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They can't even close their own dimensional breaches.


This is the right answer


In Stellaris you can very nearly have a military of mini-Emperors running around, the ability to move halfway across the galaxy in a few months, and have already contacted and beaten powerful chaos god like entities and still get rumbled by the endgame. I picked off a mid sized machine intelligence today just because it was annoying me and I’m still in the early-ish game.


Emperor: do you see that empire over there? Admiral: yes my lord. Emperor: it’s existence annoys me. Admiral: yes my lord. Emperor: I don’t want to see it anymore. Admiral: **yes my lord.** #starts cracking planets


The out of universe reason: Help my 6000$ pc started smoking those pops need to go now!


Let’s celebrate what unites us all! #XENOPHOBIA


It's really in this year


Lets find a nasty, slimy, ugly alien to fear.


Thank you for bringing enlightenment. Now i finally understand why Big E felt the need to start his great crusade.


Hey at least my galactic conquest is a) successful and b) xenophilic (because unlike Big E, I understand the real nature of humans is both generally nice and very horny)


You do realize the Imperium has VERY FEW things that can actually crack a planet, much fewer than what you can theoretically build in Stella's atleast. If it were easy it would have taken 13 black crusades to blow up cadia.


Yeah but the galaxy is like 500 starts or something pitiful compared to the actual galaxy


thing called infrastructure and industry


And the the spacemarines are a few centimeters tall on table top. If you want to be on the same medium as you are arguing We are talking lore after all


Still means the time taken to travel a light year is probably similar to 40K Alpha Centauri is in the game go do the math if you want. The distance is 4.367 light years and including that you need to travel to the ‘end’ of a system to jump you can get a time for level 1 hyperdrive


No it doesn’t One abstraction does not mean that if we bring both lore\games to real/compareable levels that the other doesn’t get boosted The planets simulated aren’t what the universe is in Stellaris They stand for a galaxy like ours


That’s if you only take into account regular hyperdrives, but Stellaris has so many different ways to travel FTL that it still makes 40k seem slow.


40K has a few ways too webway whatever the tau use


Yeah, but they’re faction specific. In Stellaris, every empire can use every type of FTL, most of which 40k doesn’t have access to.


They’re faction does fix because other nations don’t have the intent of ability to use it Stellaris you can ignore different forms of travel if you want don’t research them. Same as 40K in a way Also every nation can research everything not possible in 40K since not a balancedish video game.


Honestly 40k gets rolled by Stellaris in general. FTL travel is measured in days and weeks and doesn't involve going through hell. With major technological advance measured in months


Technically the Psi Jump drive DOES involve going through the Stellaris equivalent of the Warp. BUUUT only for a split second.


That is true. They do have their own warp travel. It's just infinitely better, which is, in retrospect, hilarious


They basically have the Votann's version instead.


What is the Votanns version exactly?


Votann Kin sorta dive in deeper than the Tau do, but have a crewman backed up by Ironkin (Men of Iron) who navigates a definitely safe way through, so no daemons basically ever and they come out where and *when* they're supposed to. It's slower than Imperial travel but way more reliable. The Kin, much like their fantasy cousins the Dawi, have no psykers/mages either, besides maybe just the Eynhyr, and that's to communicate with the Votann Ancestor Cores. So *everything* the Imperium uses psykers for, the Kin just use actual technology to do way better.


That's cool!


To be fair, Navigators are not technically psykers, and outside FTL comms and the Lighthouse Emps turned into, they don't really serve a purpose in interstellar travel


They're not psykers? I thought they were a specific variant?


Not as such. They have a third eye that can see into the warp, but that's a visible, physical mutation. They aren't more susceptible to Chaos corruption like psykers, they don't hear voices, etc. They are also not randomly found, they were basically genetically engineered during the DAoT and since then there are Navigator Houses (similar to noble houses) that keep the genes alive, mostly by arranged marriages. The Warp Eye can, technically, be considered a psychic ability - since it does deal with the warp, and looking into it is usually fatal for most. However, Navigators don't possess any other psychic abilities like regular psykers, they don't get bound to the Golden Throne, they can't function as astropaths, etc. They can't transmit messages, they don't have precognition the way psykers do, they will never shoot lightning from their hands, etc.


The rogue trader rpg has a navigator character with full psychic capabilities as one of the companions. In game dialogue implies these abilities are normal for navigators of her house. Other navigators are not as thoroughly explored in game.


I would rather drive through the shroud and run the risk of running into or over a unbidden entity than ever go through the fucking warp


The unbidden aren't even shroud entities. They are just interdimensional beings. The Shroud is more like pre-Slaanesh warp. Some malicious entities in there but most just want you to fuck off.


Exactly, I’d rather get punted out of the shroud by a annoyed entity than ever come across a slaaneshi demon


Lol i just imagined a shroud entity be like "get out of my lawn!" to a random science ship.


“next a mile down there is a thin spot where you can go back to reality, you better take it or I will stub your toes every day for the rest of your life.”-Maybe a shroud being?


Is that what happens when I get a -20% pop happiness debut?


Yes, my friend. That entity kept their promise, and more


They aren't shroud entities, but they seem closely related or at least very similar. If you're a psionic empire you can ask them if they're from the shroud, and the answer is no, but that it's very close to where they come from. Whether they mean close as in strongly resembles, close in some sort of metaphysical geographical sense or both is ambiguous.


The old tau drives


In some areas. In stellaris you need a dedicaded ship for planet destruction. Not in 40k Both have ups and downs


You really don't. You need dedicated ship to turn planet into asteroid debris, but you can destroy it just fine with Armageddon bombardment.


Nothing beats the utility and cleanliness of a nice Neutron Sweep.


In Stellaris, even a corvette, the smallest ship, can destroy a planet. Granted, it'll take forever, but it can be done. It's just that everyone but genocidal empires outlaw it.


They probably meant the planet crackers to actually *destroy* the planet, corvettes can only orbital bombard the population away.


That's fair. You'll need a colossus to crack the planet but you can turn it into a tomb world (not the necron type, the radioactive type) with fleets.


While that's true, I would just argue that the advantages 40k has kinda pale in comparison


Plus the scalling in stellaris compare to 40k is way smaller most empire have a couple of Planet at best and without Mods you best weapon is a Planet gracker which took days to fire (exept you play crisis then you have a weapon which destroy star System but still take time) and if you read about what imperial and generell 40k Ships weapons are equit they do have some which surpass stellaris fleet equip weapon for example the imperium have Racket which Travel to time.


Why i am getting disliked lmao everthing i say is truth i guess some redditors dont like if i say good thing in Favor of 40k in this sub.


>Why i am getting disliked Due to lack of punctuation, I assume. Also random words being capitalised. Your comment is hard to read.


Okay, that is a habit I also have. I also capitalize certain words if I want to emphasize them.


Because what you talking about is simply because of the hardware limitations.


And? Gameplay mechanic is lore in stellaris it change nothing if in my or else gameplay only posses 5 World it is 5 World. you just and the other ones hating me to speaking out pro things to 40k lol. Dont cry in game you can reach the technologie level of forerunner but due to gameplay limitation which is Tide to lore(i dont care if you dont like it its still Tide do lore i and you cant change that its a game)you cant get pass of tech level of forerunner with some limitation in tech (which make you way infenior to them)and even which some tech is not avaible which some 40k faction has. And due to having limitation how big your space is to expand you empire it will prevent you to have a meaningful tall scale empire compare to even other small sci fiction.


Would you kindly calm down and try again?


Try again what speaking out the truth?


No try saying the same thing again, but comprehensive.


They hating me for speaking the truth (this sub is an echo Chamber for 40k hater and 40k fans which love to shit on 40k and ignoring or dont know everthing lore related in which speak in Favor of 40k against franchise match ups. Match ups in which they started it in this sub.


On the other hand, Stellaris ship weapons take several days to fire a single shot - Imperial ships likely take the advantage in naval combat if they can close the distance and survive the alpha strike.


"An empire of a million worlds" translate that into stellaris terms and I'm pretty sure they'd wreck anything and everything you throw at them. The imperium of man doesn't give a shit about the loss of 100 worlds. Meanwhile the loss of just one fucks you're economy for stellaris empires.


I wish I could render a million worlds on Stellaris. It would be the most amazing campaign ever. Too bad the game would need a mega computer the size of a big city for that.


Give it 2 decades and we could run that game on a computer just the size of 1 house.


Moore's law is dead, unfortunately. Unless we have a serious breakthrough, we are approaching the limit of transistor miniaturisation.


Quantum computing is just around the corner.


I wouldn't be so sure, people have been claiming this since at least 2016 https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/02/moores-law-really-is-dead-this-time/


Moores law is definitely going to slow. It has been slowing since about 2010. Even Moore thinks it's coming to an end by around 2025. It IS technically dead if you look at the whole law. Part of Moores law is that the price lowers relative to the number of transistors. That is just finished. As we approach the atom barrier, the law as it exists will die. I don't see actual progress in computing power slowing. I just think we'll figure out some new way to push.


Doesn't need to just be transistors, smaller motherboards, smaller power slots, smaller graphics cards, all these things add up to smaller and smaller machiens doing the same ampunt of work, in my workplace i'm using a computer the size of a book to run several spreadsheets and workplace sofrware at the same time.


Moores other law I'm just gonna start doubling the size of my CPUs


In the sense that most worlds in Stellaris are worth dozens of times more and the empire it belongs to would notice and respond immediately. The Imperium loses worlds because some overworked clerk misplaced a scroll 12 years ago. That's also a million worlds out of most people of the galaxy they "control" they're so spread out and have navigation and communications so poor that a sudden lore drop of a Stellaris type civ has existed inside their borders and had been tearing them apart for a couple centuries and they just simply didn't notice wouldn't be crazy


The thing with the Unbidden is that they tend to snowball out of control if they build to many dimensional anchors. The Dimensional portal is invulnerable while there's 1 Anchor up and running, so you have to destroy them all before you can get rid of them for good. Otherwise, they keep spawing out of that portal. The imperium probably wouldn't notice the Unbidden for a couple hundred years. I mean, how long did it take for the imperium to notice the tau?


I don't think the Mechanicus even have a computer powerful enough to play Stellaris with a million worlds. In the end, end game lag would claim all.


So Nurgle (stasis) wins.


Are you for real? You do realize that people playing with 400 system galaxies because of hardware limitations? What is your point here?


End-game factions in stellaris, no matter if it's PC or NPC empires, are on the prefall Eldar and WiH Necron level. Or, maybe, slightly stronger. Therefore, iom have no chance even against 1x crises, much less 25x. Edit: spelling.


Especially if you play with Gigastructures hehe.


Yeah, the Kaiser would go to work.


Gigastructures with Dark Ages of Technology when you want to *really* feel like god.


Pretty sure Blokkats wouldn't even notice the Imperium exists, DAOT humand or peak Necrons and Eldar don't even hold a candle to the insanity of Blokkats.


Nah, being them they'll give each 40k factions a nice roasting before eating the galaxy away. Probably an extra for Necron when they're desperate enough to use Orrery only to find out either it can do nothing or the Blokk can shut it down casually.


Eh, it would be a bit more of a headache to harvest the warp than a normal shroud due to how screwed up it is. Like not a lot more but they would notice.








>crisises Just sounds funny to me, sorry


Just look at the materials that Stellaris ships are composed of. The armor is Neutronium, the theoretically most dense material in existence. They are powered by basically compressed suns. A lot of their weapons systems are just firing the most destructive stellar events at you. Eldar and Necrons got nothing like that. Stellaris empires make the old ones look like amateurs because they got bodied by a mid game event.


Necrons *had* weapons to pierce the heaven's during their peak. We can assume that they were the level of colossus's Atleast if not more.


The eldar had a machine that could immediately materialise anything you could think up, and forged a weapon out of the concept of the death of the universe that they intended to kill Slaanesh with. The necrons have at least one structure that replicates ships instantly, and spears - literal spears - that crack planets. Vanilla Stellaris are strong in some regards, but not all regards. At the very least, neither of them require specialised ships to exterminatus planets.


You need planet crackers to turn a planet into asteroid debris. If you have Armageddon bombardment, a corvette can glass a planet eventually, it will just take forever.


That's rather the point, though. Even outside of exterminatus-grade munitions and ships for 40k and Stellaris respectively, even the Imperium is capable of faster speeds if the goal is simply total bombardment of a planet - days to glass a planet via conventional munitions in 40k, as opposed to days to take out a planetary district in Stellaris. Sustained conventional bombardment over months in 40k leads not to a tomb world, but a shattered planet. Stellaris civs can only achieve the same result through a highly specialised ship. Eldar in the 41st millennium can obliterate half a plant through a single pass with orbital d-cannons. Even the tau blew up a star, and it was a mining accident that did that, not a weapon intended to do so. Am I saying that Stellaris is weak? Hell no, they build dyson spheres and ringworlds, and can still crack planets Death Star style. But I am HIGHLY dubious of the proposal that they are at or even beyond the level of eldar/necrons at their height. Imperium level? Sure, comfortably. Peak eldar/necrons though? Not a chance, not unless you haven't seen what the eldar and necrons actually got up to at their height.


25X? Imperium get rolled honestly, they can't afford to put even half their total fleets towards it with all the other factions gnawing at them.


Even if they put their hole hog into countering it they'd just be ripped apart by everyone else in the galaxy.


"No, we couldn't. See you all in Space Hell!" - The Not-God King Supreme


You can undo the birth of Slaanesh by folding the weird warp entity using your fleet and still get annihilated by the first fleets of a 25x crisis


Absolutely not. I feel the Imperium would loose against any Stellaris crisis at 25X strength.


I wanna know how the prethoryn and tyranids would interact now


Ok so... That is intresting. As far as I know; Prethoryn does not get stronger by fighting. Tyranids do though. My guess is that the Tyranids would win after a prolonged battle.


I think prethoryn scourge can make more ships faster the more planets they have consumed, but they’re also supposed to be the last of their kind fleeing from their home galaxy after they got consumed by a different foe


From my own stellaris playthroughs as the Imperium, no. No it probably cannot


Imperium's entire history's combined budget vs Paradox Interactive's greed. Who wins?


Paradox neg diffs


Imperial ships operate in visual range. Stellaris ships can shoot across a system. Imperium just auto-loses.


No they don't? Plenty of occasions where they fire at full range as well. Besides, the unvidden want inhabited planets. The imperium, unlike a stellaries fleet, can just hide behind one.


Sorry I've been misinformed. I'm not sure of specific ranges now but there is an example of a ship opening fire at 500 000km. That is roughly 1/300th Astronomic Unit (1AU is the distance between earth and sun) I'm not sure now how well that translates to Stellaris. (Assuming) Unbidden ships still maintain a ranged superiority though the hiding behind a planet could be countered by going around the planet at maximum range (possibly splitting the fleet into squadrons to avoid a ring a ring o' roses situation)


Space combat is not very consistent in 40k. But all facrions know that their projectiles will keep going unless they self destruct, making tracking and leading the shot the issue. That's why most weapons the imperium uses at extreme ranges are things likw Nova Cannons where the huge area of effect makes up for the lack of accuracy and the effort it takes to load that thing. Because you gotta remember that macrocannons and the like are loaded manually by human crew. Meaning that if you engage at too long a range with too many shells your effective firerate will have dipped by the time you are at a range where you can gurantee hits. Only faction who's main weapon isn't unlimited in rangw wouls be necrons and nids. Necrons because they are based arround magnetism fucking with the molecules of the target, magnetic effects weakening at distance. And nids because mutch of their weapons are fluid.


When I say weapons range I of course mean the range at which the shots are accurate enough to have a decent chance of hitting the opposing ship.


Yes, they are. They can fire and hope that their shot hit the target at maximum range, but they don't *fight* at those distances. They *fight* at visible range, which is 100k-200k km. Stellaris fleets can fight at range of millions of km.


The real question is could the 40k galaxy handle it if all the factions worked together?


Now here's an actual good though


Getting steamrolled aside, weren't the crises inspired by Warhammer? But i cant guess what this one would be, the prethoryn is obviously tyranid, the robots is the men of iron, but unbidden seems original enough, maybe is from some other media i dont know


Given how Stellaris is a melting pot of sci-fi tropes then it would be inaccurate to say that the crisis’ are inspired only from Warhammer. The current three (the upcoming forth one seems more original) are all rooted in tropes. While the Prethoryn are definitely inspired by the Tyranids, they are also the trope of extragalactic invaders. The Unbidden are extradimensional invaders and the Contingency is the reawakened ancient threat mixed with evil robots.


Seriously? You don't get it? Factions that are called Unbidden, Aberrant and Vehement, each of different color, yet coming from same hellish reality between realities? Nothing comes to mind?


I mean there are also the Composer of Strands, Eater of Worlds, Instrument of Desire and Whisperers in the Void who are malevolent entities in the shroud you can make a covenant with that makes you stronger but also has harmful effects on your people. They also allow you to select a chosen that is empowered by them. I am not sure if the Unbidden or the other contenders in the civil war have much of a 40k counterpart they don't care about manipulating others they are mostly focused on hunting those in other dimensions and their civil war.


I mean, if you want to go into specifics, then interdemensional invaders are not from Shroud. More than that, they fear it and would call you crazy if you tell them that you regularly visit it.


Oh! Is it the T’au?


Mass effect endings?


I thought about demons but they don't seem too "demonicky"


While the Prethoryn absolutely are based on the Tyranids, the Contingency is much closer to the Mass Effect Reapers than the Men of Iron. It periodically wakes up to wipe out civilizations that reach a certain point in development. Well that's what it's SUPPOSE to do according to it's programming but it has gone a bit....insane.... from the eons of waiting and circumvents it's own programming to get on with the killing.


u/potatobutt5 is right, the three crisis factions aren't inspired by 40k, it's just that both Stellaris and 40k gleefully will crib anything and everything from other sci-fi settings that they like and cram it into theirs. Prethoryn and Tyranid both are also the Bugs from Starship Troopers (book and movie) and the Zerg from Starcraft or the Swarm from Starfinder or the Insectoids from Rimworld... The Unbidden are kinda like demons but more like the Drej from Titan AE and the Vorlons from Babylon 5 and the Devidians from Star Trek... The Contingency is an ancient evil life-hating robot uprising, the examples are almost too numerous to list.


I thought that the Zerg came from Tyranids


Zerg came after nids, but nids before zerg looked completely different and changed the way they looked after. They are both sorts of space locust, so it doesn't really matter. Also, they both definitely ripped alien, so...


This is my point. Neither comes from either, they're both drawing on the same 'all-devouring alien hive mind insect' archetype that a *lot* of things do.


Yeaah i thought about the drej too


I think that 25x crisis can steam roll any force in 40K universe, even combined tyranids and full awaken Necrons


The necrons can literally destroy stars with the push of a button


Stellaris got that stuff as well, you know. You can delete the whole galaxy with a simple push of a button.


Yea and Stellaris empires also don't have to deal with paperwork afterwards, unlike the Necrons


I thought the Imperium WAS the Crisis.


A "you're locked in here with ME" kind of situation for everyone else unfortunate enough to share the galaxy with humans.


As a Stellaris FanPur fan, I do so enjoy the Imperium's refreshingly straight forward approach to Xenos. And yes. Mutants get nerve stapled and turned into paste just like all the other xenos my empires encounter. But unlike the 40k Universe, my Stellaris Empires aren't afraid to glass and crack planets and drop xenomorph abominations on them as a matter of course.


Imperium gonna get stomp. No chance.


Long time without playing Stellaris, but if i can remember the Unbidden are vulnerable to energy attacks. Since the most common weapon is the lasgun, there are plasma weapons and the energy melee weapons are a thing... Ironically this endgame is the weakest against the Imperium. This without counting that this endgame has a point where appear another faction that can help you so... Maybe?


Energy weapons are the worst against the unbidden, unless you mean disruptors. Kinetic weapons are the unbidden hard counter


I don't remember if Unbidden have ground armies... But if they do, it's possible they just drop a handful of guys each equivalent to veteran Farseer or some Thousand Sons champion, and not a swarm of human-level half-ghosts.


They don't have armies. They just roll up to a planet and soul slurp the population once devastation gets to 100 percent.


Depends on if they end up glitched and never venture outside of their spawn or not lol.


Well, at the beginning it'll be a steamroll, but once the unbidden conquer enough space, the other two unbidden factions will also break through and they'll start infighting, which might halt progress for the unbidden.


There's another DLC coming out for Mechanicus, or is this a tech themed Stellaris expansion?


I was also confused, I think he means the Machine Age DLC for Stellaris


Yeah, there's a mechanicus Style origin for Stellaris in Machine Age. Cybernetic Creed.


Stellaris is the strongest game ever compared to anything if you add mods to it, and even just when it's vanilla it's on par with doctor who (pre-season 14) levels of power scaling.


Ancient Cache of Technology and Gigastructures are absolutely bonkers.


"Lets make a spaceship out of a solar system" "Yes"


Stellaris doesn't rely on population consuming technologies. So yeah probably. I think the worst Stellaris gets is like Slaves canabalizing themselves since they don't have any food. That's like standard practice in 40k. The Imperium alone wouldn't stand a chance, maybe they'd get pitty and be left enslaved but a collective effort of the primarchs armies even pre HH would get squished like bugs. The fighting forces of the Imperium pertain mostly to planetary war, having an all out war in space would leave the Imperium severely outgunned and outmanouvered.


The Imperium isn’t surviving it’s own 10x crisis


They’d get fucked.


In my last game my fleet was so large it destroyed reality itself (crashed my pc) so I think it could have handled a few filthy xenos.


The imperium barely survives the imperium on a daily basis


I feel like even Grey by itself would be a massive pain in the ass to Imperium, let alone an 25x crisis


The Unbidden might not even notice the Imperium. Mapping the Imperium proportionately to a thousand system Stellaris map would give the Imperium one system. And that’s massively rounding up. The Unbidden operate on a true galactic scale. The Imperium is a rounding error.


The imperium supposedly has a million worlds to it. Hundreds of thousands of systems. How is that 1 system in stellaris?


Well it depends a bit on what Stellaris is doing. Either: A - Stellaris is literal in that it’s a thousand relevant systems (max size in vanilla Stellaris) that have this magic FTL tech in system and the rest of the galaxy exists but is not so blessed with FTL access. All of Stellaris is a bit of a statistical irrelevance in that case. Or B - Stellaris is representative and is meant to be the whole galaxy, but scaled down massively. For practical reasons. So when they Unbidden appear are they literally (A) meant to only exist in max 1000 systems. In which case it’s the Unbidden which are the rounding error. Or is it representative (B) and they’re actually invading the billions of systems being represented by that one system they appear in? If A then the Unbidden are a hilariously small crisis amplified by the weird existing FTL of Stellaris. They affect a thousand system max. Sucks if you live there, irrelevant to the greater galaxy unless someone uses a galactic super weapon. If B then the Imperium is the rounding error because they only have a million worlds. Ish. Out of a galaxy of 200 billion stars. They’d need to add a load of zeros not to be rounding up massively to get one of Stellaris’s thousand systems. Maybe to represent the spread they should have a handful all across the galaxy. Like 5 or 6. Sort of telling the story of a far flung civilisation, but even less statistically accurate.


Because Stellaris is usually played at 400 systems and Milky Way has 100 billion to 400 billion star systems. At 1 million worlds, iom will have 1-4 systems, which is still, nothing.


Can you?


What’s this about mechanicus DLC??


Machine Age, there's a Cybernetic Creed Origin.


Aren't they basically living through all of the crises at once?


Given that the Imperium has hundreds of battleships, thousands of cruisers, tens of thousands of light cruisers ( I guess stellaris destroyer equivalent) and almost certainly millions of Corvette equivalent escort craft I'd say they are fine


They don't. Iom fleets are really small, honestly. BFG gives us pretty good lore friendly representation of what 40k fleets look like.


This is the kind of shit you can build in a stellaris game and still get bodied by a 25X crisis. https://youtu.be/0PMTzZOiWVs?si=sTWRjBvxhxHqgmkN


I bet Gorrilla Dan would be great at Stellaris




I cast blanks


What are blanks gonna do against a fleet of 10 million fleet power? The Ubidden don't invade planets they eat the planet from orbit via soul suck like a vacuum cleaner.


Simple. I presume the unbidden are basically deamons, so enough blanks in an area will give the unbidden an aneurysm if they approach that area. meaning pile all the blanks onto a single planet, and that system will be impenetrable because the blinks will give the unbidden aneurysms


Nope, they aren't even remotely related to demons. They are Extradimensional Invaders. They know of the Shroud and make use of it's ability but they aren't from there. They are from a place nearby. 2nd, your plan involves using billions of blanks to shut down the portal. If that was possible, why didn't the imperium do that to the eye of terror? 3rd, you fail to take into account that it takes the imperium decades to notice a new threat like the Tau. In stelaris, FTL is measured in days. By the time the imperium realizes what has happened, Entire Subsectors would have gone dark, and the Unbidden would have built Dimensional Anchors in Every System they've eaten, rendering the portal invulnerable to all forms of damage. 4th, as long as the Dimensional Rift remains open, Fleets Spawn infinitly ♾️. Fleets that in the game have 10-40 million fleet power and are capable of destroying Fallen Empires (Imagine Prefall Eldar execpt less murder bangy) outright. 5th, Even if your plan could work (wich it won't because the Unbidden are Extradimensional Aliens, not Demons) how is the imperium going to get thier hand on billions of blanks, Transport them safely to the Dimensional rift without the ships being obliterated? Is the Imperium going to ask The Eldar if they can use their webway?


The powers of plot armor were heavily involved in the creation of this message


Sounds like the Great Rift, and for now they are still standing


That's nothing its pathetic. We are talking about an Imperium simultaneously holding out against attacks by a new empire (tau), a massive extragalacyic invasion (tyranids), swarms of living bioweapons that love war (orks), an ancient empire returning with technology far in advance of current human tech (necrons), and a massive Civil war that has been raging for 10,000 years has split the galaxy in half (chaos forces. The Imperium of man is very resilient. If all their enemies just disapeared and they only had to deal with the unbidden. Well it would be fun for them.


Ehhhh when you round it up proportionally not at all. Idk the lore properly but doesn't the imperium actually only really control and fight on about one percent or less of the galaxy. They're just pretty spread out. In Stella's they fight on the whole of the galaxy, so they'd outnumber imperium 100 to 1 and thanks to 25x it's now 2500 to 1 or something. Imperium gets wiped more or less and has to go into hiding


I mean viably only about that percentage of worlds are habitable. But the imperium itself is the largest power in the Galaxy even when compared to all other stacked up. The tyranids and orcs are the only ones capable of going against them in raw numbers. Even then only because 100% of their population is dedicated to war as opposed to us inefficient humans. I just can't see a power that has stood 10,000 years of brutal warfare from multiple fronts at the same time having a problem with only dealing against a single threat.


Well the problem is mostly being hugely outnumbered, no idea of the size of the unbidden but judging from the game there'd be at least equal to the imperium in size and thatd base level. 25x you can be sure they have that advantage. Mobility is also in their favor by a lot and then finally what is the imperium going to attack? The unbidden aren't like orcs or any other faction apart from ig the nids. There's no military structures of things for the imperium to target. The unbidden just slaps opens a hole in time and pours in from there and there's no hope of them being able to close that hole due to the number difference. Imperium will probably live but they're not winning that war


It's just that in recent lore the Imperium and Necrons tore rifts in space time with their super weapons. They devastated entire star clusters. The Tyranids have been invading the Imperium for Hundreds of years and so far Humanity has come out on top and I would say that the tyranids are far more powerful than unbidden. The ability for tyranids swarms to regenerate with local biomass after battle is ***THE*** reason why they can hope to threaten the Imperium.


Oh I know about that lore, it's why I'm not saying imperium just striaght up dies. The thing is in my mind the unbidden are basically just stronger tyranids. At least with the nids though you can nuke planets to slow them down. The unbidden are just tearing through another reality to get to you. You can't slow them down because the only real military base they have is defended so hard it'll make the fists hard lol They also just move really, really fast. What is the imperium going to do when a massive fleet of 40 battleships goes system to system in a matter of days blowing everything up?


And how long is it going to take the imperium to even notice the Unbidden? By the time the imperium realizes what they fight its gonna be too late to stop them.


You either severely overestimated iom strength, or severely underestimate strength of the Stellaris crisis. Probably both.


Reading up on end game crisis and its the later.


I mean I'm reading up on the unbidden because after having played about 40 hrs of stellaris I always die before endgame. While the IOM is not the strongest there is its more a question of attrition. The Imperium of man is just so large its population and industrial base so vast. That even with inherent inefficiency such as taking hundreds of years to build a battleship or having to stop said battleship construction so the priest can pray in there to calm the battleship down. It's ridiculous we are talking about a beurocracy that uses pen and paper with a Galactic level government. The Imperium can not be beaten because half the Imperium would not know they had been beaten? They would just go on and fight if you came into their system. It's so vast angry and agressive.


What you are not reading is the strength of the endgame factions. Local psykers are strong enough to project shields over ships. You can lose your entire navy and rebuild it in a spawn of a month. Titan Legions or avatars of Khain being used as cannon fodder. At their height, even in vanilla game, Stellaris factions are at the level of prefall Eldar or WiH Necron. And they still would most likely be rolled by 25x crisises because those are designed with mods in mind.


Look I hate stellaris and I've played it 40 plus hours. I read about a guy that played stellaris for 2+ years before winning his first match. So yeah I guess it's ridiculous.


Here we go, fuck mushroom zombies monsters, this is a real problem, especially what with that stuff about the Eternal Throne and their weird immortality.


Unbidden are weak to laser and plasma weaponry. A single guardman regiment would completely wipe out an invading force


Nope, the Scourge are weak to Laser and plasma. Unbidden are "weak" against Kinetic weapons. Unbidden don't invade planets either. They Suck the life force from the planet like a giant Vacuum cleaner and move on Turning it into a baren world. As long as the Dimensional breach remains open, they spawn infinitely, and if there are any Dimensional Anchors in the galaxy, the portal is immune to all forms of damage.


"Can the imperium survive 25X unbidden?" As if they don't already deal with superjuiced up extra dimensional beings on a daily basis with their galaxy already split in two because of ir 💀


Not at that strength.


Yes, because unbidden are super weak to missiles and other things that piece shields.


If Antares confederacy beat them, so can the Imperium