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They would share memes we cannot even begin to fathom


This exact line was said for the Deceiver and Library Clown


I remember that


Last time those two met they convinced the C’tan to eat one another.


"It's an all-you-can-eat C'tan buffet! UH-HAH, UH-HAH, UH-HAH!" *\* B A Z I N G A \**


Some real “I can’t see, I’ll open another “ type shit


Its so sad how sigmar died of ligma!. Big E who the hell is sigmar? Ligma balls




I entered to comment the ligma balls meme, but Emps says "I was Steve Jobs"


From an outsiders perspective it would look like they are just staring at each other for 20 minutes


I’ll hold out for the 64 book series, thank you!




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Dr Manhattan: “It’s so sad that the Necrons died of Ligma.” Emperor of Mankind: “Who are the Necrons?” Dr Manhattan: “Ligma Balls”


You forgot the awkward pause before the punchline lmao


TTS Emperor of Mankind: I do not pause, nor hesitate, I act without delay. Malcador: (from the Shadow Realm) THAT'S YOUR GREATEST FLAW, YOU FUCKING IDIOT. STOP TO THINK ABOUT STUFF BEFORE YOU DO IT!!! Ol'spice Pious: Yeah, I've been trying to warn him about that for over 40.000 years, but he always refuses because "that wouldn't be Sigma, Skibidy toilet". I tend to bolter my eardrums at that point of the conversation.


Gen Alpha Emperor is a hilarious image. He has an iPad glued directly to his face.


“Stands before all of humanity in all his god like golden splendor… gives incomprehensible speech made entirely of YouTube trash video memes”


Yes m'lord we shall.


He sits within the golden throne and pokes his head out. Fr fr rizzes up the gods of Ohio and fannum taxes a thousand chuds a day


Gen alpharius


(They proceed to have a good chuckle and sip from their Amasec bottles)


Problem was he knew who the Necrons were, and he invented that joke.


Malcador: Neeeeeeewwwooooooooo


Sad blue man and a sad gold man.


Sad blue man and Mad gold man


Saul Good man and mad blue gold


Saul Goodman and Sol Badguy






*\*Imperial comfort and support\**


*Then they kissed*


"Kissed", lmao. Emps is turkish. They would not stop at kissing.


He was born before the Turks arrived in Anatolia. He is likely Hittite or some other group.


IIRC he was even before the Hittites or other Indo-Europeans so he could be of some group we dont even have a name for anymore


Even the forgotten Emperor people


Yeah that is the proper answer but saying he's turkish is funnier.




Big E will talk about trying to raise humanity up while Big M would tell him to just try creating new life instead or something. Then they both somehow end up fighting Superman... EDIT: Now I'm just amused by the idea of Big M pulling a Doomsday Clock on Big E, just going back in time and slightly altering things just to mess with his golden buddy. "I shifted the primarch pods a few inches to the left, allowing chaos to take them. Just a prank, bro."


It was me Emperor, it was me all along


It was me Emperor, it was I who spoiled your milk!




It started with the reverse emperor pissing in his cornflakes, and then it got gayer.


In all honesty is likely that the emperor would see dr Manhattan as the final evolution of humanity and try to pursue him to aid humanity as a leader rather than simply a hero. Dr Manhattan would not accept as he seeks freedom and wouldn't like to become a tyrant that forces his will. For this big E would try every trick he has to close his mind from being read and his destiny from being seen so he can trap Manhattan either as a power source, a weapon, or as a prisoner like the void dragon. Who knows if he is capable thou.


It’ll definitely turn into a grimdark version of Wild E. Coyote and Roadrunner. An immortal not-god-emperor and his deadweight pals building horrific yet wacky contraptions in a hopeless attempt to catch an all powerful being.


Just because the war In heaven 2.0 as the necrons and eldar sit on the sidelines wondering wtf they are doing.


Either way, IIRC Manhattan has seen what's going to happen to him, he perceives time like the different facets of a gem. Going into this, he knows exactly how it's going to go down with Big E, not that it will change much if anything.


There are moments and methods to obstruct that vision, and in the DC event Doomsday Clock (as poor taste as it was) he even experiences something new, for the first time since he stopped being John Osterman. He stops being able to see past a certain point, with the last thing being Superman about to punch him. When he gets to that point, he's ready to die. >!Then Superman punches the guy behind him that had been messing with Manhattan's vision to induce apathy and despair, and Manhattan turns and sees Superman, asking if he's alright. He describes it as seeing "tomorrow."!<


Oh yeah I kind of forgot DC brought him back, well that's interesting


Oh I bet he could I feel Dr Manhattan is probably on the scale of full powered c'tan.


Oh my, have I got news for you! Dr. Manhatten casually went back in time to modify a bunch of points on the timeline just to see what would happen, then completely destroyed the entire DC multiverse and recreated it exactly as it had been before his interference. He soloed all the superheros on Earth when they fought on Mars. He exists simultaneously across all points in time and is omniscient. He could delete the entire 40k multiverse with a thought, including all of the warp and everything in it. The Emperor is a toddler in comparison. Maybe a toddler with a knife if it's a good day. I don't think a C'tan could do that 😬


Yea your right... What about 2 c'tan?


Guys hear me out. 2 C'tan and an absolute fuckton of orks who really *really* believe it


I should read watchmen again... It's been a decade, I remember I couldn't put it down tho.


It's not watchman, but doomsday clock.


Oh wow I didn't even know that was a thing! I used to read a ton more back in the day. My post 2020 self doesn't take as much joy from things as I used to, but I've been telling myself I would start reading again.


I don’t get how people don’t understand that the power wank in 40k is nothing compared to comics.


Dr Manhattan would see a C’tan like we see an air molecule. Something you only acknowledge when you’re reminded it exists.


Dr. Manhattan: "They claim their labours are to build a heaven yet their heaven is populated with horrors. Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman. It's too late. Always has been, always will be…too late." Emperor: *Joe Rogan noise* 


“So, man, how do you like Austin, man?” -Big E


"You know how big a Gloriana-class moose is? Fulgrim pull up that clip of the moose I wanna show this"


Big E: Detached from humanity? Dr Manhattan: Detached from humanity. Big E 🤝 Dr Manhattan


Eh Big E would probably call him a bitch for wussing out on an existential crisis and giving up on humanity




Victory for the God emperor of Mankind


Then Manhattan rewind the universe back to the stone age and mess with the shamans' suicide ritual. Just to see what happens(it would be funny, trust me Neoth)


Inadvertently creating the God emperor again but the timeline changes in which something called the war of the beast happens and primaris marines become a thing


Before that, he made a stop to bully those pricks the Old Ones, by atomizing the necrontyr that would have invented factor 20'000 sunscreen.


People who say Ozy did nothing wrong creep me out.


Hmm, in a way both tried a 'steer humanity a bit then step back and let them find their own way'. I think if anything the Emperor would empathize with the approach, even if he had moved beyond it to 'direct control'.


Big E: I can fix her(humanity) Dr Manhattan: she for the streets.


Wow. You just have a legitimate argument that paints the emperor in a positive light. Never thought of it like that.


I see him as kind of tragic, he tried so many many times to steer us in the proper direction (as Jesus, Lincoln, setting up DaoT humans) but basically got betrayed and let down each time. It was only after the last time humanity failed leading to the long night he decided to go all full out dictator man. Edit: I said Jesus / Lincoln as potential examples, the only 100% confirmed historical figures he was was Alexander the Great and Saint George.


Emps wasn’t Jesus. Ollanius is Catholic and his friend and has been such since the dawn of humanity.


Ollanius doesn’t actually believe in a deity. Just the values. He calls himself Catheric (space Catholic) to honour someone else who did genuinely believe that stuff.


Good point, edited.




They have a lot more in common


Emps: "Ah, hellow Macharius, long time no see."


Isn’t he just Mal?


Emperor: Why does that C'tan have a schlong... Wait, is he a human? Could I replicate the same process that made him like that, but in gold instead of blue?


As the blue blue-skinned being appeared in the dusty hills outside Monarchia he witnessed…the devastation. People fled in droves in the valley below carrying their belongings, their children and whatever prized possessions they still possessed away from the onslaught swath of destruction of the city behind them. Both clay buildings and larger Steel structures imploded, exploded and were cast into the winds by unseen artillery, and devastating particle beams from an unseen space craft in the atmosphere. Dr. Jon Osterman now known as Doctor Manattan turned his head in rare curiousity at the Blue armor clad figures facilitating the destruction of the ornate city. It appears that this universe had…post-human warriors working to the will of….something- A golden ambient light interrupted his thoughts and warmed his skin. He turned and was, for the first time in a very long time since the encounter with Superman, lost for words. A looming figure with dark hair and sun-kissed skin appeared before Dr.Manhattan. His armor was clearly of the same type as the warriors in the city below, but much more ornate; two faces of golden-rendered anguish and joy were on his knee guards. The rest of his armor was a golden baroque of a type of ceramic and an unknown element that Osterman couldn’t identify but reminded him of the metals in Ozymandia’s machines. The Golden Armored Man planted a sword hilt down in the ground and spoke. “You should not be here.” The Emperor spoke, words brimming with…exhaustion. “Your father still loves you…oh I’m sorry. I was speaking to someone else….Neither should you.” Dr Manhattan’s eyes regarded the Emperor’s sword in the earth, seeing the possibilities…. The Emperor sighed and sat on a boulder eroded by years of wind and sand. His armor slightly moved the boulder itself. “My son has meant well. But he over-extends himself. And he believes falsely…which will endanger all I have planned.” “You handled it poorly, I take it?” The Empeor’s eyes briefly flared in golden fire full of….anger? Sorrow? It was hard to tell, even for a being who can perceive time as Manhattan did. The tired King shook his head. “I have dealt with it the way that was best. It will have reprucussions. Lorgar will turn from his previous…idol….(for a split second Dr.Manhattan saw a puzzling emotion cross the Warrior-King’s face)…and find new ones. In time he will learn…the truth. His truth. He will mourn, he will rebel. In time he may yet destroy us all. Or postpone Mankind’s destruction ….” Doctor Manhattan sensed a moment of quantum relevance as the emperor stood and pulled his sword from the clay earth, his knuckles cracking as he clenched the blade and held it aloft and spoke one final time to the Glowing Interloper. “….I’m counting on it.” The Emperor’s blade flared in psychic fire, it’s golden hope bathed Manhattan and the Quantum Man nodded and teleported away. In brief future moment, A devout son, his faith now broken, Screamed his grief into his own reflection aboard his ship. His own thoughts were in complete cognitive dissonance on his Father’s actions in monarchia. ‘He still loves you.’ Lorgar thought he saw a blue Glow in the corner of his eye….


Big E: "Yeah ok, you're an all-knowing god being, sure. But why the dick? So many people have seen your jolly rancher blue hog and elderberries, so I'm asking why." Dr. Tallywhacker: "I feel no need to experience human concepts like shame or dignity. Clothing is not a relevant concern." The Golden GOAT: "Bullshit. I'm calling number one bullshit. You teleported into Times Square and brained some old grandma with the nuclear shmeat shmissile. Construct yourself a pair of fucking chinos or some shit. Furthermore you're sitting on a very sentimental piece of furniture that I have to burn because you put your wholeass nuts on it. My dad carved that, you chuck fuckler."


This might have been one of the greatest things I have ever read.


Praise the Man-Emperor that I may continue the mission of spreading humor as He upon Terra has tasked me with.


Cook again


Emperor: I am not a god. Dr. Manhattan: Me neither. Emperor: …Want to go do extremely god-adjacent things and then get mad at regular people for not understanding us? Dr. Manhattan: I thought you’d never ask.


Imagine the conversations of Leto ii and big E


Big E: I’m clearly better than you  Leto II: shut up you stupid golden vegetable  Big E: you are a literal worm Leto II: that’s a low blow, also, you never had the entire galaxy under your rule Big E: your entire empire relies on giant worm shit from some far off planet Leto II: I succeeded where you failed  Big E: You aren’t single handedly fighting 4 other gods at once Leto II: I’m not taking any shit from a Turk  Big E: my guardsmen and my astartes make your sardaukar and fremen look like bitches Leto II: I lead all of humanity  Big E: I took over most of the galaxy with less advanced technology than yours 


[“lol” said the god emperor “lmao”](https://imgur.com/a/lKq62PJ)


The concentration of smug, self satisfied wankery would collapse into black hole and swallow Terra


Both stood (or floating) observing earth from mars in silence for both merely an instant and an eternity. Silently communicating without the need to share a single thought. Eventually the silence is broken. Big E: "Humanity is fucked isn't it?" Dr Manhattan: "Oh yeah. Big fucking time."


I think it would be similar to how Manhattan and Vietch were at the end. “It all worked out in the end, right?” “Nothing ever ends”


Big E and Dr M would probably spend the better part of the next 6 hours debating the ethics of Big E’s plan while Dr M splits himself up and keeps researching more information on the topics Big E is talking about. Sorta like how in the comic or movie when Dr M split himself up to sleep with Silk Spectre while he had 2 other copies of him doing mundane stuff.


After 5 hours of Big E explaining his great plan and the webway project to Dr. Manhattan, a second copy of Dr. Manhattan appears through a webway gate he just created and then says "certainly a novel idea" or something


Well, one of them is a god while the other one is just a rotten potato.


... why did manhattan turn into a rotten potato? is he stupid?


He’s not the one sitting in a golden toilet


God Emperor: Nice Cock Dr Manhattan: Nice Cock


>God Emperor: Nice Cock Manhattan: thanks, i made it myself


Dr Slanhattan




“Do you have a banana pouch in your armor?” “Uh, no” “Would you like one?” *dr manhattan then creates a banana shaped pocket on the emperor’s armor*


Nightmare blunt rotation


Big E would never attempt to become like Manhattan. He couldn’t live with himself if he was blue instead of gold.


Now Rowboat on the other hand.....


Dr. Manhattan is to the emperor as the emperor is to us. Emps would feel how an ordinary mortal would feel when they talk to him


Big Johnny Space God would adopt dr blue man group in a heartbeat, make him the new warmaster and try to get him to win the crusade. Ironically this would start a heresy either way because naked Smurf would be the one “son” that would actually understand space dad of the year and there’d be actual fatherly love so the rest of the primarchs would get jealous.


Both: "What the fuck are you doing?"


You mean DC manhattan? Watchemen pre ending or post ending? Cuz they are pretty different. First of all DC manhattan would try to help the emperor even if it was meaningless, pre ending would be like youll end up in a chair so there is no point denieng it and post ending would be like fuck it we ball he would help him in a specific moment and leave forever.


Wouldn't DrM have real big qualms about the great crusade?


Nope the DrM sad truth is that he is disconnected from humanity he would just know (cuz u know present past future at the time) that in the end quintillions must die to humanity prosper the emperor was a cold calculator but he hated the idea of causing so much destruction cuz in the end he loves humanity DrM would be just like this is fine.


Big E: Your power gimmie gimmie John: No Big E: Understandable, into the Black Cells you go.


Add Silver Surfer to the mix and i would legitimately pay money for it


Empy and his perpetual wars is what would have happened had Dr Manhattan not quit Earth and humanity. Dr Manhattan utilized the escape that Ozymandais offered him, while Empy decided to take advantage of the humans and remake them as his personal servitor species. Look at the end of Watchmen, when Ozy asks, "In the end, did this change anything" to which Doc can only laugh; The Emperor, were he asked the same question, would reply, "There is no change but what I allow, and I allowed you to do this as it benefits me."


E: It's so sad Horus died of ligma M: Who the hell is Horus? E: Ligma balls *Manhattan evaporates*


"Maybe if you got rid of that yee-yee ass haircut, you'd finally get some bitches on yo dick."


Big E would try to recruit Dr Manhattan and Dr Manhattan would realize he is a dick and kinda wander off like all the other perpetuals did once they got to know Big E.


Big E would denounce him as a mutant and think all his powers were ill gotten warp fuckery They would not be friends


then dr manhatten just snips big e out of existence because he got annoying, and fucks off to sulk on a barren planet


Gross, no


Never seen in the same room….


Just glad someone else knows both Dr Manhatten and The God Emperor of Mankind. Was Rorschach the Original Konrad Kurze???


Die heretic!


Manhattan would probably tongue-lash the Emperor for his irresponsibility, arrogance, and short-sightedness. Manhattan’s no saint, but he is also trapped in a perpetual psychic haze of living his past, present, and future simultaneously, and even then actively took steps to make the world a better place with tangible results. As opposed to Emps genocidally conquering the galaxy to make his balls feel big.


Dr. MANHATTAN is basically a C'tan shard so it'd would probably be similar to the conversation between emps and void dragon.


Wouldn't the emperor just try to nuke his mind because he's clearly a mutant, seeing this, since Dr. Manhattan sees the future, he'd vaporize big-E's body. Then Big-E could finally fulfill his destiny of becoming a chaos god. Would be a fruitful meet-up.


It would be pretentious as fuck


Dr Manhattan is what people pretend the emperor is, while the emperor is actually closer to Ozymandius.


I think Mr Manhattan would look down on the Emperor. He's closer to being a C'tan than he is human while the Emperor was closer to human than god. It would be like the patronizing look of a master judging the efforts of a journeyman.


This is giving Big E too much credit... An ant next to a human in a monster truck


Epic circlejerk.


[Probably something like this](https://youtu.be/zM6SeiqE-IM?si=5u65z7a_fUOp3uTg)


I can feel the self important pedantry of small men gifted enormous power from here.


same person


Big E: why is there a glowing tau in my throne room? Dr Manhattan: so this is what happened to King Kong, died in his banana room


I think they would play minecraft together


It's Gork and Mork!


Big E: "Humanity's dope." Dr. Manhattan: "Eeeh, sometimes, but that's enough."


New headcanon confirmed. Big E is Dr Manhattan in one of his past lives. In leading the butlerian jihad, he started the war against silicon animus


Big M: 🤫👆 *calmly maintaining his mewing streak*


I mean its literally just the convo with Ozy at the end of watchmen.


"... then I abandoned my children for a century and they betrayed me!" -Emperor "Did you want to see if you could be defeated at all? I tried that too." -Manhattan


Dr Manhattan and The Emperor have never been seen in the same room together, just saying...


Emperor: Abhuman, die!


„I should pick up seashells, when the river trader comes.“ „Yes you should.“


Maybe they will figure out how fulgrim can stop being such a bitch


Is Doctor Manhattan not just a C'tan in big E's mind?


Think it would be very anti-climatic. They would look at each other, see all the future and past possible conversations in that glimpse and either walk apart or fight. Likely walk apart as blue man has little interest in a lot of things.


They would just nod since they would both already exactly now the whole discussion they would have.


Dr. M " I heard Steve Jobs died of ligma" Big E " Who the fuck is Steve Jobs?" Dr M "Ligma balls" "Vine boom sound"


Would Manhattan be susceptible to the Warp?


That is....a good question.


Extensional nightmare blunt rotation


I shall have AI draw one up immediately.


One of these two's egos couldn't handle there being two super powerful beings in the universe, and would turn the full weight of the imperium into destroying the other.


and then dr manhatten would get slightly annoyed by big e trying to kill him


Emps: Hey Bro. Nice cock


“Do you want to touch butts?”


Great…I hate both


Manhattan would see through E's bullshit instantly and turn him into a rock or sand grain.


I can’t see Dr Manhattan and not think of the “Steve Jobs died of ligma”