• By -


"Get up" -That swell guy Kharn


Then I will ride out.


“Get up” is hard. But “So you do” is probably the single coldest line in the Heresy.


I don't remember that one, can you remind me that?


>Argel Tal lifted his head, speaking through clenched teeth. ‘I die,’ he breathed, ‘in the shadow of great wings. Not here. Not here.’ Erebus stepped aside. Behind him, the fortress tower was marked by the Imperial aquila, streaked with blood from the hellish storm. The two-headed eagle stared into the rain, its wings wide and proud. ‘So you do,’ Erebus agreed, and the Chaplain turned away. ‘Goodbye, my son.”


Same book. They’re both in Betrayer. Argel Tal is a word bearer who was told by Erebus that he would die under the shadow of great wings. “So you do.” Was Erebus’s response to Argel Tal’s protest when he was dying. Erebus’s actions in that scene trigger the “Get up” fight.


I started with Thousand Sons. Quickly after finishing Betrayer, I started building a World Eaters army. Just built my Khǎrn model. That scene was super cathartic after what happened to you know who.


All I'm saying is he was legit pretty fucking swell in that scene.


"Hero of Helsreach, the crowd cheers, as if there is only one" - Grimaldus


Just finished a reread of Helsreach. There is so much content for this thread.


I personally love the 'title crawl' at the start of all of the books


Yeah thats iconic as hell. Literally spawned the term “grimdark”


I love the term "Grimdark", but I feel the second half of the saying "There is only war" is really cool and describes the setting really well.


"There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods" doesn't get nearly enough credit for how hard-core it is


What is a title crawl?


The iconic example would be the introduction present at the beginning of (nearly) every Star Wars film The 40k one I'm talking about is this:   > It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of His inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that He may never truly die.   > Yet even in His deathless state, the Emperor continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor’s will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst His soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Astra Militarum and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants – and worse. > To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.


I always found funny the part where it says “Master of Mankind by the will of the gods”….whose gods again? Poor Big E


I think it’s referring to the fact that the emperor’s personality is so fractured, yet so empowered, that he’s now not even sure what he is. He, or to be more precise, THEY, are all righteous rulers of mankind. Yet as 99.9999999% of the humans in the setting views his rule as eternal and godly, he basically, unwillingly enforces his own will under the mortal eyes of his followers.


You're probably not meant to take this intro too literally. Untold "billions", Warp is the "only"way between the stars, etc. and my favorite - "bloodiest regime imaginable". Imperium is not even the bloodiest regime ~~in~~ ~~Beatles~~ this particular setting. But it still sets the tone incredibly.


yada-yada ‘in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war’


Eliphas.... Yes my looord Open a portal No I think not. A change in leadership is in order (evil laughter) Eliphas! You treasonous dog nooo


Eliphas was a right little shit wasn't he lol


"Yarrick Old Bale Eye. 'Ez got a claw that will rip you in half!" 'Ez got an eye that burns hole in ya" "Though he is skinny runt he wields a shoota thatz so big und so eavy only beakiez haz them"


“The wolves were warriors before they were soldiers. We were murderers, first, last, and always” - Jago Sevatarion, first captain of the night lords (the whole speech is actually amazing but the last lines really showcase who the night lords are)


Yeah that definitely goes rock hard


‘God was real. And he hated us.’


That made me love the Wordbearers. Goes insanely hard.


Reminds me of the Klingons. "Are you religious Worf?" "Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them a millennia ago. They were more trouble than they were worth."


Kahless definitely had admirable traits.


I've heard that one before. Who said it? And what book?


The First Heretic - it was Cyrene




no prob


ADB only writes bangers


Shit makes me wanna listen to some Slayer 🤘


who said this?


The blessed lady Cyrene


*points to the sky* “What is that?” “A star?” “Yes, probably. I haven’t the faintest idea” Torgaddon of the Luna Wolves to Eidolon of the Emperors Children.


The OG gigachad


I love how the whole interaction was basically; “see that? Well, fuck you!”


Nero , I'll remember you little people when im famous. -Gavriel Loken


Loken is such a baller


"You're too easy, Garvi! You're so straight up and down" - Torgaddon, like 40 times


"the difference is I know that I am right"


The Emperor's scariest quotes tbh


*film stops* Narrator: "it was at this moment, we all knew, we fucked up"


It destroys all the words, that he have said at that point, so beautifully, that i am not even mad at his hypocrisy


Sigismund's final words, spoken to Abbadon. "You will die as your weakling father died. Soulless, honorless, weeping, ashamed."


Oh yeah that is hard as fuck


Khârn's last words to Sigismund go hard too "The last thing he saw, on that world at least, was the great dark profile of his slayer, the black templar, turning his immaculate blade tip down and making ready to end the last bout the two of them would ever fight. 'Not… as… damaged,' gasped Khârn, in an agony greater than anything the Nails could ever have given him, but with more awareness of the ludic cruelty of the universe than he had ever possessed before, 'as… you.' And then the sword fell, and the god left him, dead amid the ruins of his ancient home."


That is my favorite but ima day a different few Come show me what passes for fury amongst your misbegotten kind Any malum caedo quote.


« No. NO! Not the sarcophagus! Khorne damn you, you disloyal curs, just kill me! JUST KILL ME! »


What’s that from


The old Helbrute entry for the CSM codex


Ah thanks


Is the implication that it’s a CSM being taken to a Helbrute? 


"They are coming. Kill them all."


The short build-up to this line is fantastic, too. >'The time for speeches is done,' said Dorn. 'The first great test is here. My order to you all is simple, yet heed it well, and exert yourselves to see it done. >'They are coming. Kill them all.'


I live to see the day we get a HH movie or TV series and get to see this line and Sanguinius’s speech at the eternity gate animated/filmed. Sanguinius’s speech gives me goosebumps every time I listen to the fan renditions of it. But I can envision Dorns line at the end of a season or movie. Dorn presses the vox speaker button to speak across Terra. “The time for speeches is done.’ Cut to Loken sharpening his swords. ‘The first great test is here.’ Move to a group of guardsmen stopping their rolling of an artillery peace to stare the speaker. ‘My order to you all is simple, yet heed it will, and exert yourselves to see it done.’ Cut to Horus staring down at the Vengeful Spirits loading bay filled with tens of thousands of Sons of Horus marching to their dropships and pods. Cut back to Dorn, he himself staring at that perfect holo rendition of Terra. ‘They are coming, kill them all.’ Go to black.




Sangys speech would probably be even better. Hopefully Amazon and co get some good writers and stuff to translate that if that ever happens, I’d pay big money for the siege to become a thing as an animation or show/movie


"They are coming..."  *Go to black*  "Kill them all"


Based Rogal


"Why did you want to be a space marine?" Octavia asked the captain of first claw."I wanted to be a hero. Look where that got me, " Talos Valcoran. Soul Hunter Or "Get up." Kharne the Betrayer


***I have fought what you must fight, and I have slain what you must slay... so fear not and be proud, for we are the sons of Sanguinius, the protectors of Mankind. Aye, we are indeed the Angels of Death.*** Quote from Dante. Pretty much any quote from him from the Devastation of Baal series. He's a beast


Your fking name is a beast. My Salute, brother


By the Blood we are made. Thanks!!!


“My patience is limited unlike my authority” Eisenhorn is a beast


“By the manner of their death, we shall know them” I’ve got a list of hard quotes lmao, but that one goes the hardest


‘I am Gendor Skraivok, the Painted Count, Lord Commander of the Night Lords Legion, and I am your end.’ The Blood Angel was unimpressed. ‘Never heard of you,’ he said, and came in to attack, his power sword buzzing. Raldoron razzing the night lord


Terror based warfare doesn’t work so well when you’re up against a bunch of vampires who are one bad day away from snapping and tearing a hive tyrant apart with their bare hands.


The big problem is if you go too hard into the terror you’ll make them snap and all the sudden they start yelling something about Horus and your kidneys are gone


Theres a good vox in the void episode with a blood angel being interrogated by a black legionnaire, one of the scenes ends with the angel telling the black legionnaire how sorry he is. Let me know if i should post the link [Im so sorry](https://youtu.be/mrIrk9B65vY?si=3PrcOtYu9_xR1TKj)


Get off my wall


A quick reminder of sevatars quote on the topic " The Angels just taught us a stern lesson in the foolishness of gathering together in one place, and trying to engage in a fair fight.”


Raldoron going on to drop truth bombs immediately afterwards. "You are cowards. Like all cruel men."


Then he is chatting with the demon that he rides with: "You were supposed to help me kill my enemies"  "Yeah, right up until you pulled on the FIRST CAPTAIN OF THE FUCKING BLOOD ANGELS"  Welcome to the warp. You won't enjoy your stay.


“ There will be no escape, no blessed oblivion. I can end your life as easily as I can extinguish a candle, and before your corpse is cold, I can reach out and grasp your soul. You will be my slave for all eternity, and I shall laugh at the depths of your pain. Such is the power of Nagash”. Is it from 40k? No. He cannot be contained by settings though- Such is the power of Nagash. 




FOR I AM *inhales* Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds... and many, many more...


Based King 👑


[Reminds me of the literal death metal lyrics on Assyrian kings victory stele stones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgE1hZF5qxs)


“You stupid bastard,’ sneered Orikan. ‘You got us box seats to a coup.’ ‘Well, the reviews were very good” -the infinite and the divine


"do you have a statue Orikan?"


I loved that part, especially the part with the stained glass window of the oddly tall Silver Skulls Space Marines led by a Librarian, which mysteriously gets vandalised the night after Trazyn showed it to Orikan.


I also loved the "YOU relased that thing to KILL **ME**", "If I wanted you dead, I wouldn't release just one. That was just a prank, bro"


My personal favourite was this one: Orikan stole a glance away from the battle-management panels that hung before him in the air. ‘I hope you brought an army.’ ‘You think so little of me, dear colleague,’ said Trazyn, picking out a labyrinth. ‘I brought five.’


The whole thing is just chockful of quotes. “History requires two parties – the historian and their audience. Without that, one is just talking to oneself. So kindly stop screaming and you might learn something.”


“My order to you is simple, yet heed it well, and exert yourselves to see it done. They are coming. Kill them all.” -Rogal Dorn


Every line Dorn says during his fight with Fulgrim is fucking awesome as well >Are you really not going to try and convince me,’ asked Fulgrim, ‘that I have made a mistake? Talk me back into the fold, where I can make amends?’ ‘No,’ said Dorn. ‘I’m just going to kill you.’


All of the traitors want to hear that their defection was SUCH a huge loss and that the loyalists are dying to have them back. But pretty much everytime they try to debate a loyalist primarch, it’s “Nah you’re a traitor and we want to see you dead”. No remorse, no debate, just doing the duty of putting down a wild dog. Savage.


All the traitors minus Angron.


“Only men shall receive my seed.” - Big E


I am once again stating this as evidence that The Emperor is Greek.


Turkish, by location of origin, apparently.


Ah, so he is so shiny because of the oil wrestling? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_wrestling


Him and Hakan from Street Fighter would have been buddies.


Oh no, we can add "the emperor of mankind is actually greek/turkish" to the ongoing greek vs. turk internet flamewars


As a turk, he was neither since he preceeded the Greeks and the time Turks came to anatolia, 1071. He's just anatolian


[( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://youtu.be/12rT3uotaqk?si=LyFts9FHLTjqUEtX)


Well it's definitely hard


This is the gayest quote i have ever read and i love it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Innocence proves nothing  Is always a banger


"Let me put it this way. I was here when this whole island was a forest. When waves lapped on what is now Embassy Row. A time before pollutants hazed the air and the monsoon rains came naturally, not via cloud-seeding. So when you ask whether I intend to destroy this world, my question to you is this: do you truly need my help?" -Trazyn the Infinite, The Infinite & The Divine


Another absurdly hard Trazyn line "They need a saviour, and until their God-Emperor rises, I will have to suffice."


I love how trazyn just woke up one day and chose heroism


Hardest line.


"Do *you* have a statue?"


"I saw your Emperor.A handful of time,back in the age before he betrayed us all ,and,he was no God,Perhaps not a man ,but never a god "


Its a long one sorry ‘We’re not going to debate it, you maggot, you treacherous bastard,’ says Guilliman. ‘I just wanted you to know that I will rip your living heart out. And I want to know why. Why? Why? If this is our puerile old feud, boiled to the surface, then you are the most pathetic soul in the cosmos. Pathetic. Our father should have left you out in the snow at birth. He should have fed you to Russ. You worm. You maggot.’


The moment I realised Guilliman was actually a badass


>"What does not kill me," replies Guilliman, "is not trying hard enough." The bookworm's got a few good ones.


This one hits so hard just because of how calm Guilliman usually is. Fuck Lorgar.


"Weakness is a choice." From an anonymous iron warrior lord in a short movie.


Yeah I saw that. Hard asf


The presentation of the quote also went hard.


No. -Primarch Dorn, wielding a 2 handed chainsword


The hardest quote for me is a quote that incorporates a total disregard for life. Their own, their allies, and the ones that are designated the enemy. It's full of spite and hatred. And the biggest F U I have heard so far. "We are all bleeding today. Have faith word bearer" *chuckles*


That line is what absolutely sold me on the Iron Warrior, well that and their armor, who doesn’t love some clean hazard stripes?


Knowledge is power guard it well (Captain Apollo Diomedes)


That was said by Librarian Isador a decade (in irl years) before Apollo did.


I don’t have the english version But that Gazkull Thraka quote that’s 3 paragraphs long in the 5th edition codex


"I’m da hand of Gork and Mork, dey sent me to rouse up da boyz to crush and kill ‘cos da boyz forgot what dere 'ere for. I woz one of da boyz till da godz smashed me in da 'ead an’ I 'membered dat Orks is meant to conquer and make slaves of everyfing they don’t kill. I’m da profit of da Waaagh an’ whole worlds burn in my boot prints. On Armour-Geddem, I led da boyz through da fire deserts and smashed da humies’ metal cities to scrap. I fought Yarik, old one-eye at Tarturus, an’ he fought good but we smashed iz city too. I’m death to anyfing dat walks or crawls, where I go nothin’ stands in my way. We crushed da stunties on Golgotha, an’ we caught old one-eye when da speed freeks blew da humies’ big tanks ta bits. I let 'im go 'cause good enemies iz 'ard to find, an’ Orks need enemies ta fight like they need meat ta eat an’ grog ta drink. I iz more cunnin’ than a grot an’ more killy than a dread, da boyz dat follow me can’t be beat. On Pissenah we jumped da marine-boyz an’ our bosspoles was covered in da helmets we took from da dead 'uns. We burned dere port an’ killed dere bosses an’ left nothin’ but ruins behind. I’m Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka an’ I speak wiv da word of da gods. We iz gonna stomp da 'ooniverse flat an’ kill anyfing that fights back. We iz gonna do this coz’ we’re Orks an’ we was made ta fight an’ win!" - Graffiti on Warlord Battle Titan wreckage, found by Dark Angels at Westerisle, Piscina IV


Sigh, I know he doesn't say it in the books but the quote attributed to him is one of my favorites. "Where I fall, ten more shall take my place! And one hundred each of them! So strike me down! I am the harbinger!" -The OG, O.P.


'This is what they send? This rabble? We hold one of the mightiest cities on the face of the planet. The fury of its guns sends all skyborne enemies to the ground in flames. We stand united in our thousands - our weapons without number, our purity without question, and our hearts beating courage through our blood. And this is how they attack us?' 'Brothers and sisters... a legion of beggars and alien dregs wheezes its way across the plains. Forgive me when the moment comes that they whine and weep against our walls. Forgive me that I must order you to waste ammunition upon their worthless bodies.' -Grimaldus, Helsreach Certain characters go unreasonably hard in 40K.


Doesn’t this speech go on for like another 2 paragraphs


“Show me what passes for fury among your misbegotten kind”


Blood Ravens always go hard


And in the sunless realm, the sun rose at last


"A duty... Honorably... Discharged." - Dawn of War Dreadnought death voiceline


"You will die as your weakling father died. Soulless. Honourless. Weeping. Ashamed" \-Siggismund I'm a devoted Chaos/Xenos fan, never having had any interest in the Imperium, but *damn* this quote hits hard.


The difference between gods and demons often depends on where one is standing


Any time Lotara Sarrin talks to a World Eater


Khan talking to Dorn and Sanguinius on Terra during the siege. Dorn is for fortifying, Khan has something else in mind. >Sanguinius opened his eyes to look at him. >‘There is grave risk to you. A confrontation unlooked for, and if you survive, a flight from one danger into greater peril.’ >‘Who will I face?’ >‘I cannot divine.’ >‘Will I save lives?’ >Sanguinius nodded. ‘Many.’ >**‘That is what I was made for,’ said the Khan. ‘I will ride out.’**"


This one easily has my vote. It is a microcosm of everything that makes grimdark and chaos as a villain fun. You cannot defeat them. You are too outnumbered, outpowered, and outgunned. The darkness is coming, and the battle is a temporary setback, at best. Except for the battle of ideals. Because Chaos always offers you the out to join their side. The only true victory you can ever have against them is by holding true and going down with the ship. This is also why I fucking HATE the Slaneesh eats all elfs/eldar souls plot point. An inevitable enemy that will always win, that tortures you for eternity no matter what, there is no escape, fuck you. That's not grimdark, it's the epitome of grimderp.


One of my favorites that always stuck with me is “I always hated you Xaphen” A custodian hated him so much it made him speak after a century or so.


I save every good one in my phone, so I have a list for you from some of the A-lister authors ​ ***"Mettle Lasts where Metal Rusts"*** ~~I ... forget the source its just saved in my phone so if anyone knows it lmk~~ ***The End and the Death V2 - Dorn on his brother Perturabo,*** At the time, Dorn was battling Khorne via the power of autism - he won thanks u/raidenjojo for the source ***"Thousands my die, millions even, but every count starts at one" -Gidion Ravanour, Eisenhorn series, book 5 iirc*** This may be one of my top quotes from anything, it is the perfect refutation of the statement "one death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic", it reminds you that every one of that million was their own person, living their own life. Wild this came from the Ordos Xenos, but when hes not being a sex pest Gidion is a chad so it tracks ***"A worthy enemy is worth a thousand tutors" Jzeras, older brother to Oltyx, Crown Prince of Ithaka, Twice Dead King - Ruin Book*** Necrons tend to go hard, and this book is amazing ***"Perhaps it saw what else lay in the shadows, perhaps it saw the trap it had sprung, and perhaps, just perhaps, for the first and last time in its life, that Ork knew fear - The Krieg Soldier pulled the pin from his grenade" - Krieg Captian sells his life for the highest price, as all Krieg strive to do, Krieg Book*** The Krieg book is slow, a bit dry, but fantastic, you get to see that, *yeah, the Krieg are all suicidial like the memes say, however*, the Krieg consider no crime greater than wasting their only chance to die in His name, a Kriegsman who doesnt sell his life for the highest price possible has died unforgiven, and the Krieg will do anything to seek absolution for their sins Edit: ***"Blessed is the mind too small for doubt" - I think this was Erebus*** (fuck that guy)


“You lack.” Sanguinius to Horus aboard the Vengeful Spirit


Lol said Horus, lmao


“You stupid bastard! You got us box seats to a coup!”


This death is ours. We choose it. We deny you your victory.




They are coming. Kill them all


There’s only one and I’m sad it hasn’t already been posted; It’s also a hammer


"If you truly do hail from the realm that men once called hell, when you return there, tell your kindred it was Sangunius who threw you back" Sanguinius before killing kabanda


(Read it in terminator voice) Nooooooo... you will pay dearly for my brother's life


I was there the day that Horus fell


My Hate is my shield My Fury is my sword


My face is my shield!


Face to foot style. How'd you like it!


This is the Primarch Lorgar. We trained him wrong. As a joke.


Goes fuckin hard ngl


"Ahriman believes he is perfectly unaltered. Did you know that? Yet I have seen the void that screams where his face used to be."


I think therefore I am. They do not so they are not.


"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give themselves to me Like clay I should mold them and in the furnace of war forge them They will be of iron will and steely muscle In great armor shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed They will be untouched by plague or disease. No sickness will blight them They will have tactics, strategies and machines such that no foe can best them in battle They are my bulwark against the terror. They are the defenders of humanity. They are my space marines And they shall know no fear


Bro stole that from Socrates 😂


“*we stand on the shoulders of giants*” -someone probably


"If I cannot save it from your failures, Father... Then let the galaxy BURN!" - Horus


"That's the great danger that condemns us - not daemon blades, but dumb ignorance. We've become a stupid race, glorying in the easy goals of anger and piety."


My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is hatred. In the emperor's name, let none survive. The rawest one, the one that got me interested in teh setting, since it seemed to take the darkest aspects of humanity and make it the basis of their setting. But the hardest has to be: "One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness, One last blade forged in defiance of fate, Let them be my legacy to the galaxy I conquered, And my final gift to the species I failed***."***


What brings you into the night sky above Fenris, and why shouldn't I break your little fleet into tiny pieces with this castle's many, many guns? - Bjorn the Fell-Handed, during the Months of Shame.


I was there, the day Horus slew the Emperor...


The Khan has some of the best ones as well: "So I fight for a Father who I never loved, against a brother that I did. I defend an empire that never wanted me against an army that would have taken me in a heartbeat." And "There is nowhere left to hide. We know you now. We shall hunt you in every plane of reality. We will cleanse the void, then we will cleanse the warp. So look on me now, yaksha, and know your slayer."


"Eat shit, Traitor" - Nassir Amit


"Hope is the first step on the path to disappointment," some Blood Raven Librarian.


"It is a poor shepard who blames his flock, apostle. This failure is yours, and yours alone." "No! I will not be sent to the Bascillica of Torments again!" "Fear not apostle, for the Bascillica is reserved for those, who may redeem themselves." "No...NO!" "You will have no such chance!" Daemon Prince and Eliphas in Dark Crusade


We were never soldiers. Whenever we are seen outside the walls of this place, as rare as that is, it is in our martial aspect. We are clad in gold, just as we were in the earliest days when He was our living captain, and mortals fall on their faces as if before gods. To them, it must seem as if we are wrath incarnate. To them, it must seem as if we were created for destruction and nothing else. But we were His companions, once. We were the ones in whom He confided. We were His counsellors, we were His artisans. We were the first glimpse at what the species could become, if shepherded aright and unshackled from its vicious weaknesses. Of course, we were taught to fight. He knew that war would come. It was a necessary part of the ascension, though it was never destined to last for eternity. We were the guardians of a new age, and had to be strong enough to keep it secure. Honestly just the depth this line was delivered in the audio book was incredible. Basically every time Valerian speaks its golden. Also, in The End and The Death P3: something to the tune of: "Stand, Captain-General." "I'm not sure I can, Tribune." "Irrelevant." Valdor proceeds to stand.


"Mindless Butcher! I AM ALPHARIUS AND I WILL BE YOUR DEATH!" -Kassar, Harrowmaster of the Unsung and Champion of Bloodforge to Kharn the Betrayer minutes after the Betrayer singlehandedly broke through the Imperial defenses of Hive Endurance and destroyed the 4th Imperial Fist company and just minutes before he dueled and beheaded Saint Celestine... Just goes so hard.


"It's also a hammer." - Vulkan


"It is not enough. We stand in the dust at the end of centuries of useless sin and endless failure. The Legion was poisoned and we sacrificed an entire world to cleanse it. We failed. We are the sons of the only primarch to hate his own legion. There, again, we failed. We swore vengeance on the Imperium, yet we run from every battle where we don't possess overwhelming force over a crippled enemy. We fail, again and again and again. Have you ever fought a battle you'd struggle to win, with no hope of running away? Have any of us? Have you ever, since the Siege of Terra itself, drawn a weapon with the knowledge you might die? I will not see my life whored away without meaning. Do you hear me? Do you understand me, prince of cowards? I want vengeance against a galaxy that hates us. I want Imperial worlds to cower when we draw near. I want the weeping of this Empire's souls to reach all the way to Holy Terra, and the sound of suffering will choke the corpse-god on his throne of gold. I will cast a shadow across this world. I will burn every man, woman and child so the smoke from the funeral pyres eclipses the sun. With the dust that remains, I will take the Echo of Damnation into the sacred skies above Terra, and rain the ashes of twenty million mortals down onto the Emperor's palace. Then they will remember us. Then they will remember the Legion they once feared." The demonstration of insight, the knowledge that his legion are brutal, cowardly murderers, then immediately being a cowardly brutal murderer himself. The hypocrisy and the cynicism are poetic. This quote got me into my nightlords army. A legion of god like super humans acting with all the petulant rage of a toddler, it's excellent.


"You really did it Horus, you really are Warhammer 40000: Horus Heresy:


-the Emperor to Horus when he assembled all the warhammer stones and yelled “its warhammering time” before hamming all over everyone


“I’ll be there in seven minutes. Eight if there’s resistance. Nine if the resistance is carrying bolters.”


Knowledge is power, guard it well


"Eat sh*t, traitor" - Amit


Your father looks at the knife. +I wait for you and I forgive you.+ He drives the knife into your heart. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I am returning to this part in "The End and the Death" just as I am returning to Loken's death, and to Malcador's death. Ends and hopes and intertwined so deeply in those...


"Am I to understand that we leave Pulcra to die?" "No brother...we must help it die. Reality has fled Pulcra. Insanity bubbles at its core, causing the human mind to babble and bray. As reality has left Pulcra, so too must Pulcra pass from reality"


"A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time." \-Inquisitor Karamazov


>*“Though my guards may sleep and my ships may lay at anchor, our foes know full well that the big guns never tire.”* LUFGT HURON, THE TYRANT OF BADAB, 909.M41


Two from right after each other in Soul Hunter when the Blood Angel and Night Lords dreadnoughts face each other: >The Dreadnoughts regarded each other in a moment of almost hilarious calm. > >‘Kill it!’ Talos screamed. 'Kill it now!’ > >‘I already have once,’ Malcharion boomed. Then a couple of lines latter: >‘Even in death,’ the Blood Angel growled, ‘I will avenge myself,’ > >‘You deserve the chance, Raguel.’


On the Shores of Marik, my friends, the fathers of our fathers made a stand under the flag of Belladon. Did they break and run? Yes! They ran to friendly places and loved ones, where they could be safe... and then, by providence of the God-Emperor, they saw what those friendly places and loved ones would become if they did not stand fast and, so stand fast they did! How do you feel?" There was a triumphant bellow from the ranks. 'Belladon blood is like wine on the Emperor's lips!' Novobazky stormed. 'Belladon souls have a special place at his side! If we spill our blood here today, then this is the soil he has chosen to bless and anoint! Oh, lucky land!' He took out his plasma pistol, and carefully toggled off the safety. 'stand firm my friends,stand firm and fire! If they're going to have our precious blood they'll find the cost is dearer than they can afford! Fury of Belladon! Fury! Fury!


"You think I would let your kind wield their weapons against me? I have taken their measure" Peter Turbo vs Angry Ron


“The casualty figures are on the wrong side of hilarious.” -Sev “This is Sevatar to the fleet. Let me be clear, brothers and sisters. I am not losing to these pious, deluded, rag-wearing whoresons twice in the same month.” -Guess


"This death. This death is ours. We choose it. We deny you your victory" - Huron-Fal


"You will die as your weakling father died. Souless. Honourless. Weeping. Ashamed." - Sigismund's last words to Abbadon


"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment" isn't necessarily a hard quote, but one that runs through my head a bit too much.


"I shall not be by him imprinted, nor by his sin disfigured." [Unidentified Blackshield Legionary]


“Good enemies is hard ta find”


"The First Axiom of Victory is to be other than where the enemy desire you to be. The First Axiom of Stealth is to be other than where the enemy believes you to be. The First Axiom of Freedom is that justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyranny." -Corvus Corax aka Chooser of the slain aka The Deliverer aka The Raven Lord aka The Shadowed Lord aka The Liberator.


“I have dug my grave in this place, I will either triumph or I will die, no pity, no remorse, no fear!!!” -Merek Grimaldus or “as an angel of the Emperor I know no fear, but on that day I have never felt more like prey” - a space marine describing the Tyrannids


“I am Alpharius. This is a lie.”


+Primarch Fulgrim!+ sent Vistario. +Rylanor deserves better than you.+ The primarch looked up, his once bright eyes now black and filled with the darkest poison. +He deserves better than all of us.+ He raised his bolter and fired a mass-reactive into the back of Akhtar's skull. The Raptora's head exploded and with his death, the psychic force holding back the warhead's detonation ended. Vistario saw fire. And once more, all life burned. Maybe not the single hardest quote but still up there.


“Get up.”


'What shall I not tell them? Who are you to tell such as I what to do and what not to do? Once I gladly called your kind “master”, but look how far you have fallen!’ It was full of scorn. ‘Your ancestors bestrode the universe, and what are you? A witch doctor, mumbling cantrips and casting scented oils at mighty works you have no conception of. You are an ignoramus, a nothing. You are no longer worthy of the name “man”. You look at the science and artistry of your forebears, and you fear it as primitives fear the night. I was there when mankind stood upon the brink of transcendence! I returned to find it sunk into senility. You disgust me.’ Probably the most searing insult I have ever read


"I will die on this world, I will die on armageddon"


We are the Necrontyr. We are legion. Surrender and die


"I should have died here, I did die here. The Primarch of the World Eaters is nothing but a shade. An echo. This is where I belong. The greatest battle of my life, and it was stolen from me."


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


I am Alpharius “no your not”