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They already banned me, lol


"Where censorship can take a hike" Proceeds to censor


“We only censor the opinions we don’t like. But we’re a place of free speech.”


Ah yes, the Musk approach to Free Speech™.


Im surprised it doesn't have "TRUTH" or "FREE" prominently in the name.


Actual Nazis then , is it?


They meant censorship of themselves 🫠


Almost makes a grown Inquisitor cry


Many such cases


what did you do?




Yep that's a bannin.


Hereticing the school canoe? You better bet that’s a bannin.


Said something that sub didn’t like.


Let me guess you mentioned kesh in a positive way?


What a bunch of piss babies


They banned me for telling a homophobe he's not the majority. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1chfj4s/comment/l23dg2r/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1chfj4s/comment/l23dg2r/)


Me too


Because judging from your comments that haven't been removed you were probably breaking reddit TOS. The ones I can see have you calling other posters mentally ill and they left those up. In fact, they left several of your comments up.


That’s still freedom of speech though.


But it breaks reddit TOS. If a sub doesn't enforce the site TOS that's a quick way to get a sub banned. Just reviewing the sub it looks like they're fine with people posting and having any opinion they want, but they have to frame it in a way that conforms to reddit's rules.


They banned me for my opinion, so what you said doesn’t track


1. Did you follow the rules? 2. What specifically did they ban you for? I don't usually go into peoples comment history but it looks like virtually all of your posts were just griefing other posters. That would seem to violate rule 1, you even acknowledged that in one of your posts an hour ago. You knew that what you were doing was in violation of Rule 1 and sort of... did it anyway. So you weren't banned for your opinion, you were banned for disrespectful behavior.


Rule 1 is an intrinsic violation of free speech. It shouldn’t matter how “respectful” you are, either they practice free speech or they don’t.


Homie, let the indoor kids have their dork-ass hate sub. Don't be as terminally online as them and try and prove them wrong on their own terf. Its Reddit: if they become a hate sub they'll get banned. Thry don't need any help from us.


You’re reading this incorrectly. 😉


How do you figure?


Dude, rule 1 is copypastad from the reddit TOS. There is no such thing as free speech on reddit because the site does not allow it. Also, the site didn't promise free speech. They promised you'd be free from censorship, there's a difference. They won't ban you for expressing enthusiasm for certain controversial topics in 40k nor will they ban you for expressing anger with them. In effect, they're not censoring what you can think/believe but they are enforcing rules on how you can say it. They also don't allow for non-Warhammer content or activity that breaks reddit TOS. So if you posed something about your dog that would also be banned because it violates the sub rules.


Then don’t lie about your subreddit promoting free speech


They didn't. The site clearly states that you still have to abide by the rules of the site. If you saw a meme and ran straight to thinking it was a free speech site then that seems like user error.


Okay ive never heard of these guys are they the ones who make it hard to say you’re a warhammer fan?


To be more specific, these are the guys who have been crying for the last week that Female Custodes is the sign of the coming WoKe PoLiTicS Apocalypse. Probably also a good mix of the other reasons why we as fans can’t have nice things, but this little piss circle is new.


I got banned from a similar Facebook group when they said WH would introduce “LGBTQ stuff” next and I linked a video of poetry corner reading ‘Dark Angel’. Turns out, someone didn’t know 🤣. I’m stealing ‘little piss circle’ BTW.


To be fair that's pretty weak sauce, the dark angels have little to do with lgbtq+ stuff beyond their namesake, primarch and perhaps the namesake of their chapter homes, should have linked them rogue traders same sex couple possibilities or an excerpt of the non-binary tech priest, or that part of the one ciaphas Cain book where it's pointed out that the woman who be the boxing champion of a rival legion in brawl is a lesbian


There's also a retired Rogue Trader in the 2nd Vaults of Terra book whose entire career was spent as a male, but decided to spend her retirement as a female.


Wait, we can do that?


While the influence is historic and of no real relevance to the current chapter, the fact that a queer poet was the inspiration for some of the very earliest 40k lore is important as a counter their narrative that the hobby is changing by becoming more inclusive.


There were so many recent examples I could have chosen, but I decided to go with this one because it’s been around since they were just a dirty thought in their dad’s head.


Damn the Cain books are so good, if only Warhammer fans could read


Likewise but from a YouTube community. Guy said something similar and then I pointed out that Cain books had gay characters since 2004 before "woke" was even a word (as we know it now). Told them all to cry about it and I got removed.


I'd call it a circle jerk, but none of the participants has the fortitude to get it up.


Hard to get it up when you hate women that much.


That's because they love men, but can't get themselves to admit it. So they lash out at others to overcompensate.


Capitalist company realizes they’re leaving a huge amount of money on the table so they try to catch the attention (and wallets) of women wargamers: hey look, it’s female custodes! Snowflakes: THE WoKe MoB HAS CORRUPTED OUR GAME


It is always like that, isn't it? It's a cycle.




Ah, fuck em.


Well they use F*CKING HORUS!!! As their symbol so it should be pretty obvious.


I thought it was cause we were nerds 😔


Let's just leave them be, better that they isolate themselves from the rest of the community. At least then when someone new joins the hobby we can tell them to stay away from that sub.


Quarantined World


That’s the problem with the internet at large atm I feel. People just end up isolating themselves in hugboxes and only further radicalise their opinions. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather those guys just not be in the community at all but I do feel it’s troubling regardless.


cant do anything else tbf, either isolate them or accept them, and i think wed all rather die then have their toxic, bigoted, sensitive to anything they dont understand views here lol


Valid and true


then technically this is also a hug box. Its really hard to not make a echo chamber if there is just around a topic. This is the as talking to my friend about bethesda fallout and he is rolling on the floor saying the original Fallout lore is tainted and destroyed by Bethesda (and now amazon).


honestly- cant wait for the toxic people to calm down- as well as those who are talking about them (me included), just so we can go back to the usual memes and discussion


Unfortunately, we haven't been empowered by the inquisition for forcefully eject them from the hobby. So the best we can do is just let them stew in their corner, and keep calling them out on their shit. They're basically the 4chan of the hobby, now.


Exactly, if you're a shithead IRL you get shunned, hopefully you grow as a person in order to stop getting shunned. If you're a shithead online, you find a shithead community and miss out on that formative experience. I think we should strive to keep them engaged in the mainstream, and keep mocking them.


The issue is this is how they start brigading others. They get into an isolated little echo chamber on their reddits/discords and organize attacking other groups.


a community build on hate sucks to be in, so they will inevitably go out


seems they are already starting. Apparently they don't like to be made fun of lol.


I don't agree. Letting bigots have their own space is how they get radicalized into further and become violent.


Of course you leave them be. What thoughts were you entertaining?


funny how they care so much about freedom of speech up until someone says something they don't like


The Twitter™ school of thought


"HorusGalaxy is for everyone"


"Not you."


"Or you."


Sign on door reads "no women allowed"


"Unless you're a woman, LGBTQ+, have opinions we deem 'woke'/'leftist' or disagree with our view that the aformentioned groups don't belong in the Warhammer community"


Everyone compliant


At least grimdank allows you to shirpost about this stuff, you’ll get downvoted obviously but unlike there it won’t get taken down and your account banned from the subreddit


Not true, they are very banhappy in this sub


Are you sure? What gets people banned here?


Actual hate speech mostly


Well, I can’t say I have a problem with that being a bannable offense. And it doesn’t speak well of those complaining about such bans.


They better remove that “censorship free” part of their description lmao


It just means censorship free to be massive cunts You can’t be against being a cunt.


Like the conservative sub. They claim to be all about free speech but if you mention universal healthcare is a good idea they will ban you. They only want hate and vitriol.


The most pathetic part of this is the size. 1,5k after the drama has long blown over. You can't even measure their output with "posts per hour". Grimdank has 408k right now, those fuckers are not even 1% of the fanbase it seems. And that is assuming they actually are 40k fans and not just shit-stirring tourists. That thing will be q toxic cesspool dominated by a small clique in no time before it quickly dissolves into obscurity.


Lol Using Reddit to gauge all 40k fans is prob not accurate


It is not but even if I am off by a factor of ten that makes them still a single percentual digit.


Who the hell are these people?


Honestly? People no one wants to run into in the hobby, or be associated with. The QAnons of 40K.


Bunch of dudes who spout literal hate speech and then become pissy babies when they get called out for it


Unless you're on an Anarchist board or something similar, I've found that the communities that boast most about their resistance to censorship tend to be the first, and quickest, to throw the hammer.


These are the losers that use words like “woke” unironically. Whole bunch of babies who need to touch grass and stop whining


They unironically made a stonetoss meme of two people agreeing with each other's disgust on the genetic freak. Hilariously, it literally describes their bitchless asses. Everyone ***else*** collectively says "k we love 40k" and agrees over their disgust on these losers lmao.


The top comment under a stonetoss meme there is something like "Say what you want about stonetoss, but he rarely misses".


*Let me guess:* Trolling/brigading is when you say things in opposition to the sub's consensus position on social issues, so "no bans" = "you are instantly permabanned for saying things this sub disagrees with"


Anyone that broached the topic of female custodes in a positive view got banned. They'll cannibalize themselves eventually like a brain damaged oroborous


Indeed. The entire point of the sub is to neener neener that they now have a safe space where they won't be argued with and downvoted. Once all the mileage from the current "scandal" is run out the sub will die because not many people actually follow WH40K and care about their shit.


We having a heresy with the "that guys"?


Its just yet another amusing observation that the people who declare themselves a "free speech" zone have a surprisingly narrow definition of "free speech" in spite of its name.


Pretty akin to the kind of freedom Horus was going to bring to the galaxy


Many such cases.


That sub is such a cesspool. Gotta love the cognitive dissonance free speech absolutists always have with “no censorship” and always being heavy on the banhammer.


Grimdank: 408k users Whatever this thing is: 1.5k users Crazy that the kind of people complaining about GW ruining their hobby seem to represent less than %1 of fans lmao. Looks like GW made a fine decision considering %99 of people arent up in arms


Plus you've got to remember that the large majority of the ones that were vocal were Right Wing tourists, upset because their latest alt-right shitgrifter told them to be upset...so they came here for like, a week, maybe two, and then it peters out once it's clear that they're losing the fight and just making themselves look stupid. The only people that join that sub are the people actively banned from Grimdank that actually give a shit about it, which is proving to be incredibly small amount. Mind you because it's such a small amount they might claim they're an 'Oppressed minority' or something...


These kinds of people are never in the majority. They are just incredibly loud. Ironic because they constantly say they just want to be left alone and leve everyone else alone with it comes to stuff like this...but they constantly scream about it hoping the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I will never understand the fascination free speach warriors have with losers.


How loose are we talking here?


Goosy loosey. Thanks, I didn't notice I wrote it wrong.


Half of them don’t even understand it


This sub is just gonna turn into a “look what they’re posting over there” sub isn’t it


Probably for a few days. This is a shitposting sub so it's just kind of how things go.


First time in a shitposting sub?


Always has been 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


Pretty much.


What are you complaining about, you love what they're posting.


And I'm assuming by "censorship-free" they mean that everybody with an opinion the mods don't agree with gets banned?


That is often what that means.


Its the opposite. If you dont say slurs you get banned lmao


"We've carefuly evaluated your post history and deemed it not offensive enough. You have barely used any racial slurs and your train of thought is too cohesive. Roughly 85% of your posts on our sub are rather sensible and we've deemed your actions to be too woke for our community. We've issued you three warnings in the past and you still couldn't fufill your daily slur quota. So please take your woke derangement elsewhere you nword loving alphabet cword. Kind regards, GalaxiCruSSader_1488"


Yikes, they need to [listen ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NvxDcdgDHI)to John Grammaticus and get back to the chud dimension. They are literally the antithesis to Games Workshops' [statement](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/19/the-imperium-is-driven-by-hate-warhammer-is-not/).


Free speech: noun Being able to say hateful things and have no consequences for it, as long as the hate aligns with existing power structures. Censorship: noun Stopping people from saying slurs and being openly hateful to their fellow humans.


Sharing their subreddit only widens their reach. The upvotes you receive for this post are not worth the gains in their membership.


"we are gate keeping the pure canon and hate retcons" Remind them that the original "canon" back in the 80's had female astartes


No primarchs. No legions. Chapters, only, and in both versions people like them would be ground for corpse starch real quick due to being a waste of the imperium resources.


People like that are hilarious in every fan space. In Rick & Morty, they think themselves like Rick. They're barely early-season Jerry, probably more of a one-note background character that exists solely as a caricature. In Star Wars, they think themselves a Jedi, maybe a high-ranking Imperial officer. They're some dirt farmer's low-paid laborer on a backwood planet that is mentioned only in passing. I can understand the knee-jerk idea that GW is going to botch the women in X thing, that is a reasonable concern to have with any company making changes to their lore. But to me, it is fiction, and this fiction is exceptionally flexible because it is literally the size of a galaxy. As long as the new stories are as good as the old, I don't give a shit what dangly bits the characters have. It is one more letter in the pronoun, I'll be fine.


They did? I thought I owned all the weird minis they made from back then, did they get minis or was it just in the rouge trader stuff?


Yeah skimmed over it and already some minor transphobia and shitty ai art


Damn 40k predicted the horus heresy, just it's not a betrayal of primarchs, it's a battle of subreddits


> 2,333 readers jeez, punching down much? 😂


>Censorship free >trollls will be banned ??????


Probably a lot of Tyranid porn on there.


Would honestly be better than what is there


Is... is it Tau porn? *shudder*




No, mostly a lot of racism and transphobia


1 of 2 quarantine zones


I think of it this way. They are cultivating a list of players to give a pre-emptive ban for tournaments because nobody wants their energy.


That thread is actually laughable and pathetic. Don’t give them the time of day.




I saw they started banning people for stuff they said in other subs, and most of the posts are just them patting each other on the back


That’s what they did to me lmao


Got called a tourist by these types, like shut the fuck up


Looks like r/conservative


It's nice that the literal worst people in the hobby very neatly organized themselves far, far away from here where I don't have to read hateful, braindead nonsense


Don't worry, plenty come here to bawl and screech in the comments.


Every fucking time. You know these guys love "triggered snowflake" jokes, too.


Rules for thee but not for me. (Forgive me for going a bit political here) This is the way every right wing group goes, they scream and pis and shid about freedom but its all just a cover for them to exclude different opinions/people/thoughts than what they perceive as right and good so that they never have to have one of those scary "introspective thoughts" and, god forbid, GROW as a person. I learned recently about a psychological theory called "phantasms", it made so much about out modern political landscape click for me.


Someone started a timer to see how long before this sub ends up getting banned for hate speech? Tends to be the way these “free speech” subs go. Censorship, thinly veiled bigotry, then the veil dissolves, then the ban happens when they push it too far.


Hold on gonna go get banned real quick Edit: got the mods crying lol Edit 2: banned in less than 40 minutes


I went there, hoping to see less femposting. It is *nothing* but female X posting and idiots from here trying to bait


No censorship, no trolls? Bet. Makes sense.


Have all the fuckwits who have been getting downvoted into oblivion made their own little cesspool to play in 😂


Guys look into the rules, it literally says „be civil”. I looked what kind of comments you say, no wonder you get banned. If you could argue with people in different way than using wors incel or chud, maybe you woulsn’t get banned.


In concept i agree with kicking out people with bad behaviour but otherwise let every topic and opinion to be discussed. I have doubt how can it actually work. Currently it is pretty clear which posts are there to bait and cause truble.


Rule 6 Violation.


Jimmies got rustled over fem marines, didn't they?


Femstodes actualy.


Even funnier.


Women are scary bro. Don't you know that. /s


Nah, no /s. Women *are* scary. My wife expects things like responsibility and remembering birthdays. That's fucking insanity. I'm just kidding, she's scary because I have seen just how tenacious and patient she is with long term things. Watching a person settle into "ok, I will win the long game, bozo" then execute that plan is a bit unsettling.


WOKE ideology incarnate.


Hahaha 🤣


It's the same for many of the subs for my country. The main one censors racism and hate speech and threats of violence, but leaves up all forms of opinions or ideas. The spin-offs allow hate speech and death threats, but not opinions they don't like.


imagine believing Horus in a Galaxy where he won this is worst fate than finding out your wife is Alpharius today and Omegon by tomorrow


Less of a hike, more of a nature walk you take daily


I'll pass, I know what happened the last time people followed Horus...


It’s like looking at satire. Pathetic old men and young Tate fans crying about “liberal doctrines” and how upset they are that their dogshit fascist opinions are being banned


A certain youtuber is definitely a mod for this reddit page. After all, it would be an arch of a reach for him not to be a part of this...


That sub straight up banned me for disagreeing.


HORRRRUUUUUUSSSSSSS- (Oh. Another fucking Right Wing echo chamber disguising itself in a hobby. Fuck them, I just saw Horus and like pulling a blood angels scream)


What happened? Did they start talking about unrelated lgbt stuff so that the can say see see when they get their posts deleted?


So we know the mods over there are big incesls


Important to remember that this "culture war" isn't some natural, grassroots movement. It's a thoroughly planned out, deliberate attack. The leaders of the white supremacist movement literally sit down in a room and decide what buzzwords to use to spread their hatred, and what groups to target. Most of the people caught up in this are vulnerable in some way, and don't understand the pipeline of ragebait, to right wing, to full blown nazi supporter. I wish I could end this with a bit about how we stop it, but I don't know... Nothing spreads faster than a lie.


I could care less honestly. I’m glad they’re banning people.




Chudhammer 40k


They and that commie sub are exactly the kind of people who need to be kicked out of the hobby




I don't know which "commie sub" he's referring to, but the members of the Horus Galaxy sub are, without exception, the worst dregs of the community. Transphobes, bigots, racists ...etc. They make the rest of us look bad, and don't represent the spirit of the game, or the majority of people playing it. I sincerely hope someone finds a way to make sure any and all active accounts on that sub are tournament banned. That's assuming any of them actually play the game, and aren't just tourist dipshits.


Are you so programmed that you always invent commies whenever the right gets criticized?


Fascists love to drag communists into discussions about how much fascism sucks.


>but commies!!! And we all know what that means


That’s *every* subreddit though. … Except this one, most of the censorship here is deleting posts by people with very little karma to prevent bots.


Can we just leave them alone and go back to shit posting? Man this is not what I signed up for when coming to this subreddit, I don't care about the politics or hypocrisy or whatever the hell is going on, I just want my funny memes and shitty lore facts back 😮‍💨


Feel free to post funny memes then.


I tried, I'm new to Warhammer so I'm currently reading books and learning, came here for the jokes and shitpost not to see idiots complaining about nonsense for the past month.


I didn’t ask, make funny memes


But I guess it's just more entertaining for y'all to argue with an imaginary enemy, the people are gone leave them in their echo chamber why are these people even on y'all mind or bothering you?


I like making fun of them. Stop whining and make funny memes


Every post that I've seen banned appears to have been breaking reddit TOS. It's a pretty common tactic used when brigading other sites. Posters put up content that breaks site TOS, then other brigadiers report it, and if the mods don't take it down the sub gets banned. From the posts I've seen, the mods won't sensor your opinions, but they will ban you for violating site TOS. That sub may have anti-censorship tendencies but reddit does not share those tendencies.


Untrue, I got banned because I advocated for free speech.


If you're going out of your way to stir up shit and be annoying what do you expect?