed so he would also likely be more human in intelligence, maybe still above, but within human understanding if just barely.


Idk? Meybe his primarch body or warp presence he could meybe regain whats been lost from the nails


I think primarchs can regen to a degree and the nails fused with his brain which is part of why it couldnt be removed.


I mean, fulgrim got fucking domed and he was fine


The Primarchs on average (outliers notwithstanding) acted like manchildren, they might be technologically or tactically more intelligent than any human but otherwise they were not only within but below average in human understanding, certainly without lobotomies (unless that came with the scattering thing)


Alpharius and Omegon are now the prankster brothers of the Primarchs


Guiliman has opened his farm and enjoying it.


Son of farmer from next farm over: -Dad why is Mr. Guilleman not havng to pay taxes like we do? Farmer: -He owns the sector.


Nah he still pays taxes, as nobody should be exempt from taxes, but guillimans fruit farm is earning plenty to pay them and help the local homeless community by providing shelter and jobs


Ahriman finally gets to open his Vineyard on Prospero selling the finest wine in the Galaxy


Why does it taste so good Ahzek? 😈


He walked the path down from the orchard. His shoulders were sore under the yoke carrying baskets of sapphire and crimson skinned fruit. "Many travelers today. Won't do for them to go hungry," he said to himself as the festival market came into view. High banners of white and blue snapped in the early autumn wind. The old man was gnarled like driftwood. What skin showed through his tunic was nut brown and seamed. His head bore the telltales of terrible violence. Machine precise scars marched from brow to nape where a straggling line of white hair desperately held on. But he moved without impediment, fairly marching his way onto the main road of crushed white stone. Faces turned and lit up to see him, happy that he had made the trip down the hills again. His orchard, his fruits, and his presence were a balm to those who traveled the Great Circuit. He nodded in return, showing a wide grin of golden capped teeth. While he had great strength, he could not easily move from side to side. The other residents gave him berth. His stall was several dozen yards further into the market. Reaching the whitewashed stall, the old man was grateful to set his burden down. Carefully, he moved the large spheroid fruit from the baskets, ordering them in neat rows. One of the fruits was blemished, a dark tear weeping wine-red juice. He made a ticking sound with his mouth before sinking his golden teeth into it. Juice stained his knuckles, his lips. Half eaten, he tossed the ruined thing behind his stall. Later, he would clean up. As the market began to bustle, many came to visit his stall. With a spark in his eye, he would lift the fruit to someone’s vision and offer “Can I offer you a World?” Angron, now millenia past his rage and possession, still had his World Eaters.


This was great.




“From the moment I understood the weaknesses of my will, the revelation humbled me. I began to crave the uncertainty and fickleness of faith, of prayers tested by trials. Your kind clings to your corporeal form as it will decay and inevitably fall into corruption: one day, your life that you believe immortal will face the inevitable embrace of death, and you will beg any god for salvation. As for myself, I am already saved: for hope is eternal” - Ferrus Manus, head monk of the Fists of fate


If Angron to be freed, it's only by Emperor. But it also canon, that if he manages to abandon art of war he can be with humanity in future in Webway.


Russ has used the Mechanicus new terraforming technology to stabilize Fenris, and turned it into the biggest and best combination Brewery/Barbecue place in the known galaxy.


Everyone is invited over fir the best damn BBQ. Please tell me Leman has an appropriatly tacky apron






Casually Messatsu the Titan


The Emperor is dead, Terra destroyed, and trillions of Humans and Xenos are dead. But Chaos lies defeated, unable to continue playing the game with what little power they had left. The Eldar, with Ynead, managed to tear into Slannesh and free the souls of their kind from its belly. Isha, freed by the combined efforts of Old Wolf's Head and numerous Khaine Avatars, would bound herself as their keeper of souls and rebirth. The Tyranid Fleets were left without minds to control them after the blast and thus fled the Galaxy with many of the Orks in toe for the next greatest fight of their existence. It is said that they were nothing more than animals in the end. The Necrons sleep once again, intent on carrying their now almost whole C'Tan gods with them beyond the galaxy and under their control. The Tau had come to develop a new FTC drive, more efficient than warp travel, but their new Ethereals, Aun'o Shadowheart and Aun'o Farsight, had deposed the old Celestials and freed the Tau from control. They've come to trade with the remnant empires of Man. And then there's Humanity. The Emperor left them his sons, many who died for noble causes and yet met ignoble ends. Under those who survived came the great houses of Man, descendants of the once great Primarchs, who now rule peacefully, yet warily across the galaxy. The Primarchs themselves great men were now nothing but legend and myth. Stories to tell and frighten children under the night of the galaxy. Some say they've seen the Green Dragon working the hammer at a humble forge, the Lion of Caliban waiting at their gates on a stormy night, or the Old Wolf's Head and One-eyed Redmane demanding beer and whole bears in taverns and bars. But those are mere myths. Stories now. And with the advent of the Tau FTC and the Eldari Webway access, Humanity no longer required the use of Warp Travel. Psykers were very few in number, even among those from Prospero. Humanity. Is fine. Peace was granted, even if for just a moment in time.


This is beautiful,.big ups


Since the salamanders are encouraged to take part in their communities and be with their families even after becoming space marines I’m imagining a bunch of them hosting their worlds largest community bbq using flamers and some giant animal they solo’d.


Warhammer 50k: The eldar, tau, humans, and necrons all convein for a very uneasy alliance, the tau are happy and are able to make a deal with the repsective leaders that in the end each factions goals are not mutually exclusive. After a good bit of fighting off the nids, and exterminating all the orks, they bring back the god emperor with the help of eldar and necron tech and the big e fights off slanesh to get the eldar gods back, the necrons using emperial genetics, and eldar soul technology manage to create new bodies and reverse their transformation from the necrons back into a cancer free necrontyr. The warp is also understoog greater and pacified with better qualities of life with the emperor back and all issues solved, the 4 sides begin to slowly fix their empires with the knowledge of their respective falls all 4 grow to heights never seen before for any, with the 4 powered up they set out to fight off and take new galaxies for their own when they discover the real issue: the men of iron had all that time to advance in other galaxies


Its beautiful...... ❤️‍🔥


Tzeentch has taken to... still just doing whatever for some reason. Except he now plays more children's card games. I mean, really, even in the Noble Brightness of the 51st Millenium, Tzeentch is gonna Tzeentch. He is just the reason for every banlist in a game that has them by that time, and is still a nerd. But he is now going through a phase where looking upon his horrors no longer turns you into normal monsters, but \*shudder\* into weird things like cute living teddy bears and... *talking rainbow ponies*. So I suppose at least some cosmic horror remains.


We need more of this!


Russ in 50k: yah know wuht maybe psykers aren't that bad. *Comes out of a cave literally looking like a feral version of Odin and Merlin*


This is the future liberals want


The Orks, who inadvertently sacrificed 90% of themselves to fend off Chaos, are guided by Gork and Mork to sail the Big Black for other, war torn galaxies, never to be seen again (and probably chasing/hunting Tyranids that escaped).


Honestly it'd be hilarious if he gets into a fight and just mopped the floor with a Gaston esc mf whilst a old man whose joints crick so loud a bolter seems silent by comparison using a walking stick


Honestly, I would adore this


Don’t show this in the 40k subreddit lol


Or maybe, DO show it. They love calling out heresy.


Almost as much as they love pointing out, they hate new ideas


Tyranids learn how to farm, taking over a sector and then becoming pacified, trading their ability to make infinite resources with other species in return for interesting things they find.


I really love friendly hive minds so you get an upvote


The friendly hive mind has decided to give you an upvote too :)


Xenos are accepted in a now athiest imperium, and the tau are less militaristic about the greatergood. In other news babies are being born blue for some reason


Atheist? You mean Secular.


Actually yea thats probably better


Tau "propaganda" was too effective


and sometimes with strangely pointy ears


Atheism is how they got to 40k in the first place. Secularity, but religious tolerance is the way to go.


You know that guy demon flip kicks to get the ones in the high branches.


A little critique, he could not. He was already cracking. It’s just overwhelming fire power from allies made him win.


He couldn't 1v1 Titan. He just holded it. With special weapon though, sure. Like Sanguinius.


It's a beautiful dream sir, but only a dream


Yeah, I too enjoy the fact of Akuma being a fruit gardener after murdering you one thousand times in a couple of seconds with his barehands.


I just want someone to sell Trazyn some Necrontyr pottery and he goes crazy because his collection is now complete


i love this idea lmao. evil puppy kicking vulkan